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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Sarn's Fail Troll 2013
Sarn's Fail Troll 2013
2013-01-20, 9:11 PM #81
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
I'm not a "registered" anything.

only because they haven't caught you being a sex offender
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2013-01-20, 9:12 PM #82
Well... still drunk (ban me for drunk-posting I guess).

But yeah, I'm not dumb enough to assume that just because some picks a label, that they can do no wrong after.. (He specifically called out Republicans for lying.. Come on. How can he make that claim knowing that democrats are just as bad?) Politicians in general lie. I don't approve of it. He does, as long as they label themselves as a democrat. (apparently)
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2013-01-20, 9:12 PM #83
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
only because they haven't caught you being a sex offender

*snap* .. Nice. Well played.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2013-01-20, 9:18 PM #84
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
Well... still drunk (ban me for drunk-posting I guess).

But yeah, I'm not dumb enough to assume that just because some picks a label, that they can do no wrong after.. (He specifically called out Republicans for lying.. Come on. How can he make that claim knowing that democrats are just as bad?) Politicians in general lie. I don't approve of it. He does, as long as they label themselves as a democrat. (apparently)

republicans lie more than democrats. it's empirical.
2013-01-20, 9:20 PM #85
So... I guess you can stop trolling anytime now then.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2013-01-20, 9:20 PM #86
This thread reminds me of the arguments we'd get into when we were all still moronic teenagers. All but one of us has grown out of it.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2013-01-20, 9:23 PM #87
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
Wait.. which one? ("Obese people's opinons are useless!" hehe...)
I don't know. The stupid one.

Not descriptive enough I guess.

Also we were being real. Obesity is a serious health problem and it is probably cutting 20 years off his lifespan. This has nothing to do with what he posted at all.

You're the one that implied that they were.. by your attack on Republicans.
No, I didn't. If I list off the war atrocities of the Allies in WW2, that doesn't mean I am supporting the Axis. The Democrats aren't good. The Republicans are worse, but that doesn't mean the Democrats are good.

The Democrats aren't even a liberal party. They are moderately conservative and roughly at the same point on the spectrum where the Republican party was under Reagan and Bush Sr. The United States doesn't even have a liberal party.

And no, I don't think in black and white.
Yes, yes you do, very obviously based on the idea that you are incapable of comprehending the above. This is the definition of black and white thinking.

And you're ok with this? (This is really the issue I'm fighting here. I get that you're canadian and you aren't directly involved in American politics.. But I HATE the fact that it's impossible to believe in anything an elected official says.. and they are so smug that they say it and know that the ones who question them will be regarded as "psychotics".
Um tiny reality check, but elected officials are small potatoes compared to the amount of direct harm unappointed civil servants can do to you if they really felt like it (police officers, prosecutors, middlemen, soldiers).

idk why you people are so terrified of someone elected to an office who individually has almost no power, and has strict checks and balances against what he can actually do, who can be removed from his position by a well-understood mechanism, but the right placed civil servant could basically wipe out every record that you ever existed if he wanted and thanks to employment guidelines they are basically immune from disciplinary action.

oh no a senator lied to me about something he obviously can't accomplish anyway.

I'm not a "registered" anything.
So just an independent, just like every other Republican.
2013-01-20, 9:26 PM #88
You banned wookie for far, far less then this.
Please, ban sarn.
2013-01-20, 9:26 PM #89
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
But yeah, I'm not dumb enough to assume that just because some picks a label, that they can do no wrong after.. (He specifically called out Republicans for lying.. Come on. How can he make that claim knowing that democrats are just as bad?) Politicians in general lie. I don't approve of it. He does, as long as they label themselves as a democrat. (apparently)

Yeah, this is what Fox does.

Oh so what if Mitt Romney lied about the Massachusetts economy, and his involvement in Massachusetts healthcare, and his recruitment of female cabinet members, and the content of Obama's speeches, and his success in business, and his personal investment in Chinese manufacturing enterprises and the Chinese state corporation, and the number of Americans who will lose healthcare due to his own healthcare plan, and raising taxes on the rich, and not lowering taxes on the rich, and lowering taxes on everybody except the rich, and.... that's all fine, because Obama lied about closing Guantanamo Bay!

Can't call a Republican a liar unless you call a Democrat a liar too!

**** off.
2013-01-20, 9:47 PM #90
I have to say I put the sandy hook school conspiracy about on the same bird excrement stained pedastle as the "it wasn't a plane that hit the pentagon!" Type conspiracy. However I do absolutely believe that ****ty politicians and people in general from BOTH sides will almost unflinchingly exploit such events to push their agenda.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2013-01-20, 9:49 PM #91
Republicans are liars. Their leaders are liars and their supporters demand to be lied to. Last year the Republican party decided that the polls were off-message, too "liberal slanted", so they re-based their intelligence on internal polling and cherry-picked external polls (e.g. Rasmussen). This is one of the main reasons Romney lost the election: he wasn't able to target himself effectively, because instead of hearing the truth, he was hearing the lies he wanted to hear. The Republican Party is the party of the Big Lie.

Democrats are not "just as bad". Get the **** out of the echo chamber and learn you a z-score, jfc.
2013-01-20, 10:32 PM #92
umm. why are you still trying to associate me with Romney? Where did I ever say I approve of him?

The closest I've come is to say that politicians are liars. HARDCORE ROMNEY SUPPORTER RIGHT HERE, OBVIOUSLY.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2013-01-20, 10:38 PM #93
get out
2013-01-21, 12:44 AM #94
bandwagon tibby strikes again.. Very compelling argument. Do you feel accepted now?
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2013-01-21, 12:56 AM #95
get out
2013-01-21, 12:59 AM #96
protip: if you find people hopping on a bandwagon to tell you that you're a piece of ****, and have a reason for it (you literally think the government you work for is guilty of mass murder, and that sandy hook was faked (tell that to the parents you human piece of ****)) you might be ****!
2013-01-21, 1:36 AM #97
Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater. The United States doesn't exactly have a clean record when it comes to mass killing and false flag attacks. Granted, a school shooting to institute marginally better gun control would be ludicrous and morally bankrupt, but you're ignoring history if you're going to claim that the U.S. government never practices deception and violence to achieve its aims.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2013-01-21, 1:41 AM #98
Sarn is a baby.
2013-01-21, 10:11 AM #99
Originally posted by Tibby:
Sarn is a baby.

"the gummet murdered babies so they could take my guns away!"

"no they didn't you white trash loser, get lost"

"you liberals are so intolerant of other peoples ideas WAAAAH"
2013-01-21, 2:28 PM #100
Originally posted by Jon`C:
"the gummet murdered babies so they could take my guns away!"

"no they didn't you white trash loser, get lost"

"you liberals are so intolerant of other peoples ideas WAAAAH"

"jokes on you i was only pretending"
2013-01-21, 3:12 PM #101
2013-01-21, 3:54 PM #102
I cant help but think of wheatley from Portal 2.

The puppet master!!! You're a puppet in a play and i hold all the strings, and cards, still. Cards in one hand, strings in the other. And I'm making you dance like a puppet, playing cards.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2013-01-21, 9:53 PM #103
I bet Sarn's command would LOVE this thread.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2013-01-21, 10:02 PM #104
Pretty sure accusing the US govt' of sweeping conspiracies including mass murder of it's own citizens is grounds for disciplinary action, no?
2013-01-22, 12:26 AM #105
If I'm to take Sarn at his word--which is admittedly a difficult task, but let's do so for the sake of argument--he posted the details of a conspiracy "theory" that would offend any reasonable person, for the sake of proving that reasonable people would be offended enough to argue against said theory? Not only that, but he actually thought that if people were offended by such stupidity & called him out for it, this was somehow evidence that they belong to a particular political party & that this would all prove something to his right-wing buddies on Facebook? How stupid are you, man? I knew that you weren't an intellectual by any means, but I didn't think that you were actually this stupid. You don't get to play the drunk card--you explained your intent & admitted to trolling. You're an immature, right-wing nutjob (mascarading as an independent who thinks they're a libertarian--no doubt a former Ron Paul supporter) that can't stomach a community that outs your ideology as ridiculous & since you can't beat them, you'll jo...troll them? You're a ****ing disgrace, man. A bona fide ****ing idiot. You're worse than the ****ing tea-baggers that actually believe this **** (at least they'd have an actual excuse for such a post). I highly suggest that instead of trolling people on the internet because they're smarter than you, you use your downtime to read some ****ing books--I don't care if it's Atlas Shrugged or the latest D'Souza, but read something (a book or 2 on logic would be especially useful). Masturbation is more productive than what you've done. If any of your "friends" on Facebook have an ounce of self-respect, they'll de-friend your ass after reading this thread. However, I suspect like with most right-wing nutjobs, you surround yourself with a mutual admiration society consisting of people that probably aren't even half as smart as yourself, so you'll probably get a lot of moronic praise (e.g. "Nolan: ****in liberals make me sick").
? :)
2013-01-22, 4:03 AM #106
Originally posted by Tibby:
Pretty sure accusing the US govt' of sweeping conspiracies including mass murder of it's own citizens is grounds for disciplinary action, no?

i'm pretty sure it's grounds for him being mocked like the idiot he is
2013-01-22, 9:21 AM #107
Originally posted by Mentat:
he posted the details of a conspiracy "theory" that would offend any reasonable person, for the sake of proving that reasonable people would be offended enough to argue against said theory?

Highlighting for importance. This has nothing to do with partisanship. Any reasonable person of any affiliation to any set of beliefs would be offended by this rubbish. This is like saying "LOL TROLLED U LIEBRALS" after posting a video from the Flat Earth Society. It's equally ludicrous and has nothing to do with anything at all.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2013-01-22, 11:07 AM #108
Originally posted by Emon:
Highlighting for importance. This has nothing to do with partisanship. Any reasonable person of any affiliation to any set of beliefs would be offended by this rubbish. This is like saying "LOL TROLLED U LIEBRALS" after posting a video from the Flat Earth Society. It's equally ludicrous and has nothing to do with anything at all.

It's a conservative's idea. That means you aren't allowed to make fun of it unless you also make fun of a liberal idea, like contraceptive-based sexual education or the separation of church and state.
2013-01-22, 11:40 AM #109
So uh, why isn't Sarn banned?
2013-01-22, 12:29 PM #110
Originally posted by Jon`C:
It's a conservative's idea. That means you aren't allowed to make fun of it unless you also make fun of a liberal idea, like contraceptive-based sexual education or the separation of church and state.

Well Jon'C I will concede your earlier point that out of the two bad apples conservatives are probably further along in the decomposition process. Because quite frankly I have no idea where to begin researching that sort of stuff and when it comes to statistics and such you are generally the one who is correct. But, again... flip your statement 180 degrees and its still on point.

It's a liberal's idea. That means you aren't allowed to make fun of it unless you also make fun of a conservative idea, like abstinence based sexual education or the separation of church and state.

...Granted I have never understood the push for abstinence based sexual education. If your kid is out having a go at anything and everything that moves that has far more to do with your parenting that the fact that a kid learned what a condom was at school. (which thank god they did, because otherwise your twit of a child would be giving you a grand baby in 9 months.) Dont want your kid's producing little worm babies left and right??? try talking to them about sex yourself and maybe heaven forbid actually being involved in their lives.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2013-01-22, 1:13 PM #111
Originally posted by Darth_Alran:
But, again... flip your statement 180 degrees and its still on point.

It's a liberal's idea. That means you aren't allowed to make fun of it unless you also make fun of a conservative idea, like abstinence based sexual education or the separation of church and state.
There's a big difference here. The idea that this is (or should be) a two-way street is based on the idea that "liberal" ideas and "conservative" ideas are on equal footing. They aren't. The vast majority of the ideas held by self-identified American conservatives are beyond vapid. (Note: this is very different from saying conservative ideas are bad. Progressive taxation and fiscal/monetary policy are all conservative ideas, but of course your idiot child version of a conservative rejects those things because reasons?)

For example:

Evolution by natural selection (plus a litany of empirical evidence and the consensus of scientists working in relevant fields) is a "liberal" idea. But you aren't allowed to discuss macroevolution unless you also discuss the "conservative" alternative, that life was created instantaneously by an act of God, even though no formally-educated practicing expert in the field agrees.

Anthropogenic global warming (plus a litany of empirical evidence and the broad consensus of scientists working in relevant fields) is a "liberal" idea. But you aren't allowed to discuss global warming unless you also discuss the "conservative" alternative, that global warming isn't happening because *stares at shoes, mumbles incoherently*, even though no formally-educated practicing expert in the field agrees.

Contraceptive-based sexual education is effective (plus a litany of empirical evidence and the broad consensus of scientists working in relevant fields) is a "liberal" idea. But you aren't allowed to discuss contraception unless you also discuss the "conservative" alternative, Jesus, even though no formally-educated practicing expert in the field agrees.

These sides are not equal and do not merit a serious comparison.
2013-01-23, 12:18 AM #112
[quote=Isaac Asimov]“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”[/quote]

"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2013-01-23, 7:25 AM #113
He's still not banned.
2013-01-23, 8:19 AM #114
Tibby, let go of your hate.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2013-01-23, 8:57 AM #115
It's not about hate, it's about justice!
Justice and my right to browse a star wars forum without idiots like Sarn.
2013-01-23, 10:17 AM #116
Why isn't sarn banned.
2013-01-23, 11:05 AM #117
Wookie06 was banned for admin sass, not because he's a moron.
2013-01-23, 11:07 AM #118
That's just incidental.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2013-01-23, 11:20 AM #119
I say we ban everyone and start over.
2013-01-23, 7:06 PM #120
What the hell?
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.

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