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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Ladies and Gentlemen: I present to you the Ballad of Bad Politics.
Ladies and Gentlemen: I present to you the Ballad of Bad Politics.
2013-10-02, 1:03 PM #41
Originally posted by Jon`C:
also it doesn't help that practically every republican congressman is only in office because of gerrymandering.

Can't wait for this effect to get way worse in 2014 now that they've had more time to re-district and pass voter discrimination laws.
2013-10-03, 8:48 AM #42
Says the Canadian.
2013-10-03, 2:36 PM #43
2013-10-04, 2:29 AM #44
Does that stand for I Don't Get It or do I really not get it? >_>
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2013-10-04, 12:02 PM #45
idgi either.

Are you implying that Canada needs voter disenfranchisement in order to elect a terrible racist neoliberal government? Because I assure you, we don't.
2013-10-04, 12:15 PM #46
Or are you implying that Canadians have nothing at stake in American politics? Because I assure you, they do.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2013-10-04, 1:21 PM #47
Maybe it's a commentary on how horrible FPP is?
2013-10-05, 7:34 AM #48
maybe it's about canada being dumb
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2013-10-05, 2:43 PM #49
Canadians are really ****ing dumb. And preachy as all hell. Racist, too.

****ing Rockies hillbillies and Etobicokeheads cheering on Harper for figuratively bending over and distending his anus at the UNHRC because they gave Canada a poor review. "lol if u," they say, "take criticism seriously from a bunch that tolerates Syria and Burma." Whole lotta talk about how Canada is great, not a lotta talk about how the UNHRC reports are based upon submissions from concerned Canadian citizens and organizations, of which 50 of them sustained review, some of which literally meet the bar set for genocide. So I mean even if you want to pretend that it's all fake UN bull****, you still have to confront the fact that at least 50 Canadian citizen groups have convincing evidence that Canada is guilty of genocide in tyool 2013, but you aren't supposed to talk about that.

Lotta preaching in this shutdown even from the leftists though. Talking about how stable and strong our government is even when it's being run by the "wrong" party.

Like how our government never shuts down because two parties refuse to compromise on a bill. Except for all of those times Harper shuts down parliament, as it is currently. Sometimes it's to prevent a vote he doesn't want, but usually it's to get lawmakers away from the capitol during a controversy so the media can't ambush them with these dangerous "question" things that good Christians aren't supposed to know about.

Or like our free healthcare. "Free" healthcare. Unless you have a problem with your teeth, or eyes, or connective tissue, or brain, or you need medicine. Then it's okay. Well, unless you have a disease too complicated for our overworked underpaid foreign-educated doctors from countries where it's unusual for a healthy person to live past 40. But apparently to fix it they're going to let RNs start making simple diagnoses, so at least the dangerously unqualified person treating you won't be as expensive for the government soon. And, of course, the state-financed private for-profit perjurist monopoly malpractice defense firm is there to prevent the average Canadian from ever hearing about how bad our system is.

basically lss, I'm really ****ing sick of Canadians dancing around the shutdown like our **** doesn't stink, when in reality we're just a ****tily run thatcherist hell hole full of preachy intellectual midgets, a foreign-ruled banana republic in the absolute strongest sense. Canada really is dumb.
2013-10-05, 4:19 PM #50
2013-10-05, 6:43 PM #51

I can strangely relate to a lot of that (refreshing perspective of the) Canadian situation, since sadly it's not all that different in this part of Europe.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2013-10-05, 7:29 PM #52
2013-10-05, 7:38 PM #53
Yeah, no kidding.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2013-10-05, 7:50 PM #54
2013-10-05, 8:58 PM #55
Why is it that one little downturn discredits keynesian economics for three generations, but after 40 years of worldwide disaster under austerity neoliberalism there is still a plurality of people who think that the tories/republicans are more realistic than the left-wing alternatives.


Because the neoliberal solution to most market failures is "firms will voluntarily choose not to do bad things", which is a fifteen flavors of ****ed up fever dream fantasy about the way capitalism and people and real life actually work. And I don't really consider a strong social safety net particularly optimistic, either.

That's why I don't really think future historians are going to differentiate strongly between the different western nations. Because if any empire is in decline, it's really all of us. We're all just as horrible and doomed.
2013-10-05, 9:02 PM #56
well that stinks
2013-10-05, 9:08 PM #57
Originally posted by Reid:
What else can you expect when the fed frantically stops deflation in a consumer/finance economy

Inflation reduces the values of debt and savings, which has a positive effect on the rate of spending (since your money will never be worth as much as it is right now), the rate of production (since there is greater demand for goods), wages (since there is now a greater demand for labor to produce goods), and prices (since willingness to pay rises).

Deflation increases the values of debt and savings, which has a negative effect on the rate of spending (since your money will be worth more the longer you hold onto it), the rate of production (you don't need to make as much stuff if nobody is going to buy it), wages (since there is less demand for labor to produce goods people will just take whatever work they can get), and has a positive effect on prices (smaller manufacturing runs have higher marginal costs).

Which of these do you think is the bigger problem right now? You think Apple et al are sitting on trillions of dollars of untapped savings because the government is fighting deflation too hard?

Think **** is bad enough yet? A deflationary spiral would turn a country of debtors into a country of chattel so count your ****ing blessings our central banks are fighting deflation as hard as they are.
2013-10-05, 9:12 PM #58
Originally posted by Tracer:
well that stinks

Come now, isn't it every nerd's dream to live in a dystopia of one sort or another?
2013-10-05, 9:13 PM #59
2013-10-05, 9:16 PM #60
They joke's on us for giving these charlatans the time of day. When history obsoletes their worldview they'll just move on to babbling some other non-sense.
2013-10-05, 9:18 PM #61
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Come now, isn't it every nerd's dream to live in a dystopia of one sort or another?

who you calling nerd, dorkstick? :argh:
2013-10-05, 9:22 PM #62
Originally posted by Reid:
Americans are cut from a different cloth

yeah, hand-picked cotton cloth maybe. iykwim.
2013-10-05, 9:23 PM #63
2013-10-05, 9:25 PM #64
Reid have you seen Sarcastaball? Be careful, my man!
2013-10-05, 9:26 PM #65
2013-10-05, 9:27 PM #66
Originally posted by Tracer:
who you calling nerd, dorkstick? :argh:

If you're not into sci-fi, I suppose you might just be a survivalist (or a fundie).
2013-10-05, 9:28 PM #67
Originally posted by Reid:
No, what is it?

A dangerous illness.
2013-10-05, 9:37 PM #68
2013-10-05, 9:40 PM #69
2013-10-05, 9:50 PM #70
2013-10-05, 10:08 PM #71
2013-10-05, 10:23 PM #72
Jon: suppose you have ultimate authority to implement any economic system you wish, and everyone on planet earth agrees to give it a fair shake for at least a decade. What do?
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2013-10-05, 10:44 PM #73
Sorry to interject, but if that kind of question isn't well defined (edit: okay, I guess you did a pretty good job with "everyone on planet earth agrees to give it a fair shake"), isn't the principal–agent problem going to rear its ugly head?

Then again, in an economic system in which everyone agrees with me, doesn't that make them my slaves from the get go? I would turn the world into a factory with my Soviet mind control.
2013-10-06, 3:01 AM #74
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Jon: suppose you have ultimate authority to implement any economic system you wish, and everyone on planet earth agrees to give it a fair shake for at least a decade. What do?

Basically fascism.

I mean it sounds super bad because of all of the racism stuff, but they were generally in favor of free markets where capitalism works well, nationalizing industries where capitalism works poorly, and using generous social safety nets to ameliorate hardship rather than for the sake of egalitarianism like socialist countries. They were also enemies of finance, an industry that serves no real purpose and acts to the great detriment of any society.

Like the New Deal except with even fewer economic rents.
2013-10-06, 3:35 AM #75
But yeah it's good that you gave that caveat. Can you imagine trying to convince people in western countries to voluntarily switch to any other economic system? And it's not just the do-nothing human garbage rentiers, it's the ordinary people, poor people who have been brainwashed to think that capitalism is a good deal for them because they're just one really good idea away from becoming a billionaire.

Just closing this post with a lil reminder that JK Rowling wrote Harry Potter while on welfare, and the income taxes that franchise generated in the UK has probably paid for the welfare system for a hundred years. The greatest failure of our entire culture has been our voluntary transformation into a Malthusian dystopia, where a job isn't just "a thing you do so you don't starve", it's the one true holy means of justifying your very existence. So what if poor underemployed people can't afford food, they don't deserve it anyway because they aren't working hard enough.
2013-10-06, 7:43 AM #76
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2013-10-06, 7:47 AM #77
2013-10-06, 7:50 AM #78
2013-10-06, 8:12 AM #79
2013-10-06, 8:16 AM #80

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