Canadians are really ****ing dumb. And preachy as all hell. Racist, too.
****ing Rockies hillbillies and Etobicokeheads cheering on Harper for figuratively bending over and distending his anus at the UNHRC because they gave Canada a poor review. "lol if u," they say, "take criticism seriously from a bunch that tolerates Syria and Burma." Whole lotta talk about how Canada is great, not a lotta talk about how the UNHRC reports are based upon submissions from concerned Canadian citizens and organizations, of which 50 of them sustained review, some of which literally meet the bar set for genocide. So I mean even if you want to pretend that it's all fake UN bull****, you still have to confront the fact that at least 50 Canadian citizen groups have convincing evidence that Canada is guilty of genocide in tyool 2013, but you aren't supposed to talk about that.
Lotta preaching in this shutdown even from the leftists though. Talking about how stable and strong our government is even when it's being run by the "wrong" party.
Like how our government never shuts down because two parties refuse to compromise on a bill. Except for all of those times Harper shuts down parliament, as it is currently. Sometimes it's to prevent a vote he doesn't want, but usually it's to get lawmakers away from the capitol during a controversy so the media can't ambush them with these dangerous "question" things that good Christians aren't supposed to know about.
Or like our free healthcare. "Free" healthcare. Unless you have a problem with your teeth, or eyes, or connective tissue, or brain, or you need medicine. Then it's okay. Well, unless you have a disease too complicated for our overworked underpaid foreign-educated doctors from countries where it's unusual for a healthy person to live past 40. But apparently to fix it they're going to let RNs start making simple diagnoses, so at least the dangerously unqualified person treating you won't be as expensive for the government soon. And, of course, the state-financed private for-profit perjurist monopoly malpractice defense firm is there to prevent the average Canadian from ever hearing about how bad our system is.
basically lss, I'm really ****ing sick of Canadians dancing around the shutdown like our **** doesn't stink, when in reality we're just a ****tily run thatcherist hell hole full of preachy intellectual midgets, a foreign-ruled banana republic in the absolute strongest sense. Canada really is dumb.