So, I figured it best to move the discussion to this thread, which really isn't about anything specific anyway.
Many thoughts have gone through my mind since the events in the other thread and I'll try to be short and to the point in this one.
I really don't understand why a rather brief point of mine regarding my memory of Star Wars as a small child and an opinion that kids today may not be experiencing things that inspire them to the same degree was anything to get so worked up about. I believe I tried to keep things civil between Antony and myself and he seemed to be overly hostile and aggressive toward me. Fine, I was going to leave it at that but then...
You might feel I overreacted to CM. Perhaps I did. However, I'll briefly explain from my perspective. The comment about child psychologists was hardly the "crux of my argument". I don't even really feel I had an argument. Antony was dismissing my opinions and I was mostly dismissing his remarks. In a post meant to effectively say, "Hey buddy, other people hold this view and I actually do basically exactly what you say I should". So then CM stated a citation was needed. I figured there were a few motivations that were most likely behind his post. I refused to provide links, Antony didn't care for any, and then was told my word carries no weight and other things. So I felt like "**** it". I'm not here to fight with people and I've forgiven the sins of the past and expect others should do the same or at least leave things in the past and see what happens now.
So I posted what I did. I've explained my view in greater detail to CM. He most likely thinks I'm insane but I see he's not pulled the ban trigger so perhaps he is giving me the benefit of the doubt. Or he could be planning for it to be epically entertaining. Time shall reveal all, I suppose.
For those who feel my past behavior requires some sort of contrition or apology I will offer this onetime apology: sorry, ain't gonna happen. There are exactly two people that have received apologies for things that I regret. Those apologies are sincere and stand regardless of what the future brings.
To any of the rest of you with whom I have had confrontations with in the past. I'm over it and you should be to. Nobody is innocent in these matters.
It seems over the years I keep reading comments on here about opening ones mind to other thinking. Fine, then stop being hypocrites about it. SF Gold, while not particularly eloquent nor compelling, has opined about race and gay marriage issues rather innocently and has been ridiculed and attacked for it. He didn't seem to be talking as any sort of extremist so why not engage him and influence and guide him toward your view? I like to be legitimately challenged but nobody likes to be rudely dismissed or attacked.
Members have opined about how boring this place has gotten, especially post-ban. It's probably the only reason CM overturned bans he considered to be quite permanent. From my observation this place basically turned into an intellectual circle-jerk.
I'm only planning to stick around if this is a healthy social experience for me. You might be surprised with what you learn about me if you care to just as I'd like to know more about many of you. However, I'm not going to be posting at anywhere near the amount that I did before. I think I spent an unhealthy amount of time on this board before.
I've tried to be brief here and likely haven't explained much to many's satisfaction. Also, I'm not going to debate anything I just posted. They're my thoughts on these matters and I really do welcome yours as well.
FYI, and because I really don't feel like starting threads on it, Godzilla was pretty good and Amazon Prime has got all kinds of HBO goodness on there now. Cool. No Game of Thrones yet, though.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16