You're welcome, Dr. Jones. To be perfectly honest, I had the intention of checking back in and reviewing the many posts that have followed mine and then trying to dive back in. The fact is, you have provided so much content here that I'm just simply going to start here. Everyone can assume that I have read little to nothing after this post, although I will try to catch up. First off, I want to let you know, Dr. Jones, that I have been somewhat skeptical of you for some time. You posted once in the aftermath of the Boston bombing something that led me to believe you follow questionable news sources or, at least, jumped readily to conspiratorial conclusions. This post was so well reasoned that I think that was a fluke. One that you quickly apologized for back then so you have the benefit of the doubt.
Books are written about many things by many people with many motives. I think in could be argued that minorities are clearly duped into voting against their own interests when they vote Democrat but let's not get wrapped up in DvR just yet.
This reminds me of a couple things. First, "question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear." Also, I'm currently in a technical school. Each class is 20 days long. All of the tests are multiple choice. Sometimes there is a debate about the correct answer for a question. Through observation I noticed that often we are arguing about why the "correct" answer is wrong. An argument that, of course, is only made when someone chose a different selection. I noticed that the argument to be made shouldn't have been for why the "right" answer was wrong but why the other answer somebody chose is right. It's a very subtle a simple difference, but very important.
I had to cut out your section on private property but I appreciate the context. It just opens up a discussion by itself. One that I really would like to have because I have strong feeling about property and income.
Could you please expand or elaborate on your points in this paragraph.
What would you consider is obedience to conservative principles? Or, more simply, could you try to list or define what you consider to be conservative principles?
I would also like you to expand on this.
You might have to remind me to come back to that one.
Since you're relatively new, I just want to point out that, now that I'm back, it's pretty much a one man show. There used to be at least some diversity here but it's pretty slim now. Some here will say I do this and that, the real fact is that I don't have the time to point-by-point debate everyone that disagrees with me (um, almost all of you!). I get up before 5, put in a full day as a student, when I get home try to do the things a guy has to do around the house, with the family, homework, etc. I fall asleep on the couch more times than I'd like to admit. It's a fact of life that the guy that spent too much time here was banned and things are different now.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16