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ForumsDiscussion Forum → 2014 US Mid-Term Elections are just about here
2014 US Mid-Term Elections are just about here
2014-11-17, 12:17 AM #161
2014-11-17, 12:27 AM #162
2014-11-17, 5:51 PM #163
Originally posted by Reid:
American propaganda is designed to make people not realize it. Of course, the typical discourse from here is to simply dub you a Stalinist. Apparently the only way someone can point out that paragon achievements of "capitalism", such as the lunar landing, were only organized as a reaction to soviet pro-science propaganda and doctrine is if you're a freedom-hatin', burger-vomitin' and ***-lovin' communist.

What's worse is the same people that defend the moon landings and space race accomplishments are the first who want to shut down NASA or strip funding for as much research as possible (unless its related to the military). It really hurts my mind to think of how far advanced we could be in space exploration if not for the continuing siphoning of funds into other projects, as well as the inefficiency of NASA management.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2014-11-17, 6:26 PM #164
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
the inefficiency of NASA management.

Well, it's not just inefficiency that plagued NASA, but overt racism. Just witness their alliance with conservative "journalists" in the aftermath of White NASA's failure to beat the blackstronauts to the moon, burying their victory on page 34:

[quote=Cincinnati Enquirer]
Talk about getting lost! Wallace Jefferson and Louis Hayes, both negroes, have wandered all the way to the moon!
The hapless pair entered lunar orbit late yesterday afternoon and finally landed on the surface of the moon several hours later. They plan to return later this week.
The incident is not a total tragedy. "We may want to talk with these negroes," said NASA mission commander Deke Slayton. "Their mishap may just help us in our goal to land a man on the moon by the end of the decade."
2014-11-18, 11:11 AM #165
I once remember watching a video in highschool about how great capitalism is, and how there's no such thing as poor people, let alone homelessness, in the US. I remember one camera shot, right after they literally mentioned this 'fact,' where they showed a homeless guy living out of a shopping cart. :psyduck:
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2014-11-19, 2:23 PM #166
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
And, TBH, I'm not sure how good a use of your time that will be, unless you enjoy being called a conservative retard and talked down to.

Yeah, I think this about sums it up. I hadn't gotten back to check in for numerous reasons and now that I have I don't see the point. There are so many things I have to do, should do, and would be better off doing that whether I have some subconscious motive to try to earn acceptance or just a sincere desire to discuss these topics here, it's not a logical use of my time. As to why there aren't more conservatives here, you would be better off asking the other members here. Hell, the site creator gave the site away. Maybe you can ask him.

And, Jon`C, I don't give a damn about making enemies. If you don't think Democrats use minorities you might not have heard of Ferguson.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2014-11-19, 5:10 PM #167
Originally posted by Wookie06:
If you don't think Democrats use minorities you might not have heard of Ferguson.

Armed, militant whites terrorize a community of black people over generations.

If that doesn't scream republican to you, I don't know what will
2014-11-19, 5:18 PM #168
Originally posted by Wookie06:
As to why there aren't more conservatives here, you would be better off asking the other members here. Hell, the site creator gave the site away. Maybe you can ask him.

If you mean by the numbers: because this is a website for a 17 year old children's video game.

If you mean by proportion: because this is a website for 17 year old children's video game.

Most of us were 12 or 13 when this game came out. Since then we've grown up, graduated from school, started careers, got married, and started families, all under Bush style neoliberalism.

Our generation has taken a firm hard dicking from people exactly like you, with exactly your stupid, selfish, unreasonable beliefs. There are no conservatives on this site because nobody who has grown up since Jedi Knight came out has felt anything but grievously injured by conservative politicians and their middle aged supporters.

(Except folks like Sarn in the US military, the greatest socialist low-skill job program ever designed.)

Instead of asking stupid, self-serving questions, why don't you ask why the Republicans have betrayed and harmed the generation that is going to pay for your veterans benefits and SS? Or why, if your opinions are so valid, why a decade of you getting your way has turned an entire generation against *democracy*? It how about just a good faith effort contribute to a discussion without falling back on your wounded bird victim good bull**** (as if you've ever been victimized for anything in your whole life)?

I really don't think Ive ever asked much of you, but for some reason I'm always so consistently disappointed.
2014-11-19, 6:50 PM #169
Originally posted by Jon`C:
a decade of you getting your way has turned an entire generation against *democracy*?

Did we shy away from democracy, or did the ruling class subvert it? According to this Paper (which caused such a sensation earlier this year), it's only rational for people to give up on democracy, since it doesn't seem to make a difference (but having money and power does):

Each of four theoretical traditions in the study of American politics—which can be characterized as theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy, Economic-Elite Domination, and two types of interest-group pluralism, Majoritarian Pluralism and Biased Pluralism—offers different predictions about which sets of actors have how much influence over public policy: average citizens; economic elites; and organized interest groups, mass-based or business-oriented.

A great deal of empirical research speaks to the policy influence of one or another set of actors, but until recently it has not been possible to test these contrasting theoretical predictions against each other within a single statistical model. We report on an effort to do so, using a unique data set that includes measures of the key variables for 1,779 policy issues.

Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic-Elite Domination and for theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralism.

Is this something you are okay with, Wookie? Are you comfortable supporting the party of "free enterprise", in a nation that has become a political oligarchy? Is it really honest for Republican voters like yourself to hide under the guise of the "free market", given this state of affairs?

Is it not apparant that your entire politiical system of beliefs is a mythology used to do real harm to those without trust-funds?

Can you even try to justify it by saying that this is the "most efficient" system of economic organization? How far can this go? If we got rid of elections altogether, and became completely capitalist, would you still try to make the argument that pure neo-liberalism leads to the least poverty?

Actually, did you even try to make this argument, or did you simply not care in the first place?
2014-11-19, 7:07 PM #170
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Did we shy away from democracy, or did the ruling class subvert it?
This is what I'm saying.
2014-11-19, 7:10 PM #171
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Is this something you are okay with, Wookie?
lmao, Wookie answering an honest question about his political beliefs.

Getting a straight answer is predicated on 1.) Wookie06 knowing enough about his own chosen philosophy to answer such questions, and 2.) Wookie06 having strong enough convictions that they're worth defending, both of which are clearly false.
2014-11-19, 7:27 PM #172
Originally posted by Jon`C:
lmao, Wookie answering an honest question about his political beliefs.

Getting a straight answer is predicated on 1.) Wookie06 knowing enough about his own chosen philosophy to answer such questions, and 2.) Wookie06 having strong enough convictions that they're worth defending, both of which are clearly false.

Would you be interested in doing a voice discussion with Wookie06 (and me to moderate, basically say who's turn it is, ask questions)? Assuming Wookie06 also accepted?
Nothing to see here, move along.
2014-11-20, 3:36 AM #173
Oh man, I want that so bad.

Any good debate between a highly intelligent, condescending software developer and a fanatically conservative retired airborne soldier should be moderated by an obese Mexican ninja.
>>untie shoes
2014-11-20, 8:32 AM #174
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Would you be interested in doing a voice discussion with Wookie06 (and me to moderate, basically say who's turn it is, ask questions)? Assuming Wookie06 also accepted?
Your country is on the cusp of student revolution and you seriously have the time for angry dudes on a video game forum? Get your God damn priorities straight, son.
2014-11-20, 11:46 AM #175
2014-11-20, 11:48 AM #176
2014-11-20, 12:10 PM #177
Originally posted by Wookie06:
If you don't think Democrats use minorities you might not have heard of Ferguson.

Pretty devious of the Democrats to "use" minorities by treating the long and ongoing history of police harassment of, and violence against, black people as a subject worthy of our attention. We'd all be doing a much greater service to America's minority communities if we pretended problems specific to those communities don't exist. We're colorblind you're the real racists etc.

Remember when I said the Republican Party is a white supremacist party? This is why.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-11-20, 12:39 PM #178
2014-11-20, 2:04 PM #179
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Your country is on the cusp of student revolution and you seriously have the time for angry dudes on a video game forum? Get your God damn priorities straight, son.

There won't be a student revolution, the government is corrupt, same old story as always. I insist that you take me up on my offer, it'll only be a couple hours at most. It will also be entertaining.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2014-11-20, 2:33 PM #180
Originally posted by Reid:
Lol "those guys who include minorities in their decision making are 'using' them".

Of course Wookie thinks that appearing to care about minorities means you're really just putting on a show to distract others from your subjugation of them: He's a middle class white conservative married to a minority woman.
>>untie shoes
2014-11-20, 2:53 PM #181
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
There won't be a student revolution, the government is corrupt, same old story as always. I insist that you take me up on my offer, it'll only be a couple hours at most. It will also be entertaining.

I can't speak for either Jon`C or Wookie06, but I wouldn't feel comfortable myself having a recorded political debate on the internet that was posted as an audio file. Pretty much everything you say can (and will, should you become a public figure) be used against you, at some later date.

You're also assuming that:
  • it would be worth their time, and
  • that anything good could come out of it.
2014-11-20, 3:30 PM #182
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
There won't be a student revolution, the government is corrupt, same old story as always. I insist that you take me up on my offer, it'll only be a couple hours at most. It will also be entertaining.

Even if I were interested in debating an uneducated person, and even if I thought you were competent to moderate a debate, my time isn't worth so little that I can throw "a couple hours at most" into the same cesspool you've thrown your whole life.
2014-11-20, 3:38 PM #183
It would be pointless in a non-relative sense. Any human endeavor of even the most infinitesimal value would be more worthwhile. Even this post.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-11-20, 5:38 PM #184
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Even if I were interested in debating an uneducated person, and even if I thought you were competent to moderate a debate, my time isn't worth so little that I can throw "a couple hours at most" into the same cesspool you've thrown your whole life.

Seriously what is your damn problem? Have you been to your shrink recently? Is every facet of your life (outside of your academic and professional facets) that pathetic and worthless that your only source of enjoyment is making unprovoked cheapshot remarks in some amazingly pathetic attempt to reassure yourself and everyone of your vast superiority? You're posts reek of you being the ideal poster boy for assisted suicide and abortion propaganda.

My problem with you is that you take anyone who disagrees with you to a personal level, and lose all objectivity. You're capable of making great elaborate fabrications and misleading anyone if it satisfies your need to address your inferiority complex. You need help. Go out and get it.

Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
It would be pointless in a non-relative sense. Any human endeavor of even the most infinitesimal value would be more worthwhile. Even this post.

Might as well throw you in this lot.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2014-11-20, 5:45 PM #185
2014-11-20, 6:06 PM #186
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Might as well throw you in this lot.

I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member. Unless Jon`C is also a member. That might be an okay club. I guess you lucked out this time, SF_GoldG_01.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-11-20, 6:11 PM #187
Can we try to have a certain amount of civility? We could do without the unprovoked, personal attacks, IMO.
2014-11-20, 9:03 PM #188
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Can we try to have a certain amount of civility? We could do without the unprovoked, personal attacks, IMO.

Let it be noted that I did not start the personal attacks, and this is not the first time that completely unprovoked personal attacks are addressed at me from Jon'C. I tolerated this in the past thinking that it would just fade if I ignored it, but it has gone on for far too long and it needs to stop.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2014-11-20, 9:07 PM #189
Originally posted by Roger Spruce:

Is it just me, or does the book get thicker each time you post it?
2014-11-20, 9:31 PM #190
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Let it be noted that I did not start the personal attacks,

Don't worry, my comment was not directed toward you.

Plus, I said "unprovoked".
2014-11-20, 10:05 PM #191
2014-11-21, 12:41 AM #192
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Seriously what is your damn problem? Have you been to your shrink recently? Is every facet of your life (outside of your academic and professional facets) that pathetic and worthless that your only source of enjoyment is making unprovoked cheapshot remarks in some amazingly pathetic attempt to reassure yourself and everyone of your vast superiority? You're posts reek of you being the ideal poster boy for assisted suicide and abortion propaganda.

My problem with you is that you take anyone who disagrees with you to a personal level, and lose all objectivity. You're capable of making great elaborate fabrications and misleading anyone if it satisfies your need to address your inferiority complex. You need help. Go out and get it.

Is this how you're going to moderate the debate?
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2014-11-21, 3:59 AM #193
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Our generation has taken a firm hard dicking from people exactly like you, with exactly your stupid, selfish, unreasonable beliefs. There are no conservatives on this site because nobody who has grown up since Jedi Knight came out has felt anything but grievously injured by conservative politicians and their middle aged supporters.

Oh how I wish this half-tongue-in-cheek statement were actually true...

The sad truth is that our generation has plenty of people who are in lockstep with their boomer parents. It's not because they actually believe the values they were inculcated with; they just never seemed to question them. And now it's seemingly too late for them. They'll just parrot the talking points and continue to ignore the evidence.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2014-11-21, 6:05 AM #194
Originally posted by Krokodile:
Is this how you're going to moderate the debate?

Only if the people on the debate started attacking me instead of each other, then I turn into Bill O'Reilly.

Originally posted by Freelancer:
Oh how I wish this half-tongue-in-cheek statement were actually true...

The sad truth is that our generation has plenty of people who are in lockstep with their boomer parents. It's not because they actually believe the values they were inculcated with; they just never seemed to question them. And now it's seemingly too late for them. They'll just parrot the talking points and continue to ignore the evidence.

I'm not going to defend which ever group you are attacking, but I find it very cynical to believe that the group is composed of purely followers who don't know what they believe. When approaching a group with this attitude, you almost certainly have lost the battle before it has even begun. You must remember how the right-wing mindset works:
They only change opinions when there is absolutely no shadow of doubt that they are wrong in the eyes of anyone with a minimum of critical thinking skills.
Elaborate and long explanations of your views always are interpreted as attempts of deception. They need simple, humor laced, a-b-c explanations.
You must have a long list of verifiable sources and studies in order to backup your claims.
They believe Fox News as it were gospel. Yesterday I had a good argument with my Dad after Obama gave his immigration speech (a fine speech and fine points) and Krauthammer (correct spelling?) started going on and on about how Obama was a hipocrite by not introducing this legislation earlier bla bla bla... and I just had to point out to my dad... how no one there was actually saying anything bad about the bill, they were just talking about Obama... and that whether Obama is doing this for principle or not, should not be an influencing factor on whether to pass an immigration bill that is the correct and logical thing to do. They brought up the concern of unsafe borders, but I don't think we can't pass this bill and at the same time pass another one to improve border security.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2014-11-21, 7:18 AM #195
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Seriously what is your damn problem? Have you been to your shrink recently? Is every facet of your life (outside of your academic and professional facets) that pathetic and worthless that your only source of enjoyment is making unprovoked cheapshot remarks in some amazingly pathetic attempt to reassure yourself and everyone of your vast superiority? You're posts reek of you being the ideal poster boy for assisted suicide and abortion propaganda.

My problem with you is that you take anyone who disagrees with you to a personal level, and lose all objectivity. You're capable of making great elaborate fabrications and misleading anyone if it satisfies your need to address your inferiority complex. You need help. Go out and get it.

I agree, the fact that I dislike you and think you are unqualified to moderate a debate means I am mentally ill.
2014-11-21, 7:27 AM #196
Meanwhile, in Mexico City,

2014-11-21, 8:51 AM #197
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Meanwhile, in Mexico City,


What if I told you that things like this have been going on forever, are mostly occuring in the capital. This isn't the first time major protests have happened during this administration and the previous one and this won't be the last. You forget, this is a largely disarmed population that faces a political party that had a 70 year dominion over the country, and was reinstated in the last elections. They won't go peacefully, and the mostly disarmed protesters (no gun rights make a safer country lol) would be massacred, just like the 1968 massacre, by a battle hardened experiencied and loyal (to the government, not the people) military if they tried to revolt. There will be no regime change in this country, it just won't happen. Either these people will eventually disperse (most likely), or we get another Tlatelolco.

Your inability to objectively re-evaluate an individual over a time period, and constantly attacking them while unprovoked, regardless of friendly intentions directed towards you, is evidence of some sort of psychological complex that dominates your behaviour.

Respecting someone and treating them impartially has nothing to do with liking them, any mature person (especially one with superior academic and professional academics) should realize and apply this naturally.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2014-11-21, 9:06 AM #198
Respect is earned.
2014-11-21, 9:32 AM #199
Originally posted by Krokodile:
Is this how you're going to moderate the debate?

If so, I've totally changed my mind on the whole thing.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-11-21, 12:56 PM #200
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member. Unless Jon`C is also a member. That might be an okay club.

Aren't you a member of the American Bar Association?

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