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Sigh. My point is that virtually no one touts "I have a law degree" as a statement of qualification to become an American politician.
Your primary qualifications are as follows. You must: Love only god more than you love guns, fear the homos, act like in ~200 years we magically figured out all of the solutions to issues that humankind has faced for a few thousand years, violently object to the solutions that other countries have pragmatically found to problems that only America still exhibits (as far as developed countries go), and just generally carry an air of opposition to effectively accomplishing absolutely anything that benefits the vast majority of the nation's citizens.
This coincides perfectly with the American political system, as you can rely on the people who love god and guns as much as you do to hold up their half of the bargain wrt your reelection, while the lobbyists who write policy for you fund the ads you'll use to make sure those same jackasses elect you after you run an ad during every commercial break on the local tv stations explaining that your opponent supports gay marriage, and "if you don't want to be forced to get a gay marriage or some bull****, you should vote for me. Also they want to take your guns and religion. Seriously, they do, despite the fact that no one has ever tried to. They will if you elect them."
This system works wonderfully because you play to the bigotry and fear of those people to get them to ignore the fact that your party hasn't done anything that actually benefits them in their ****ing lifetime. After you get those people to agree with you because you hold beliefs that global society at large disagrees with, and since any crazy and/or ignorant person craves validation, they're more likely to agree with you when you tell them that the tax breaks you give to the rich will benefit the poor and middle class, because if there's one thing the rich exhibit, it's their contempt for the idea accumulating the most wealth possible. It's just around the corner, guys. This stuff would all be benefiting you if it weren't for those damned liberals. They're the reason the rich people can't make so much money that they literally don't know what to do with it, so by order of elimination they'll eventually stop being greedy sociopaths and start letting go of it by way of giving raises to the workforce and lowering the prices of goods. Because everyone knows that one of the key tenants to becoming a wealthy businessman is to increase production cost and lower the price of goods and services. There's absolutely no chance that their profit margin will be the only thing that increases.
Really, guys. Helping the rich helps the poor. All big businessmen agree, like Donald Trump. Well, except for Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, because they're in the Illuminati that wants to take your guns, ban your religion, and make you start sucking cock.
That's all the qualification you need to be an American politician. The problem isn't that they're lawyers. It's not that they think they're smart because of their law degree. It's that they know they're smarter than the people who elect them, which really isn't a very high bar.
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