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Well, in defense of Fox News (which I can't believe is a thing I'm doing), it does stand to reason that you'll end up with moderators talking more when they have to explain to Donald Trump that he didn't actually answer their question at all and then ask it again, then explain with exasperation that he didn't answer it again before giving up and moving on.
I take umbrage with Ted Cruz because if you were to apply his immigration plan in, say, 1960 or so, then Ted himself wouldn't even exist because his dad would have been deported.
Walker's position on abortion is absurdly reprehensible. When asked why he supports banning abortion even in cases of rape, incest, and danger of the mother losing her life, he replied that there are "always other options." Well you see, Scott, that's really the thing... Sometimes there actually aren't other options. That's why we have abortions to begin with. Let's at least de-fund planned parenthood and force women to get some ultrasounds. Those sure are proactive steps. Walker also carries being recalled as some kind of strange badge of honor. "So many people in my state hated me so much that they actually did try to fire my ass before my term was up. I showed them, though! I won!"
Rand Paul's spat with Chris Christie was amusing, if only because it's hilarious to see someone cause Christie to lose his mind on national television. Suggesting that you're all for increased surveillance on terrorist as long as it's only on terrorists is a magical failure in logical reasoning, but I do agree with his stance that the 4th amendment is kind of an afterthought at this point. That's kind of a "damned if you do; damned if you don't" type scenario, but I feel you have to land on "damned if you don't" if you advocate for civil liberty in any way. Christie's position is more or less "omelette, eggs, etc..." and while I appreciate the pragmatic nature of it, it's also pretty well unconstitutional as hell.
As far as Rubio goes, I'm honestly completely drawing a blank at this point. I can't remember a single thing he said, good or bad, and I really don't have any active idea of what his policy on anything actually advocates. So I guess by way of being completely unremarkable, he's probably one of the more viable candidates on the republican side.
As an aside: Kasich honestly did a fairly decent job in that debate, and while he didn't outright support either thing, I admired his positions on the Affordable Care Act and gay marriage. Standing by his medicaid expansion by way of saying "Obamacare is the ball I was handed, so despite not liking it, I still ran with it because it could help the people of my state" is really kind of a refreshing stance for a conservative to take on something. It wildly goes against the typical stance of "The proposed solution is not a complete solution, so my solution is to do absolutely nothing". And I have to throw points his way for saying that gay people getting married is just something you need to accept, because you've gotta accept people who are different than you, even if it conflicts with your personal beliefs. Really, not a bad showing from Kasich, and this is coming from an Ohioan who thinks he was a terrible congressman and is a terrible governor.
As far as Sanders goes, I honestly think he's the only actual viable candidate in the conversation. His utter disdain for corporations is wonderful, and his way of explaining to people that being a social democrat is a thing that hurts absolutely no one is pretty wonderful. Taking the position of "so many of the problems America has are problems that only America still has among developed countries" is a pretty good way to get even the unlikeliest of people to agree that maybe we need to get on the same goddamn page as everyone else, because regardless of what platitudes Trump wants to vomit up about Making America Great Again (his capitalization, not mine), the only way to do that is by making advancements where we have detriments. Not by being afraid of Mexicans and disparaging women who challenge you and saying stupid **** like how buying foreign cars puts American auto workers out of work when they build more cars for foreign companies than they do for American companies.
I'll vote for Hillary if I have to, and it's for the same reason as always: the GOP seemingly cannot possible field a candidate that is even remotely acceptable.
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