I'm going to see it once or twice more, but here's my initial thoughts
- Kylo Ren. My sister and cousin both think he's an angsty Severus Snape clone. However, I quite like the setup. He comes off as a badass, but once you get to him, he's weak, emotional, and very unstable. Like our heroes, this is a character that has to develop. He's almost the Anti-Finn. Where Finn is trying to leave the First Order, Ren is trying to become one with it. He seems to know that the **** he's pulling is bad, and it's hard for him to kill Solo, but he knows he has to if he wants to fulfill the destiny he believes Snoke laid out for him. I'm actually very interested in this character. (Antony sums up this character perfectly)
- Rey. She's okay. I like how it's established early on that she's self-sufficient and capable in multiple forms of combat (Beats up Unkar Plutt's thugs on Jakku with her staff and then proceeds to do some damn fine shooting on the forest world). I got super pumped when she had the Force vision (Which was perfect), and made me realize that the film's marketing was a clever red-herring in trying to get everyone thinking that Finn was the next Jedi.
- Finn. Interesting character. I think he kind of defected too quickly. For him to defect, I imagine he's seen some **** far worse than the villager massacre or the dying stormtrooper pitfully grasping for Finn as he died. But I think that Phasma said it was Finn's first mission, so maybe it was first mission trauma, or something.
- BB-8. I love this little ****. Just because of the blow torch "thumbs-up."
- Poe Dameron. I love this guy's personality. He's very fun. Problem is, his character really didn't do a whole lot. He was kind of like Wedge Antilles with a personality and more screen time, but otherwise he was just there to blow up something in the end. Hopefully the next film doesn't shaft him as much, because I like his personality.
- Captain Phasma. She got the Hell marketed out of her. I was expecting she'd do nothing, and that's what she did. She looks cool, but that's about it. She sells toys. However, I like her badass exterior holding out until the gun was pushed to her head, where she proceeded to fold like a bad hand. Of course the troopers are trained to die, but officer's are cowards.
- Snoke. Heh, snake. He was okay. I don't think we should have seen his face so early. This movie was lacking in reveals by revealing things waaaay to early.
- Maz Kanata. Okay side character. Quirky character, I hope she comes back.
- Han Solo. I like this Solo. He's kind of like the old fool-heardy one we love, but he's wiser at the same time. He's emotionally broken up but manages to hide it with snark and cynicism. However, I honestly thought he was going to ignore Leia and try to just shoot Ren. I don't know why. I thought he was just going to be stubborn. When Wookieepedia was hacked I saw the death notice, but thought it was a troll. During the actual scene, my heart was pounding hoping it wasn't true. Han was always one of my faves, pretty much in my number two spot under Lord Katarn, so this was emotionally disturbing for me. For some reason.
- Leia Organa. My audience kept applauding for old stuff when it appeared, but then they got quiet when she stepped onto the screen. I think the audience was disappointed that she wasn't in a bikini. I don't know. She was okay, but didn't do much. Her backstory in other material was handled better. Film skimped.
- Luke Skywalker. *laughs* He looks good in a beard, though.
- Ello Asty. Hardly a character, but I was looking forward to this character, hoping he'd be the next Wedge. Then he got killed like a *****. What the Hell screenwriter.
- Lightsaber battle. Kylo is rusty. And it works. He's not a great fighter, or he's severely out of practice. Note that he managed to kill some of Luke's other students, so he must be somewhat skilled in Lightsaber combat if he didn't just stab them in the back. I like how Finn tries, after it's established he sucks with the lightsaber anyways. Seeing that Solo died moments ago, I actually thought that Finn died when Kylo spine slashed him. Rey does well when she hones in, and as I said: it's established that she's a competent melee combatant while on Jakku. Still, it's a fight filled with amateurs, and as a result, its very grisly. Rey just grabbing the lightsaber with the Force, overpowering Kylo yet again and proving that she's stronger was just pure awesome. Both actors performing incredibly well sells a lot of this, too.
- Misc. Battles. They're okay.
- Aliens. I loved a lot of this. I found it a little odd we didn't see too many familiar faces, though. We see a Mon Calamari and a Sullustan in the alliance base, but everything else is a new alien. Cool, and the effects are cool, but did all Rodians die off or something? There's an Ithorian look-a-like and something called a Nu-Cosian (Which is a vaguely different Cosian?), and I honestly thought the big lizard guy (Grummgar is the character's name) was a big fat, over weight Bossk. I mean, the clothes were similar. Maybe his head got misshapen with age? I just found it odd we didn't have too many familiar faces at all. Instead, we get a gaggle of new aliens. Big Galaxy, I guess.
- "Nopetroopers." Just hilarious.
- The story. I mean, it's really similar to the original. Droid has piece of information, goes to desert planet to get it to rebel group, finds fledgling Jedi and friends, meet a smuggler and his Wookiee, deliver droid to rebel group, destroy super weapon that destroyed a planet. I mean, there's a lot of different stuff, and the story is more character driven than plot oriented, and the plot is rather simple, as was the original film's. I think we watch this because of the characters and side-conflicts. I don't mind a simple story, sometimes those work the best when other things add to it (Mad Max: Fury Road comes to mind), but this time it's weird because, we saw this plot. Those in the EU have seen this plot a lot. Like really, a lot. Dark Forces was essentially a "Destroy the Weapon" plot. I guess it's the journey that we watch, and the characters, and I guess it's different than trying to defeat a villain, or an evil plot, and it just goes to show almost many action movies have very similar plots to a degree.