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Luke's skill progression in the original trilogy:
About a day and a half aftern meeting Obi Wan and learning that the force even exists, he expertly pilots a craft he has never even seen before through a barrage of both artillery and highly skilled enemy fighter pilots, including evading the best pilot in the history of the galaxy because his half-wit friend managed to sneak up on him. He then wills a torpedo into a hole that is less than ten feet wide while flying at breakneck speed.
Fast forward, since the guy who told him a few things about the force is dead, Luke had apparently sat around and thought about it long enough that he can figure out that he's able to move objects with his mind, since no one has done this in front of him or indicated that it is in any way possible. He does this before training with Yoda, who teaches him nothing whatsoever about combat, but stresses the metaphysical importance of self control.
Luke immediately and completely ignored all of this to go fight his dad, who is also the most powerful Jedi in the history of the galaxy, and he kinda holds his own for a bit, even lands a blow or two before being handed his ass.
So then I guess he thinks about it for a while longer and buys some black clothes, because the only other training he gets is Yoda being mad that his dad told him the truth and subsequently dying, Obi Wan telling him he has a sister, but ignore it, and fighting and beating the hell out of his dad after he gets mad.
So let's recount. Luke receives almost no actual training whatsoever. He is never shown a thing about how to use a lightsaber, and he pretty much manages to figure all this **** out on his own.
And you're mad that a girl who has fought to survive on literally every day of her life is able to beat some ass in a fight? Yeah, I really can't imagine where she could have ever developed the attitude that she's gotta make something happen to stay alive, or that maybe the way the world works isn't what she thought. I mean, she was just told earlier that the way the world works isn't what she thought, and that she can do special things if she tries.
Why? Would it have been better for her to have her first fight in the second movie, so you can complain that it's too much like The Empire Strikes Back?
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