Wow, Donald Trump hasn't even taken the oath of office yet and he's already made Star Wars great again.
Now, since it wasn't obvious enough last year that my joke was mocking those complaining about a black stormtrooper, the above is a joke mocking those that are attributing virtually everything positive that occurs to Donald Trump. Apparently, my joke has relevance since there are those out there trying to drum up some anti-Trump sentiment to the film which is supposedly due to some writer "tweeting" something about the Empire being white supremacists.
So I've stayed away from this thread other than the first bit to find it humorous how similar Jon`C's views and mine are with regards to Episode VII and the movie theater experience. I decided to watch the film at the local Regal Cinema RPX screen. I hadn't sat in their RPX seats before and have virtually sworn off 3D but I felt this would be a good film to try it out with. No IMAX screen.
I bought tickets early enough that I had my choice of seats for the entire room. I asked the guy to pick what he liked best which had me about three fourths of the way back. I think I would have liked a few rows forward more but they were fine. The sound system was better than other screens and the theater. I can picture myself going this route again.
The 3D trailer for the upcoming Spiderman film had me seriously doubting my decision to view in 3D. The 3D effects were horrendous and looked like what I always describe as the Viewmaster Effect for anyone that remembers that old toy. But then the trailer for the next Guardians of the Galaxy film rolled and the 3D effects in that were excellent. At that point I became a little optimistic on the choice. If you're wondering about whether to watch the film in 3D or not, I don't think it matters. I didn't experience many, if any, of the things I dislike about 3D films but I did like the added sense of perspective. If this hasn't already become the norm for 3D films, it needs to.
As to the film itself, I don't believe I can find the way to describe just exactly how much I liked the film. My sense during and after the movie was so opposite to how I felt about the last one. Now, I really don't hate TFA but I easily rank it among the bottom three mainstream films. By contrast I rate this latest installment easily in the top three, probably top two, and perhaps as the best one yet. Not only that but I think it actually lifts up A New Hope by providing weight to the Death Star plans and a serious and dire sense of urgency to the circumstances unfolding.
I only watched one review of the film prior to viewing by a kid named Chris Stuckman. I was recently introduced to his YouTube channel and I like his work and humor. He complained a little about a CG character being in the film too much and thought they could have replaced some of that time with Vader. I surmised he was talking about Tarkin and his comments about it being obvious it was CG caused me to focus too much on him. Of course you can tell but if you didn't know better you might not and I disagree with having more Vader in the film. There was the right amount of Vader used to great effect. He also said that he thought it was a good but not great Star Wars movie. I disagree and from this I learned that I need to calibrate based on how highly a reviewer praised TFA.
I really wished I could have paused the movie and taken notes. There was one moment in particular where I thought there was a terrific "reference", a feeling that I had that someone brought something from a past Star Wars iteration into the film that was excellent. I suspected I would forget exactly what that was and I did. If I was seated between Jon`C and Brian we would have got it or I could have mentioned it but, no. I was sitting between my wife and son. Nobody to tell, lol. Still, I had a huge sense that the people that worked on this movie knew a lot of Star Wars lore from games, comics, etc and brought that in. All of the talk about crystals had me thinking of KoToR. The new droid reminded me of HK-47. One of the characters had a weapon that reminded me of a repeater. Various versions of TIE fighters reminded me of the old TIE Fighter and Rebel Assault II games.
One interesting note and if you're still wondering about the inclusion of a title crawl you can stop reading now. I was a little disappointed not to see it but I came away thinking it would have been harder to included one being the way the story opens and then jumps ahead. However, odd as it seems to me, there appears to be people that are confused by the time setting of the movie and why the princess is at the end. I guess this could have been cleared up with a title crawl or perhaps with, and how nerdy would this be, a time stamp during key scenes that indicated time before the Battle of Yavin or maybe destruction of Alderaan or something. Again, I don't care but even my son said, "a new Death Star" when he saw it. Technically, he wasn't wrong, but still!
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16