This year, especially due to playing through all these old JK/MotS SP levels, I've started to really think why I've always preferred MotS to JK.
(Also, every complaint about MotS' colored lighting is pretty dumb IMO, because colored lighting is what Unreal 1 did the same year and which more or less every 3D game has done ever since)
1) After playing Shadows of the Empire like mad in 1998, I started wondering how other Star Wars games were like, and I'm quite sure that the first one I tested was the demo for MotS. Which led me to buying MotS first and only then realizing that I needed JK as well.
I did play JK's demo before getting MotS, though, and for some reason I didn't really like it at all. Perhaps it felt "clinical" due to not having colored lighting and I had already "gotten used to" MotS anyhow. Alas.
2) MotS really was in many ways the epilogue to the Thrawn Trilogy. Come to think of it, the Thrawn Trilogy really was the "official Epilogue Trilogy" back in the late 1990s. Maybe it still is to some people. But the Thrawn Trilogy elements being around in MotS was a definite bonus at the time.
3) MotS had far more elements from the SW films and Expanded Universe than JK did. In fact, JK is extremely self-contained and thus has its own unique "take", or so to speak, on the SW universe. I always liked how MotS had 3D models for the Falcon (or YT-1300 Haberdasher whatever), A/X/Y Wings etc. in it, thus giving the editor a wider selection of ships than "let's re-skin the Moldy Crow". Not to mention having Vader, Luke etc. as MP character models (and more SW Trilogy related MP levels, not to mention the secret Bespin level) and so on.
4) Due to having game engine powered cutscenes, MotS was in a way more suitable for SP levels due to having animations and the like for it, which led to most great JK/MotS SP levels being for MotS.
5) There probably were/are other reasons.
Of course, nowadays I (still) do think that Dark Forces was the most Star Wars-like of all the Star Wars games (not only does it have Vader in it, but the dianoga in level 3 acts like it does in ANH, the second level has skeletons lying around in quite the Owen and Beru fashion, Jabba just happens to capture Kyle at one point etc.)... which is why it's a shame that the Mos Eisley UE4 tech demo will only remain a one-level tech demo, because its gameplay (even without any enemies) just emits "this is what a late-2010s Dark Forces could be like!" all over the place. Alas, 'twas not meant to be.
But yeah, JK's cool too. Even though for a long time it was "fashionable" around here to bash JK for some reason, it's actually a pretty good game. I just still kinda prefer MotS to it.
However, it annoys the hell out of me when someone goes all "hey, remember Jedi Knight? Classic game!" on some other forum/place, and then I'll find out they're talking about Jedi fuc*king Outcast or Academy. Boh!