Pray Disney doesn't alter it further...
Damn, to be a Star Wars geek and a video game nerd to is to know-about/play yoda stories......
I bought the JKDF2 box with vader, don't think I ever realized that it never happens..... damn.... What an odd stroke of luck, for me to stumble upon this PC game as an unassuming, and clueless 8 year old. What chances, that it led me here to Massassi. Pre-pubecent me had some rad taste. Just the other day I re-watched "The 13th Warrior" (A Viking movie with Antonio Banderas) for the first time since I initially saw it back in 1999 or 2000. I liked the movie as a kid, but damn, that was a cool flick! Ok I digress.
Now, don't mistake me, I love the Super Star Wars series. I grew up playing them. BUT, I was born in 1990. This means I actually played Shadows of the Empire LONG before I got my hands on the SNES games. Coming off 3D star wars games, and going back to 2D gameplay is tough. Not to mention the face that, yeah man, they WERE hard. The Dune-esk sandworm boss is easy enough, and if you get the lock on rockets the game gets considerably easier, but that's a fat chance. ALSO that sand-crawler level is long and tedious platforming. Its no cakewalk. If you are indeed as good at the game as you say, id be interested in watching. Throw up a video of you blasting the sand-crawler level in the ass and I will never doubt you again.
Now that I think about it, they were pretty cool games. I member playing as Luke and Han, and Bounty Hunter Leia in Jedi. Fighting Boba Fett in Empire. Fighting that monster Wampa in empire. Getting my taun taun killed. ahh good times.
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "