When I say I like it, I mean that only in that I can completely turn my brain off and it doesn't try to pretentious me with its characters or plot. So it's watchable. Not magnificent at all.
Ironically the Darth Vader hallways scene is one I like least. It's far too fan servicey for me.
10 year olds also think
the gummy bear song is the height of music. Realizing **** you liked as a kid is awful isn't a defect, it's something that
hopefully happens. Kids have much different taste from adults
Some internet denizens argue that Star Wars was "always for kids" and that if you don't like it now you're just ""jaded"". Which is just ****ing wrong, I don't even know how to express it any other way. Star Wars and ESB were very clearly written for a more adult audience. Lucas purposefully diverted aspects of the film to sell more toys. So yeah, the two films most adults agree are the best Star Wars films are also the ones which make no attempt to appeal to children. In other news, adults don't listen to the gummy bear song.
Also, as an aside, I absolutely hate "nostalgia!" arguments. Nostalgia to me is when you
can't detach yourself from emotions and rewatch something critically. There are parts of ESB I think are very weak. The Hoth battle is a good example. Most of the ships flying look pretty bad, and the stop motion on the AT-ATs looks crappy. It was an achievement for the time but it doesn't hold up. I felt like skipping it when I watched ESB a couple months back.
That said, I still think all in all it's a great film, for some reasons I'll express below.
Alright, I'll let you in on a little secret. Generally speaking, plot comes second to characters when making a timeless film. The Dark Knight, for instance, is not remembered for the plot. It's remembered for Heath Ledger's astonishing performance as the Joker. The OT may not have had the best performances ever, but Harrison Ford gave one of his best and the characterization holds up well.
I recommend rewatching the OT in terms of characters, then watch the ST. When you try and ask the question "how is the character developing in this scene?" you will find the ST spends a massive amount of time jerking off over nostalgia and generally wasting time doing very little. The OT pushes characters forward in a much more direct and consistent way. It's not unique or flashy, but it's well-done, and that's a huge reason the films still work today.
So yeah, the fact ESB's plot moves forward well is enough. Small time frame holes don't add up to much when the film successfully invests you in the characters.
So I agree with this, 100%, people are dumb and don't understand the films. The biggest issue with Rey is the film doesn't do much to get you involved with her or care at all. She's just characterized very weakly.