No nukes? Fine, we'll use our MOABs. I mean, hell, it seems a waste to have made them if we're not gonna use 'em.
And no, there's no possible way for the US to hold any sizable amount of land. We *are* however, easily capable of completely decimating the chinese military itself in short order. Aside from the fact that they've got some really nifty long-range, high-speed torpedos on their subs, their navy just wouldn't do a thing.
Our deep water navy is terrifyingly large. It grossly dwarfs every other nation's navy. I forgot the exact numbers, but it was something along the lines of, the US navy is larger than the next 10 nation's navies by size put together.
We have 7 Nimitz class carriers, the largest warships ever created at about 320m in length. For comparison, the British navy, the second most powerful in the world, currently fields 3 Invincible class carriers, each coming in at about 170m in length. The Nimitz carries, if I'm not mistaken, about 70 aircraft. A Nimitz carrier group is also effectively invincible against conventional weaponry. Many, many ships, all protected by the beatiful AEGIS system.
The Chinese have.... No carriers. Well, they've got an old Russian one, but they aren't really using it as a carrier. Their entire naval strength seems to consist of destroyers and a handful of subs.
Their airforce isn't much more impressive. They've got some SU-27s, which are damn nice planes, but not enoughh to make a difference.
And Ictus - You're not giving the Chinese enough credit. They've got more than 50 million able-bodied men. There's something like 300 million that meet the requirements for their army.
Basically, China's just a bigger Iraq. The war, in any traditional form, wouldn't be horribly costly for the US. But we'd have an ugly, ugly, ugly, and ultimately impossible policing ahead of us.
[This message has been edited by Slug (edited January 19, 2004).]