This is a story I started at TACC, but didn't get that much attention, so I'm trying it here. It's set during the time of the Old Republic, when there was a bunch of debates in the concerning slavery. It will eventually end up in a large civil war. Please don't mess it up.
Chancellor Benoar made a loud sigh and switched off the speaker system for the Quorosan senator. Immediately the senator's violent ramblings became nothing more than a faint whisper. The discussions started out calm, about a week or so ago when a proposal was presented to abolish slavery in the Galactic Republic. Now it has turned to a violent debate.
The Senator from Maleras spoke up as his pod floated out to the center of the Senate Hall.
"I understand the economy of your planet, Senator Yuvas. I've understood that for some time now." He flicked out a tongue to lick his scaly lips. "But there must be some other alternative to this. Why do you need slaves to do all your labor for you? It goes against the ideals and virtues that the Republic stands for."
The Quorasan Senator sat patiently and waited for the Chancellor to reactivate his speakers. They turned on and the Senator ruffled his large feathers in a sign of despair.
"My thick headed friend. Nowhere does it say in the laws of the Republic that enemies of war cannot be taken as slaves. As the saying goes: 'To the victors belong the winnings'."
"You're using sentient beings for your own advantage," the Malerasian senator said. "That is something the Republic must not allow."
The Rodian Senator suddenly spoke up. "I agree fully with Senator Grishtak. The using of intelligent beings to do your own work and treating them as animals is extremely wrong, and the planet of Rodia is outraged by this turn of events on behalf of Quorosa."
"The planet wasn't even a member of the Republic. They started a war with us, we won, and we took over the planet. They would have done the same to us if they had won."
"Their slaves do not only benefit themselves, either," the Twi-lek Senator stated. "Our planet has benefited greatly by the good produced by the Quorosans. Much more so than we could have done with our own Twi-lek slaves."
Benoar had stopped listening to the debate a while ago. The same arguments between the Senators reused daily, with the same effect. Neither side was satisfied with the other's arguments, and came back the next day restating the same lines. He had to figure out a way to resolve the debate soon, or tension could rise and a full scale war could arise. Smoothing out the gray fur on his arm, the Togorian Chancellor arose.
"This Senate Meeting is adjourned. We will meet again when the Senators can present new arguments on the matter."
He sat back down again and sighed heavily. This is going to be hard.
Chancellor Kaer Benoar sat in his large palace. It was given to all Chancellors, and he liked it a lot. It was at a very high altitude, and when he was up there and looked out the window he felt secluded. It felt nice to get away from the politics of normal life.
He missed his youth, while on the planet Togoria. He wasn't a famous warrior or anything, but was respected for his wisdom. He eventually became the Master of his tribe. He was Senator for Togoria for a few years, and after the former Chancellor had died suddenly he was elected to take his place.
He took the position willingly, but after a while he began to wonder if this was the right thing for him. Back on Togoria he was a good leader, because he knew everyone. He could offer advice; lead the warriors into battle, and everything that needed to be done in the tribe. Even as Senator it wasn't that hard, because he stayed in close contact with the planet. But now it was much more challenging. He was basically the leader of the Republic. That's a lot of planets. He must consider all the planet's needs and take care of them in a fitting and orderly manner. And this recent crisis has been the most difficult he had encountered.
Of course, there had always been slavery. A species of intelligent beings taking far less intelligent beings as laborers, labeling them inferior was nothing new. But four standard years ago Quorosa and the Killak system got in a bloody battle over a large uninhabited planet in between both warring planets. The war lasted for three and a half years until the Quorosans gathered a huge fleet and invaded the capital planet of Killak II, crippling the foundation of the system, and it's military.
Afterwards, the Quorasans took the surviving Killians and turned them all into a slave race. The slaves were put hard at work, and the Quorosan system was producing the most goods in most of the Republic.
Unfortunately, this also angered a lot of the galaxy, as well. Many citizens felt taking an entire civilization and using them as slaves was wrong. Other planets, who depend greatly on imported goods, welcome the new slaves with open arms. The Abolition Petition was presented in the Senate by a large number of planets for the complete annihilation of slavery in the Republic. That produced large controversy in the Senate, and nothing new has happened since then, and the petition was presented a week ago.
Benoar doesn't mind the actions of the Quorosans. He often took captured enemies and used them as slaves back on Togoria, as well. He felt the same way as the Quorosan Senator: To the victors belong the winnings. But he couldn't let that get in the way of his decision. That's the problem with being Chancellor. You must listen to the arguments given and give a completely unbiased opinion. It's times like these that he felt very alone. In fact, he didn't know what he would do if it weren't for one woman...
"Would you like some Aberanian tea, Chancellor?" His beautiful handmaiden walked into the room with a tray, her auburn hair bouncing lightly as she walked.
"Yes I would, thank you," Benoar replied.
Shliey Ashd'r. She was one of the only female companions he'd ever had. He'd known her for a few years already, and even though she wasn't Togorian, felt a deep love for her. She was a human from a planet in the Mid Rim Territories, Naboo. It was a small planet, but was very pretty. It seemed fitting to him that it should be her native planet.
"How was the Senate meeting today?"
He took a sip of his tea. "Tiring. The discussions aren't going anywhere. We've got to make an agreement soon or I'm afraid these debates will turn into bloodshed."
"Oh, I'm sure you'll think of something," she said softly.
Benoar sighed. “I hope so.”
Checoc Weden stared at the holovid. The news of the latest Senate meeting was just released to the public. What he heard didn’t make him much happier than he already had been.
He could remember when the Republic wasn’t sticking their nose into all their business. He was so proud to be labeled a Quorosan then. Proud down to the smallest detail that could be used to describe a Quorosan. Their physical appearance was one of the major things he liked.
He loved the small beaks in the front of their skinny head, with large cheekbones, which left a dent in their skin. Their round eyes surrounded by a ridge of feathers running down the top of the skull added a certain toughness to their complexion. In the back they had long feathers, which protruded outwards.
They had long, stiff necks, and below that a strong, muscular body with long feathery arms and legs than ended in sharp claws. The feathers on their body were another thing he was very proud of. Unlike most species, which had fingerprints or scale patterns to distinguish one member from the next, each Quorosan had a separate pattern of feathers, which ranged from different colors, and in some parts of the body, to different sizes. Even the females, which were generally were a grayish type blue color, had different variations of the colors, which, what a lot of sentient thought was bland, he found beautiful.
Besides physical appearance, their was their political system. Theirs was very much different than most governments in the Republic, basically because they really didn’t have an established government. Checoc felt this made them one of the more intelligent species, as well. Most species wouldn’t be able to go on without a government to lead the people. Without one there would be nothing but chaos and destruction. On Quorosa, the people held large meetings in the capital city of Quesa Tehk, where they all voted and discussed certain matters. They decided what the laws of the city were, where taxes should go, who the leaders of the military and law enforment commanders should be, etc.
The military was another one of the things Checoc loved about Quorosa. They had one of the strongest fleets in the Expansion Region. Their large construction yards on the planet of Penthosa provided them with large battleships and fighters, which had long protected the planet from attacks by pirates, which frequently try to steal cargo vessels leaving from the planet.
Quorosa had some of the largest manufacturing companies in the Republic, also making them one of the richest planets in the galaxy. Their planet’s thick crust was filled with valuable ores, minerals, crystals, fossil fuels, and other things, which they distributed to much of the galaxy. And now with the much larger amount of slaves, Quorosa has been getting more credits than ever.
Of course, this also enraged much of the galaxy, as well. Checoc really despised the ignorance of many planets in the Republic at times. It’s as if they have forgotten that with war certain prices have to be paid by the losing side. This price has also benefited much of the galaxy.
The Four-year Quorosa/Killak war was a good one in his opinion, and he was able to witness it first hand. The Quorosan people had elected him High Commander of Military Forces. It started when an archaeological expedition, led by both Quorosan and Killian scientists, discovered a fossilized fuel which, they discovered, was much more efficient than the regular tibanna gas and other fuels commonly used by ships. And there was a whole lot of the rock there.
Of course, the two neighboring planets decided to keep their knowledge a secret, to keep the rest of the galaxy from coming over and taking the planet for themselves. The question now was, which of the two planets got the planet? War soon broke out.
The common battlefield was over the planet they were fighting over, which neither side had thought to give a proper name. Neither side was able to keep it for long.
The problem was, that even though Quorosa had a very strong fleet, the Killian fleet was larger, and almost as strong. After almost four years the Killians gathered their forces and launched a full-scale attack on Penthosa, crippling the Quorosan’s military supplier. Realizing that soon that Quorosa would soon wear out it’s defenses, leaving Quorosa, and the planet they were fighting for open for Killak, the Quorosan also gathered their forces, and sent two spies into Killak. They disabled the shield generator surrounding the planet, and the Quorosan fleet arrived to take over Killak. They soon surrendered.
Checoc had received great praise for leading the assault on Killak, and was able to arrive on the planet and meet the leader of the Killak military for the first time.
He had never liked the Killians that much, but this one he actually felt pity for. He had a gray, smooth skin, common with most Killians, but he could see the man had been under a large amount of stress recently. His bloodshot eyes almost stuck out of their sockets, sometimes his eyes wide open, other times half closed. His hands and fingers were bony, which pointed to him not eating in a while. The officer was clearly in poor condition, and died a few weeks after his defeat.
The Killians were taken as slaves, and Quorosa could finally begin mining the planet they had now received. A camp was set up to examine the crust, and a few months later the archaeologists frantically left. Apparently, the rock under the crust is very thick and strong, and it holds in the pressure made in the mantle and core. Every millennium or so the rock finally cracks under the pressure, releasing millions of volcanoes all over the planet, covering the surface in lava and molten rock, and covering the sky with ashes. It would be another three hundred years before all the lava hardens, and another two hundred before all the ash clears away, allowing sunlight to come through and new plants to grow.
Fortunately, the war wasn’t a complete loss. No civilians died during the battles, Quorosa received a planetful of new slaves, and luckily, the archaeologists managed to save most of the animals and put them on a shuttle before the planet erupted. Quorosa now has one of the most popular zoological attractions in the galaxy.
Checoc had now retired. He had moved to a private retreat in the Western Mountains of Quorosa where he lived alone. He watched the holovid in disgust with the new political attention in the Senate, and hoped Senator Yuvas could smooth everything over before something extremely bad happens for Quorosa. Of course, that’s why he was elected.
Wilham Yoshima was a Jedi Knight. Master Bari had called him before the Jedi Council on Coruscant to give him his new assignment. He was to serve as Jedi watchman for Quorosa. There had never been a Quorosan watchman before, since the Quorosan resisted all or most outside influence.
But in this time of near-crisis, the Jedi Council deemed it necessary to keep a closer eye upon Quorosa.
Now he was talking to Unqi Navishma on the holovid. Unqi, an attractive 20-year-old human woman, was going to be Wilham's Padawan apprentice. However, before Wilham could take her on as his apprentice, he had been called to Quorosa.
Unqi, in her naiveté, asked, "Master Wilham, why can't we Jedi just step in and outlaw slavery? The Jedi Code forbids slavery."
Wilham sighed. "You have much to learn, Unqi. The Jedi are the protectors of the Republic, not its leaders."
"But slavery is wrong," Unqi argued. "How can it be anything but right to step in?"
"Because we believe that slavery is wrong does not give us license to make that decision for others," Wilham explained.
"Well, couldn't we at least mediate?" Unqi wondered. "I know Master Frarmicaon is an excellent negioator. I mean, we all know how he settled the shipping dispute between Exten and Morgh fifteen years ago."
"We are guides," Wilham explained, "not crutches. We work toward the betterment of all sentients. The races must learn to mediate and settle disputes among themselves, not rely on the Jedi Order for everything. We would be failing in our duty and our beliefs if we coddled the peoples of the Republic."
Unqi considered this, taking it all in. She sighed inwardly. "I guess I see, Master Wilham. I have learned a lot today. Thank you."
"Farewell, Unqi. May the Force be with you," Wilham bid her farewell.
"May the Force be with you, Master."
Cas'aab was a Caamasi. The Caamasi were famous philosophers and advocates of peace and other virtues and ideals throughout the galaxy, and had been as far as any Republic historian knew. Indeed, it was said that, 22,500 years ago, when the Order of the Jedi was just beginning (on the planet Ossus, it was rumored), the first Jedi came to Caamas to learn how to use their powers. After all, the vast bulk of the Jedi Code was very similar to Caamasi philosophy.
Cas'aab had written a paper, intended to present both sides of the slavery issue and to assert the Caamasi doctrine and ideal of anti-slavery at the end. Thus, the Caamasi leadership hoped, both sides would learn to see all sides of an argument, and the Quorosan slavers would see the error of their ways. Cas'aab entitled his paper A Declaration on the Rights of Sentient Beings Existing and Coexisting in This Fair Galaxy.
Stepping up into his hover pod, Cas'aab sent it into the middle of the Senate chamber, and began to read.
“Members of the Galactic Republic,” he began. “As you know, the recent actions of the Quorosan government have started a conflict that could tear the Republic apart.
“There has always been slavery in the galaxy, and there has always been a minor debate on the subject. There was even a large slave market here on Coruscant until a few hundred cycles ago. And slavery does have its benefits. It provides free labor to produce goods, and often more than just the slavers benefit. For example, the Quorosan goods have been sold over the galaxy, and have helped many citizens.
“Though, with the question of slavery also comes the question of humanity. Is it right to use another person to your own benefit? This person could mature to be a great leader for their planet, or even be elected Grand Chancellor of the Republic. They could discover a cure for a deadly disease, or any number of things. But instead they are forced to work, and their master reaps the reward.
“The matter with slavery is a completely moral issue. The Republic cannot be a fair government if an entire species can be taken as slaves and forced into labor. It is the opinion of the Caamasi government that slavery should be officially banned in the Galactic Republic. If the government can allow the actions taken by the Quorosan people to pass, there’s no limit to what other atrocities can be committed in the Republic.”
The Caamasi Senator sat back down, and listened to the murmurs that surrounded him around the room.
Benoar looked down at Cas’aab as his pod moved back into its position on the wall.
“Thank you, Senator Cas’aab. Are there any comments that would like to be made?”
Senator Yuvas stood up. “Yes, I do. Senator Cas’aab, if you completely ban slavery in the Republic, do you have an idea of the economic disaster that will be caused?”
“Senator Yuvas, you do not need forced labor to run an economy. Many other independent governments have done fine economically without the need of slaves, and most produce their own goods and necessities of life. If your government on Quorosa does meet a downfall, it will be very brief, and if it does get worse you could easily get help from the rest of the Republic by loans. Raising salaries for workers will get plenty of more workers for you, and will greatly increase income. Governments and economy should not, and need not, be made on the backs of slaves.”
Yuvas tried to think of something to say, but found he couldn’t and sat back down. It was something about his voice. Cas’aab had a strong voice, and when he spoke it was as if sheer power was coming from his lips. Any comment Yuvas made would just make him look foolish among the rest of the Senators, and wouldn’t draw much support. That, and along with the fact that there wasn’t really much he could say.
“It appears as if Senator Yuvas is finished,” Benoar said. “Any further comments among the Senate?” No one spoke. “If there are no more arguments or proposals that can be made by one week, there will be a vote on the Quorosan Slavery Issue. The Senate Meeting is now adjourned.”
If you would like to add non-story comments, please post them here so we can reduce cluttering here and just post story parts. Thanks.![ []](
'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?
-Wedge Antilles
[This message has been edited by Cougar (edited November 12, 2000).]
Chancellor Benoar made a loud sigh and switched off the speaker system for the Quorosan senator. Immediately the senator's violent ramblings became nothing more than a faint whisper. The discussions started out calm, about a week or so ago when a proposal was presented to abolish slavery in the Galactic Republic. Now it has turned to a violent debate.
The Senator from Maleras spoke up as his pod floated out to the center of the Senate Hall.
"I understand the economy of your planet, Senator Yuvas. I've understood that for some time now." He flicked out a tongue to lick his scaly lips. "But there must be some other alternative to this. Why do you need slaves to do all your labor for you? It goes against the ideals and virtues that the Republic stands for."
The Quorasan Senator sat patiently and waited for the Chancellor to reactivate his speakers. They turned on and the Senator ruffled his large feathers in a sign of despair.
"My thick headed friend. Nowhere does it say in the laws of the Republic that enemies of war cannot be taken as slaves. As the saying goes: 'To the victors belong the winnings'."
"You're using sentient beings for your own advantage," the Malerasian senator said. "That is something the Republic must not allow."
The Rodian Senator suddenly spoke up. "I agree fully with Senator Grishtak. The using of intelligent beings to do your own work and treating them as animals is extremely wrong, and the planet of Rodia is outraged by this turn of events on behalf of Quorosa."
"The planet wasn't even a member of the Republic. They started a war with us, we won, and we took over the planet. They would have done the same to us if they had won."
"Their slaves do not only benefit themselves, either," the Twi-lek Senator stated. "Our planet has benefited greatly by the good produced by the Quorosans. Much more so than we could have done with our own Twi-lek slaves."
Benoar had stopped listening to the debate a while ago. The same arguments between the Senators reused daily, with the same effect. Neither side was satisfied with the other's arguments, and came back the next day restating the same lines. He had to figure out a way to resolve the debate soon, or tension could rise and a full scale war could arise. Smoothing out the gray fur on his arm, the Togorian Chancellor arose.
"This Senate Meeting is adjourned. We will meet again when the Senators can present new arguments on the matter."
He sat back down again and sighed heavily. This is going to be hard.
Chancellor Kaer Benoar sat in his large palace. It was given to all Chancellors, and he liked it a lot. It was at a very high altitude, and when he was up there and looked out the window he felt secluded. It felt nice to get away from the politics of normal life.
He missed his youth, while on the planet Togoria. He wasn't a famous warrior or anything, but was respected for his wisdom. He eventually became the Master of his tribe. He was Senator for Togoria for a few years, and after the former Chancellor had died suddenly he was elected to take his place.
He took the position willingly, but after a while he began to wonder if this was the right thing for him. Back on Togoria he was a good leader, because he knew everyone. He could offer advice; lead the warriors into battle, and everything that needed to be done in the tribe. Even as Senator it wasn't that hard, because he stayed in close contact with the planet. But now it was much more challenging. He was basically the leader of the Republic. That's a lot of planets. He must consider all the planet's needs and take care of them in a fitting and orderly manner. And this recent crisis has been the most difficult he had encountered.
Of course, there had always been slavery. A species of intelligent beings taking far less intelligent beings as laborers, labeling them inferior was nothing new. But four standard years ago Quorosa and the Killak system got in a bloody battle over a large uninhabited planet in between both warring planets. The war lasted for three and a half years until the Quorosans gathered a huge fleet and invaded the capital planet of Killak II, crippling the foundation of the system, and it's military.
Afterwards, the Quorasans took the surviving Killians and turned them all into a slave race. The slaves were put hard at work, and the Quorosan system was producing the most goods in most of the Republic.
Unfortunately, this also angered a lot of the galaxy, as well. Many citizens felt taking an entire civilization and using them as slaves was wrong. Other planets, who depend greatly on imported goods, welcome the new slaves with open arms. The Abolition Petition was presented in the Senate by a large number of planets for the complete annihilation of slavery in the Republic. That produced large controversy in the Senate, and nothing new has happened since then, and the petition was presented a week ago.
Benoar doesn't mind the actions of the Quorosans. He often took captured enemies and used them as slaves back on Togoria, as well. He felt the same way as the Quorosan Senator: To the victors belong the winnings. But he couldn't let that get in the way of his decision. That's the problem with being Chancellor. You must listen to the arguments given and give a completely unbiased opinion. It's times like these that he felt very alone. In fact, he didn't know what he would do if it weren't for one woman...
"Would you like some Aberanian tea, Chancellor?" His beautiful handmaiden walked into the room with a tray, her auburn hair bouncing lightly as she walked.
"Yes I would, thank you," Benoar replied.
Shliey Ashd'r. She was one of the only female companions he'd ever had. He'd known her for a few years already, and even though she wasn't Togorian, felt a deep love for her. She was a human from a planet in the Mid Rim Territories, Naboo. It was a small planet, but was very pretty. It seemed fitting to him that it should be her native planet.
"How was the Senate meeting today?"
He took a sip of his tea. "Tiring. The discussions aren't going anywhere. We've got to make an agreement soon or I'm afraid these debates will turn into bloodshed."
"Oh, I'm sure you'll think of something," she said softly.
Benoar sighed. “I hope so.”
Checoc Weden stared at the holovid. The news of the latest Senate meeting was just released to the public. What he heard didn’t make him much happier than he already had been.
He could remember when the Republic wasn’t sticking their nose into all their business. He was so proud to be labeled a Quorosan then. Proud down to the smallest detail that could be used to describe a Quorosan. Their physical appearance was one of the major things he liked.
He loved the small beaks in the front of their skinny head, with large cheekbones, which left a dent in their skin. Their round eyes surrounded by a ridge of feathers running down the top of the skull added a certain toughness to their complexion. In the back they had long feathers, which protruded outwards.
They had long, stiff necks, and below that a strong, muscular body with long feathery arms and legs than ended in sharp claws. The feathers on their body were another thing he was very proud of. Unlike most species, which had fingerprints or scale patterns to distinguish one member from the next, each Quorosan had a separate pattern of feathers, which ranged from different colors, and in some parts of the body, to different sizes. Even the females, which were generally were a grayish type blue color, had different variations of the colors, which, what a lot of sentient thought was bland, he found beautiful.
Besides physical appearance, their was their political system. Theirs was very much different than most governments in the Republic, basically because they really didn’t have an established government. Checoc felt this made them one of the more intelligent species, as well. Most species wouldn’t be able to go on without a government to lead the people. Without one there would be nothing but chaos and destruction. On Quorosa, the people held large meetings in the capital city of Quesa Tehk, where they all voted and discussed certain matters. They decided what the laws of the city were, where taxes should go, who the leaders of the military and law enforment commanders should be, etc.
The military was another one of the things Checoc loved about Quorosa. They had one of the strongest fleets in the Expansion Region. Their large construction yards on the planet of Penthosa provided them with large battleships and fighters, which had long protected the planet from attacks by pirates, which frequently try to steal cargo vessels leaving from the planet.
Quorosa had some of the largest manufacturing companies in the Republic, also making them one of the richest planets in the galaxy. Their planet’s thick crust was filled with valuable ores, minerals, crystals, fossil fuels, and other things, which they distributed to much of the galaxy. And now with the much larger amount of slaves, Quorosa has been getting more credits than ever.
Of course, this also enraged much of the galaxy, as well. Checoc really despised the ignorance of many planets in the Republic at times. It’s as if they have forgotten that with war certain prices have to be paid by the losing side. This price has also benefited much of the galaxy.
The Four-year Quorosa/Killak war was a good one in his opinion, and he was able to witness it first hand. The Quorosan people had elected him High Commander of Military Forces. It started when an archaeological expedition, led by both Quorosan and Killian scientists, discovered a fossilized fuel which, they discovered, was much more efficient than the regular tibanna gas and other fuels commonly used by ships. And there was a whole lot of the rock there.
Of course, the two neighboring planets decided to keep their knowledge a secret, to keep the rest of the galaxy from coming over and taking the planet for themselves. The question now was, which of the two planets got the planet? War soon broke out.
The common battlefield was over the planet they were fighting over, which neither side had thought to give a proper name. Neither side was able to keep it for long.
The problem was, that even though Quorosa had a very strong fleet, the Killian fleet was larger, and almost as strong. After almost four years the Killians gathered their forces and launched a full-scale attack on Penthosa, crippling the Quorosan’s military supplier. Realizing that soon that Quorosa would soon wear out it’s defenses, leaving Quorosa, and the planet they were fighting for open for Killak, the Quorosan also gathered their forces, and sent two spies into Killak. They disabled the shield generator surrounding the planet, and the Quorosan fleet arrived to take over Killak. They soon surrendered.
Checoc had received great praise for leading the assault on Killak, and was able to arrive on the planet and meet the leader of the Killak military for the first time.
He had never liked the Killians that much, but this one he actually felt pity for. He had a gray, smooth skin, common with most Killians, but he could see the man had been under a large amount of stress recently. His bloodshot eyes almost stuck out of their sockets, sometimes his eyes wide open, other times half closed. His hands and fingers were bony, which pointed to him not eating in a while. The officer was clearly in poor condition, and died a few weeks after his defeat.
The Killians were taken as slaves, and Quorosa could finally begin mining the planet they had now received. A camp was set up to examine the crust, and a few months later the archaeologists frantically left. Apparently, the rock under the crust is very thick and strong, and it holds in the pressure made in the mantle and core. Every millennium or so the rock finally cracks under the pressure, releasing millions of volcanoes all over the planet, covering the surface in lava and molten rock, and covering the sky with ashes. It would be another three hundred years before all the lava hardens, and another two hundred before all the ash clears away, allowing sunlight to come through and new plants to grow.
Fortunately, the war wasn’t a complete loss. No civilians died during the battles, Quorosa received a planetful of new slaves, and luckily, the archaeologists managed to save most of the animals and put them on a shuttle before the planet erupted. Quorosa now has one of the most popular zoological attractions in the galaxy.
Checoc had now retired. He had moved to a private retreat in the Western Mountains of Quorosa where he lived alone. He watched the holovid in disgust with the new political attention in the Senate, and hoped Senator Yuvas could smooth everything over before something extremely bad happens for Quorosa. Of course, that’s why he was elected.
Wilham Yoshima was a Jedi Knight. Master Bari had called him before the Jedi Council on Coruscant to give him his new assignment. He was to serve as Jedi watchman for Quorosa. There had never been a Quorosan watchman before, since the Quorosan resisted all or most outside influence.
But in this time of near-crisis, the Jedi Council deemed it necessary to keep a closer eye upon Quorosa.
Now he was talking to Unqi Navishma on the holovid. Unqi, an attractive 20-year-old human woman, was going to be Wilham's Padawan apprentice. However, before Wilham could take her on as his apprentice, he had been called to Quorosa.
Unqi, in her naiveté, asked, "Master Wilham, why can't we Jedi just step in and outlaw slavery? The Jedi Code forbids slavery."
Wilham sighed. "You have much to learn, Unqi. The Jedi are the protectors of the Republic, not its leaders."
"But slavery is wrong," Unqi argued. "How can it be anything but right to step in?"
"Because we believe that slavery is wrong does not give us license to make that decision for others," Wilham explained.
"Well, couldn't we at least mediate?" Unqi wondered. "I know Master Frarmicaon is an excellent negioator. I mean, we all know how he settled the shipping dispute between Exten and Morgh fifteen years ago."
"We are guides," Wilham explained, "not crutches. We work toward the betterment of all sentients. The races must learn to mediate and settle disputes among themselves, not rely on the Jedi Order for everything. We would be failing in our duty and our beliefs if we coddled the peoples of the Republic."
Unqi considered this, taking it all in. She sighed inwardly. "I guess I see, Master Wilham. I have learned a lot today. Thank you."
"Farewell, Unqi. May the Force be with you," Wilham bid her farewell.
"May the Force be with you, Master."
Cas'aab was a Caamasi. The Caamasi were famous philosophers and advocates of peace and other virtues and ideals throughout the galaxy, and had been as far as any Republic historian knew. Indeed, it was said that, 22,500 years ago, when the Order of the Jedi was just beginning (on the planet Ossus, it was rumored), the first Jedi came to Caamas to learn how to use their powers. After all, the vast bulk of the Jedi Code was very similar to Caamasi philosophy.
Cas'aab had written a paper, intended to present both sides of the slavery issue and to assert the Caamasi doctrine and ideal of anti-slavery at the end. Thus, the Caamasi leadership hoped, both sides would learn to see all sides of an argument, and the Quorosan slavers would see the error of their ways. Cas'aab entitled his paper A Declaration on the Rights of Sentient Beings Existing and Coexisting in This Fair Galaxy.
Stepping up into his hover pod, Cas'aab sent it into the middle of the Senate chamber, and began to read.
“Members of the Galactic Republic,” he began. “As you know, the recent actions of the Quorosan government have started a conflict that could tear the Republic apart.
“There has always been slavery in the galaxy, and there has always been a minor debate on the subject. There was even a large slave market here on Coruscant until a few hundred cycles ago. And slavery does have its benefits. It provides free labor to produce goods, and often more than just the slavers benefit. For example, the Quorosan goods have been sold over the galaxy, and have helped many citizens.
“Though, with the question of slavery also comes the question of humanity. Is it right to use another person to your own benefit? This person could mature to be a great leader for their planet, or even be elected Grand Chancellor of the Republic. They could discover a cure for a deadly disease, or any number of things. But instead they are forced to work, and their master reaps the reward.
“The matter with slavery is a completely moral issue. The Republic cannot be a fair government if an entire species can be taken as slaves and forced into labor. It is the opinion of the Caamasi government that slavery should be officially banned in the Galactic Republic. If the government can allow the actions taken by the Quorosan people to pass, there’s no limit to what other atrocities can be committed in the Republic.”
The Caamasi Senator sat back down, and listened to the murmurs that surrounded him around the room.
Benoar looked down at Cas’aab as his pod moved back into its position on the wall.
“Thank you, Senator Cas’aab. Are there any comments that would like to be made?”
Senator Yuvas stood up. “Yes, I do. Senator Cas’aab, if you completely ban slavery in the Republic, do you have an idea of the economic disaster that will be caused?”
“Senator Yuvas, you do not need forced labor to run an economy. Many other independent governments have done fine economically without the need of slaves, and most produce their own goods and necessities of life. If your government on Quorosa does meet a downfall, it will be very brief, and if it does get worse you could easily get help from the rest of the Republic by loans. Raising salaries for workers will get plenty of more workers for you, and will greatly increase income. Governments and economy should not, and need not, be made on the backs of slaves.”
Yuvas tried to think of something to say, but found he couldn’t and sat back down. It was something about his voice. Cas’aab had a strong voice, and when he spoke it was as if sheer power was coming from his lips. Any comment Yuvas made would just make him look foolish among the rest of the Senators, and wouldn’t draw much support. That, and along with the fact that there wasn’t really much he could say.
“It appears as if Senator Yuvas is finished,” Benoar said. “Any further comments among the Senate?” No one spoke. “If there are no more arguments or proposals that can be made by one week, there will be a vote on the Quorosan Slavery Issue. The Senate Meeting is now adjourned.”
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'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?
-Wedge Antilles
[This message has been edited by Cougar (edited November 12, 2000).]
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.