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ForumsInteractive Story Board → The Deridian War
The Deridian War
2000-09-23, 3:01 PM #41
(NSP: I'll give it a shot now. I think I'll add something, seeing how I'm a little lost on all the names as of right now, hehe. What this story needs is a good smuggler...)

*On the planet surface, near the rioting, Japner Bansak was enjoying his few minutes of peace as he drank his Cornellian whiskey, the cantina music playing in the background. His peace was interrupted sonner than expected as an Iznec came his way. Like most Isnecs, he was a formadible size, his light purple exoskeleton giving him the look of a walking tank. Like most sentinent beings, Iznecs are humanoid in apperance, but unlike most, they appear to have no head on their shoulders. And liek most "sentinent" beings in this cantina, this Iznec had a quarrel to start.*

*The Iznec had grabbed Japner by the collar and slammed him into the corner of the wall nearby.*

"Vhat iz ze de-el with having my tranz-pohrt ambuzzhed by natives, Jahp-nerrr?" the Iznec said, the voice seeming to come directly from the hand that held Japner. Japner seemed to remain calm however, as he responded.

"I assure you, Nel-zhic, I did not plan this riot outside the cantina. And I am still willing to continue on as planned with the exchange, if you are that is."

*In a strange manner, Nel-zhic seemed to lean as if deciding whether to listen to Japner. Finally, Nel-zhic decided to release his grip on Japner, and the two of them walked to where Japner had been sitting before.*

"I wha-hant to zee eet," Nel-zhic said with impatience.

"The money first, Nelzhic," Japner responded.

*Nel-zhic reluctantly pushed a datapad over to the other side of the table. Japner punched on the pad, then nodded his head.*

"And as requested, after pay, here is what you wanted," Japner said.

*Japner tossed a brown leather bag across the table, and Nel-zhic quickly opened it. His hand grabbed greedily and pulled out a brown powder-like substance: dirt. He let is slide through his fingers as it fell back into teh bag.*

"You done well, Jahp-nerrr," Nel-zhic said. "Thees iz ze fih-nest dur-hasil-vhar powderrr I've felt yhet. We will meet ahge-in soon."

*With that, the Iznec walked away, and Japner smiled to himself.*

"I love doing business with Iznecs," Japner said to himself. "It's a wonder they can even get off their own planet. Speaking off, I better get going before this riot starts to get annoying."

*Japner started to make his way to the hangar, only to find that the riot had moved to encompass the hangar, and to find his ship destroyed in the laser-fray.*

"Damnit," Japner muttered. "Someone's gonna pay for a new ride..."

(NSP: Do as you wish with this character. I personallyt hink he should be a comic relief. I'll try to stop by more often, and perhaps write with someone other than this character. The alien race btw are literally without a head, hence the stupidity, of the one guy anyway. Do with them as you wish also.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-09-24, 2:30 AM #42
See, that wasn't too bad. [] What species is Jepner? He doesn't have to be Quorosan. We have plenty of those already. []

Oh, and there are only a few main characters that you should probably know right now, but some other minor characters might become major later in the story.

Chancellor Benoar- Togorian Chancellor of the Republic

Admiral Tor-Coe- Admiral of Republic Military

Senator Yuvas- cowardly, yet slightly agressive Senator of Quorosa. Charged with assassination attempt on Benoar, yet he is innocent.

Wilham Yoshima- Jedi Master who is the Watcher of Quorosa, along with his Padawan. He can sometimes be too agressive, and has small argument with his apprentice.

Unqi Navishma- Wilham's Padawan. Sometimes disagrees with Wilham's actions.

Checoc Weden- Retired Commander of Quorosan Military, but now has rejoined and works with the current Commander.

Commander Tahro Gik- Current Commander of Quorosan Military. He is working with Checoc to secede from the Republic.

Master Bari- Head of the Jedi Council. He is very wise and respected by all.

Ferak- Quorosan advisor for Yuvas who tried to assassinate Benoar.

Liim Tuaa- a Jedi apprentice with a bad attitude. He prevented the assassination of Benoar. He has sour feelings for aliens, and has a very high opinion of himself.

There are other characters, but most of them are fairly minor for now. Thanks for writing. []

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-09-24, 2:49 PM #43
(NSP: Der....I thikn once again I'll make up a race [] hehe, and if you don't approve of it, he can be whatever you want, b/c it doesn't really matter. I'll call his race the Losiens (hehe, dedicated to a friend of mine), and they also appear to be humaniod for the most part, but they have oh...nevermind. I can't thikn of anything. As far as I'm concerned, he's human (thought hat's rather unoriginal I realize. sorry, I jsut can't think of anything.) I'll drop by again, but until then, peace)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-09-25, 12:41 AM #44
Bah, just make up a Star Trek type alien- a human with something slightly off with the nose, ears, forehead, or hair. []

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-09-25, 4:15 AM #45
"Tor-coe!" Checoc stormed into the command chamber of the secret bunker built into the Quorosan hills.

"Yes, what is it?" Tor-coe growled, barely bothering to look up. He was studying the Caamasi document against slavery. "The Caamasi are going to be trouble."

Checoc stroked his chin. "Perhaps we can solve both our problems at once," he offered. "Two slaves with one whip."

Admiral Tor-coe looked up. "Really? Tell me what your problem is, Checoc."

Checoc replied, "A commission of traders - including some smugglers, I suspect - have come together and chosen one Japner Bensak as their spokesbeing. He has registered a petition with us not to secede from the Republic, as the loss of the Deridian Trade Spine would hurt trade quite a bit."

"Not good." Tor-coe leaned back in his chair. "What do you propose to do about the Caamasi and the traders?"

"We must gain sympathy from the masses and give practicality to the traders for them to stay with us. I propose that we offer the traders better rates and lower tariffs. Though at first they will cut into our profits, the increased trade resulting from that will send our economy soaring. That is how we will deal with the traders."

"And the Caamasi?"

Checoc grinned wickedly...

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, but the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-09-25, 6:26 AM #46
Checoc continued, "We'll undermine the Caamasi's credibility by planting a shipment of slaves on their world!"

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, but the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-09-25, 9:27 AM #47
Ooh, spiffy! [] Whatever happened to that other story you were starting with the Andorians? I added a new enemy, and since it was your story I figured you would start it. I could, if you want, but I was just wondering if you wanted to keep that alive.

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-09-25, 3:29 PM #48
(NSP: OK, lets say Japner has blue hair (I like blue hair, hehe), and exxagerated eyebrows. And other than that, he's human *but he in particlular will be real tan* How's that? And wow, Japner is alreayd starting to become a major role. Must be popular with teh kids [] And Cougar, I know its long, but check out NeS *the first LOOONG post is boring, so you can skip that. only Galvatron made it that funny* And if you can post, that's great. Of course, since NES is so random anyways, reading the last page would prolly do too [] hehe)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-09-26, 1:27 AM #49
Actually, Cougar, I was hoping to get more people on that. Say, Gebhoq, would you be interested in the thread "Alliance of Darkness vs. Heroes of the Galaxy"?

Cougar, I'm trying to think of a major plot twist to add to this story, or at least to bring Liim Tuaa back in. By the way, we need to go back to Wilham and Unqi. Should they escape or not?

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, but the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-09-26, 9:37 AM #50
I'll do more with Liim later. I have an idea for him. About Unqi and Wilham- I don't think they have to escape quite yet. They have lost all force powers, they have no weapons, and are locked in the room. Maybe it could be a big room with a suite, and someone could do some hacking into the computers and discover some of the lies that have been told to them. I plan to have a battle in a little bit on the station, with the rebels trying to reclaim the station. Maybe they could find a way to break out during the battle and escape somewhere in a ship or escape pod.

Obviously, the Quorosan military aren't going to be much of a help. No one's really said how long ago the Quorosan/Killian war was, so maybe a lot of the capital ships are presumably still getting repairs? And maybe the rebels could stage fake attacks on Quorosan military bases? I don't know, if someone else wants to do a bit with Wilham and them they're free to it. I'll do Liim next, though. I'll do it later today.

Oh, and we should probably do another bit with Jepner, too. Maybe go back a bit and show him trying to find a new ship while doing more research on the rioting, and then meets up with some other smugglers, they do some talking on behalf of the majority of smugglers(maybe a lot of them had been talking with other smugglers recently), and then Jepner writes the petition to the Quorosan government. Just an idea, but we have to go into Jepner a bit, I think.

BTW, I think this should be set before the TOJ series. If a big civil war like this after the series, yet the New Republic is aware of the Sith War, wouldn't they be aware if this? If it's set before that, it would seem more realistic that records of it were erased or destroyed over time(most of it during Imperial rule). Say maybe 7000 BBY?

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles

[This message has been edited by Cougar (edited September 26, 2000).]
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-09-26, 3:04 PM #51
Liim stalked down the hallways of his apartment building on Coruscant. It was a very nice building, and was usually generally used by the rich, or by Jedi who need a place to stay. The hallways were very tall and fairly wide, with trees lining the walls. The large windows gave a great view of Coruscant, showing all the humongous skyscrapers and ships as they flew past the building.

Right now he wasn’t in all that great of a mood, however. He had been surrounded by reporters and spectators for the past few days, and was getting really tired of it. Liim suddenly heard footsteps coming down the hall. If that is another reporter, he thought to himself, my saber is slicing through his neck so fast…

“Liim! I’ve been looking for you.”

Master Gorma, an alien. A Killian, to be precise. Only he was a pretty good person, and Liim really respected him. Liim relaxed. “Hello, Master. I’ve been kind of busy recently.”

“I’m sure you have. I haven’t seen you in a long time. When did you get back from your trip to your parents?”

“About the day of the Senate meeting. What did you want to see me about?”

“Well, I wanted to see how you were. The Council will be giving you the tests in a few weeks. I was wondering if you feel you are prepared.”

Liim nodded. “Yes, I feel I am doing fairly well. I did have a chance to exercise my skills while stopping an assassination attempt and all.”

“Hey, none of that. I don’t want to have to have you around for an even longer period of time because you’re mouthing off to the Council and getting all sarcastic.” Gorma smiled, and started walking with Liim to his apartment.

The relationship between Gorma and Liim was more than just as apprentice and master. They had really developed a really close friendship. They both had complete trust in each other while on missions, and both knew how each other would think and how to work together in different situations. Gorma was even thinking about he and Liim to become partners together after Liim took the tests. If he passes, of course. But Gorma was sure he would.

They got to the room, and Liim immediately collapsed on a chair. “Don’t get too comfy,” Gorma said. “Let’s test your lightsaber combat now.”

“Now? I’m really tired.”

“Yes, I realize that. If you can fight well when you’re tired, and control that fatigue, you can fight even better when wide awake. Or at least be able to defend yourself in more situations.”

Liim reluctantly got up and unhooked his lightsaber from his belt. Setting his saber to a low charge, he ignited it. The bright green blade shot up from the handle, and illuminated the room. Gorma did the same, the red of his saber conflicting with the green. Suddenly the Master lunged.

Liim blocked, swinging both the sabers down, pushing down on Gorma’s with his. He quickly swung around to the side, ducked, and swung at Gorma’s knees. The Killian jumped and leaped over Liim. He swung around just in time to block a blow heading toward his back. He jumped out of the way and landed on his chair. He now had the upper advantage. Gorma made an unexpected move and chopped off one of the legs of the chair, and Liim came tumbling down. Gorma immediately pointed his saber at Liim’s neck. “You’re dead.”

“Yeah, right. I can take you out. Let’s do it again.”

“Now, now, don’t let this spur you into action like that. That would only be an act of revenge. We don’t want that. Calm down a bit, and we can have another go at it.” Gorma reached down and grabbed his apprentice’s hand and pulled him up.

“Yeah, I think I should rest for a moment.” He lay down on the couch, and in a few seconds was asleep.

BTW, HighEmperor, I read through your post again and noticed something. Admiral Tor-coe is the leader of the Republic military. The guy working with Checoc is Commander Tahro Gik. You just got them mixed up. []

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-09-27, 5:38 AM #52
Oh, really? (sheepishly) Sorry.

By the way, Cougar, people DIDN'T know about the Sith War. Remember, the Clone Wars destroyed many historical records. It took Tionne months to dig scraps of information about the Great Sith War out of the Holocron.

I'll write more later. I'm still trying to think of the perfect plot twist.

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, but the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-09-27, 2:48 PM #53
I was thinking about having that one Admiral guy Benoar sent for reinforcements to do something bad. I was thinking maybe he and one of the Quorosan guys thought about destroying some city on Quorosa, maybe even Quesa Tehk or something, to give the Quorosans a valid excuse to secede from the Republic. Then the General guy(I can't remember his name right now) buys himself a nice estate and stays in hiding somewhere. Just an idea.

Sorry about the holocron mistake. I know, let's have a vote for the time setting. There are about three people total contributing to this story, now that Krig is banned from the computer. What time do you think it should be?

BTW, I have a Word copy of this on my computer. Since a lot of these posts kind of jump from one place to another, one of these days I'll edit everything and put it in a more logical order and post it here so it's easier to read the story.

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-09-28, 1:28 AM #54
I vote that it's still 1500 years before ANH.

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, but the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-09-28, 10:27 AM #55
I thought it was originally 2500 BBY. I don't really care. Hey Gebohq, what do you think?

I'll add some more to the story later. I'll add to Gebohq's earlier post and lead up to him writing that petition thingy.

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-10-01, 11:45 AM #56
Yea! The IS board is working again! []

Anyway, maybe we could have the date 2,036, when the new army of Sith was created. I have an idea about Liim becoming the leader of this new group of Sith. What do you think?

(This is a continuation of the Japner episode.)
"Damn it," Japner muttered. "Someone's going to pay for a new ride...” He had just arrived on the planet a few days ago, not paying attention to the recent politics, and now he gets his ship destroyed in a sudden mob. It was odd it got destroyed in normal laser fire. He looked around for someone who would have the firepower to render his prized ship to a pile of molten metal. He soon found him.

A loud Nikto, who appeared to have had a few too many, waved by him a concussion missile rifle. It was a gun outlawed in most of the galaxy, and shot out a minor version of the concussion missile used to arm many starships. He had heard a rumor that plans for a version of the rifle using energy as the projectile were being made. Japner now walked up to the alien.

“What happened to that ship?” he asked casually.

“It was in the way, so we demonstrated our anger by destroying it!” The reptilian cheered and shot a missile into the air, making a deafening boom, followed by more loud cheers from him and surrounding rioters.

“What if I said that it was my ship?”

The Nikto laughed. “Then I’d tell you that you can talk to my friend, Mister Blasto.” He pointed the rifle at Japner’s chest. He turned his head and laughed, then punched the Nikto right in the jaw. The alien fell back, and received another hard blow to the stomach. Japner grabbed the gun and slammed the barrel against the Nikto’s skull, and the alien fell to the ground. He grabbed a pocket pouch on the alien’s belt and pulled it off, finding a large supply of credits inside. “This should do.”

Japner walked away, noticing the attention received had immediately faded and the rioters had soon returned to the task at hand. Except for one. A Dug walked up to Japner and tapped on his shoulder. “Yoou did pre-etty well theer,” the Dug spoke in poor Basic. “Yoou seem to bee having some beesiness problems with these riiots, aren’t you?”

“Umm, yeah. Do you know what it’s all about?”

“Yoou meeen you do not knoow?”

“I’m sorry, I don’t pay attention to politics.”

“Eegnorant fool…” the Dug muttered.

“What was that?”

“Noothing. Oh, by the waay, my name ees Horaska. Coome with me, and I will explaanine everytheeng to you.”

The two men walked into the dark cantina and sat at the counter. Horaska told Japner about the Quorosan uprisings and the recent rebellions.

“Soo, you haven’t heard of aany of thaat? Where haave yoou been?”

“Well, I’ve been keeping in hiding for one of my former employers… But, I had heard of that Quorosan/ Killian war thing, and did some smuggling during that,” Japner spoke in his defense.

The Dug shook his head, and then grabbed his drink with one of his long arms. He shivered as the strong drink went down his throat. “Aneeway, you see now the probleem with these problems in the Seenate.”

“Yeah, I guess it could cause some problems. If the Deridian Sector seceded, trade would be lost in a lot of this part of the galaxy. And it would probably cause more rivalries between companies.”

“Goood. Yoou are not as theeck as I had first thought.”

Japner was suspicious of something. He couldn’t tell what it was. “What do you need me for?”

“Whaat? Wee don’t…”

“We? Who are you working for?”

“Eh? Oh, err, I…”

Japner grabbed the Dug by the neck and held him up. “I’m not really in the mood for this, you puss covered pile of kriff. I’ve had enough of your snooty attitude. What’s going on?”

Horaska managed to push the human away with his legs, then rubbed his throat with his hand. “Whoo I am working for ees not imporaant. The Quoorosan government will not reecognize you. Wee would like you to write a peteetion to their government, persuaading them not to seceede.”

Japner thought a moment, rubbing his soft stubble on his chin. Why not? He’ll probably get some pay in the deal. “When do you want me to start?
We should probably go back and work on some battles with the Rebels. I'll do that if no one else wants to.

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-10-02, 3:52 AM #57
Back on Coruscant, the charges upon Senator Yuvas had been dropped due to lack of evidence, though his former assistant was still on trial.

The Quorosan political structure had already decided to replace Yuvas, because, although he been formally declared innocent, the blow to his credibility was devastating.

The new Senator was in fact the old one, the one who had served for three consecutive terms before Yuvas had beaten him in the electoral college on Quorosa. Though the hues of his feathers were dulled, no longer as brilliant as they had been in his youth, Senator Gordou ref'Manaami was, if anything, a more fiery speaker than ever.

While Checoc and Tahro plotted bloody rebellion, the prime minister and council of Quorosa still hoped to secede peacefully. ref'Manaami was their advocate in the Republic Senate.

So when, on his first day back in the Senate Hall, Gordou ref'Manaami demanded that Quorosa be allowed to secede peacefully, Supreme Chancellor Benoar was taken aback, despite the fact that he had been mentally preparing himself for this very moment for months now.

The Morvogodinian Senator J'kaine was, not surprisingly, ardently opposed to the thought of secession. In an hour-long speech, he fiercely iterated why the Republic must preserve its unifying integrity. "United we stand, divided we fall," he roared.

The Caamasi Senator Caa'sab (his Declaration had gained him favor among his people during the recent Senatorial election) suggested that a compromise be reached on this and all future matters of secession.

"After all," the wise Caamasi said, "this is a free union, not an imperial order. Secession must be a viable option in order to maintain individual, planetary, and sectorial freedoms. On the other hand, we cannot allow ourselves to secede at the drop of the proverbial hat.

"I suggest that, in such cases of proposed secession, a committee be formed to determine if the problem or problems are of sufficient import to allow the member state or states to secede."

There was much arguing and wrangling, but eventually, the Act of Secession in Committee was formed, voted upon, passed, and signed by Chancellor Benoar.

The question of secession would go to a committee, which would always consist of a Duros, a Bith, a Caamasi, an Alderaanian, an Ithorian, one member of the state proposing secession, and one member of a state ardently against it. The latter two, in this case, would be Senators Gordou ref'Manaami of Quorosa and J'kaine of Morvogodine.

The committee was given one month to deliberate...

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, but the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.

[This message has been edited by Highemperor of the Force (edited October 04, 2000).]
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-10-02, 5:29 AM #58
Liim Tuaa addressed the Jedi Council.

Master Bari was saying, "I am sorry, Knight Tuaa, but we cannot sanction your mission to find Master Yoshima and his Padawan Unqi. This is their fight, and Wilham must come to grips with himself and the Force, as Unqi must learn that the Force is with her always, even though she may not be able to sense it."

Liim left the Jedi Council Chamber, fuming. "The Jedi Council is stagant and decadent," he thought. "The Jedi Code is old and outdated, obsolete."

A thought came to mind. "Perhaps it is time for a new order of Jedi..."

An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
2000-10-02, 9:31 AM #59
Ooh, that was pretty intersting, Emperor. Very political sounding. Keep up the good work. []

Oh, yea, another writer! []

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-10-02, 11:58 AM #60
I would like to write the part where the secession committee decides, please.

Welcome to the story, Dark Lancer!

However, Cougar, Dark Lancer, I don't know about the idea of the new Sith. I don't want this to turn into an cosmic archetypal struggle of good and evil, light and dark, as any story with Jedi vs. Sith is bound to be. I want this to be the story of "ordinary" people in ethical and political quagmires, trying to sort things out. Real people - even those in the Star Wars universe - fight their own battles, day in and day out, and I would like this to reflect that.

Of course, Cougar, it's your call. The final decision is yours, I guess, since you started this thread.

By the way, could you post on "Alliance of Darkness vs. Heroes of the Galaxy"?

Thanks for listening to me ramble on. I'll post more later.

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, but the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-10-02, 3:18 PM #61
(NSP: I'm not knowledgable enough to tell what year this story should be in. Good cover-up for my fluke in my Japner post (if I had thougth of it, I would have said the rioters had some explosives with them. oh well--good write-up anywhos). As far as me posting--I'll try to drop by s'more and write, but I don't know when I'll be able to do that. I'll kep up witht eh reading though [] Catch ya later.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-10-03, 4:46 AM #62
Cougar, this is what I'm envisioning for the next stage of the story. I'm going to have:

1)the secession committee decide that the Deridian Sector's proposed secession is justified;

2)Chancellor Benoar, as commander-in-chief of the Republic military, act on his own initiative to prevent the secession by any means necessary and possible;

3)the prime minister of Quorosa frantically deciding not to secede in the face of Benoar's forces, because he only wants secession if it's peaceful;

4)civil war erupt among the Deridian Sector between those for and against secession;

5)disturbances flare among some Republic planets about Benoar's somewhat tyrannical, military tactics; and

6)Checoc and Tahro Gik commencing a purge of the Quorosan council (including their own prime minister) of all those who refuse to secede.

What do you think?

An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
2000-10-03, 8:05 AM #63
That sounds good, Dark Lancer. I'm not sure about Chancellor Benoar launching the military, though. Still, good ideas. Cougar, your opinion?

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, but the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-10-03, 9:40 AM #64
About the new Sith and story theme; Yes, that is what I had in mind with this too; just a war between two normal people fighting for rights and ethical values. I thought the Sith part could be kind of an interesting side story. You know, Liim recruiting other Force-adepts who would like to hold the Dark Side of the Force, but not causing anything to occur during the war. Then after a few years after the war ends then they start their attack, but we don't have to go into that. Possibly another story. []

But, you're right. I don't want to have the Sith having a major role in this war. Just as a side plot, maybe having conflicts between Liim and Gorma. What do you think?

About Lancer's ideas; Those sound pretty good! Just a few points:

1. I don't think Benoar would start using the military on impulse to start war with Quorosa. Remember, he was a wise old elder of a Togorian tribe. He knows how to fight, but he's not going to wage war unneedlessly. He seems more like the calmer type. If he does declare war, that would be because either the Quorosan military leaders start gaining too much control (the purges in the Council), or the Quorosans just start getting too violent and rebellious. I mentioned before, I was thinking about havign that General sent to give reinforcements for Tor-Coe would do soemthing bad to give the Quorosans a valid reason to secede. Possibly bombing a major city, claiming it was to destroy a rebel stronghold in the city. Afterwards, the Quorosans would provide him money to hide away, as he would be shunned and probably court-martialed by the Republic. Afer that, Benoar might be rather forceful with the military, and then that would be okay. However, it wouldn't be only his doing as Tor-Coe is the head of the military. Chancellor doesnt' have direct control over that- just mainly over issues discussed in the Senate. As seen in TPM, the Senate really has a lot of control over the Chancellor, and they can kick him out on whim.

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-10-04, 10:55 AM #65
The Duros Senator Kalorbak read the verdict of the secession committee. "And thus, because stripping the Deridian states of their slaves would shake their economy and society to the foundations, this senatorial committee deems it appropriate and legal for any and all Deridian member states to secede."

There were assorted boos, hisses, and clapping.

Kalorbak continued. "However, the committee recommends that-"

Senator Caa'sab cut him off. "The committee recommends nothing. However, the point that my esteemed colleague would try to make is that we face a new issue now."

Kalorbak picked back up, "Even if the Deridian Sector secedes, do we have the right to go in and root out all existing slavery, forcibly if necessary? After all, that would only be protecting basic rights, wouldn't it?"

There were shouts, both of outrage and affirmation.

Chancellor Benoar called for silence, then said, looking at the lights on the console in front of him, "The chair recognizes Senator Aami of the Ishori."

Aami scathingly proposed, "I suggest that Senator Caa'sab of Caamas answer Senator Kalorbak's question. After all," his eyes twinkled maliciously, "the Caamasi seem to have an answer for everything."

"Such comments are NOT appropriate for a senatorial meeting-" Benoar reprimanded the Ishori senator, but no one was listening. All eyes were on Caa'sab.

The Caamasi senator, conscious of the precipice he was on, chose his words carefully. "The Caamasi, wise as were are said to be, are not omniscient. We are not all-powerful sages who decide the course that the Republic shall take. We have no clear answer for this question as of yet. The trustants and wise men of Caamas, however, will most assuredly convene to determine an answer."

There was silence. Chancellor Benoar broke it first. "As of now, the Deridian Sector has legally been granted the right to secede and retain the acts, practices, and persons of slavery in their territory."

Those senators from the Deridian Trade Spine - which made up a good portion of the Senate Hall - cheered and gave out thunderous applause.

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, but the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-10-06, 3:17 AM #66
Emperor, how do you feel about the Sith? If you really think it's a bad idea, no matter how subtly it's done, I guess we could scrap it. I'd kind of like to see it happen, though.

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-10-06, 1:31 PM #67
Cougar, if you really want to include the Sith, then do so. We'll see where that goes. But please don't make it the main conflict. I would like to see what your take is on how various senators respond to the issue of forcibly rooting out slavery, even in seceded territories. Please don't respond for Caa'sab and the Caamasi, though. Thank you!

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, but the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-10-06, 1:52 PM #68
Oh, I hear ya. I don't want to make the Sith a major conflict, just a little side plot leading up to the conflicts with the Sith in the next few thousand years ending with the devestating battles at Ruusan. I don't want to make it a big thing. That would be a perfect way to destroy the theme and uniqueness of this story.

And I kind of like the idea of the stuff in the Senate. If you want I'll let you handle the political stuff, if you want. You seem to like it, and you do a good job at it.

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-10-13, 8:06 AM #69
(The Viking is back in town!! Hey, I like where the story's gone whilst I was gone, great work guys! I like the thing with the reinforcement General guy bombing a major city.
On the Sith thing, I think that it shouldn't really be explicitly stated that Liim goes off and joins the Sith, just sort of implied and alluded to in different ingenious ways. That way it's impossible for it to become a major factor. Them's my two bits.)

Wilham rolled over sleepily and reached to pull the blankets over himself more snugly. He fumbled around, but his blankets were missing. When he tried to reach out with the Force for them, he awoke with a start. Where there should have been a warm sense of his surroundings in his brain, there was only a terrifying blankness, like being in the middle of a stone wall.

Wilham sat up and look around, and it all came back to him in a rush. The assigning to Quorosa, his new and troublesome Padawan, arriving at the station--the kidnapping! He was being held hostage!

At the window, Unqi turned and smiled an unhappy smile at him.

"You're awake."

"Yeah. Anything happen?"

"Nothing. They haven't even given us food yet today."

"Today. What is today? How long have we been here? It seems like years."

"I don't know. Without the Force, I've lost all sense of time."

Wilham sighed and walked over to the window. Gazing out at the stars, he reflected bitterly on his time here. They had been full of plans to escape, but none had come to fruition. Food came in through a tube in the wall, and no-one ever entered. Probably too frightened of the great Jedi Knights, he thought grimly. Though of course they had nothing to be frightened of. They were cut off from the Force. It was like being blind, deaf, and paralyzed all at the same time.

Unqi turned to Wilham. "This window leads to space. Maybe we could break it and escape when someone comes to rescue us."

"No one will come, Unqi. It's a wonder we are still alive at all. Besides..." he knocked on the window "This stuff's near indestructable. Everything in here's rooted to the floor or the wall. We don't have our sabres. We don't have the Force."

"It always comes back to that, doesn't it?"

Unqi sighed, and walked over to the desk. She flopped down in the chair and lay her head on the desk. Wilham turned and stared out at freedom, only three inches away.

"What's this?" Unqi's voice came from behind him, startled. He turned and walked over to the desk.

Before Unqi, in what had previously been bare desktop, lay the screen and keypad of a computer console.

"I must've hit a secret switch or something! To think, this has been here all this time and we didn't know!"

"That's what happens when you don't have the Force. But what good is it? It's a merely a computer. It can't break us out."

"Maybe it can. I'm pretty good with computers, maybe I can find the mechanism to open our door!"

Wilham was warming to the idea, pulling out of his melancholy mood. "You know, that might work! Go ahead, try it!"

Unqi smiled "Thank you, Master." She turned to the computer and started hitting the keys furiously. Wilham settled down on the floor to wait, a spark of fresh hope ignited within him.

(Ahhh, it's good to be back.)
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-10-13, 10:54 AM #70
*leaps for joy* Man, it's great to have you back! What were you banned for, anyway?

I like the idea about alluding to the Sith and not flat out saying it. I hadn't thought of that. Maybe he finds some old teachings in some old Coruscant library, or somewhere on Ossus or something. That could be intersting...

I'll have more written in a little bit. Dont' worry. []

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-10-15, 2:05 PM #71
Admiral Harks stepped into the humongous docking bay aboard the Republic station Protector. Right in front of him was the newest Republic ship, with a new design and more equipment. Its name was the Hawk, and was a Destroyer-class N-1 Avenger. It was the only ship in existence like it. And he was assigned to it to take care of the Quorosan ‘rebels’.

It was a humongous ship. In front was a large tear-shaped pod connected to the rest of the ship by a thin central extension. The back was the largest part of the Hawk. It was gigantic, and about two and a half miles high with fifteen engines in back. In all the entire ship was eleven miles long.

In addition to size, the ship and numerous defense mechanisms and weaponry. It had one hundred-fifty turbolaser turrets, as well as twenty warhead launchers placed around the Avenger. It had fifteen tractor beams, as well as five jamming beams to block enemy targeting and sensory computers. Along with the heavy shielding and thick armor plating, Harks would feel pretty safe aboard that thing.

“Would you like to go onboard, sir?” The officer next to him turned to the Admiral. The human officer was very polite and young; a combination that he found usually didn’t go together. Harks wish he had been assigned permanently to him.

“Yes, I would. I would be very interested
to see the interior.”

The two walked to a turbolift that took them up to the airlock of the Hawk. They stepped inside, and Harks was very impressed by the clean and shiny walls and floors, illuminated by bright side paneling. In a short time they were in the bridge.
I'll have more ready soon.

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-10-15, 3:23 PM #72
(This story has outgrown my brain. Before I write any more, I gotta write out all the characters, what has happened, is happening, and will happen out on a graph or chart or something. It gets on your nerves searching through two pages of text for one name, if ya know what I mean...)
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-10-16, 3:43 AM #73
Much consternation had resulted in the political arenas of the Galactic Republic when the senators had taken Kalorbak's proposition back home. Even the Alderaanians were torn. They despised slavery, but they also despised force. They, particularly, out of so many peoples, were caught in a quandary from which there seemed no escape.

Today, however, the Caamasi had come forth, claiming to haved reached an answer.

Senator Caa'sab manipulated the controls on his pod, sending it out into mid-air in the enormous Senate Hall, bringing it to rest before Chancellor Benoar's podium. He was flanked by the trustants of Caamas.

"Greetings, Supreme Chancellor... Esteemed senators of the Republic... I come before you under the gravest of circumstances."

[Sorry, couldn't help ripping off a few lines from Amidala in Phantom Menace []]

"After some time in deliberating, the trustants of Caamas set up an open forum in which all of our kind were invited to participate in, to share their views on the issue of forcibly rooting out slavery.

"Eventually, a verdict was reached. The Caamasi recommend..." Caa'sab paused, realizing that so much depended on the next few words, and how the rest of the galaxy reacted to them. "...that slavery be stamped out wherever it exists."

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, but the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-10-16, 10:58 AM #74
No, you forget, this comes before TPM. So technically, Amidala is quoting Caa'sab! You're not ripping off lines, Lucas is! []

Krig, I had sort of a chart above. It has most of the major characters. There are other minor characters, but I don't know how important they will be. How was that encylocpedia site I showed you, BTW? I think it's pretty cool.

You know what'd be cool? If we set up a website for this story. We could do all the writing here, but we could put up an edited version of the story, as well as story maps and charts, concept art of characters and ships, and maybe a message board for advice from readers. Just a thought...

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-10-17, 6:03 AM #75
(The encyclopedia thing was pretty good.
A website would be great, but I personally don't have time to set it up (Working on another site--top secret). If you or someone could get the site set up and stuff, though, I'd definately contribute to it...)
(BTW, how high is Admiral Tor-Coe on the Quorosan military ladder? Tahro Gik was mentioned as the Quorosan High Commander of the Military, and I was wondering wether he was part of this whole plot thing or not.)

[Out of time, Insert story about Quorosans planting slaves on Caamasi here]
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-10-17, 9:39 AM #76
Tor-Coe is the Republic military commander. He's the Grand Admiral, and also a Gran. I hope that doesn't confuse anybody. Gran Grand Admiral. [] Tahor is pretty important, too. It's possible he could be killed, though. He doesn't seem like all that nice of a guy. I don't want Checoc to die right away, though. He's pretty cool. I want him to be sort of like a good guy, kind of like Robert E. Lee, if you know anything about American history. He was a Confederate general, in fact the head of it, yet he was respected by everyone. Probably the most respected and loved general in the American military. He was even asked by Lincoln to be head of the Federal Army, but Lee turned it down because he didn't want to fight his fellow Virginians. Maybe we could do something similar to that with Checoc?

BTW, were you going to do that slaves on Camassi thing, or did you want somebody else to do that? I'm working on filling in gaps on the military stuff right now, but I guess I might be able to do that.

Also, I think the Quorosan Council and Prime Minister are going to have to be assassinated. There's going to have to be a war eventually, and the military leaders don't think a peaceful breaking apart would be possible. The Council are still striving for peace when it most likely can't happen. Maybe Tahro sets up for an assassination, maybe on some spaceship and blow it up, and say it was an accident. Maybe the traitorous Admiral Harks could do it? Then that would get the Council out of the way, as well as providing an excuse for seceding.

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-10-17, 9:41 AM #77
An aide, having just read an incoming message on his terminal in the Ishori pod, tapped Senator Aami on the shoulder and whispered something into his ear.

The senator stood up and indicated that he wished to be recognized. Benoar called for order, and acknowledged. "The chair recognizes Senator Aami of the sovereign state of the Ishori... however, no snide comments this time, Senator."

"Yes, Chancellor." Aami paused to reign in a gleeful smile. "I address myself to Senator Caa'sab. Senator, this policy of forcibly rooting out slavery would apply to even those places which secede from the Republic?"


"And it would apply to all places and persons within the Republic?"

"Yes." Caa'sab wondered where Aami was going with this.

"No matter what their rank or status?"

"Of course." Was Aami suggesting-?

The Ishori Senator finally allowed his grin to blossom, contorting his alien face. "Then you must understand the shipment of slaves that was purchased under your household's name must be freed?"

The Senate roared.

Senator Aami sat down.

In his office on Quorosa, Checoc smiled.

Caa'sab frowned.

[What happens next is up to you? This is the shipment of slaves being planted among the Caamasi that Checoc planned, by the way.]

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, but the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-10-18, 5:31 PM #78
(Sorry about leaving off the Caamasi thing there, I wasn't able to finish it at school, then forgot about it at home... oh, and I was getting Tor-Coe and Tahro mixed up there. Highemperor, ya really should correct that post way back at the top of the page. It's messin' me up... [] Anyhow, what I meant to ask was how high is Tahro on the Quorosan Military?)

(PS, nearly have the plotlines straightened out, so should write some stuff soon. [] )

Oft evil will does evil mar.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-10-18, 6:22 PM #79
Tahro strode into the meeting-room where Checoc and his fellow conspirators were already gathered. He walked quickly to the head chair, feathers rustling, and sat down.

"First off, Checoc, how did the latest meeting of the Senate go?" he spoke as he fiddled with his datapad.

"Exactly as planned, sir."

"Good, good." Tahro turned to face the rest "Any new information, or questions, before we begin?"

A small, dingy coloured Quorosan, seated near the foot of the table, spoke up. "Sir, I heard today that Prime Minister Quolahk (Do we have a name for the PM yet? If we do, tell me.) will be negotiating secession from the Republic, peacably. Why then are we planning a military action if diplomatic negotiations are sufficient?"

"I'm glad you brought that up." Tahro put his datapad on the table. "The reason we cannot rely on our diplomats is that we cannot rely on the Republic. The Republic talks the talk, but when it comes right down to it, they cannot allow the Deridian Trade Route to fall from their control. It is vital to their economy, and should we successfully secede, they would fall on rather hard times. A peaceful secession will never get off of paper.

"On the other hand, if we simply rebel out of hand, we come out of this looking like a gang of greedy thugs, and we lose most of our foreign trade. "

The dingy Quorosan spoke up again "So what are we to do, if neither method works? Remain in the Republic and let our slaves be taken from us?"

Tahro gave the Quorosan equivilant of a smile. "Ah, but there is a third option. If the Republic were to do something drastic, something shocking, something that only a truly barbaric civilization would do, then we would have no choice but to violently rebel, would we?"

The other Quorosan looked doubtful. "But the Republic would never do something that bad!"

Tahro leaned on the table. "That, dear sir, is why our good friend Admiral Harks will, on behalf of the Republic, blow up the space station where Prime Minister Quolahk, Senator ref'Manaami, and the Quorosan High Council will be meeting tomorrow!"

(Please note that the aforementioned space station is the one Wilham and Unqi are imprisoned on... gotta love these plot twists [] )

Oft evil will does evil mar.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-10-19, 3:12 AM #80
Cougar, I don't think we should have Checoc be the "Robert E. Lee" of the Quorosans. I think we should bring in a totally new character for that. After all, Checoc has already been shown to be ruthless and cunning. Just a thought. Can't post any more right now.

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, but the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel

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