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ForumsInteractive Story Board → The Deridian War
The Deridian War
2000-10-19, 6:32 AM #81
[Man, two pages and the actual war hasn't even started yet. Let's change that. []]

Dissent raged within the Jedi Council.

Master Grishok asserted, "This situation is quickly boiling over. The waves of anger in the Senate are merely reflections of what is about to happen all over the galaxy. We must step in, keep a tighter control over the peoples of the galaxy."

Master Frarmicaon returned, "We are not GODS, Grishok, nor do we have the right to BE gods! 'Meditation, and then action, but only if necessary' - remember the most important maxim of the Jedi. We meditate upon the Force, seeking answers. But even Jedi Masters are not omniscient."

The Jedi pledged to use their powers only for knowledge and defense, never for control or personal gain. While the younger and more inexperienced Knights generally handled the battles, it was the Masters who had the much harder quest for knowledge. The Jedi Masters spent most of their days in meditation upon the Force, yearning to discern the secrets to the dilemmas and ethical quagmires of the universe.

Master Bari spoke. "Perhaps it is time to do something. Though we are not gods, we are not statues or sleepers either."


Prime Minister Quolahk and the Councilors of Quorosa were gathering on the space station above their beloved planet.

"Perhaps we should not attempt to secede from the Republic at all," Quolahk said, "if the Senate decides to stamp out slavery everywhere, as the Caamasi have recommended."

Suddenly the councilors cried out. Quolahk turned around, staring aghast at the huge flagship that had come out of hyperspace, filling the viewports. "But - but t-that's the Hawk - Admiral Harks' flagship!"

The Hawk began firing. Energy blasts spattered onto the station's shield.

"But the Republic would never-" Quolahk stopped. Suddenly it was all clear to him. The Jedi that Commander Gik had reported missing - the strange military movements that had been made - the old commander Checoc suddenly returning upon the scene...

"They have betrayed us," he said softly. "They have betrayed us all."


The station's shield was exceptionally strong, but it couldn't hold up for long against the sustained assault of Harks' cruiser.

The station blew up, in an eerily beautiful, blossoming rose of flame. Quolahk met his death calmly, staidly, standing his ground to the last...

An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
2000-10-19, 7:46 AM #82
[How about Quolahk didn't die? Let me give a hand at this.]

Quolahk figured out that the two Jedi had to be being held on the station. He looked it up in the security logs and found them. The Prime Minister hurried to their prison.


Wilham stared despondently at Unqi. Her attempts at slicing the computer had succeeded, but it had proved disconnected from outside.

Suddenly the door burst open. A Quorosan rushed in. "The station - is about to blow - up!" he managed to get out, gasping for breath. It was apparent he had been running.

It was also apparent that he was telling the truth. He and Unqi followed him out into the corridor. Free from the ysalamiri at last!

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, but the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-10-19, 12:41 PM #83
It didn't start yet because we wanted a good, sufficent introduction. There's no need to rush.

About Checoc: I have something in mind for him to clear his record. I kind of like him, and kind of want Tahro to be the bad guy(who, to answer Krig's question, is the highest commander of the military). I plan to see if we can make him friends with Caa'sab. That would cause sympathy and give Checoc a 'renewal', you might say. He could ask Tahro to remove any records of him doing anything deceitful. He doesn't want any credit for anything wrong. He wants to be a good moral Quorosan standing up for his planet. Just a thought.

I'll write more in a bit. I still want a bit more of a backstory. I'll do some of the battles with the rebels and the Republic strike force.

Anyway, that was a pretty good intro to the war. It could use a bit more of a backstory and such. Maybe afterwards Quorosan battle ships have a battle with the Hawk, and after doing sufficient damage to the Quorosans, escapes into hyperspace. I'll add the backstory. I have plans for Republic fighters which, strangely enough, look almost exactly like the fighters depicted from rumors about the Ep.2 Republic fighters. It's just a little smoother and stuff. I'll go into Harks' motives a bit, too, in planning the destruction of the station.

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-10-19, 2:02 PM #84
(I was also kinda hoping for a big action sequence where Wilham and Unqi escape the station before it's destroyed...)
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-10-19, 2:22 PM #85
They could still have one. Emperor left it open. Anyway, here's my bit:
Grand Admiral Tor-Coe’s fighter launched another pair of proton torpedoes, destroying one of the heavily armed rebel tanks. He was an expert pilot, and had gained a superb reputation for being an Admiral of the highest status, yet still fought as a fighter pilot during battles. He found he could oversee the battle better and could lead his troops more effectively.

He could see especially well in the fine Arrow Interceptor Starfighters designed by AmTech Industries exclusively for Republic military use. It was an incredibly fast ship, named after its arrow-shaped body. A cockpit sat on top behind the nose surrounded by laser cannons on the side. One the back wings sat two warhead launchers, which Tor-Coe found very effective against the heavy artillery the Quorosan rebels managed to acquire.

The rebels were attempting to capture, or destroy, a Quorosan military base hidden among the hills of the area. The landscape was grassy and rocky, with many sloping hills, dunes, and mountains. If he wasn’t in the middle of a battle Tor-Coe would love to take an airspeeder and weave among the hills like he was able to do in his youth.

But now he had business to take care of. He couldn’t figure out why the Quorosan military wasn’t offering any help. They had said they would offer some assistance shortly, but he wasn’t getting impatient. Why couldn’t they defend their own base? He would look into that later. But right now he saw another wave of thirty or so tanks coming over a hill farther off in the distance. Where are they getting those things?

“Gamma Squadron, you engage those tanks,” as he was looking he saw a wave of enemy starfighters escorting the tanks. “… and those fighters. Alpha Squadron and I will take care of these stragglers and then offer assistance.”

“Acknowledged, Admiral.”

The Interceptors flew off in the direction of the newcomers, and the Admiral began to wish he had some bombers with him aboard his strike cruiser. Unfortunately, he didn’t think any would become necessary. Now he felt they would be a great help with these tanks.

Suddenly a large Quorosan battleship appeared over the horizon. That’s odd, thought Tor-Coe. Why would they have a large battleship coming into the atmosphere? The large curved, organic-looking ship turned toward the base, looking as if to help. He realized he had never seen a Quorosan battleship before, and figured they were all unique in some way. The components all looked randomly, yet efficiently placed. It looked almost like the new Avenger-Class ships, only much smaller and organic. The ship had many weapon emplacements, and it looked to be advancing to engage the rebels. But something was odd about it…

Suddenly, in a flurry of laser fire, it shot at Gamma Squadron. There was no way for them to escape. In a few seconds they were all destroyed. “Alpha Squadron! Stay away from that battleship! Come with me!” What the devil were those Quorosans up to?

Staying low to the ground, he and his wingmates wove behind some hills and out of cover of the turbolaser batteries of the battleship.

In a crackle of static, a voice came over the communication system. “Re-ubli- forces! We ar- not sh-ting at y-u! - rebels gai-ed contr-l – ship an-“ The voice disappeared. So that’s what’s going on, is it? A plan suddenly struck him.

“Alpha Squadron, how many torpedoes do you all have left?”

“Alpha Two. I have six missiles, sir.”

“Alpha Three. Seven missiles.”

“Alpha Four. Four missiles, Admiral.

“Alpha Five. I still have ten, sir.

Tor-Coe smiled. “Good. I have four. Let’s see, that’s thirty-one missiles. That should be enough. Here’s my plan.”

He explained it to them, and when they all got it, they advanced toward the battleship, which was also scouting the hills searching for the fighters. Luckily, it was momentarily unworried about the Quorosan base.

The Quorosan commander of the ship smiled. The Republic fighters were going to attack the ship. With what? Torpedoes? “Gunners,” he spoke into the communicator. “Don’t worry about any warheads. Concentrate all fire power on those fighters once they come in range.”

Which is what the gunners did. “Alpha Squadron, launch your torpedoes!”

The Squadron launched the remainder of their torpedoes, using them on both sides of the ship. At first it seemed to have no effect, and the commander was pleased. However, he then noticed that the turbolaser gunners weren’t shooting at the Interceptors as they proudly and defiantly flew past the bridge. “Gunners, why aren’t you firing?”

The only answer was static. “Gun-…”

“Sir, the turbolaser batteries have been shot out by the torpedoes.” The rebel officer stared at the commander as his eyes widened.


“They’re destroyed. We’re defenseless.”

The commander sighed. He signaled the Squadron, and in a few moments the battleship had surrendered. Tor-Coe had won, and the rebel tanks and fighters had all retreated at the defeat of the capital ship. Now, Tor-Coe had to find some answers about the Quorosan military incompetence.

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-10-20, 11:17 AM #86
I don't know if anyone's noticed or not, but the Deridian Trade Spine is the same as the Perlemian Trade Route. The name will probably be changed by the end of the war. Also, the Quorosan's physical appearance were based off of President "Puffers" Gavrisom. Does anyone know what species he really is? Maybe that could be incorporated into the story as well.

Also, maybe we could get a site at and get a free site. It might get more noticed that way, and it's free. []

I'll have a bit more of the story prepared in a bit. On Monday I'm going to see Dubya Bush in Milwaukee, so I won't be here then as I'll be leaving right after school. []

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-10-20, 2:48 PM #87
NSP: Hey, sorry for not writing for a bit, I had just been real busy lately. First off, Krig's making a top secret site? Ohhh, ahh...I can only dream that it might be SoD related (I know, wishful thinking...). I also need to know however how the character I introduced back at teh beginning of page 2 (Japner) is involved (if he still is). I'll try to write with that character a bit if I can [] Catch ya later
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-10-20, 3:09 PM #88
If I remember, he is spokesperson for the majority of smugglers and traders. When speaking with that Dug, he didn't know who exactly he was speaking for, just that he would get paid for it. I had an idea of making one of HighEmperor's posts, the one giving the current political status, into a news article that Japner is reading. That way it makes a bit more sense and story-like, and is a bit more clever way of telling the story on Coruscant.

I think Checoc and Tahro thought of some way to handle the smugglers, but I can't remember what it was. You can check, I guess. I'm too lazy. [] Hold on, I decided I'm not. The Quorosans will offer better rates and lower tariffs. I guess you can do whatever you want with that. I'm busy working on the rebellion, and I might work on what you add.

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-10-21, 6:05 AM #89
Here how does this sound? It uses one of Emperor's posts in a more story-like way. I hope you don't mind, Emperor. We don't have to use this. []
Japner was told he would be given all his information in due time. He shook the Dug’s hand, and the alien then walked away and disappeared into a dark alley. Ordering an Alderaanian Ale, he sat back in his bar stool and relaxed. Why exactly had this somebody chosen him? It was something to ask about more persuasively next time he met with the Dug. After he finished his drink, he tipped the bartender and stepped out. He should probably try and catch up on the latest happenings in the galaxy. He seemed to be a little behind the times. Buying the latest news-pad from an old hermit, he skimmed through the articles.

The charges upon Senator Yuvas had been dropped due to lack of evidence, though his former assistant was still on trial.

The Quorosan political structure had already decided to replace Yuvas, because, although he had been formally declared innocent, the blow to his credibility was devastating.

The new Senator was in fact the old one, the one who had served for three consecutive terms before Yuvas had beaten him in the Electoral College on Quorosa. Though the hues of his feathers were dulled, no longer as brilliant as they had been in his youth, Senator Gordou ref'Manaami was, if anything, a fierier speaker than ever.

While Checoc and Tahro plotted bloody rebellion, the prime minister and council of Quorosa still hoped to secede peacefully. ref'Manaami was their advocate in the Republic Senate.

So when, on his first day back in the Senate Hall, Gordou ref'Manaami demanded that Quorosa be allowed to secede peacefully, Supreme Chancellor Benoar was taken aback, despite the fact that he had been mentally preparing himself for this very moment for months now.

The Morvogodinian Senator J'kaine was, not surprisingly, ardently opposed to the thought of secession. In an hour-long speech, he fiercely iterated why the Republic must preserve its unifying integrity. "United we stand, divided we fall," he roared.

The Caamasi Senator Caa'sab (his Declaration had gained him favor among his people during the recent Senatorial election) suggested that a compromise be reached on this and all future matters of secession.

"After all," the wise Caamasi said, "this is a free union, not an imperial order. Secession must be a viable option in order to maintain individual, planetary, and sectorial freedoms. On the other hand, we cannot allow ourselves to secede at the drop of the proverbial hat.

"I suggest that, in such cases of proposed secession, a committee be formed to determine if the problem or problems are of sufficient import to allow the member state or states to secede."

There was much arguing and wrangling, but eventually, the Act of Secession in Committee was formed, voted upon, passed, and signed by Chancellor Benoar.

The question of secession would go to a committee, which would always consist of a Duros, a Bith, a Caamasi, an Alderaanian, one member of the state proposing secession, and one member of a state ardently against it. The latter two, in this case, would be Senators Gordou ref'Manaami of Quorosa and J'kaine of Morvogodine.

The committee is being given one month to deliberate...

Whatever that all meant. At least he had a little ammo to fend off the smart comments from Horaska. Now, to find a new ship.

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-10-22, 4:06 PM #90
(Sorry, Geb, not SoD related. Although it's slightly similar to SoD... Actually, it's not really a site, it's an ezboard, and it's just about finished. Just a few more days, methinks.)
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-10-23, 2:24 PM #91
*sigh* I didn't get to hear Bush speak. The Auditiorium he was speaking at only fit around 7,000 people, and there was probably arund 10,000 people, maybe even more, there. Unfortunately, I was among that extra 3,000 or so. [] However, I did get to see him as he drove by. He stuck his head out the window and waved and everything, and that was pretty cool. I also got to laugh at all the weenie Democrat protestors, and that was fun, too. []

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-10-24, 3:17 PM #92
(Hee hee, weenie democrat protesters... Ok, here's a bit of an elaboration of Wilham and Unqi's escape from the space station, based on Highemperor's rather hasty post. [] )

"They have betrayed us all."

Prime Minister Quolahk stared at the energy blasts shimmering away on the station's energy shield. He turned to an aide.

"How long will the shields hold out?"

"Not long, sir. We have a few minutes at most. I suggest that you get into an escape pod immediately."

"Yes, of course."

Quolahk turned to leave the conference room, which was already quickly emptying. He was stopped in his tracks by a sudden, horrible thought. The Jedi! They had to be on this station somewhere! If they were killed, the Republic would start a war with the Quorosan people and the Jedi Order would back them fully! It wouldn't even matter that it had been Harks that had blown up the station, because it would be discovered that the Jedi had been held hostage!

Quolahk stopped in mid-stride, and turned into the nearest doorway. He found a computer and sat down, ignoring the protests of his aide.


"It's no good, Master," Unqi sighed as she turned away from the glowing screen. "This console's been cut off from the rest of the station. We can't access anything from here."

Wilham sighed, and got up from his meditation on the floor. The room gave another of the periodic shakes that had been going on for three minutes. "There must be something we can do. Perhaps we could send a message to someone somehow." He quickly scanned the room for anything that might possibly be useful in this new venture, but he found only the same things that had been there before.

Just then, there was a humming noise from the door.

"Quick, hide!" Wilham slipped up beside the door, hoping to strike whomever it was that was coming into the room.

The door gave a grinding jar, and slid up halfway. Immediately, blaring alarms began going off. From underneath the door, a Quorosan with bright and flashy feathers crawled.

"Station...about to... blow up!" the bird panted, out of breath.

Wilham was no judge of character, but he was quite sure that this Quorosan was telling the truth. He was also quite sure that the door was now open.

Unqi had apparently noticed this too, and was crouching to get under the door.

"No!" Wilham lunged at Unqi and yanked her back into the room. A blaster bolt pierced the air where she had just been standing. "Did I tell you to leave the room? You could have been killed!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't--"

Just then, three Quorosans in black gear and holding artifacts that looked suspiciously like weapons burst into the room, through the now fully open door.

"You'll be coming with us, Jedi. Thorus's orders."

Unqi looked suspiciously like she was going to attack the guards, so Wilham silenced her with a breif glare. "We are at your mercy, sirs."

Behind them, the other Quorosan stood up straight. "These people are free to go, on my orders."

The lead Quorosan replied, "Sorry Prime Minister, General Thorus is in command of this station. We only take orders from him."

As Quolahk's eyes widened indignantly, the other two Quorosans grabbed Unqi and Wilham and roughly pulled them out of the room.

Quolahk stood alone in the room, slightly confused as to what to do next.

"We're doomed," he whispered, as he slid to the floor. "My people are doomed..."

(I'd like to be the one to get Wilham and Unqi off the station, if possible.)

Oft evil will does evil mar.

[This message has been edited by Krig_the_Viking (edited November 01, 2000).]
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-10-25, 7:35 AM #93
You're welcome to it. That was very good. [] I think it's kind of funny how Emperor made up the characters Wilham and Unqi, yet Krig has kind of taken them over. []

I would just like to point out, just to make sure that I didn't offend anybody, that I didn't mean all Democrats are weenies. Just the protestors at the rally trying to cause a fuss. Heck, there was even some guy dressed as Jesus with a cross saying "WWJD Vote Democrat". It's funny, since Jesus loves little children, and Gore likes to kill them... []

I'll have more written in a little bit. Maybe in the next few minutes, depending on how much I'm up to it.

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-10-25, 9:18 AM #94
Krig, Krig, Krig... Tsk, tsk. Always stealing my characters. []

Krig, you're making Wilham out to be this overlording person. He's not. In my very first post on this story (all the way back in TACC, when I introduced Wilham and Unqi), I showed Wilham to be a wise, compassionate Jedi. Now it seems that he's changed completely. I mean, he can be going through some problems, that's alright with me, but don't make him out to be this beast.

You know, Cougar, this isn't exactly running completely parallel to the American Civil War. For instance, there's been no "Bloody Kansas" or popular sovereignty. I would have liked to have had that. Oh well.

However, I'm thinking we could have Benoar assassinated near the end of the war (or right after the war, like Lincoln). If that happens, I would like to see Caa'sab be elected Supreme Chancellor.

Now, there's still the question of the role Liim Tuaa is going to play in this war. Any ideas, anyone?

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, with the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-10-25, 10:56 AM #95
We could still have a "Bleeding Kansas". And you're the run running the politics. You can do the Popular Sovreignty Bill or whatever, if you want. We've sort of already had violence in the Senate with that one assassin guy. As you may have noticed, we're not exactly running the story in complete chronological order. [] I could add in a "Bleeding Kansas" somewhere whilst working the rebellion, since I've kind of taken over the military aspect. Isn't it nice how we all have our little niches in the story? Krig has the Jedi, I have the military, Emperor has the Senate Coruscant, Gebohq has taken Japner... I think. It's all working rather nicely. []

About Liin, I have some ideas of his role. He'll probably be a part-time Jedi warrior guy, maybe a pilot, or maybe infantry type guy. But, as shown in a post previously, he's not all that impressed with the current Jedi Order. Maybe he goes searching around the galaxy, and finds an ancient Jedi stronghold(possibly the Sith Temple on Dromuund Kass?). He goes in and finds records of a perfect society ruled over by powerful Jedi, a government later extinguished by the tyranny of the Republic. That would obviously be the Sith Empire. He then might go around looking for others interested in rebuilding this society, and maybe has some problems with his former Master. How does that sound?

BTW, if anyone wants a good laugh, head on over to TACC in the interactive story board and dig up the rought draft of this story. Boy, was that pure crap. []

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-10-25, 11:23 AM #96
(Hey, all the characters belong to everyone in this story, so it's impossible to steal characters! []
Yeah, I know about Wilham and the domineering overlord thing. I've been trying to think of ways to show that he's not as bad as it might seem, without having to go back and rewrite stuff.)

The three armed Quorosans pushed the two Jedi down the hallway. A dim rumble sounded, and the hallway rocked, setting the prisoners and guards alike off balance. Wilham shook his head slightly at Unqi, and they merely stood calmly and waited for the guards to regain their balance. The guards stabalized themselves and shoved Unqi and Wilham down the hall.

The procession walked briskly down the corridor for about twenty feet, and Wilham gave an invisibly slight nod. All hell broke loose.

Unqi leaped six feet into the air and delivered a crushing roundhouse kick to the head of the Quorosan that had been holding her. Wilham elbowed the guard nearest him, and whirled, hands extended. The weapons of all three guards flew into his hands, which he quickly tossed over his shoulder and away from the guards.

Unqi delivered two more kicks to the guard that had been holding her before landing on the ground. Before the guard had crumpled to the floor, she had lunged with a flying head kick at the third guard's beak.

There was a crack, and Unqi twisted around in the air to face Wilham before she hit the floor. Wilham was standing patiently, hands behind his back, the Quorosan he had been fighting laying against the wall.

"Good work, Unqi." As he spoke, a rather sad looking Quorosan peeked around the corner.

"That's the one that opened the door!" Unqi said.

"We must hurry..." the Quorosan stepped out into the open.

"Come with us, sir, we'll get you out of this station. Quickly!" Wilham grasped the bird by the shoulder, and pulled him along down the hallway, in the direction they had come when they were put into their prison.

In the station's hanger, a red light began flashing and an obviously Quorosan voice began speaking in a calm monotone.

"Five minutes until sheild failure. Five minutes until sheild failure." It went on to repeat the message in the language of the Quorosans.

Wilham, Unqi, and the Prime Minister entered the hanger through the main door. The guards around their ship had long since been called to more important duties, and the hanger was deserted. All the ships but their own had been scrambled to help combat the incoming war ship, but to little avail.

As the three neared the Living Force, a tremendous explosion rocked the station, sending the Jedi and the Prime Minister flying towards the streamlined ship. The monotone voice continued to state how many minutes were left of their lives.

Wilham ran ahead to one of the ship's landing legs, flipped open a panel, and quickly typed something on a keyboard. Above him, a rectangular crack appeared in the hull, widening into a landing ramp that descended to Wilham's feet. All three rushed aboard the vessel. There was only three minutes left.

Wilham ran into the cockpit and slid into the pilot's seat, flipping switches before he had come to a stop. All around him, lights began flicking on, and a deep throbbing noise began deep within the ship.

"Come on..." Wilham desperately tried to flip the switches faster, but there was no rushing the ship. Outside, the voice announced their impending doom in one minute.

Suddenly, there was a teeth-jarring boom, and outside the hanger entrance the station's sheild sparked and fizzled, then dissapeared. Two more explosions, and the Living Force lifted off the ground, propelled by the violent rocking of what had once been a stable floor. The engines ignited as the inner wall of the hanger blossomed into boiling, angry fire. The fire engulfed the ship before it could move.

In the deathly silence of space, the Quorosan station silently orbited it's mother planet. With a dulled thump, it erupted into a raging inferno, expanding slowly into the vaccuum of space. As the burning gasses swelled, a blackened and damaged Jedi's starship suddenly burst out of the fire, streaking away in a trail of flame.

Oft evil will does evil mar.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-10-25, 12:33 PM #97
Ooh, very good. [] I take the blame for making Wilham a domineering bad guy. The bit in the hangar earlier on was my doing. Krig did a good job here of making his dominiative nature toward Unqi work to there advantage. Good work!

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-10-25, 2:31 PM #98
(I would like to announce that the "secret project" I have been working on is now complete.
The First Realm is throwing back its veil of mystery and announcing its Grand Opening. All who like a good Message Board based RPG are welcome.)
(P.S. Being newly completed and all, there may be a few uncaught errors roaming around. If you see any, tell me.)
(P.P.S. Thanks for the compliment, Cougar [] )
(P.P.P.S. Visit the First Realm...)

Oft evil will does evil mar.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-10-27, 8:08 AM #99
The Senate was in turmoil. Many of Caa'sab's colleagues in the governmental structure had urged him to step down.

An investigation had revealed a shipment of slaves under order by Caa'sab. Caa'sab had denied ever ordering them, but few believed him in the hysteria.

Other worlds would have forced the Senator to resign, but Caamas was not other worlds. One of the Caamasi maxims was, "Hold fast, even in time of trial."

A team of attorneys from several worlds had offered to work to clear Caa'sab's name for free, but Caa'sab would not hear of it. He realized that, at this point, trying to clear his name would only agitate the already tense atmosphere and waste time and resources needed elsewhere. Two other Caamasi maxims were, "Evil shall collapse in upon itself," and, "The truth shall reveal itself in its own time, its own way."


Master Frarmicaon addressed the Jedi Council. "Fellow Masters," he said, "A time of crisis is upon us. Yet the Force has bestowed a vision upon me, last night as I meditated. It made me understand that we must not seek specific answers to this problem. That is for others to solve. Our task is to meditate upon the Force and open ourselves to its wisdom, so that we may root out a greater evil."

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, with the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-11-01, 5:11 AM #100
(NSP: Is everybody waiting for everybody else to post? Cause that's what I'm doin'... Wilham and Unqi can't really do much more without getting ahead of the rest of the story.

Oft evil will does evil mar.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-11-01, 9:23 AM #101
Actually I was planning on posting something here pretty soon, but it's still more backstory stuff so it won't help you much anyway. Sorry. []

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-11-01, 3:38 PM #102
(Nevermind, I just had a brainstorm. [] )

"...and with the recent death of Prime Minister Quolahk, I am declaring martial law in the system of Quorosa. I, as High Commander of the military, am now in control. We are taking the recent attack of the Republic warship Hawk on one of our defensless docking stations as a declaration of war, and have launched a full-fledged offensive for the defence of our humble world.

"We will not stand idle while such atrocities are commited against us! We go to war not only to fight for our lives and our freedoms, but for the cause of right, justice, and honour! Long live Quorosa!"

A roaring cheer rose up from the five hundred or so Quorosans that were gathered in the hall. Tahro Gik stepped down from the podium, taking his papers with him. It had been a rousing speech, outlining the troubled history of Quorosa and showing the terrible tyrannies of the Republic. Tahro wished he had written it himself.

He left the meeting hall as an assistant stood up to the podium. He walked down the hallway, away from the roar of the crowd and followed by an entourage of bodyguards and assistants. From a door up the hall in the direction he was going, one of the Quorosans who had been in the meeting with Checoc and the others stepped out.

"Commander Gik, I'd like to have a word with you!"

Tahro stopped, the whole procession behind him coming to a stop as well. "What is it, Baak?"

Baak glanced nervously at the procession behind Tahro. "It's of a rather private nature, sir."

Tahro also glanced at the Quorosans behind him, then ushered Baak into a small conference room off of the hall.

"What is it?"

"It may be nothing sir, but we believe there may be some survivors from the space station."

Tahro looked relieved. "That's not a problem, Baak! In fact, that's a good thing! We can use these survivors as eyewitnesses to an unprovoked attack by the Republic on a defenceless station!"

Baak looked even more nervous. "Sir, the ship that escaped was the Jedi's ship. There was a lock on that ship, and none of our men could get into it. I believe the Jedi may still be alive."

Tahro had a grim look on his beaked face. "This is not good. This is not good at all." He paced back and forth in the small room, then stopped and faced Baak. "Where are they now?"

"We don't know sir. Unfortunately, all of our sensing equipment in the area was on that station. All we know is that they haven't gone into hyperspace yet."

Tahro remained silent for a moment, attempting to maintain control over his growing frustration and rage.

"Find them, Baak. Find them at all costs. If they were to get to a Republic controlled world, we will be defeated before the war has even begun. Find them at all costs."


Meanwhile, in the space above the planet, Quorosan fighters began emerging from the mists of the Quorosan atmosphere, to join the ranks of the massive fleet that was massing just outside the orbit of the ill fated space station, but on the other side of the planet. Quorosa was going to war with the Republic, and the Republic didn't even know it yet.

Oft evil will does evil mar.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-11-02, 12:38 AM #103
Very good. []

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-11-02, 5:11 AM #104
[humbly]Thank you[/humbly].

Oft evil will does evil mar.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-11-04, 1:37 PM #105
Commander Tahro glared at the Rebel Commander Yevar, who was also staring at Tahro via holonet, with an unsettling smug grin on his face.

“So, you have failed to destroy a nearly defenseless base, as well as failed to use a Quorosan Battlebird effectively enough to take care of a few Republic fighters?”

Yevar had now lost his grin and replaced it with a disgusted frown. “It’s not my fault if the Admiral happens to be a very good pilot. The commander on board didn’t expect that plan of attack.”

“Plan your attacks better, then. I can tell Tor-Coe is getting suspicious. If you don’t start actually doing some more damage and causing us a little grief, the Republic will start to catch on. There’s going to have to be a valid war, here, and if you are just coordinating minor skirmishes…”

“Hey, can it, you stuck up, incompetent, nerf-smelling, waste of feathers. My job is to lead a rebellion. That’s what I’m doing. If you can’t think up logical excuses as to why you can’t do your job, it’s not my problem. Maybe you guys should start trying more instead of playing the damn victim. Being a baby doesn’t gain sympathy in the Senate.”

Tahro simply glared at the young Commander. “You are really working to getting yourself killed, you pompous little brat. If I hear one more cocky remark out of your little mouth, telling me how to do my job when you can’t do yours…”

Checoc pushed a button and opened the door, walking in to the room. “Is there a problem

“No problem Commander,” Tahro reassured. “Our little ‘opponent’ is being less that cooperative.”

“Well, I need to talk to you. You can fight with him later.”

Tahro also gave Checoc a glare, then flipped off the holovid.

Checoc spoke. “Have you made any plans for the slaves on Caamasi?”

“No, it was your idea. I figured you’d come up with it.”

The older Quorosan sighed. “Fine, I was simply asking. I’m thinking that it will have more effect if we plant the slaves somewhere in Senator Caas’ab’s household.”

Tahro scratched his chin, leaning back in his chair. “Interesting. That certainly would cause problems for him, wouldn’t it?”

“It’s what I figured would happen. Maybe you could have Yevar set something up?”

“Well, if his recent actions are any indication of the boy’s abilities, I don’t think we should trust him.”

“Yevar can do it. I know he can. Maybe he just needs a little something to persuade him.”


Commander Yevar stared happily at the datacard showing his current savings account status. The Quorosan government has kindly deposited a gift of 20,000 credits to his account. For what? A simple little task. It was as good as done. Why, he could have it done in twenty-four hours. Just a little preparation…


U’ris Garikan expertly flew the large, narrow, and slow moving, rusty freighter past the customs station orbiting Caamas. It took about an hour getting the ship prepared and stocked with Killians, but he had done it and was now preparing to deposit them at the Caa’sab household. A nice little gift. But first, he had to get past the customs officers. That should not be too hard.

“Incoming craft; please identify yourself.”

“Oh, hey, this is the Sleeping Eopie. I’ve got a shipment of foodstuffs from AerCo Shippings here. It’s for Senator Caa’sab and his mansion.”

“Please fly past the station for inspection.”


U’ris casually glided past the station. He had bought the sensor blocking devices from a cheap retailer, and he was hoping they worked. He didn’t want to spend too much money on this operation.

It seemed to work. “Sleeping Eopie, you are clear to enter Caamas. Two police escorts will escort you to the Caa'sab household. May your stay at Caamas be pleasant and fruitful.”

“Yeah, thanks.”

U’ris flipped off the communicator and flew into the atmosphere. It was a rather pretty planet. It reminded him of Alderaan. A former employer used to be based there.

Just as the customs officer told him, to pod-shaped police escorts flew toward his transport. They had a single pod, and appeared to have two levels on them. The bottom was the pilot, and on top was the gunner, with a mild laser cannon in front of him. Apparently the Caamasi weren’t anti-gun like some worlds. Or, they were afraid of terrorists due to the stance Caamas stood on the current slavery issue.

His cargo ought to cause problems where the Caamasi least expect it.

“Sleeping Eopie,” the escorts said over the radio. “Please follow us to the landing platform where you may deposit your cargo.”


In a few minutes they had arrived at the household. It was a fairly large building, but it wasn’t just Caa’sab’s. He came from a rich family who owned this mansion, and some rooms were often times rented out as fine hotel rooms. That’s where he planned to deposit the slaves.

The Eopie landed on the platform, and the escorts had one final message. “Deposit your cargo, and you may leave if you like. Service droids will arrive soon to pick up the cargo.”

“Gotcha. You guys have a nice day.”

The escorts flew away, leaving U’ris alone to do his work, just as the sun began to set in the night sky concealing his actions in a dark, reddish sky. Lowering the hatch, he walked to the back of the ship, as the rear cargo ship also opened. Three large cargo droids rolled out, carrying the crates in their massive arms, propelled along by their bell-shaped torso. U’ris then walked to the door leading into the mansion. It was locked. They obviously didn’t want anybody getting in.

No problem. Pulling out a fake ID card bought from a handy merchant on Nar Shadda, he slid it into the control panel. The door hissed open, gaining him access to the household. He smiled, and waved the droids in.

Luckily, finding his way around the mansion wasn’t too difficult. He had seen floor plans provided by the Quorosan rebels, so he was hoping it would provide a good example of what he was up against. He was right.

The mansion was huge. Large hallways spanned the building, doors lining the walls, and rich civilians passing U’ris as a worker transporting goods to some other part of the house. What he wasn’t expecting, however, were guards. He hadn’t thought of those being in a hotel, but now looking ahead he saw a lone guard standing near a turbolift, conversing with what appeared to be a maidservant. He would have to find a way passed the guard. As he neared him, the guard waved away the servant and faced U’ris.

“What do you got there?” asked the Caamasi.

“Cargo. Just delivered. It’s supposed to get to Caa’sab. If you’ll let me through…”

“Not without some ID. There have been too many terrorist threats recently. We do not trust too many people we don’t recognize. I don’t recognize you.”

U’ris nodded. “Certainly.” He reached into his pocket, and a clear dart flew into the guard’s stomach. He immediately fell over limp on the floor. The dart and entered the guard’s body, but his bodily fluids will soon have the dart completely deteriorated, and all trace of the dart would be lost.

Satisfied, U’ris stepped into the large lift, accompanied by the three silent droids.
The lift went down to the lower levels of the mansion, down to where the servants quarters were. Stepping off, they worked their way down the hallways. Finding an unlocked room, that appeared to be unoccupied by anyone, they went inside.

It was a bedroom for somebody. It looked as if it wasn’t used by any servant. It had a single bed. A large bed, but a single none the less. It was probably made to fit two servants. The droids lowered the crates, and opened them, pulling out two separate female Killian slaves. Killian females were much more attractive then the males, to most species anyway. They were much more smooth and human-like. They apparently were one of the exports that greatly benefited Quorosan economy.

Metal bonds, their wrists attached to the ankles, restrained both of the slaves tightly, and both of them were unconscious. U’ris spoke to the droids, “Chain them to the bedposts. Then set up the hacking equipment.”

Once the slaves were in place, the droids opened the other crate, pulling out a large box with machinery inside. Hooking it to a side console, the box was started up.

Sitting next to it, U’ris began typing into the machinery, setting up a link to the main computer of the mansion. After several tries, he finally made it in. “Yes!” he whispered coarsely to himself. Now to change the cargo records… finally. Now, Caa’sab and his household have officially owned a pair of Killian slaves for exactly three months. His job was done.

It wouldn't be too long before someone found these two. The slaves would get out, telling their tale to the galaxy. He smiled.

U’ris made it back to the Eopie without any problems. Flying past the customs station, he set the coordinates back to Quorosa and sped off into hyperspace.

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles

[This message has been edited by Cougar (edited November 05, 2000).]
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-11-06, 8:29 AM #106
)Wow, the first actual reference to the slaves themselves, and we're three pages into the story! Speaking of slaves, I was thinking, why don't we have the slaves on Quorosa start a real rebellion, alongside the fake one? (Forgive the stupid question, but what is the official reason for the fake rebellion? I forget. Are they for or against slavery?)

I had a big story written, but I hit the wrong keys somehow and the whole thing dissapeared. Fortunately, I did not go into a murderous rage.)

Two small figures crawled away from the smoking wreckage of a crashed starship, dragging a third between them. They crawled about twenty yards away, to the edge of a surprisingly green forest, and came to a halt under a large tree.

"Do you think he'll be alright?" Unqi inquired of Wilham, propping the unconcious Quorosan against the tree.

"I don't know. I don't know enough about Quorosan physiology to say," Wilham said as he settled down against the tree next to the Quorosan. "All I know is that we should probably get him to a doctor or whatever passes for a doctor on this planet."

Unqi also leaned against the tree. She gazed back at their ruined starship, which was pouring black smoke into the atmosphere.

"What do you think went wrong with the hyperdrive, master?" Unqi inquired.

"It must have been damaged in the explosion, along with the atmospheric flight controls. We're actually lucky to have escaped with our lives, much less an intact hyperdrive," Wilham said as he searched the surrounding forest for signs of life. He looked at Unqi, over the head of the slumping Quorosan.

"Did you see any signs of civilization before we crashed? I was busy trying to land the Living Force."

"I saw what appeared to be a small city, but I don't know what direction it is from here, or how far. It all happened too fast, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it Unqi. We'll just have to rely on the Force."

Wilham took a deep breath to calm himself, then stretched out his senses. All around him, small pockets of life rustled, going about their daily business. Far off to the north east, he sensed a conglomeration of life-forces, seeming to be in confusion and in regulated order both at the same time. It had the feel of civilization.

Unqi broke into his thoughts. "I can sense activity towards the north, master."

Wilham smiled at his student's developing abilities. He remembered when he had been like that, getting used to being able to sense things far off, and feeling exhilerated at the immenseness of it all.

"The north-east, Unqi. A small city of perhaps a thousand inhabitants. You are gettnig better."

Unqi smiled. "Thank you, master."

Wilham stretched his legs, and settled back against the tree.

"We'll stay here for an hour, then head towards that city. Try to get some rest, Unqi."

Oft evil will does evil mar.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-11-06, 9:34 AM #107
“I think we should find a way to prove that Ferak’s actions do not represent those of Quorosa. Possibly stage a fake rebellion or civil war among us, to show the majority of Quorosa accepts the judgment in the Senate. Then we could try to gain sympathy among the Republic, making us look like victims. Maybe fake economical records, trading income, and all that. Make the Senate’s ruling unfair. Then we could make the rebellion a sign of complete desperation, possibly giving us more supporters.” - Commaner Tahro

Anyway, you lost all of that? That would suck. I hate it when that happens during a debate. [] Did you manage to retype most of it, or are we now missing out on a whole lot?

BTW, we can still add more with the slaves. If we do have a normal slave scene, I suggest we make it rather mild. We don't want the Quorosans to really seem like the bad guys. Lets give the Killian slaves a fairly easy life, just in slavery.

Also, Emperor suggested a "Bleeding Kansas". If you don't know what that is, it was an event pre-American Civil War, where a large outbreak in Kansas erupted in violence. I can't remember what all happened, however. I should do some touching up on the incident. Anyway, maybe we could have a slave uprising there. Although, I was also thinking the "Bleeding Kansas" should be on another planet, and try to expand the horizons of this story, and not having it only set on Coruscant and Quorosa. Heck, I don't care. []

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-11-06, 10:09 AM #108
(NSP: I managed to retype the Wilham part, and I think it's better now than it was before. Before, however, I had a part where Chancellor Benoar is dealing with all these problems in the Quorosan sector, as well as the normal day to day stuff. I also had the Jedi Council sent Benoar a message notifying him of a "disturbance in the Force" (like Alderaan, on a smaller scale), caused by the destruction of the Quorosan docking station. Obviously, the Senate doesn't know about that yet, and will be unprepared for the Quorosans' attack.

Gotcha on the slaves and the Bleeding Kansas.)

Oft evil will does evil mar.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-11-09, 2:24 PM #109
Okay, this is set in Chapter 1 yet, and is after everything else in the chapter. I felt that it is too small, and could use more action. Let's have this be the Senatorial fight type thing or whatever. Or maybe we could just have this be another original event. I don't care. []
Senator Grishtak lay on the repulsor recliner in his Coruscant suite. He was tired from the endless debating in the Senate, and now just wanted to rest. These new recliners were really quite comfortable. In the wall there was a fireplace, which was burning small r’thr’ara flower, pedals, and the whole rooms was scented. Flicking out his tongue and taking in the perfume, he closed his scaled eyes and relaxed.

Suddenly, the door buzzed, interrupting his rest. Slowly getting up, he smoothed out his Senatorial suit, which he hadn’t bothered to take off earlier. Confident he looked formal enough, he walked to the door and opened it. However, he saw nothing. Until he looked down, and saw a little gray creature with a large, protruding lower jaw, staring at him.

“Who are you?” the Malerasian hissed.

“I am Murkh’rubaak. I have been sent to give you a message.”

Grishtak stared at the little alien. “What are you, may I ask as well?”

The gray alien ignored him and walked into the suite. He stood next to the fireplace and stood there patiently, waiting for the large reptilian Senator to speak.

“Well?” Grishtak spoke at last. “What is the message?”

“Certain members on Ryloth are displeased with your stance on the Quorosan issue. They consider you a threat.”

The Senator calmly sat down on the recliner, the repulsors whirring as the reptilian pushed the board down and was forced to reconfigure its settings to stay with the given height coordinates. “Murkh’rubaak, to be frank, I don’t care what the Twi-lek think about me. I don’t care what anyone thinks about me. I am standing up for morals and humanity, and I refuse to back down because are displeased.”

The creature nodded. “That is a pity.” It got up to leave, but then stopped and stared at Grishtak. “By the way, if you were still wondering, I am a Noghri.”

Noghri… the Senator had heard the name before. Suddenly, it hit him. He had heard of a clan of Noghri ruffians causing trouble on Corellia a few years back. They were apparently very deadly killers, even when armed only with their hands. Then another thought struck him. Was Murkh’rubaak sent here only to discuss bad feelings being directed toward him? It was a rather brief discussion. The Noghri didn’t seem too intent on changing the Senator’s mind…

He didn’t even see it coming. The creature’s claw came slashing toward him at blinding speed, cutting through his throat, and he immediately began wheezing and coughing blood. He couldn’t breathe at all! He looked around, trying to find the alien, but his vision was beginning to dim. His hunter instincts had been dulled after years sitting in a pod discussing matters, and not being in a more natural environment. He saw a blur fly past him, and he swung, but him arm was lobbed off when a humming blade sliced through it like melted butter. Gasping, he fell to the ground, blood spilling on the carpet, and finally died.

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-11-09, 2:48 PM #110
(Kewwwwwl. Which part is chapter 1? Where are the chapter divisions? Just wondering...)

(Woohoo, my 500th post! Man, I'm still, like, a newbie here... )
(Ummm... I'm just kinda waiting for someone else to add onto the end of the timeline. Expect a post soon if no-one else posts... or if someone does post.

Oft evil will does evil mar.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-11-10, 3:22 PM #111
There were chapter divisions in the very first post. That segment is at the end of chapter 1.

I might add more to the current storyline soon. Although, wouldn't it make sense for you to write the stuff you thought of? I guess I could write something based on what you said, though.

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-11-10, 7:24 PM #112
Ohhh, duh, I forgot about the first post. I'd be writing more, it's just that I'm a little strapped for time right now.

Oft evil will does evil mar.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-11-11, 1:24 AM #113
Aah. Okay. I might have more written today. Stay tuned! []

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-11-11, 12:32 PM #114
BTW, did you want me to post this story at First Realm, or not? I asked at the site, but you didn't respond yet. Also, I know a way you can find out my hometown, and I'm surprised you didn't think of that yet. []

"You've done grand, laddy! Now you know what to do. Burn the house down! Burn them all!"

-Ralph Wiggum's leprachaun
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-11-11, 1:44 PM #115
Oh, man, I just got an awesome idea! "Bleeding Kansas" will now be on *drumroll* Dagobah! A small battle between opposing sides on the slavery issue occurs, in which an important figure supporting the Abolotion Petition gets killed, shadowing over the Malerasian Senator's death. Later on during the war, Dagobah is split apart by the two sides, and eventually civilization is wiped out on the planet due to some kind of catastrophic war calamity. Spiffy, huh? [] [] I'll go get writing now!

"You've done grand, laddy! Now you know what to do. Burn the house down! Burn them all!"

-Ralph Wiggum's leprachaun
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-11-12, 9:40 AM #116
From now on, please post here for any non-story parts and comments, so we can use this thread just for story parts. Thank you to Krig for the nice site to base the story. []

"You've done grand, laddy! Now you know what to do. Burn the house down! Burn them all!"

-Ralph Wiggum's leprachaun
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-11-12, 4:11 PM #117
Japner Bansak sat at a table in one of Quorosa's many bars, thinking his situation over, and assessing his problems. He was on an unfamiliar planet (which wasn't unusual), with no ship, no contacts except a very suspicious seeming Dug, and very few credits. The pouch of money he'd taken from the Nikto earlier had seemed like lots, but it wasn't even enough to pay for half of a atmospheric skipper, much less a hyperspace equipped starship.

Japner drained the last of the local ale he'd ordered. He'd have to find a job somewhere, and not with that Dug. He didn't like Dugs to start with, and this one just didn't seem trustworthy.

Japner smiled to himself. Maybe he'd have to wash dishes for a while...

Oft evil will does evil mar.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-11-14, 10:22 AM #118
Senator Yuvas stared coldly at the small Yoravian Senator, whose large eyes stared back at Yuvas. “Senator Ishba, that is a complete insult to me and my fellow Quorosans that you should dare to think that we are responsible for the death of Senator Grishtak. Especially when you imply I that I arranged it myself.”
The Yoravian calmly shook his head. “Now, now, my good Yuvas. You must not be so easily offended”, the small Senator squeaked. “I am simply saying that Quorosa is quite logically a suspect in the matter. Pointing to you is also valid, after looking back on your actions during the Rewarth/Moleska case…”
“Enough of this!” the Quorosan fumed. “That case is totally irrelevant and not associated with the current matter at all.” Yuvas paused. “Besides, my actions were completely proper.”
Senator Ishba simply laughed; an angrier, yet still amused laugh. “ ‘Completely proper’? You splashed steaming hot tea into Governor Soramon’s face! He had to wear a bacta mask for days, due to Erkarean’s weak skin. And, tell me, why was that, Senator Yuvas?”
“Be quiet, both of you!” Chancellor Benoar cut in, his cat-like eyes glaring at the two men. “You can settle your little disputes on your own time.”
“I agree,” Senator Ref of Dagobah said loudly. His two stalked-eyes skimmed around the Senate Hall, looking to see if he had everyone’s attention. He was usually quiet, but when he spoke, everyone listened to what he had to say. At this time, Ref couldn’t control himself, and his spotted amphibious skin began to get red with anger. “If you can’t remain civil, but instead act like children, please go elsewhere. Senator Yuvas, you must learn to control yourself.”
Yuvas, who before had been standing up, quietly sat down in his chair. Ishba did the same. Detaching his pod from the wall, the Dagoban Senator moved toward the center of the Hall. “If I may add my comments on the matter, I would like to say that the murder of Senator Grishtak is a terrible incident, it is totally unrelated to the important topic at hand.”
Groans of disapproval rose from around the Hall. “If you would look at the evidence, my friends, it is really quite obvious it is unrelated. Let me explain. As I’m sure most of you know, Grishtak had a rather unhealthy addiction to the scent of r’thr’ara flowers. Did he not?”
The Hall was mostly quiet, except for the occasional supportive cheer. “Now, where do r’thr’ara flowers come from?”
A voice came from somewhere in the Senate. “Ryloth.”
“Exactly. We know from video footage of the incident that the killer was a Noghri. We also know that the killer was Murkh’rubaak. Now, he is the head of a criminal organization somewhere in the Outer Rim. The location is unknown to us, as I’m sure most of you know. He is very loyal to his planet and species, and would never do anything that would go against Noghri morals.”
Another voice spoke up from the crowd. “Like doing something for Twi-leks.”
“Exactly. We all know that due to the recent trade disputes, Ryloth has a bad reputation with Noghri. However, I won’t go into that incident right now.” Meanwhile, the Twi-lek Senator was quiet, but obviously angry.
“But why would he say he was working for us? And what do the r’thr’ara flowers have to do with anything?” the Twi-lek inquired.
“Well, that’s really quite simple. To get you and your planet in trouble. We all know about your planet’s stance on the issue. It would make sense to make your planet a suspect. And, the r’thr’ara flowers would also make more of a connection between you and Senator Grishtak.”
The Senator wasn’t satisfied. “Then why did he do it himself? Why didn’t he hire someone not known for hating us to do it? Especially with the video cameras on?”
“That, I don’t know. Murkh’rubaak hasn’t been caught yet, but once we do, he will be interrogated. He apparently wanted us to see something. What that is, I really can’t say.
“But, getting to the point, it is really quite simple to see that it wasn’t a political move, but a vengeful act. However, this is all for the Court to decide, and we are here to discuss the Abolition Petition.”
Chancellor Benoar cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the Senate. “Next time, Senator Ref, please allow me to officially allow you direct attention to you. I will let it go this time, however, since you had good things to say. Anyway, Senator Ref is correct. We need to get back to the topic at hand.”
“Chancellor Benoar,” Ref asked the gray-furred Togorian. “May I add my comments on the issue?”
“Yes. The Senate now recognizes Senator Ref of the Dagobah System.”
“Thank you.” His pod was already detached from the wall, but now he moved it closer to the center, to make it easier for more to see him.
“The Dagobah system, as well as many other neighboring systems, agree that the Quorosan’s actions were completely justified and moral.
“Now, let me assure you all, that we did not come to this conclusion lightly. However, after looking at the facts and reports on the issue, and looking back on history, and after much deliberation, have decided that the results of the Quorosan/Killian War is a totally acceptable way to conclude a conflict.
“For example, look at the recent civil war in the H’tras system. The Nusami conquered the Suuna, and afterwards took much of the Suuna’s wealth, military, and took a few slaves themselves. Though there was some controversy, those offended were pretty much waved off. It was considered the way of war.
“But that was fifteen standard years ago. Apparently, rules of war have unofficially been changed. When a planet in war with another planet is conquered, and the planet is taken captive as slaves, is that really much worse? Now, of course, we in the Dagobah system would certainly not do the same ourselves. However, we really aren’t in a position to judge. The Killian system isn’t even a member of the Republic! Do we really have the right to say that the Quorosans can’t do this?”
He paused, looking around, looking to see the reactions on the other Senator’s faces. “That is all. Thank you.”

"You've done grand, laddy! Now you know what to do. Burn the house down! Burn them all!"

-Ralph Wiggum's leprachaun
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-11-20, 2:11 AM #119
Hey, guys! Sorry I was away so long. I was in the hospital.

Don't have the chance yet to read through all the new posts, but when I do, I'll post something. []

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, with the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-11-20, 12:02 PM #120
In the hospital? For what? Gosh, I thought you were just on vacation or something.

Anyway, Krig has used his First Realm site to host the story, so we got stuff there now. The address is above, or you could just go to Krig's site.

BTW, I have decided that you are correct on the Checoc=Lee issue. Maybe we could use one of Tahro's officers instead, like Ihroc or Outra?

"Ms. Harris has said that she will uphold the election laws in Florida, and for that, her character is questioned."

- Bob Dole
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.

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