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ForumsInteractive Story Board → Sith Hell (PLEASE dont go and screw up this story...)
Sith Hell (PLEASE dont go and screw up this story...)
1999-10-24, 4:46 PM #41
(I just realized that you wanted to have Lost Soul-like guys in the level, but you never mention them in this story as of yet, so...)

*After having escaped from the shadow beings, they enter a room scattered with skeletons. They got into a defensive position as skeleton warriors armed with scythes rose from the ground and came for the two. Mara and Kyle managed to evade the slow warroirs and stike them down. After some time, it had appeared as if they had killed off all of the warriors. The two continued down the room when suddenly a skull from the ground rose and flew right for them, leaving behind a trail of fire.*

Mara: "This place just keeps popping up with new surprises, doesn't it?"

*Mara sidestepped teh fireball that spat from the flying skull and easily killed it, but even as the foe fell, more rose and flew towards them.*

Kyle: "There are too many! I don't know how long I can defend myself."
*Meanwhile, as Luke is flying the ship in his illusion, he is wandering up through the sith temple as if he were sleepwalking. It seems likely that he will meet Mara and Kyle in the direction he is going, but only destiny will tell...*

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited October 25, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited October 25, 1999).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-10-25, 10:24 PM #42
Meanwhile Luke has his own troubles. He now arrives at Coruscant. Leia meets him as the ship lands. Luke climbs down the gangplank.

Leia: Luke where are Mara and Kyle.

Luke (quietly): Their dead, Leia.

Leia: You murder her didn't you.

Luke: WHAT?!

Leia: I said, "what happened?"

Luke: . . . Our ship, became trapped on this world, like Dromund Kaas. But worse, much worse. . . . he and Mara, went into a temple there. I saw her die. . .

Leia: Oh, Luke, I'm so sorry.

She puts her arm around Luke's shoulder to comfort him. Luke feels the urge again his had goes for his lightsaber, then he stops and pulls his hand back.

Leia: Luke you don't look well, I think you should go rest.

Luke: Yes. Your right.

Luke goes to his quaters. After a few minutes Han comes in.

Han: I heard what happened. I'm sorry.

Luke: Yes.

Han: So how does it feel to have murdered your wife.

Luke: What did you say?!

Han: I said how are you feeling?

Luke: I don't know what I am going to do.

Han (getting up to leave): Well you know I am behind you and will help in any way I can. . .perhaps you'd like to murder Leia too. (Before Luke can respond Han turns and leaves.)

Luke (to himself aloud): What is happening to me!
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

1999-10-25, 10:56 PM #43
Oh this is so cool. I like those shadow beings. If I ever get my TC started I think I'll put them in.

1999-10-26, 6:58 PM #44
With a "thanks to Gebohq" in the readme, right Vega? I hope so. Argh, someone else continue the story. Ares perhaps? I think it could draw near to the end, and you said you'd have to write the conclusion.

Oh, and Ares: would you be interested in a cog that lets you grab people and throw them against walls(away from you) for this level? Its already going to need a bat file or patch commander, right?
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-10-27, 1:00 PM #45
--Hey. Isn't anybody going to post but me! Grumble. Grumble. Just kidding. But I'm only going to help complete Lukes bit, you guys will have to complete the rest.--

Luke headed back to the ship he had used to lift off from that hellish world. As he boarded the gangplank to the ship, Leia walked in.

Leia: Your going back to that world again, aren't you?

Luke: Yes.

Leia: You're not going with out me. I can't let you go there alone.

Luke: No. Leia. . .

Leia: You'll have to kill me to stop me from coming.

Luke: All right, come aboard.

Luke now leaves Leia in the to seal the entrance to the ship while he goes to the cockpit. He enteres the cockpit and sits in the piolit's seat.

Luke (whispered to himself): I may kill you if you come too.

The ship lifts off and is on its way back.

(During this time you would want to switch back to Mara and Kyle while the ship is en route)

The ship decends with ease onto the planets surface. Leia exits the ship first followed by Luke. As she stands at the bottom of the gangplank as Luke exits the ship and stands at the top of the gangplank that urge hits him again ten times as powerful as before. His had goes for his lightsaber. He ignites it. Leia turns around to see him coming down the gangplank with his saber ready to strike her down. She backs away. Suddenly she trips over a root of a nearby tree and falls to the ground facing upward as Luke now stands over her with his lightsaber.

Leia: Luke! No. Don't! STOP! No!

The darkside voice: DO IT!

Luke hesitates.

Voice and Leia in unison: DO IT!

Luke trembles.

Luke: NO! This isn't real! NONE OF THIS IS REAL!

Luke turns the saber on himself and drives it through his chest.


The sky and world around him shatter like glass and lightning flashes and thunder rolls. Suddenly he finds himself whole and unharmed in that dark room agian. For he had never let it.

--What do you think of that? Just a suggestion, that you do all of the Luke stuff I wrote in a extened cutscene (different scenes shown as you progress through the temple) Make sure to use different and interesting camera angles, like when Luke stands over Leia, have the camera switch to her veiw for a few seconds so the audience can feel terror from her view as Luke stands over her ready to do the deed. You might want to make the scene as similar to the one with Mara as possible, thus emphasising the difference in his final decision. Though to make all of this work out good, you'll need to make a lot of new keys for the cutscenes.--

[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited October 27, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited October 27, 1999).]
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

1999-10-27, 2:48 PM #46
Whoops! Well, what do you think Ares? Should Luke be wandering the sith temple while halucinating or always be in the dark room, then try to find Mara and Kyle? And I agree with Merlin about good camera views. One last thing: I drew up a pic of teh shadow being and wondered if you would be interested in seeing it. Reply soon Ares.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-10-27, 5:54 PM #47
Just thought i would bring reality down to everyone here, chances are, this thing will never be done, JK is near the end of its life and its only a matter of time.

I will also probably not be able to post anything for the next several days, too much schoolwork.

Just keep the story going..

Y2K is coming! Be afraid... Be VERY afraid...
Shutup brain or I'll stab you with a Q-tip!
1999-10-27, 5:56 PM #48
Hey hey now. Brian said many times that Jk is still thriving by the # of people coming to massassi. And besides, you got us(at least me) all excited into seeing it as a level. Don't back out now, it will be worth it if we do it right.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-10-28, 5:37 PM #49
Who said i was backing out? I just said, JK will probably be dead by the time this is done... Speaking of this, im gonna need some weapon ideas...

Y2K is coming! Be afraid... Be VERY afraid...
Shutup brain or I'll stab you with a Q-tip!
1999-10-28, 6:30 PM #50
oh, ok, so your just pretty much saying that it will take a long time for this to get done. ok, I can deal with that, I'll still be playing JK when its dead(hey, I play goldeneye for N64 and thats as old as JK, with no editing capabilities! But I need to know: weapons for the heros(I thought they'd just have lightsabers and blasters) or the enemies(which skeletons have scythes and the rest I thought were weapons themselves). After all, this is sith hell, who needs weapons when you've got flying heads spitting fireballs? But then again, most good SP levels have weapons in them...hmm...and Ares, could you help me out by continuing my last post?(its about them encountering the flying skulls, I figure you could write up a section best for it, I could probably then continue. If we could only get some others in this story now....

"The difference between insanity and genius is sucess."

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-10-30, 6:32 PM #51
Luke was not going to take anymore of this.
Luke: "Your not going to hold me here Darkside!"

Darkside: "It does not matter. You will be turned just as Mara and Kyle were. Go." A passageway in front of Luke appears. "You will not last five minutes anyway."

Luke lights his saber and walks through the door. "Yeah. Thats what you think."

I didnt feel like writing much. Reminder: Kyle and Mara are not Darkjedi. It is just Darksides lie.

Y2K is coming! Be afraid... Be VERY afraid...
Shutup brain or I'll stab you with a Q-tip!
1999-10-31, 1:16 PM #52
Hmm, Merlin have you ever seen Star Trek TNG?

That part when Luke kills himself and the world shatters is a lot like that episode where Riker was in that play of Dr. Crusher's.. I think it was called "Frame of Mind". These weirdos keep messing with his head and making him feel like he was somewhere else.. then he turns a phaser on himself and the world shatters into something else.. a very eerie and kewl episode... []

just wondering

Emissary from the Third Dimension

In the deathmatch of life, there is a timelimit, but no fraglimit. :)
1999-10-31, 5:19 PM #53
(I know excatly what your talking about Threedee, that's what I thought also. But we need more writers to this story! The three of us can't do it alone(me, Merlin and Ares).
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-11-01, 6:04 PM #54
(well, I guess I'll have to continue this...)

*Kyle and Mara are continuing to defend themselves from the many flaming skulls, but it seems that they are just too outnumbered.*

Kyle: "There's too many of them! We can't last much longer!"

*Just as it seemed that they were about to loose, Luke rushes in from behind the swarm of flying skulls. He ignites his saber and turns the tide as he helps to kill their enemy. After the room was clear, the three moved onward deeper into the dark temple.*

Mara: "I'm so glad to see you Luke! We thought you were dead!"

Luke: "You couldn't possibly know how much I missed you Mara.(he gives Kyle a cold look, as if to tell him that he should keep his distance from Mara, then looks back at Mara) We can get through this."

*Luke, Mara and Kyle continued to walk through dark imposing hallways with twisted walls and endless ceilings. It seemed as if the temple had a life of its own.*
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-11-01, 8:48 PM #55
LUKE: We've got to get out of here before we die. Even the most powerfull of jedi couldn't last here much longer without succombing to the dark side.

All of a sudden, the long hallway seemed to extend 10 miles. The point right in front of them seemed to swell and get larger. The dim light if the corridor was bent around the shape of a large figure, 3 times larger than a normal human. The eyes seemed like a pair of binary black holes. The figure slightly illuminated itself in red to reveal the clocked spirit of Freedon Nadd. The figure groaned in anger, loud enough to blow the trio of jedi down. Nadd raised his hands, and a swirling vortex of energy gathered in his palms.


The echo of the sith lord's voice was enough to crack several of the bricks lining the corridor. he thrust his hands forward, releasing the energy stright at Mara, Luke, and Kyle. Luke tried to shunt the energy into a defensive shield, but it was no use. All Three of them were blasted back by the tremendous force. Red lightning crackled all over Luke's body, causing him to writhe uncontrollabley in pain. Mara seemed to be being crushed by a giant hand. They flew back a few hundred meters and instantly hit a wall. Both mara and luke could hear several of kyle's ribs shatter. the Jedi screamed in pain. Mara picked herself up, tring to use any technique to get rid of her unimaginable headache. Just then, they saw the floor a few feet in front of them open. Dazed by preious events, they couldn't tell if this was yet another sith illusion. flames and smoke lept from the hole, filling the room with a cold, dim orange light. A cloaked figure rose slowly out of the midsts. His dark blue face was covered with red bloodshot veins. luke just barely recognised him as the millenia old dark lord of the sith, Darth Bane.


Never yell "Star Trek" at a Star Wars Convention

I'm gonna get out of here alive if it kills me!
1999-11-01, 8:50 PM #56
LUKE: We've got to get out of here before we die. Even the most powerfull of jedi couldn't last here much longer without succombing to the dark side.

All of a sudden, the long hallway seemed to extend 10 miles. The point right in front of them seemed to swell and get larger. The dim light if the corridor was bent around the shape of a large figure, 3 times larger than a normal human. The eyes seemed like a pair of binary black holes. The figure slightly illuminated itself in red to reveal the clocked spirit of Freedon Nadd. The figure groaned in anger, loud enough to blow the trio of jedi down. Nadd raised his hands, and a swirling vortex of energy gathered in his palms.


The echo of the sith lord's voice was enough to crack several of the bricks lining the corridor. he thrust his hands forward, releasing the energy stright at Mara, Luke, and Kyle. Luke tried to shunt the energy into a defensive shield, but it was no use. All Three of them were blasted back by the tremendous force. Red lightning crackled all over Luke's body, causing him to writhe uncontrollabley in pain. Mara seemed to be being crushed by a giant hand. They flew back a few hundred meters and instantly hit a wall. Both mara and luke could hear several of kyle's ribs shatter. the Jedi screamed in pain. Mara picked herself up, tring to use any technique to get rid of her unimaginable headache. Just then, they saw the floor a few feet in front of them open. Dazed by preious events, they couldn't tell if this was yet another sith illusion. flames and smoke lept from the hole, filling the room with a cold, dim orange light. A cloaked figure rose slowly out of the midsts. His dark blue face was covered with red bloodshot veins. luke just barely recognised him as the millenia old dark lord of the sith, Darth Bane.


Never yell "Star Trek" at a Star Wars Convention

I'm gonna get out of here alive if it kills me!
1999-11-02, 7:00 AM #57
oh, sorry 'bout the double post. my wonderful computer froze just as i was hitting the "submit" button. I wasn't sure if it got the message, so i hit it again.

(massassi people): yeah...right....


Never yell "Star Trek" at a Star Wars Convention

I'm gonna get out of here alive if it kills me!
1999-11-02, 6:42 PM #58
wow. If you could get enough people to work with you on this, that would be great. You should have a whole web page deticated to this. I'd love to help with making some 3do, mat, and key files for this.
Enchiladas! Nice and Hot!
Enchiladas- I got I got!
1999-11-02, 7:41 PM #59
There WILL be a page, once i get off my lazy derriérre(well look at that, some Franch stuck with me.) and make one.

When i go to the site daily, the general level quality seems to be getting better and better, yet people STILL release single sector levels.... Hey People when will it sink in? A SINGLE SECTOR IS NOT A LEVEL! THIS MEANS YOU TOO!

Phear Y2K....
Shutup brain or I'll stab you with a Q-tip!
1999-11-02, 7:53 PM #60
Luke, Mara and Kyle find themselves falling down the pit when suddenely that stop falling and go flying back out of the pit to smash into the floor a few feet in front of the pit they see Darth Bain behind them laughing and the black creature in front of them Kyle groaned in pain and lay still knocked out from the pain luke and mara stand back to back sabers ignited Mara facing Bane and luke facing the black creature then the black creature JUMP at them and luke and mare both jump out of the way the large, black creatures feet land only inches from kyles head then luke shouts to mara:i have an idea! C'mon lets go stand by the pit they both walk twords the pit deflecting blows from Darth Bane then when they are about to fall off the pit they both jump at Darth Bane and push him into the pit he falls for a feew feet and then levitates out then the black creature jumps at them Luke and Mara jump away and the creature lands on darth bane and they both fall into the pit
Mara>That was close
Luke>Yea..we need to help kyle you set up the camp over there
Mara> no why dont you? alwayse making me do everything around here!
Luke oh yea?? whos the one who defeated your precios emperror! besided you did all HIS dirty wirk whats wronge with doing some more?
Mara>and WHO was it who deafeted Joruus C'boath a task you could not do AND you almost fell to the darkside because of him!
Luke>Mara..what are we doing? i--i love you!
Mara>your right..i will go set up camp
Luke> i will help
minutes later they have the camp set up
Luke> we both have to use our only remaining force energies to try and heal kyle
Mara> ok your right...
they both reach out and touch kiles forehead and concentrate and reach out to the force and mend kyles injuries as kyle sits up they both slump over with fatuge


Houres later they are all awake and ready to fight
Kyle>We should keep moving
Luke>i agree. We have to find a exit
Mara>Lets go then
as they walk twelve of the skelaton creatures come out of hidden doors in the walls and begin whaking at them with thier sword type weapons Luke, Mara and kyle all ignite their lightsabers and they all are surounded by four skelatons at once Mara was the first to strike one down having betteled them before she shasled down as it was chopping at her waist she de capitated it then rolled under its blade shortely there after it was all over with no injuries then there was a strange laugh then: You are pretty good said a voice coming from no where and everywhere then from out of the shadows came Darth Vader
Luke>Vader?? in this another ilusion?
Im afraid not said Vader it came runing at them lightsaber ignited and as it slashed at Mara she deflected and luke went to cut it in half from behind but it vanished and appeared behind luke as Darth Maul then kyle almost hit it but it vanished again and re-appeared as a younger palpatine holding a lightsaber it was behind them and it raised its lightsaber for the killing blow to Kyle

To Be Continued

[*Just a note Dash, that whole paragraph was about 2 sentences, making it REALLY tought o read... when writing stories maybe you should break it up a little.*]

=Dash Rendar= one time Tester of the month JKBTG

"I Finaly discover that my path is not set..i can maky my own choises is a great ironey that i discover that i have no choice at all"

"He lived a warrioer. And died a hero"™

[This message has been edited by ThreeDee (edited November 08, 1999).]
1999-11-03, 4:32 PM #61
PALPY: You pitful fools! i'd have thought 3 jedi would be smarter than to enter a temple filled with the dark side power of thousands of sith ghosts!

Kyle slowly picked up, clutching his wounded chest. Palpatine threw his ignited lightsaber between his two hands, cackling evilly. He looked at luke

PALPY: And you, skywalker! YOU destroyed my body and my clones. I will now have long awaited revenge.

he kicked mara square in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her. she crumpled to the floor as she gasped for air. palpatine walked towards luke.

the horror of seeing his friends being hurt caused a fresh anger to arise in Luke.


he threw out his hand in a telekinetic gesture. the power of his hate of the sith flowed through his arm, pushing back the emporer with an amazing force. moments later , he realized what he'd done. the dark side, no matter if it was used for evil OR good, was bad. he wouldn't give in, for the sake of the republic, for his students, his sister, and his friends. he couldn't give in.

suddenly, freedon nadd appeared, along with palpatine, renewed with a fresh look of strength.

NADD: we read your thoughts, fool. this disturbance of the sith resting place must end, HERE AND NOW!

another dark lord, unrecogniseable to any of the jedi, appeared from the shadows. wit ha swiping gesture of his fist, a volley of small stones went flying towards the jedi. luke, mara, and kyle tried to deflect them, but it was no use. why did they keep forgetting? it would never be of any use. the light side doesn't exist here. all they could hear in there minds were distant sith voices chanting "come to the dark, come, come, come..."
the rocks struck the jedi, tearing chunks of skin off of luke. one smashed mara's nose, causing it to bleed heavily. kyle simply dropped form exhaustion. the sith lords laughed loudly and eerily, and more objects hurtled at them a piece of wood hit luke across the face, knocking his face back down into the musky dirt

LUKE *thinking to himself* we're going to die, i can feel it. not even master yoda could go through with this.
kyle finally got the strenth to lift his head. he saw about 10, no, 20 sith lords with their hands raised, merging all of their enerygy into a destructive blast. this is the end, he though. all at once, the shaped of exar kun threw the ball of energy at the three jedi. mara winced, hoping for a quick death. all of a sudden, about 10 feet from them, the blast stopped short, and dissipated itself across some type of...invisable sheild...or so it seemed.

LUKE: what the....

the sith lords roared in anger, causing the temple to shake. but luke felt something else. he didn't hear the voices in his head. neither did kyle or mara. he couldn't feel the force, but he DIDN'T feel the dark side either. he then heard an annoyed sound, a hiss-chirp type of noise. it sounded like a lizard.

LUKE: this has got to be a trick. now they are sending out their killer reptile to finish us off. he looked towards a crack in the wall.

slowly, a small, furred lizard worked its way out of the crack. it looked irritated from being awakened, and slowly blinked an eye.

MARA: "a....a...ysalamiri...." she gasped


Never yell "Star Trek" at a Star Wars Convention

I'm gonna get out of here alive if it kills me!
1999-11-03, 5:02 PM #62
Palpatine:Foolish reptile! i shall strike you down with my lightsaber!. Palpatine walked twords the lizard followed by three other dark jedi he got within six feet of the Ysalimari(doubt its spelt right...)and disapeared
Luke:He..he was not matter he was just..the..force in a material form...we should stay near this area..there may even be more of them in the babys
Mara:But we still have to get out of here! eventually they will kill them
as if summoned by her words twenty of the skelaton creatures came marching down the hall ignoring the wounded jedi and heading twords the Ysalamari they got within six feet and crumpled down to the floor the fifteen remaining skelatons threw their blades at the Ysalamari all missing as it scuried back into the crack luke and mara pulled Kyle twords the crack and were still safely within the non-force bubble
Luke:how are they here? i though they could only survive if they were on a Admiral Thrawn style nutrient frame or in the trees of Mirk?
Mara:Unless this is some new evolution...survival or even a difrent speciese...the Jedi never ventured to this planet before and warned others not to also so who knows? this is a gold mine of research if we can only shut down this temple
Kyle:Maybe we can lure it out and carry it on our back or in our hand or..ANYTHING! but its a way to escape
Luke:Yes but for now we must wait here untill it DOES come out and besided we need to recouperate after that battle
Mara:Yes i think--whats that?? do you hear that? sounds like marching
Kyle:Maybe they are gone throw their spears at US were easier targets.
Then six of the skelatins came around the corner holding Blasters
Kyle:Hey!! thats my spare Brayr pistol from the ship!
Mara:And the rest of em came from the cargo hold!
Luke:Without access to the force we cant deflect their blasts! and we cant acess the force from within ou from outside the Bubble!

To Be Continued

=Dash Rendar= one time Tester of the month JKBTG

"I Finaly discover that my path is not set..i can maky my own choises is a great ironey that i discover that i have no choice at all"

"He lived a warrioer. And died a hero"™
1999-11-03, 5:32 PM #63
(first off, about when this story turns into a SP level, quite far off. 1: it just got 10 times harder to make, but we were never concerned with that 2: should it be made for MotS or JK? 3: I like the idea of fighting other dark jedi. after all, its the sith burial place, like the opposite of teh Valley of the jedi. That wouldn't be too hard to do. Ok, lets see how I can add to this...)

*The jedi trio were now faced with the skeleton warriors, but were armed with their own blasters. It seemed as if there was no hope. But then inspiration struck Luke.*

Luke: "I've got it! Kyle, you divert their attention while Mara and I strafe around the group and knock them out."

Kyle: "But without the protection of the ysalimiri, we'll be defenseless!"

Luke: "That's why we'll be quick."

*Kyle then waved his arms and jumped like an idiot, distracting the sith skeletons. While Kyle dodged the blaster shots, Mara and Luke snuck up behind them, grabbed them and swung their bodies against the wall, shattering them to bits. They each picked up a blaster and shot teh rest of them down. They quickly went back inside the protection of the ysalimiri, grabbing an extra blaster for Kyle.*

Luke: "Can't hang around Han Solo and not pick up a few things."

Mara: "Yeah, but we got bigger problems. Look over there, some old friends."

*They stared outside the protective bubble, where they noticed dark sillouettes looming, peering at them, waiting for the jedi to come out.*

Kyle: "I'll just shoot them off"

*Kyle shot at the shadow beings, but to no effect. It seemed they would have to wait for the ysalimiri to come back out or to risk fighting the stealthy shadow beings. Time would decide...*
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-11-03, 5:53 PM #64
hey im gona add to the story but first off i have some non-story stuff:
hey this is cool and i think it should be JK cause i dont have MOTS and i want to play this thing! but yea this is awsome...should have came to this message board before...

now onto the story!
Mara:Im getting hungrey
Kyle:Well the most important thing to remember is to NOT kill the Ysalmari to eat when he comes out
Luke:If he comes out. We may be scaring him after all the Ysalamari from Mirk used the force bubble as defence so if this thing is using it for the same thing then why would it come right out into the open?
Kyle>Then what do we do? we cant access the force to lure it out even if we were outside the bubble we still have the dark temple to deal with even if we were outside the bubble and there was no dark forces it still would be inside the bubble! i think thats a lot of BIG ifs
Luke:your right..we cant give up hope...maybe...if i give myself to the darkside i could save you guys then i could kill myself or--
Kyle and Mara:NO!
Kyle:Thats not an option..maybe..Yun was a darkjedi and in the end he helped me..maybe he would do the same again?
Kyle yelling:Yun! Yun! Yun can you hear me?
Palpatine came walking and stayed twenty feet away then he turned into Jeric and laughed adain
Jeric:Fool with all this dark power do you think we would allow one trecheras(--Spell Error) dark jedi to save you? you will die a painful death
He twiched his hand and two other Dark Jedi, Saris and Darth Maul, come from the shadows and they all began holding their hands out in the air and a energy ball began forming in the air then it went shooting twords the roof above Luke, Mara and Kyles heads
With all the disturbance the Ysalamari came running out of the the crack with three other, smaller, ones on its back luke grabbed it and did his best to make sure the little ones on its back did not fall off and he , Mara and Kyle went running twords the dark jedi all the dark jedi disapeared and apeared behind them all ignited lightsabers and hutled them at the jedi ising the force to guide them as soon as the sabers entered the bubble they lost control of them but they were still heading for the jedi!

To Be Continued

=Dash Rendar= one time Tester of the month JKBTG

"I Finaly discover that my path is not set..i can maky my own choises is a great ironey that i discover that i have no choice at all"

"He lived a warrioer. And died a hero"™
1999-11-03, 6:09 PM #65
Suddenly, the Yasalimari lased out at Luke firing from its mouth destruction. Luke landed a few feet back on the floor, stratled and dazed. The Yasalimari, turned its attack on the dark cherecters, emitting a shockwave of some sort. The dark cherecters yelled in pain, and dissapeared.

Luke: "Did you see...."

Mara: "The Yasalimari...."

Kyle: "IT MUST BE A ADAPTION! It has adapted to be able to defend itself in this temple!"

Luke: "I sense it absorbing the dark power..."
Mara: "It must of learned through adaption, to not repel the force anymore, but use it to its advantage..."

Kyle: "I wasnt aware that was possible..."

This level(s) will be for Jedi Knight. And i have made one other decision. Someone WILL die at the end of this story, who i have not decided yet.....

When i go to the site daily, the general level quality seems to be getting better and better, yet people STILL release single sector levels.... Hey People when will it sink in? A SINGLE SECTOR IS NOT A LEVEL! THIS MEANS YOU TOO!

Phear Y2K....
Shutup brain or I'll stab you with a Q-tip!
1999-11-03, 7:23 PM #66
wait a second...i was just wondering about what dash rendar said in part of your story. i may be wrong, but this came to my mind. i thought there was a difference between DARK JEDI and SITH. jerec and sariss are not sith, right? if they were, they'd have "Darth" titles, the tradition Bane invented. this is a sith temple. or does it matter? they both use the dark side. can dark jedi be in a sith temple.

Ares-no! make it for MotS! MotS has way more texrures, cogs, 3dos, etc. The sithdie.wav or whatever it's called gives me the creeps, so you should use it. it only comes in mots.
dash-you don't have mots? you gotta get it! new weapons, levels, etc. the last few levels (sith temple on dromuund kaas) are scary, i think. going to them may give you some more inspiration for you contributions to the story (which are great so far!)


Never yell "Star Trek" at a Star Wars Convention

I'm gonna get out of here alive if it kills me!
1999-11-03, 7:53 PM #67
non-story post
hey thanks and i am gona try to get mots *grumbles* but i cant seem to afford it...and besided my local Wal-mart dosent have it!! but i will get it as SOON as i can... but i will try..and i get a boost on SW story making cause i have read almost all of the SW books and i am making my own
post more on the story later and i will have MOTS soon i hope!

=Dash Rendar= one time Tester of the month JKBTG

"I Finaly discover that my path is not set..i can maky my own choises is a great ironey that i discover that i have no choice at all"

"He lived a warrioer. And died a hero"™
1999-11-04, 2:07 AM #68
This is going well.. but I have on gripe.

Dash: Could you please, please punctuate your writing properly. It's hell to read. Thanks.
1999-11-04, 7:06 AM #69
It definitely should be MotS. (If any you don't own it, Christmas is just around the corner)

Ares-I'd like to go ahead and work on some key files. What moves would you like to see?

Enchiladas! Nice and Hot!
Enchiladas- I got I got!
Enchiladas! Nice and Hot!
Enchiladas- I got I got!
1999-11-04, 12:11 PM #70
yea i can try..i alwayse ignored puncuations cause i hated em...(¦:-)
oh and anchalada or however you spell your name i dont celibrate Xmas

=Dash Rendar= one time Tester of the month JKBTG

"I Finaly discover that my path is not set..i can maky my own choises is a great ironey that i discover that i have no choice at all"

"He lived a warrioer. And died a hero"™

[This message has been edited by =Dash Rendar= (edited November 04, 1999).]
1999-11-04, 3:58 PM #71
make it for JK for one simple reason. WAY MORE PEOPLE PLAY IT! thats right. it may have a better engine and stuff but, well its like this. Manowar 3 was great! but it was MotS. i hardly play MotS(hardly anyone does) MP. hte SP is great but jk MP is way more popular. as for the sithdie.wav it can be used in JK.
1999-11-04, 5:00 PM #72
[Non story reply] A few things:

*Dash Rendar: I'm not sure if you read my post very carefully or how much of the sith hell story you read, but in your story reply after mine, you totally ignored the shadow beings that were waiting for them outside teh Force bubble. Thought I should point that out.

*about the diesith.wav: I don't know what it sounds like, but I wonder if it is anything like what I thought would be neat for this story/SPlevel. Have music like in the emperor's throne room in RotJ and have low chanting in the background saying "come to the dark(side)". As you got deeper into the temple, the volume of the chanting could increase also.

*The debate between whether to do this on JK or MotS really depends on your objectives: for atmosphere or people playing it. I'd have to say JK because with a little work the engine can be stretched to its limits. And if its done well, it will still have an errie effect. But I'm not a experienced editor yet, so I'm not entirely sure.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-11-04, 5:34 PM #73
*The three jedi trodded heavily through the cryptic and forboding halls of the temple. They all felt weak, lost, and helpless for nothing could help them, not even ysalimiri, which seemed to use the Force instead of divert the Force to protect themselves. They looked at each other suspiciously, wondering if in fact one of them was an agent of the dark side. Without warning, Luke slammed Kyle into a wall and pinned him against it, holding him by his collar.*

Luke: "You back off Kyle! You keep away from Mara! I don't want you NEAR her Kyle, if that's who you really are..."

Kyle: "I am Kyle, and why are you so edgy Luke? Trying to hide something? Like that you're really turned to the dark side?"

*Luke and Kyle ignited their lightsabers, ready to murder each other when Mara intervened.*

Mara: "Back off! Look at yourselfs, about to kill each other. Have you forgotten that we need each other, and that the Darkside wants us to be his servents? By killing each other, we only make his wish come true."

*Luke and Kyle slowly back away from each other, still feeling uneasy about their sudden anger at each other. They continue to go through the temple, not quite sure what they were hoping to accomplish.*
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-11-04, 6:13 PM #74
Sorry all you MOTS finatics. MOTS is ok, but only holds a few things JK dosent have. This IS going to be for Jedi Knight, i have already decided that. JK can be adapted to LOOk and FEEL like MOTS, if you put effort into it...

And i have no intentions of using anything from MOTS. this mod will not be illigal.

And i am capable of making key files myself, im not even sure what will be new, about the players, besides completely new More realistic looking 3do's. (They will work with the normal animations.)

i also have no intentions of using the original 3do's from either, most JK and mots 3do's are boxy, and LEC attempted to make it less obvious by a good job of texturing. Cogs will also be mostly new. Textures i will need help with.

Dash, dont bother getting MOTS just over this, i got it a long time ago, and after the few frills wore off, i just went back to JK.

ANd ive dont even bother distinguising between dark jedi and sith, to me, there the same thing. (DONT GIVE ME A DAMNED LECTURE about why there diffrent, because to be honest, i dont give a fu@k.)

When i go to the site daily, the general level quality seems to be getting better and better, yet people STILL release single sector levels.... Hey People when will it sink in? A SINGLE SECTOR IS NOT A LEVEL! THIS MEANS YOU TOO!

Phear Y2K....
Shutup brain or I'll stab you with a Q-tip!
1999-11-04, 6:24 PM #75
lol. i forgot that putting a MotS sound in JK was illegal, anyway wise decision Ares. as for u ppl thinking of coloured lighting, well sector tints work as well if used correctly......

1999-11-04, 7:04 PM #76
....sorry ares. i didn't mean to make you so mad...
i was just stating my opinion about mots, which was obviously wrong. i know using mots stuff in jk is illegal, i was just saying you could use the sound if u used mots.
and sorry about talking about the dark jedi and sith. i thought there was a difference, but i must be wrong.


Never yell "Star Trek" at a Star Wars Convention

I'm gonna get out of here alive if it kills me!
1999-11-04, 8:37 PM #77
sorry Gebohq for ignoring your shadow thing but i did not know how you wanted them to work..if you wanted them to be able to go inside the Ysalamair thing or what so i was using something that i had already read about in a SW book and that someone else used in this story...sorry if i offended you

=Dash Rendar= one time Tester of the month JKBTG

"I Finaly discover that my path is not set..i can maky my own choises is a great ironey that i discover that i have no choice at all"

"He lived a warrioer. And died a hero"™
1999-11-05, 5:07 AM #78
SEAR_1stStalin: You're right bud, there's a difference between Dark "Jedi"* and Sith.

* Excuse me a moment whilst I have a right old moan.... THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A DARK JEDI!!
Right, I know you're all gonna disagree here.But anyway, here's why I think this:

Jedi= Followers of the Jedi Code, wielders of the Light Side.

Soooooo... therefor, if you use the Dark Side, you cease to become a Jedi. Simple.

And no self-respecting Dark Sider would dare call himself a Jedi anyway! []

There is no mercy; only ruthlessness
There is no love; only hate
There is no servitude; only control
There is no hope; only the Dark Side
1999-11-05, 3:35 PM #79
(non-story reply)

Dash: that's OK, you haven't offended me, I should of made them more clear. The shadow beings are like the opposites of the skeleon warriors Ares introduced. Where as the skeleton warriors are slow and stupid yet strong like stormtroopers, the shadow beings are quick and fast but weak. And unlike the skeleton warriors who wield weapons, the shadow beings attack only with fists(possibly kick and grab if we can throw them in). They can not go inside the ysalimiri field for they are like fear incarnete(powered by the sith power of course), but can only be damaged by sabers or fists/kick.

Ares: First off, my cog-literate friend is almost finished with his grab cog, so the part about grabbing the skeletons would be feasable in the game. But I want to know if you'd like to have it in the level? Also, you say you want one of the jedi to die. I'm not an offical author or anything, but I've read about fanfic contest rules, and they usually say that you shouldn't kill off main characters like Luke(and for a good reason, because then you can't continue to write stories about them later on). Perhaps you plan to have some twist where it doesn't matter, I don't know. But if you had to kill off someone, I'd say Kyle, becuase he was introduced soley for the gaming series and killing him off would be the best. Of course, if your going for the "Alien" feel and WANT to kill off the main character, Luke IS very important...

And about the dark jedi vs. sith thing: Personally, I don't care, but according to my Encyclopidia(I got it for X-mas, I didn't ask, so I'm not a fanatic or anything) it says that dark jedi do exist. They were the group of jedi who served under the new emperor clone in the Dark Empire series. They were like the opposite of the jedi council, perverting the jedi code in a sense. sith are just an offical cult devoted to fighting against the ways of the jedi council. Just thought you'd like to hear the offical word.

Well, that's it. Let's write some more! I want to spring off on someone else's post.

"The difference between insanity and genius is sucess."

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-11-05, 6:31 PM #80
lets see where did we leave getting tired so it wont be long

Luke:Your right mara. Kyle im sorry.
Kyle:Yea. this sith temple is getting to us all. im sorry too
Suddenely Mara activated her lightsaber and came running at Kyle
Kyle:Mara! what are you doing?
Kyle deflected a blow from mara's saber
Mara:need food
Luke:Mara concentrate its just this sith place! mara! he grapped her from behind and held her as kyle came up and turned her lightsaber off
Luke:Mara..the jedi calming breath...breath deep
Mara began taking deep breaths. Finaly she sat up and looked at kyle
Mara:Im sorry i--
Kyle:No big deal....dont worry about it
Luke:Look...up ahead. Its the shadow beings
Kyle: yea. Are we gona have a fight?
Luke:I dont know.

To Be Continued

Signature wont show cause i forgot to enter it when i made my new accound for the new forum but..ohwell

=Dash Rendar= one time Tester of the month JKBTG

"I Finaly discover that my path is not set..i can maky my own choises is a great ironey that i discover that i have no choice at all"

"He lived a warrioer. And died a hero"™

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