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ForumsShowcase → I can't believe it's not doom
I can't believe it's not doom
2004-08-16, 6:43 AM #81
Come on yoshi. It looks just like doom 3 for god's sake. I mean admit it. Laugh. It's FUNNY!

Change is never a choice. You change, and you are who you have become. And there's not a damned thing you can do about it.
>>untie shoes
2004-08-16, 7:29 AM #82
Page 3!
2004-08-16, 11:46 AM #83
But it doesn't. Is it lit somewhat similarly? Yes. Do you ever see a surface like that in Doom 3? No.

There is no signature
2004-08-16, 1:18 PM #84
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Dj Yoshi:
Is it lit exactly like Doom 3? Yes. Do you ever see a surface like that in Doom 3? Constantly.



Change is never a choice. You change, and you are who you have become. And there's not a damned thing you can do about it.
>>untie shoes
2004-08-16, 5:31 PM #85
That thing looks nothing like Doom3.

Incidentally, in the few areas of the game that are brightly lit, the framerate suffers. Baddly. I doubt the game would work if it were brighter.

2004-08-16, 6:20 PM #86
from what I hear, the doom3 engine sounds different. Instead of everything being light and lights cast dark shadows over the light area, the d3 engine must have everything dark and the lights cast light areas over the dark. If that sounds crazy, but I can't think of a better way to explain it, but think about it. In a way it's more realistic, but the way they did it, just... it doesnt look right.

I am __Ace_1__ , and I approve this message.

[This message has been edited by Ace1 (edited August 16, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by Ace1 (edited August 16, 2004).]
I am _ Ace_1 _ , and I approve this message.
2004-08-16, 6:42 PM #87
Er, what do you mean "that soudns crazy" and "in a way, it's realistic". It's exactly how real light works...

2004-08-16, 7:09 PM #88
I thought the way I said it would sound weirder

I am __Ace_1__ , and I approve this message.

[This message has been edited by Ace1 (edited August 16, 2004).]
I am _ Ace_1 _ , and I approve this message.
2004-08-17, 1:45 AM #89
Not only is it how real light works, it's how all the quake engines work too. The only thing new is doing it per-pixel and in real time. ID didn't do anything revolutionary, they just figured out how to do stuff everyone already knew really really fast.

2004-08-17, 3:51 AM #90
<3 JM

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2004-08-18, 12:28 AM #91
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by JM:
Not only is it how real light works, it's how all the quake engines work too. The only thing new is doing it per-pixel and in real time. ID didn't do anything revolutionary, they just figured out how to do stuff everyone already knew really really fast.</font>

More or less. Quake engines used precalculated radiosity. Doom 3 is realistic in the sense that all lighting is dynamic, and dynamic light can have more realistic effects on many surfaces.
Surface lighting is really just the reflection or absorption of light being cast from a light source. This reflection falls into two general categories: diffuse and specular. Diffuse light is reflected in all directions so it's possible to precalculate the lighting on diffuse surfaces. Specular lighting, however, changes depending on your viewing angle. It's currently only possible to perform specular radiosity using a raytracing or photon tracing renderer. It's completely impractical to do real-time radiosity with modern raster engines.

And, actually, it doesn't look at all like plastic on my X800. It looks like a really primitive attempt at metal which, hopefully, will be improved in the next generation of Doom-type engines.

Edit: A little more info on how Doom 3 renders lighting.

The scene is actually rendered in several different ways simultaneously.

First it's rendered without any lights or textures. This is used to get the raw depth information. With a completed z-buffer you avoid a lot of overdraw, which is critical when you're dealing with a ton of stencil operations and shaders.

Secondly it's drawn with the ambient lighting (if applicable).

Then, for each light in the area, it's rendered again as though lit. Shadow volumes are rendered so the backface increments the stencil buffer and the frontface decrements it.

The ambient render and the lit render are combined using the stencil data.

It's actually in every sense *backwards* from how light works in real life. Real life light casts from point light sources and is absorbed or reflected by surfaces. Doom casts shadows, not light.

[This message has been edited by Jon`C (edited August 18, 2004).]
2004-08-18, 1:20 PM #92
Jon is a sex-god(dess? [])

But yeah, he said a lot of things I somewhat understood. I'll probably get a lot more of it after I'm done with AP Physics.

And does it really look awesome on an X800? I hope so. Can't wait to get mine.

There is no signature
2004-08-18, 4:19 PM #93
I agree Jon. It's not really plastic as it is...well, looks like they took a few hundred barrels of Brasso and polished it all to a mirror finish. Little of the metal has texture, it reminds me of System Shock 2 in that matter. The rocks look pretty good, and I like the way some of them shine in the proper light. Yeah, rocks do shine, if you go outside and look on a sunny day, it looks a lot like Doom 3.

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2004-08-18, 7:22 PM #94

[Insert witty anti-signature here.]
Nouveau Vintage
2004-08-19, 8:10 PM #95
Ooooh, wow, I might want to take up editing Doom 3. And it's almost exactly like editing JA, too! Sine Nomen, Gonk, and the others who pwn at JA editing should uber-pwn at this! []

[EDIT: Errr, actually, I take that back. It won't let me resize brushes just with a simple click-and-drag, and I can't select textures with ctrl-shift, or ctrl-alt, or ctrl-alt-shift. Whatever it was. [] ]

[This message has been edited by Zell (edited August 19, 2004).]
2004-08-19, 8:15 PM #96
Hmmm, actually, this DOOMedit is far less efficient than normal JA-style GTK. []
2004-08-19, 8:32 PM #97
There's now a GtkRadiant that has some primitive Doom 3 support. Haven't tried it, but I assume it's got most of the stuff without the fancy stuff like the particle/material editor and whatnot. I don't doubt that id will be helping the QER team integrate it all.

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2004-08-19, 9:52 PM #98
Yeah, that's the thing I was whining about two posts above. I didn't know you can type 'editor' in the console and have an awesome editor open up. Good stuff. []

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