In JK and MotS you can only have so many visible ajoins without it causing
HOMing (that's the weird flashy thing when you look at complicated archi).
Sige made a patch that removes the limit to how many ajoins can be visible
allowing you to have as many ajoins showing as you want. In the original
JK and MotS levels this isn't a problem because they are built so that too
many ajoins are never visible. Editors create complex architecture with over
128 ajoins in a place where you can see them all quite often now so that's
why the patch was made.
You can dowload it
p.s. about the carpet, I wouldn't be able to do that very well and don't have the
time but I'll think of a remedy.
If curiosity killed the cat then perhaps Curious George killed the cat.
But Cat's do have nine lives so who knows?