of course it would - that's why the 'decor' 3do version of the level is there. the engine ends up drawing the same surfaces as it would have otherwise, right? essentially you're "turning off" the level for everything except collision detection to get rid of the collision detection issues associated with some 3dos.
you've been misled. since you referenced OGL, i'll reference it as well: i took a class that was taught by the fellow who wrote the OpenGL Superbible. he even went into depth about different types of geometry culling; including occlusion culling. here's wikipedia.org's definition of occlusion culling:
Occlusion culling
Occlusion culling is the process of determining which portions of objects are hidden by other objects from a given viewpoint. This is one of the fundamental problems in computer graphics, and many different occlusion culling algorithms have been developed. The simplest is painter's algorithm, in which polygons are sorted, then drawn back to front. The most common in real-time computer graphics is z-buffering, in which the depth value at each pixel is stored as each polygon is rendered. The pixel is only overwritten if the depth value of the current point is less than the depth value stored in the z-buffer. Both of these methods operate on polygon meshes.
all the talk about drawing polygons and Z-buffer in that description are simply the means that occlusion culling operates. that's why I highlighted the 'polygon meshes' part. and just to clarify, wikipedia.org also defines a polygon mesh as the following:
A polygon mesh is a collection of vertices and polygons that define the shape of an object in 3D computer graphics.
like i mentioned in the last post: there is no 'occlusion culling' for individual surfaces; unless you count the z-buffer, which doesnt gain you any performance since, again, you are still rasterizing the full polygon.
wikipedia is great:
Ideally, portals are formed of confined areas (like doors or tunnels), connecting two complex areas of the level, where each of these areas would be enclosed in such a polygonal body.
Portals are best suitable for indoor scenes such as mazes. Outdoor scenes do not usually have door-like objects that would clearly separate one sector from another.
regardless of the number of surfaces actually culled, the point of cell and portal is to cull
LARGE amounts of geometry. performing a HUGE breadth-first traversal through hundreds of portals just to save rendering a few hundred polygons is NOT worth the performance cost of doing the traversal. unless you're running in software mode, you're not going to get a huge performance hit by having a bunch of overdraw.
sorry to preach, but most of you guys really don't seem to understand that visibility determination is not all-powerful. rendering polygons is not the most computationally expensive operation out there. we have DEDICATED hardware for rendering polys, NOT for performing visibility determination - why chew up both that AND the cpu? instead of having the CPU bust its butt trying to save the poor gpu from working too hard, give it something more important to do: like world simulation.
i've been in the gnitty gritty with CP vis det. i've written both a 3d version AND a 2d version (demonstration of the algorithm for a school project).