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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Those who like battle rap...
Those who like battle rap...
2004-01-27, 8:36 AM #41
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Rod-Nog:
Hahaha, wow. I can't stand this "music" Tis a single beat with someone clapping in the back and girls "hay baby" then some guy spouts out how much he loves his "hoes"


I can tell you about plenty of rap artists that don't rap about *****es and hos.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-01-27, 8:46 AM #42
I just think that if you want something to be poetic, you shouldnt spew it out like that.. I mean, sure, everyones gonna post "This guy says this, and its poetic and wonderful and such", but if they want to be poetic, they should read it in a poetic manner

Happy "Diseased" dud: You said I'd be like this guy. Boycotting everything..
Happy "Diseased" dud: ted kazcnisky. That's who it was.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wait, That's the unibomer.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wrong guy.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2004-01-27, 8:50 AM #43
That would sound boring

Of war, we don't speak anymore
2004-01-27, 8:59 AM #44
And musical. Eek.

Map-Review | Digital Core | The Matrix: Unplugged

Farewell, MaDaVentor. In our hearts, you'll always live on.
2004-01-27, 9:00 AM #45
Oh please, you want to be tolerated|respected|accepted as a goth and bash hip hop?

Of war, we don't speak anymore
2004-01-27, 9:04 AM #46
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Molgrew:
That would sound boring


No, it would be tasteful, and respectful to the literature he/she's writing about

Happy "Diseased" dud: You said I'd be like this guy. Boycotting everything..
Happy "Diseased" dud: ted kazcnisky. That's who it was.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wait, That's the unibomer.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wrong guy.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2004-01-27, 9:05 AM #47
? Those are their own words, they can do as they please

Of war, we don't speak anymore
2004-01-27, 9:08 AM #48
This argument is otiose, you are simply not ready|willing to embrace different forms of (musical) expression

Of war, we don't speak anymore
2004-01-27, 9:12 AM #49
[devils advocate, I mean no disrespect]
Or maybe you're not willing to accept the truth []
[/devils advocate]

Happy "Diseased" dud: You said I'd be like this guy. Boycotting everything..
Happy "Diseased" dud: ted kazcnisky. That's who it was.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wait, That's the unibomer.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wrong guy.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2004-01-27, 9:17 AM #50
No, sorry kid.

Of war, we don't speak anymore
2004-01-27, 9:21 AM #51
But tell me, how is rap musical, I havent dived very deep into the music, but the bit Ive heard has all been mediocre beats with someone spewing out words at a pace I cant comphrehend

Do you have something I could listen to that could perhaps sway my view?

Happy "Diseased" dud: You said I'd be like this guy. Boycotting everything..
Happy "Diseased" dud: ted kazcnisky. That's who it was.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wait, That's the unibomer.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wrong guy.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2004-01-27, 9:33 AM #52
The Roots
(I have a preview up in two minutes)

Of war, we don't speak anymore

[This message has been edited by Molgrew (edited January 27, 2004).]
2004-01-27, 9:37 AM #53
True, true. The Roots is something I can survive. Same with Postmen, but they are unique. Wouldn't go to a concert of either, but I don't mind hearing them.

Map-Review | Digital Core | The Matrix: Unplugged

Farewell, MaDaVentor. In our hearts, you'll always live on.
2004-01-27, 9:41 AM #54
Deltron: He raps about some stuff you'd never expect, like a computer virus, sci-fi space battles and smelly people []

Jurassic 5

The Streets: the guys from England, pretty unique sound

There are some other underground rappers that are pretty good, but I'd have to look them up.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-01-27, 9:44 AM #55

It's an ogg, 30 seconds of almost each song (1 is missing somehow) of the Album Phrenology

(I don't want to evangelize you, I don't care whether you dislike it or not, I just find it very hard to understand and disturbing that you would come to a hip hop thread and proclaim how much it sucks, I mean... )

Of war, we don't speak anymore

[This message has been edited by Molgrew (edited January 27, 2004).]
2004-01-27, 9:54 AM #56
Yeah... Meh, I guess rap just isnt for me... I just like something other than percussion and voice I guess

Happy "Diseased" dud: You said I'd be like this guy. Boycotting everything..
Happy "Diseased" dud: ted kazcnisky. That's who it was.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wait, That's the unibomer.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wrong guy.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2004-01-27, 10:01 AM #57
You know, I don't know what to make of the fact that the people who like hip hop, i.e. Avenger, Sol, Ubuu etc. do not go into other music threads and start trolling and flamebaiting, I could maybe arrive at something like 'better person', shrug, dunno

Of war, we don't speak anymore
2004-01-27, 10:03 AM #58
Topic: Those who like battle rap...

Participaters: Those who don't like battle rap...

I'm seeing a conflict here.

"LC Tusken: the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot"
NMGOH || Jack Chick preaches it || The Link of the Dead
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2004-01-27, 10:03 AM #59
No, its because the ratio of people who like hip hop to people who dont is probally 10 to 1. You are afraid to post your honest opinion, because you fear no back-up. People on that bash hip hop KNOW they will get back up...

Happy "Diseased" dud: You said I'd be like this guy. Boycotting everything..
Happy "Diseased" dud: ted kazcnisky. That's who it was.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wait, That's the unibomer.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wrong guy.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2004-01-27, 10:09 AM #60
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by fishstickz:
No, its because the ratio of people who like hip hop to people who dont is probally 10 to 1. You are afraid to post your honest opinion, because you fear no back-up. People on that bash hip hop KNOW they will get back up...

WHAT THE ****?
That has got the be the most stupid argument I heard for trolling, really, nice going there.
I don't troll other music threads simply because flamebaiting there doesn't give me as much satisfaction as it seems to give you, I don't care enough

Of war, we don't speak anymore
2004-01-27, 10:12 AM #61
Alright, its a bad reason why people dont POST THEIR OPINION, but its a good reason why some people do POST THEIR OPINION

Happy "Diseased" dud: You said I'd be like this guy. Boycotting everything..
Happy "Diseased" dud: ted kazcnisky. That's who it was.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wait, That's the unibomer.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wrong guy.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2004-01-27, 10:16 AM #62
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by fishstickz:
No, its because the ratio of people who like hip hop to people who dont is probally 10 to 1. You are afraid to post your honest opinion, because you fear no back-up. People on that bash hip hop KNOW they will get back up...


Sorry, but that's utter bull ****. I just don't feel the need to bash people over their personal opinions and I son't make generalizations about music that some people do here. I don't base my opinion of an entire genre of music and a handful of songs that get played on the radio. It is possible to like rap/hip hop and not like the mainstream stuff by the big corporate rappers.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-01-27, 10:16 AM #63
Hey fish, listen to Doo Rags by Nas and Drunk by Myself by Nas. It might help show that that rap is good. []

I don't go into other threads in which they talk about other music because it doesn't interest me so I don't bother replying. I'll read it but I won't reply because I want to respect other peoples music even though I may dispise it. []

Massassian since: March 12, 2001

[=-"The hardest thing is to forgive, but God does;
Even if you murdered or robbed, years wrong, but God loves;
Take one step toward him, he takes two toward you;
Even when all else fail, God supports you." - Nas
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2004-01-27, 10:21 AM #64
Please use proper spelling and grammar, English is not my first language, I can hardly decypher what you want to say, and I mean it.

Supposed you see a thread which says "those who like rap..." and you yourself do not like it at all, you are aware that, if you should decide to post your opinion in that particular thread, people would react and feel severely annoyed|disturbed by a little ****wit trying to be a smartass. Are you really willing to go the extra mile and post nonetheless and lay your flamebait even though you know that all you could accomplish is an argument?
You could instead leave it be and simply ignore it and respect their taste, you would not lose anything if you chose not to troll.

But I guess your mileage may vary, I am from a different culture where people respect other people after all.

Of war, we don't speak anymore
2004-01-27, 10:27 AM #65
meh.. I guess you're right..

Sorry if I offended anyone, I really dont care if you like rap or not, I just wanted to get a greater understanding of it..

Happy "Diseased" dud: You said I'd be like this guy. Boycotting everything..
Happy "Diseased" dud: ted kazcnisky. That's who it was.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wait, That's the unibomer.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wrong guy.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2004-01-27, 10:30 AM #66
If you want a better understanding, go back to the early rap, like Grand Master Flash and Run DMC.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-01-27, 10:34 AM #67 hug?

Map-Review | Digital Core | The Matrix: Unplugged

Farewell, MaDaVentor. In our hearts, you'll always live on.
2004-01-27, 10:37 AM #68
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by fishstickz:
meh.. I guess you're right..

Sorry if I offended anyone, I really dont care if you like rap or not, I just wanted to get a greater understanding of it..


So... by your logic, if you wanted to learn something about Islam you would go into such a thread and proclaim how much it sucks?

Please, don't insult our intelligence and just admit you wanted to troll for whatever ****ed up reason, you could then at least leave with a shred of dignity intact instead of making more of an *** out of yourself and working your way on my 'loser_troll_list'.

Of war, we don't speak anymore
2004-01-27, 10:41 AM #69
Jesus.. This is the first thread about rap I've ever posted on, I never act like a idiot on the forums for the most part. I never sought to offend anyone, and you get really hostile at me, and curse and complain.. I accepted my defeat, said you were right and YOU STILL complain.. Why man, I even asked something, then said I didnt like it and you yelled at me.. Im sorry for talking.

Happy "Diseased" dud: You said I'd be like this guy. Boycotting everything..
Happy "Diseased" dud: ted kazcnisky. That's who it was.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wait, That's the unibomer.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wrong guy.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2004-01-27, 10:44 AM #70
And when did I ever say Hip Hop sucks, I just said I didnt like it

Happy "Diseased" dud: You said I'd be like this guy. Boycotting everything..
Happy "Diseased" dud: ted kazcnisky. That's who it was.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wait, That's the unibomer.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wrong guy.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2004-01-27, 11:15 AM #71
Thanks for ****tin on my thread... >:o

My Tracks

[This message has been edited by Em Playa (edited January 27, 2004).]
2004-01-27, 12:22 PM #72
You guys argueing like little children
2004-01-27, 12:33 PM #73
If you want to hear Rap at its finest, as well as some of the truest and boldest statements on the REAL world, listen to Tupac Shakur.
2004-01-27, 12:45 PM #74
I can't say I particularly like Tupac, Nas, etc., though I do like Outkast and Eminem.

"LC Tusken: the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot"
NMGOH || Jack Chick preaches it || The Link of the Dead
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2004-01-27, 12:58 PM #75
Eminem... The epitomy of Rap music's bad reputation..
2004-01-27, 1:14 PM #76
Hey Wolfy, how can ya not like Nas? []

Massassian since: March 12, 2001

[=-"The hardest thing is to forgive, but God does;
Even if you murdered or robbed, years wrong, but God loves;
Take one step toward him, he takes two toward you;
Even when all else fail, God supports you." - Nas
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2004-01-27, 3:45 PM #77
I don't understand how someone who likes rap can't like Tupac... []
2004-01-27, 4:03 PM #78
Everyone loves Outkast. People who don't love outkast aren't real people.

(I hate rap, by the way)

2004-01-27, 4:17 PM #79
Hey you used Darth Vader in a rap song... Isn't that Star Wars blasphemy or something?

"The Oracle told me I would die with my boots on. I've worn tennis shoes ever since." - Axis
2004-01-27, 5:37 PM #80
You've obviously never heard the Star Wars Gangsta Rap.

We got Death Star. We got Death Star. We got Death Star...

My Daily Ramblings
"This world is made of love and peace!"
"Let's live today, let's live tomorrow, and let's live the day after that, even if it means living in eternal pain."
- Vash the Stampede
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."

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