Do you realize how this site could be? I occasionally glance at other sites, and it disgusts me, how pathetic, ignorant, and offensive other forums are. I don't think I'd visit massassi if 'gay' wasn't banned, as I take a serious offense to it. Maybe that's me being a sensative american, but either way, it's unenjoyable for me, so I'd leave. I assume brian wants a site full of people, not a site with 40 members who do nothing but call each other gay, retarded, and every cuss you can muster up.
I think you don't realize how good you have it here at massassi.net.
I think you don't realize how good you have it here at massassi.net.
AMEN. I don't even agree with, well, most people's lifestyle choices, but i love being able to come here and talk about it with having to listen to people yelling insults. And folks, as someone who works with people with disabilities, lemme say 'retarded' is a seriously offensive word. Just because you may not know any folks with disabilities, or give them a second thought when u r using the word (because u r not using it to put them down but in an unrelated manner) does not change the fact it is offensive.
O and Australia is a Utopia btw - we'd prove it, but if we let u in to see, that'd ruin it for everyone :p
My blog! http://rpg-rant.blogspot.com/