More like we're kicking so much arse that half of the world is just jealous. We're the wave of the future, and Europe's old news. And we left the Middle East in the dust centuries ago. No wonder they're so nutty with rage.
The fact that a few Americans left our country and moved to Canada doesn't mean anything significant about the superiority of either country. It's more like those whiny Kerry fans realized that they are losers, so now they're self-exiling themselves to America's attic where we store all our spare natural resources and good beer. There they can ignore the partying and other noisy ruckus from the Americans downstairs, while they busy themselves making magical boots or whatever it is the Canadians do in their free time.
Anyway, my point is this: America is indeed bigger and better than all competition. So many of you are saying, "Superb economies, well-balanced republican governments and unbeatable militaries mean nothing. We can make tasty chocolates! We're all equal!" That's loser talk and you know it. If there were no standard for culutural and political greatness, then how does one explain the spread of American influence? Sure, people may claim to hate us, but at the same time they want to be more like us. Why is that? We have the most bombs, and they know that makes us fun and cool.
Economically and militarily, we're by far the sexiest of all. Indeed, throw us in the rink with any nation in the world, and we will come out victorious. Even our great allies the Brits know that, if for whatever terrible and unforseen reason push came to shove, America would emerge badly bruised but with one more ear trophy on our belt. But does that alone measure greatness?
Perhaps not. Sure, we could easily eat the entire world, choke for a moment on the pointier ends of the continent of Africa, then eventually force it down and turn it into poo. But we don't. Instead, we stretch our great and majestic arm over our weak and trembling world neighbors, offering our assistance where asked and our War Hammer of Fury where justice demands it. That, my friends, is why America is super duper.
And I'm sure I could compare Paul Martin to dirty animals too, but out of decency and humility I choose not to.
I'm sorry, but history demands that I also address this. America was not the sole superpower at the time, which was my point. You mention at least one other superpower existing at that time in your very post.
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.