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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Worst Movie Ever...
Worst Movie Ever...
2005-01-03, 3:54 PM #41
Originally posted by BobTheMasher
Just a note, all he said was "*vomits uncontrollably*". If you saw offensive, biting religious commentary in the phrase "vomits uncontrollably" you should probably have your eyes checked out. I would have posted that about most of the movies in this thread.

As far as the initial discussion, I consider that dropped. I'll approach it this way. I find Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail movie to be incredibly stupid. A waste of time. 80-some-odd-minutes-of-your-life-stolen dumb. However, I know many people think it's a brilliant comedy, especially here. So I throw it up there to put it in people's faces, knowing somebody going to think I'm crazy. But I'm not going to try to inflame it anymore than that.

I watched Fahrenheit 9/11 a couple months ago. Terrible movie. I personally believe that you have to be mentally defective to follow the logic of that film. I was laughing hysterically at the scene in the begining where Moore basically says Bush won Florida because he had a relative at Fox News. I actually thought the movie had good comedic value at that point but then I got really bored. I could have named this film and said all of these things in this thread but I chose not too.

Darnit, I just did. I appologize for all those I may have just offended and/or will continue to offend in the future. :D

Sorry, we all have to vent abit sometimes! ;)
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2005-01-03, 3:56 PM #42
Oooh! Bowling for Columbine!! I've not seen farenheit because BfC made me want to hunt down and torture mike moore....
2005-01-03, 3:58 PM #43
Originally posted by DrkJedi82
i would try to say there is no such thing as a bad movie but there are some i can't even stand to watch while making fun of it

so i'll put on my fireproof suit and say it...


Do you really dislike the first film? Seriously, if you're even remotely into sci-fi I don't know what would make the Matrix a "worst of" pick. Now if you're talking about the sequels, I can see where opinions could be more widely varied.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2005-01-03, 3:58 PM #44
Originally posted by happydud
Battle... field... Earth....


Damn true. The only reason I didn't walk out of the theater after 10 mins was the fact that I didn't want to admit I had totally wasted a perfectly good corporate ticket on this (or whatever you call tickets some company donates to you) - a ticket that could have been used to watch any movie...

Probably there have been worse movies around, though, but thankfully I have succeeded in avoiding them... :p
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2005-01-03, 4:03 PM #45
The Day After Tomorrow. What a piece of ****
2005-01-03, 4:08 PM #46
Originally posted by Wookie06
Do you really dislike the first film? Seriously, if you're even remotely into sci-fi I don't know what would make the Matrix a "worst of" pick. Now if you're talking about the sequels, I can see where opinions could be more widely varied.

because it just sucks... it's an opinion.... i can't stand the movie
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2005-01-03, 4:10 PM #47
Well your opinion's crap and quit insulting me.

see, I can make fun of myself
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2005-01-03, 4:13 PM #48
The Army of Darkness and Monty Python's Meaning of Life.
"Well ain't that a merry jelly." - FastGamerr

"You can actually see the waves of me not caring in the air." - fishstickz
2005-01-03, 4:18 PM #49
Johnny . . . English .... *shudder*
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2005-01-03, 4:23 PM #50

2005-01-03, 4:26 PM #51
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-01-03, 4:28 PM #52
Originally posted by Mikus


I did. I just assumed it would be crap and so I never saw it. Same with The Core.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2005-01-03, 4:59 PM #53
Originally posted by Acharjay
The Army of Darkness and Monty Python's Meaning of Life.

:( Meaning of life rocked.

Worst movie ever? Hmmm anything with adam sandler in it.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-01-03, 5:31 PM #54
Daredevil, hands down. I'm just glad I saw it on TV, and didn't see it in the TV/pay to see it.
2005-01-03, 5:52 PM #55
Battlefield Earth

that is all...
yay for not posting much ever
2005-01-03, 6:53 PM #56
Because stating your opinion on an internet forum without first considering if other people are going to be offended about your personal dislike or like of a MOVIE is just being self centered. I never ask myself: "Some people might have feelings for cops, maybe I shouldn't mention how most of them pull people over..." I think: "It is my opinion that most cops pull people over for no reason. If they disagree, that is also their opinion."

Stop playing Dad because you're used to the political correctness that people try to attain day in and day out only so they look like a good person.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-01-03, 7:01 PM #57
Talk about johnny come lately. pfft. You missed the point, anyway.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2005-01-03, 7:07 PM #58
Originally posted by Acharjay
The Army of Darkness
>>untie shoes
2005-01-03, 7:08 PM #59
Okay, I'm not trying to act like a mini-admin here or anything, but you guys seriously need to drop it.

And for the meat of the post:

I actually saw Battlefield: Earth twice. The first time I was about 10, and saw it in the movies. I blacked out, I think, because I don't remember any of it. The second time, I made Fishstickz watch it..

This movie induces physical pain. When gravity takes a nap, and then wakes up halfway through a scene and overcompensates, combined with Terl shooting the legs off a cow, and then you seeing the 'legs' (A.K.A. sticks, completely with leaves) fly past the camera in the complete wrong direction...

My bones still ache.
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2005-01-03, 7:10 PM #60
2005-01-03, 7:27 PM #61
What exactly is it you want people to say about this? I mean, it's a given it sucked. Or are you saying it didn't and you want people to argue with you.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2005-01-03, 7:29 PM #62
Didn't he die?
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2005-01-03, 7:30 PM #63
Originally posted by Martin_W
Battlefield Earth

And others, of course. Thing is, I know I saw the movie. Don't remember anything spectacular about it. But I also don't remember something too horrible. Granted, it has been years. I rented it. Watched it on the small screen. Alcohol was more likely than not involved. Maybe that explains.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2005-01-03, 7:31 PM #64
Originally posted by Wookie06
What exactly is it you want people to say about this? I mean, it's a given it sucked. Or are you saying it didn't and you want people to argue with you.

I want an international decree making the film the official worst movie ever.
2005-01-03, 7:34 PM #65
The Day After Tommorrow did suck, but the only reason I say it's not worse then House of the Dead, is because at least the Day After Tommorrow had Jake Gyllenhaal. So basically that compensated a little for the fact that the movie sucked, now House of the Dead on the other hand just yeah:D

2005-01-03, 7:45 PM #66
North by Northwest.

Seriously! If he had just stood next to the big pole, that plane would've had nothing on him.
2005-01-03, 7:49 PM #67
Originally posted by jEDIkIRBY
Because stating your opinion on an internet forum without first considering if other people are going to be offended about your personal dislike or like of a MOVIE is just being self centered. I never ask myself: "Some people might have feelings for cops, maybe I shouldn't mention how most of them pull people over..." I think: "It is my opinion that most cops pull people over for no reason. If they disagree, that is also their opinion."

Stop playing Dad because you're used to the political correctness that people try to attain day in and day out only so they look like a good person.


I hate political correctness...
2005-01-03, 7:55 PM #68
Originally posted by Wookie06
No. I'm not angry at him. I said he could have named the movie and left it at that. If my assumptions were incorrect he could have explained how I incorrectly interpretted his post and I would have apologized. Alpha loses. Yet wins as these final comments by me were meant to explain my position. And why is it assumed that I'm religious because I took issue with it? I routinely point out that I'm not a religious person.

I never said you were religious.

I was assumeing that you were angry because you saw him as directing the vomiting comment towards the story behind the film, instead of the film itself.
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2005-01-03, 8:11 PM #69
Originally posted by Thrawn42689
North by Northwest.

Seriously! If he had just stood next to the big pole, that plane would've had nothing on him.

But then it wouldn't have been so suspenseful! Hitchcock movies are awesome.

The worst movies I've ever paid to see in theaters would have to be Episodes One and Two.

I can only take watching Episode I for ten minutes. Then I have to stop. Episode II I can watch for slightly longer. About 20 minutes. I find them horridly bad. When I first saw them, they were awesome. But they do not hold up to repeat viewings. Once the "OMQ!!!" factor of the Special Effects wears off, you aren't left with much.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2005-01-03, 8:11 PM #70
The Day after Tomorrow
2005-01-03, 8:43 PM #71
Originally posted by alpha1
I never said you were religious.

I was assumeing that you were angry because you saw him as directing the vomiting comment towards the story behind the film, instead of the film itself.

Oh, get over it. I am. A little bit of controversy is good in a thread to get it rolling. Seriously, though, and I'm not trying to perpetuate this but if you know something is serious to some than there are ways to approach it without seeming insensitive to that. To some, that film showed something very personal to many. I would have took no issue with him listing the film, (or even with his vommit comment had he come back and said it was due to the graphic nature or something of it) but I just thought he did so in a distasteful manner. That's all.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2005-01-03, 8:55 PM #72
Originally posted by Glyde Bane
Worst movie ever? Hmmm anything with adam sandler in it.

QFT. Adam Sandler = A Dummkopf who should never have become an "actor", if you could call him that.
The man in black fled across the desert, and the Gunslinger followed...
2005-01-03, 9:00 PM #73
Movies are a form of art. Some may disagree, but I believe that the purpose of art is to inspire emotion and (secondary to that) to make people reflect upon the artist's message. Therefore, a good movie would be one which engages the audience's emotions (joy, sorrow, whatever is the aim), makes them feel strongly and reflect at length upon the issues raised.

A movie like The Passion would therefore clearly fall under the category of a "good movie". While you personally may not have been moved by it, thousands (millions?) of people were, and deeply. To say that it was a bad movie is to ignore the facts.

There is a difference between opinion and objective fact. "I did not like that movie" is an opinion. People's tastes differ, there's nothing wrong with that. But "That movie sucks" is a claim to objective fact. You're not just stating your personal tastes on the matter, you're saying the movie itself is inferior. Just because you don't enjoy a thing doesn't make it bad. When nobody enjoys a thing, that's when it's bad.

Sorry for the diatribe, this is just one of my pet peeves, and a phenomenon I've noticed is very prevalent here at Massassi.

Oh, and my pick for Worst Movie Ever? Hmm... Gigli? I didn't see it myself, but I've never heard of anyone who enjoyed it. It's probably a pretty safe bet.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2005-01-03, 9:03 PM #74
Actually movies are a narrative form of art, unless it's an art film, which the Passion is not.

What the hell kind of narrative happens in the Passion of the Christ? A guy gets the **** kicked out of him for about 36 hours, then dies, then it storms, and a ugly chick yells at the camera. Good story.
>>untie shoes
2005-01-03, 9:15 PM #75
2005-01-03, 9:16 PM #76
And yet many people were so moved by the movie that they remained in their seats after it was over, overcome with emotion.

Just because you didn't understand or enjoy the movie doesn't mean it sucks. I can't stand sappy chick flicks, nor do I understand why many people enjoy them, but that doesn't mean they're all poorly made. Clearly, large numbers of people do enjoy them. They're simply directed at people with different tastes than I.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2005-01-03, 9:33 PM #77
None of you have seen "Raiders of Buddhist Kung Fu."

Until you have seen this movie, you don't know the definition of "bad."
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-01-03, 9:35 PM #78
2005-01-03, 9:39 PM #79
Originally posted by Bill
Actually movies are a narrative form of art, unless it's an art film, which the Passion is not.

What the hell kind of narrative happens in the Passion of the Christ? A guy gets the **** kicked out of him for about 36 hours, then dies, then it storms, and a ugly chick yells at the camera. Good story.
The idea is to already know the background. Not to cram 33 years of info into a 2 hour movie.
Originally posted by Mikus
The Day After Tomorrow. What a piece of ****.
Yeah, those weather changes were quite sudden, and the whole thing seemed to be indirectly offensive to science by being produced by people who knew nothing of how the atmosphere works.
Also, stuff froze too fast.

But... worst film - Star Wars, Ep. 1. Worst. Script. Ever.
I like to call it "Mystey of the Script." Because.. WTF?
Hopefully, Episode 3 involves Jar Jar's death, which would compensate for ep. 1 & 2. :D

I recently watched "Hero." I'm not really sure if I liked it or not. It seemed to be more of an artistic movie, and in that respect, it was done quite well. But personally, I would like to have seen more fighting and less impossible moves.

My opinion is right, and yours are all wrong. End of thread. :p
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2005-01-03, 10:38 PM #80
Guys, the worst movie EVER has got to be Kung-Pow: Enter the Fist. Half the friggin movie was the characters making weird noises.
The top ten times in history when using the "F" word
was appropriate.....
10) "What the *&%# was that?" -Mayor of Hiroshima - August 1945
9) "Where did all these *&%#ing Indians come from?" - Custer 1877
8) "Any *&%#ing idiot could understand that." - Einstein 1938
7) "It does SO *&%#ing look like her!" - Picasso 1926
6) "How the *&%# did you work that out?" - Pythagoras 126 BC
5) "You want WHAT on the *&%#ing ceiling?" - Michelangelo 1566
4) "I don't suppose it's gonna *&%#ing rain." - Joan of Arc 1434
3) "Scattered *&%#ing a$$!" - Noah 2114 BC
2) "I need this parade like I need a *&%#ing hole in my head!" -
JFK 1963
1) "Aw c'mon, who the *&%# is going to find out?" - Bill Clinton 1997

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