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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Pope Dies.
Pope Dies.
2005-04-01, 4:07 PM #41
I kinda agree with Mikus in that in his current state, the Pope is utterly incapable of running the church - according to the bbc, he has reportedly been slipping in and out of consciousness; hardly a state (even with the stoutest of faith) that is worthy, if even able to lead a multinational religion.

I hope for his sake that he passes peacefully, and with dignity. Not that I agree with his overly right wing politics, but hey, he's an old man who's worked hard for what he believes in and it's the least he deserves.
2005-04-01, 4:09 PM #42
I know who the Pope is, but I don't think I ever learn what important things he did in that position. :/
2005-04-01, 4:10 PM #43
CNN is reporting that the Vatican is stating he might not make it through the night.

Taken from the main page of

Pope John Paul II's breathing is becoming shallow and several of his major organs -- including his kidneys and heart -- are growing weaker, the Vatican said today. "This evening or this night, Christ will open the doors to the Pope," said the vicar of Vatican City, in a rosary service at St. Peter's Square, where thousands of people were holding vigil.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2005-04-01, 4:12 PM #44
Originally posted by Martyn
I kinda agree with Mikus in that in his current state, the Pope is utterly incapable of running the church - according to the bbc, he has reportedly been slipping in and out of consciousness; hardly a state (even with the stoutest of faith) that is worthy, if even able to lead a multinational religion.

I hope for his sake that he passes peacefully, and with dignity. Not that I agree with his overly right wing politics, but hey, he's an old man who's worked hard for what he believes in and it's the least he deserves.

He appointed aout 15 bishops/archbishops today
2005-04-01, 4:40 PM #45
By drooling on their names? How?
2005-04-01, 4:44 PM #46
Originally posted by Mikus
By drooling on their names? How?

Pointing and grunting. Oh wait, he can't do that anymore.

2005-04-01, 4:49 PM #47
Originally posted by Mikus
By drooling on their names? How?

Originally posted by Shintock
Pointing and grunting. Oh wait, he can't do that anymore.


Is it too much to maybe show some tact and respect?
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-04-01, 5:41 PM #48
I agree with Wolfy. He's a human being, and as such deserves some dignity during this very dark time
2005-04-01, 10:48 PM #49
He's the Pope for crying out loud. He is more popular than the President of the United States. I'm not religious, and even I am sad that this guy very well might die within the next couple of days. And at the same time I am intrigued cause I want to see the process of electing the new Pope. Anyone who makes fun of him of all people deserve an first class express ticket to Hell, one way.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2005-04-01, 11:01 PM #50
Originally posted by THRAWN
He's the Pope for crying out loud. He is more popular than the President of the United States. I'm not religious, and even I am sad that this guy very well might die within the next couple of days. And at the same time I am intrigued cause I want to see the process of electing the new Pope. Anyone who makes fun of him of all people deserve an first class express ticket to Hell, one way.

That which you do to the least of my brothers, you do unto me.
-J dawg
2005-04-02, 12:15 AM #51
I'm with Wolfy Tenshu and THRAWN.

WTF guys. Especially Shintock. I expected such blatant disregard and disrespect from mikus, because hell, it's mikus, he has respect for nothing, but...the man's (supposed to be) the holiest man to over a billion people worldwide. Show a little respect.
2005-04-02, 12:38 AM #52
Not to be taken the wrong way, but I am very interested in this whole experience of the pope going to die. A pope dying is not a regular occurence, and I think it will be interesting to see the prcoess of electing the new pope.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2005-04-02, 12:43 AM #53
I'm curious as to whether they will ring church bells around the world when he passes, or just the one in St. Peter's.

He was an unbelievable Pope, he will leave tough shoes to fill. I suppose it's up to God.
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
2005-04-02, 2:27 AM #54
Originally posted by Dj Yoshi
I'm with Wolfy Tenshu and THRAWN.

WTF guys. Especially Shintock. I expected such blatant disregard and disrespect from mikus, because hell, it's mikus, he has respect for nothing, but...the man's (supposed to be) the holiest man to over a billion people worldwide. Show a little respect.

I think the issue is that they don't quite understand or agree with the concept of the papacy as it is. That one man is arbitrarily selected by about 100 people to be the most important man in the world for a billion people certainly goes against general common sense, and a whole lot of Christian theology as well; it seems really to be a throwback to the worship of the ancient Egyptian kings or the self-deification of Sai Baba and the like. If you don't respect the papacy, you won't respect the Pope.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2005-04-02, 7:02 AM #55
Originally posted by Mort-Hog
I think the issue is that they don't quite understand or agree with the concept of the papacy as it is. That one man is arbitrarily selected by about 100 people to be the most important man in the world for a billion people certainly goes against general common sense, and a whole lot of Christian theology as well; it seems really to be a throwback to the worship of the ancient Egyptian kings or the self-deification of Sai Baba and the like. If you don't respect the papacy, you won't respect the Pope.

Thing is you should. I mean, you may not agree, you may not like him, but there's no reason you shouldn't respect him, to be honest.
2005-04-02, 7:24 AM #56
You should not get respect simply for being Pope, but for what you do as Pope, and John Paul II has done a lot as Pope. He's working hard, for what he believes in, to the very end, and he deserves everyone's respect.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2005-04-02, 7:24 AM #57
What has the pope ever done for me? why should *I* respect him? People die everyday, nobody really makes a fuss, then because this ONE guy starts feeling off-colour, the media goes nuts. Get into perspective.
Sneaky sneaks. I'm actually a werewolf. Woof.
2005-04-02, 7:40 AM #58
Originally posted by Oxyonagon
What has the pope ever done for me? why should *I* respect him? People die everyday, nobody really makes a fuss, then because this ONE guy starts feeling off-colour, the media goes nuts. Get into perspective.

He's done a lot for peace in the middle east, along with peace everywhere else in the world. He's done a lot for the WORLD, not just you, you selfish git.
2005-04-02, 7:49 AM #59
Originally posted by Oxyonagon
What has the pope ever done for me? why should *I* respect him? People die everyday, nobody really makes a fuss, then because this ONE guy starts feeling off-colour, the media goes nuts. Get into perspective.

Wow. That's incredibly, incredibly selfish. You have no respect for someone unless they do something nice to/for you?

Furthermore, if your mother was dying, would you rather me say, "That's too bad :(," or "Ha, did she drool on the will to sign it?"

It is you, sir, that needs to get into perspective.

Originally posted by Mort-Hog
I think the issue is that they don't quite understand or agree with the concept of the papacy as it is.

I don't agree with the concept of the papacy, or the Catholic church in general. However, the man has done nothing to warrant such disrespect. Whether or not you agree with/understand the papacy is irrelevant; a man is dying, and I've yet to hear of anything he's done to warrant such ridicule.

If we were to make similar jokes about Terri Schiavo, there'd be a backlash against that person. It seems, though, that it's okay to make them about the pope.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-04-02, 7:54 AM #60
Originally posted by Wolfy
If we were to make similar jokes about Terri Schiavo, there'd be a backlash against that person. It seems, though, that it's okay to make them about the pope.

Go back and read say... the last 2 pages again.
2005-04-02, 8:31 AM #61
Sorry; shouldn't have said that. I should have said that most people would have the common courtesy to make no such statements.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-04-02, 8:36 AM #62
Remember all: SAJN already brought us this argument about the importance of Mr. Pope.

I just want to say while I may joke and such about it and not even agree with him at all, he's really done no harm and it will likely be a sad day for many religious people. For that I've really toned down what I say about it in public. It's not so much having respect for the man himself, but having respect for the others who may be hurt by this as they did look up to him.
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
2005-04-02, 8:57 AM #63
Originally posted by Dj Yoshi
Thing is you should. I mean, you may not agree, you may not like him, but there's no reason you shouldn't respect him, to be honest.

My views on contraception and John Paul's conflict to the point that I don't respect him very much anymore. I won't go into discussion here. I will also point out that I am an atheist.

However, my comment was out of line, and I'm sorry.
2005-04-02, 9:14 AM #64
Originally posted by Shintock
Pointing and grunting. Oh wait, he can't do that anymore.


You do know he isnt braindead, and is conscious, yeah?
2005-04-02, 9:15 AM #65
Did you have to bring my comment back up after I apologized for it?
2005-04-02, 9:18 AM #66
I just thought it was something to base my statement on
2005-04-02, 9:53 AM #67
He has barely been able to speak or move for months (if not years) now, I'd say let's bring in some new blood, but I think you need to be like 70 to qualify for popehood. I want to see a 20 year old pope. Whose idea was "Let's bring them in AFTER they're senile"?
2005-04-02, 9:55 AM #68
I think they choose old popes because they don't usually want them to be around for too long, they want a steady circulation. This last one was around for a bit longer than usual, so expect the next one to be an old fellow.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2005-04-02, 10:03 AM #69
I am reminded of Eurotrip when Scotty became the new pope.
2005-04-02, 12:10 PM #70
He just died.

Pope John Paul II, the spiritual leader to more than 1 billion Catholics who spread his message worldwide in his 26-year papacy, has died, Vatican sources tell CNN.

2005-04-02, 12:20 PM #71
Damn, he died at 8:37pm gmt
2005-04-02, 12:22 PM #72
:( dead pope. :(

Well, time for a new one.

This is not the sig you are looking for. Move along.
2005-04-02, 12:25 PM #73
Great guy, rest in Love and peace.
"The only crime I'm guilty of is love [of china]"
- Ruthven
me clan me mod
2005-04-02, 12:25 PM #74
Ladies and Gentleman i give you the human form of compassion!
2005-04-02, 12:26 PM #75
This is not the sig you are looking for. Move along.
2005-04-02, 12:27 PM #76
Nice going there idiot - the pope's last name was not JONES!
2005-04-02, 12:31 PM #77
I don't respect the pope simply because he's "the pope". No mere title should hold any clout with anyone. You people demanding we respect the pope because he's some holy dude appointed over 1 billion people are being ridiculous. Why is he holy? Just because you said so? I don't think he's any more holy than a bag of potato chips, or anyone else. Why does he command my respect? His accomplishments in peace might be one reason, but heck, plenty of people deserve more respect for peace efforts before the pope.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-04-02, 12:37 PM #78,2933,152271,00.html


2005-04-02, 12:41 PM #79
He's gone to a better place.
2005-04-02, 12:45 PM #80
Who says the leader of the catholic church goes to heaven?

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