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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Pope Dies.
Pope Dies.
2005-04-03, 9:36 AM #121
Grow up or get lost.
2005-04-03, 9:59 AM #122
Well, he has a point.

It's worshipping a false idol, which is against the commandments.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2005-04-03, 10:05 AM #123
No it isn't, because no one worships the Pope. Catholics recognize his authority and often will consider him a Holy man if in fact he was one.

You're just deliberately trying to rile people up, let it go. No one is trying to silence your opinion, but you've already voiced your opinion. There's a time and a place to debate the legitimacy of the Papacy and a thread about the Pope's death isn't it.
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
2005-04-03, 10:27 AM #124
I saw his body exposed to the public on TV ealier, and I must say that he looks very peaceful compared to the faces of agony he had been making the last few weeks. Death was probably a relief for him.

2005-04-03, 10:28 AM #125
Originally posted by Bounty Hunter 4 hire
No it isn't, because no one worships the Pope. Catholics recognize his authority and often will consider him a Holy man if in fact he was one.

You're just deliberately trying to rile people up, let it go. No one is trying to silence your opinion, but you've already voiced your opinion. There's a time and a place to debate the legitimacy of the Papacy and a thread about the Pope's death isn't it.

Richard Feynman:

One of the things that my father taught me besides physics (LAUGHS), whether it's correct or not, was a disrespect for respectable ... for certain kinds of things. For example, when I was a little boy, and a rotogravure—that's printed pictures in newspapers—first came out in the New York Times, he used to sit me again on his knee and he'd open a picture, and there was a picture of the Pope and everybody bowing in front of him. And he'd say, "Now look at these humans. Here is one human standing here, and all these others are bowing. Now what is the difference? This one is the Pope"—he hated the Pope anyway—and he'd say, "the difference is epaulettes"—of course not in the case of the Pope, but if he was a general—it was always the uniform, the position, "but this man has the same human problems, he eats dinner like anybody else, he goes to the bathroom, he has the same kind of problems as everybody, he's a human being. Why are they all bowing to him? Only because of his name and his position, because of his uniform, not because of something special he did, or his honor, or something like that." He, by the way, was in the uniform business, so he knew what the difference was between the man with the uniform off and the uniform on; it's the same man for him.

I personally thought he had his heart in the right place. I didn't agree with a lot of his strange ethics (condoms, abortion, ...), but you could just see that he put his all in what he did, and I can only respect that.

Anyway, another human died. Let us please stop the mental masturbation and focus on the people who are dying, but aren't dead yet instead. That's the true message, and I think your late pope would agree.

2005-04-04, 12:41 PM #126
I'm not Catholic, or Protestant. I'd call myself a quasi-Jesus-Buddhist-Diest.

However, I was completely at a loss for words when I heard the Pope died. He was a great man who stood up for what he believed and did his best to help other people, even people who werent part of his religion he went out of his way to find ways in which he could use his influence to help them.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2005-04-04, 1:55 PM #127
I just watched a short biography of him on TV. He was in a big room with a few hundred young kids, and they were cheering the whole time. And he just sat there, looking amused, and when the cheering toned down, he just made a strange sound like 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmm' or 'babababa' and then the crowd went into a frenzy again. It was amazing. It was group trance or something, and it went on for ten (!) minutes.



Pope: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Audience: *totally ROFLing*

This went on and on and on.

His bishops or cardinals or however you call them were getting a bit anxious, and one of them whispered something in the pope's ear.

Pope: we'll have to stop acting crazy... we are interrupting ... (blink in eyes, voice can barely control own laughter) ... THE PROGRAM.

Audience: *going RIFK again for minutes and minutes*

It was awesome to watch. A hilarious guy, with an excellent grasp of subcommunication and with a contempt for "the program". I'd really loved to hang with him. Amazing.

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