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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Episode 3!! (slight spoilers)
Episode 3!! (slight spoilers)
2005-05-19, 6:51 PM #41
Leia says her mother died when she was very little, but she remembers that she was beautiful.

I didn't know newborns remembered much.

(I haven't seen the movie so I don't know exactly how old the twins are but I doubt they remember.)
2005-05-19, 6:59 PM #42
She of course couldn't be remembering Mrs. Organa (Bail Organa's wife).

Luke wasn't told he was adopted, why should Leia have been?
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2005-05-19, 7:03 PM #43
Yeah, but part of the reason there was probably so much humor at the beginning of Ep3 is because the rest of it is so dark. It would have been odd for there to have been a joke in the middle of a serious battle between Anakin and Obi-wan (Like Ep 2 with C-3po and R2 in the final battle of AotC)

With Ep1 and 2 he seemed to have it spread throughout. In Ep3, it seemed to be majorly in the beginning, with only a few random things throughout (some not even jokes, but people laughed)
2005-05-19, 7:06 PM #44
Before the prequels, I definately imagined Luke/Leia's mother having some hand in raising them. Even if only for a bit.. just some role as a parent.

My impressions;

Yellow text: worst in the trilogy.

I have to say this is the only Star Wars film I felt any emotion for the characters. Maybe i've just grown a bit, but...

The thing I probably disliked more than anything else was how bloody obvious all of the 'metaphors' were. They were just ridiculous. Also the bantering about "we're fighting for democracy!" was just lame as hell.

The film ended terribly. The Death Star? Come on, honestly... Also, I almost fell asleep at the very end of the movie. That montage of the children being delivered throughout the galaxy was so anti-climatic. I know there's nothing Lucas can do, but "we must hide the children where they will never be found by Vader." Oh, fantastic idea! We'll hide one of them where Vader grew up, and one with one of the leaders of the Rebellion! I mean there's nothing Lucas can do to change where they end up, but i'm sure he can find a better way to justify the locations... and ending a movie with a montage is generally just a terrible idea.

I thought it was a great movie, and I think many people across the internet expected too much. Giving this a 6/10? What in the world did you want from the prequels?

Um, a lot. The original movies were incredible... why shouldn't these movies be?

Luke wasn't told he was adopted, why should Leia have been?

I'm pretty sure he knows he's adopted. He knows he's living with his aunt and uncle...
former entrepreneur
2005-05-19, 7:24 PM #45
I agree on the text. To start with "War!" It sounded like he let his kid write the first paragraph.

But if you watch the OT now, is it really that impressive? What 'wow'ed so many people in 1977, 1980, and 1983 was just that something like that had NEVER been done before. The special effects were, as you stated, incredible.

Now, even though the special effects were amazing in Ep 3, it doesn't have that "incredible" feeling like when someone saw the first trilogy. The OT contained special effects at a level that had never been seen before, and that helped people imagine a world they never thought they could at that time.

I think no matter how lucas had done the PT, most of these hardcore star wars fans would not like it because it won't leave them at the emotional state as when they saw the OT.

It's the same thing, I'm sure if the OT trilogy was released now (just assume technology was the same, and everything else), most people would just be like "Eh." What was so original in 80's has now been done to death, and thus special effects just don't amaze people as much as they did.

I think it goes over into video games too. I remember seeing the jump from NES to SNES and everyone being like "Amazing! Look at the graphics!". Now, in the same way, I don't buy video games if they're pretty anymore. There's gotta be alot more there.

And if I go back and play those games that amazed me so much, I'm like "Wow, how did that ever excite me so much?" And when I go back and play games that were original then but not now, I don't see why I liked them so much. However, at the time it was incredible and thus whenever I play new games I want that same feeling. However, it is harder and harder to achieve that since nothing is really that 'revolutionary' anymore. The same with Star Wars

2005-05-19, 7:26 PM #46
It is obious to me that Schming is either one of these, or all of these:
-A trekie (bloody traitor!)
-He saw a pirate copy
-He's 12 and/or knows nothing of movies. Thank you.

Also, I'm not going to talk about TMT at the moment, I'm not going to release anything today, I've had some technical problems, and I know no one will believe me. I just saw Episode 3, and I know its a cool movie, I saw no flaw in it, and neither did my father who was a Movie Critic. Well, maybe thats because were SW fans to the heart, but I think its the best one yet, and deserves more recognition. 20 years ago, this would have beem the movie of the century, but noo, its not enough for you, it has to be just as you want it. I want it, as it was. And the only reason it probably got the PG-13 rating, was probably because of the *Mace Part*
Nothing to see here, move along.
2005-05-19, 7:35 PM #47
20 years ago, this would have beem the movie of the century, but noo, its not enough for you, it has to be just as you want it. I want it, as it was.

So Revenge of the Sith was better than any of these films?

Absolutely not. For a movie to be great it must be timeless. Perhaps this film is timeless, but if it didn't have Star Wars in the title it'd just be some big budget summer film.
former entrepreneur
2005-05-19, 7:39 PM #48
To me, Revenge of the Sith was better than "Titanic" which is on that list.

We're not arguing that this is the best movie ever. We're arguing that if this had been released in 1977, everyone would be going crazy over it.

But since it's released now, everyone's washed out to special effects and people realize that Star Wars isn't this huge serious epic like they originally thought.
2005-05-19, 7:43 PM #49
Went to a midnight showing. A friend ordered tickets around noon at the theater and gave a bunch of us the goods around 9:00 PM. Then we waited for about 3 hrs. until the seating and previews were over. Then, the curtain opened. . .

Wowsers. The movie made the other prequels look like ****. The humor was actually funny this time around. In AotC I hated the idea that R2D2 had boosters, but it fit perfectly in the oil scene.

Great footage of the Clone Wars, although they could have added more. The warfare, along with all the duels, was awesome.

A lot of character conflict. Strong tragedy makes for great drama. The love talk scenes were decent too this time.

The CGI was much improved from 1999 . . . .

Ep3 was the best of the prequels and could easily challenge any OT movie as one of the best of the whole series.

My only problem is that there are many unanswered questions still. What happens between the birth of the empire and the birth of the rebellion? Where do stormies come in? Also, the ending was very short. They should have expanded on the adoption of Luke by the Lars family. Also, they needed to have more dialogue of Anakin in the armor.

Oh yeah, Palpatine rocks.
2005-05-19, 7:52 PM #50
I thought it was pretty good. This was definitely better than the last two Lucas made. I actually think it does live up to classic star wars material. My understanding about Leia saying she remembered her mother only a little bit was that she remembered Bails wife but she probably died early from something. So no she cant remember things from childbirth and the whole thing about her saying "she was very beautiful" was the fact that bails wife aint that bad herself. The only part i didnt like was the first 45 or so minutes of the movie where i thought because of the start that it was just going to terribly suck but the ending made up for it all.

Until the end the dialogue was still as sucky as all star wars movie dialogue is but emotional dialogue at the end between ani and obi was very well written and i loved it. This movie needs to win at least one oscar for something.

I give it about a 8/10.
I was just petting the bunny, and it went into the soup can, and part of my hand went with it. - Red vs Blue
2005-05-19, 8:29 PM #51
I just came back from watching it, and I think it's the best of the 6! The saber duels were awesome, especially the last one. I'm sad from what happenned to the Jedis, and Mace, and Plo Koon. :( Anyways, I give it a 10/10!
Skateboarding is not a crime.
2005-05-19, 8:43 PM #52
Loved it. Plain and simple.
2005-05-19, 8:46 PM #53
the part with mace SUCKED. not as in it was a crappy scene, it was just a crappy situation. ayieieieieieie.
2005-05-19, 8:47 PM #54
Originally posted by saberopus
the part with mace SUCKED. not as in it was a crappy scene, it was just a crappy situation. ayieieieieieie.

All because of Anakin. :mad:
Skateboarding is not a crime.
2005-05-19, 9:54 PM #55
Originally posted by Eversor
So Revenge of the Sith was better than any of these films?

Absolutely not. For a movie to be great it must be timeless. Perhaps this film is timeless, but if it didn't have Star Wars in the title it'd just be some big budget summer film.

I, for one, think it was far better than any of those movies... but then at the same time I've seen only 2 of the movies on that list ("Titanic" and "The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King")

Even so, I found RotS to be 100 times better than either of those 2 movies that I have seen.
2005-05-19, 10:00 PM #56
It wasn't bad, I'm kind of disappointed though.

I was hoping for more Wookiee action, especially with the Clones. I figured Chewie would at least beat one of them.

Couldn't stand Natalie's "acting", Hayden's kind of better though. The love scenes were badly usual. But it wasn't really as bad as AOTC.

The Battle Droids got on my nerves though, specifically the Super Battle Droids. I don't see why they had to make their voices even more high-pitched than they already were in TPM?

Loved the early space battle, but we should've seen more fighters and such!

Grievous was kind of cool but also kind of lame...I mean the cartoon has him as some uber-badass. While the movie shows him as a hacking geezer dependant on his bodyguards.

Overall, it was better than the first two but it could use a ton of improvements.

I was really surprised though how they did the scene with the Jedi kids...
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
2005-05-19, 10:13 PM #57
Originally posted by Jedigreedo

Grievous was kind of cool but also kind of lame...I mean the cartoon has him as some uber-badass. While the movie shows him as a hacking geezer dependant on his bodyguards.

In the cartoons he was mostly dealing with your random Jedi Knights though. In the movie he was going up against much stronger Jedi. Kinda like the difference in the Jango Fett fight with Obi-Wan and his "fight" with Mace Windu, heh.
2005-05-19, 10:40 PM #58
There was the whole coughing/wheezing thing though. I mean until he fought Obi-Wan he was like some old geezer. I didn't get why he was coughing and such if he didn't "breathe" (ie: he was able to survive in space)
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
2005-05-19, 11:01 PM #59
Originally posted by happydud
I was dissapointed in how they portrayed Palpatine. After he openly turned to the dark side, he was really a pretty big pansy. He was practically crying while Mace was pointing his lightsaber at him, and several other parts he made me feel like he just wasn't the Dark Lord of the Sith...

The reason I believe he acted that way was to get Anakin to feel "pitty" for him and stop windu. Which worked. Because once he used his lighting agian and throw Windu out the window, he seem to be just fine. Not worn out like after the first time he used it. Though that's my thought of it.

Also, keep in mind that maybe the transition to Vader seemed fast and all. Anakin was willing to do whatever it took to keep Padme alive.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2005-05-19, 11:15 PM #60
Also, could someone tell me what happened the first 10 mintues?

It started at 11, I figured there was 20 minutes of commercials and previews. I walked in at 11:10, and it was already on!?! Apparently I missed Dooku's death?

I wont have a chance to go see it agian till Sunday, or Monday.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2005-05-19, 11:29 PM #61
There was the whole coughing/wheezing thing though. I mean until he fought Obi-Wan he was like some old geezer. I didn't get why he was coughing and such if he didn't "breathe" (ie: he was able to survive in space)

It's done to relate with Vader. Grievous is in cahouts with Sidious, hence, he's probably one of Palpatine's early versions of Vader... An experimental model so to speak. Or at least something that's undergone the same treatment

Youll notice what ive said makes sense when you watch the film, and there's a close up in the battle with obi-wan of Grievous's face, you can see flesh behind the metal droid mask. As well, just before he kills grievous, do you not notice when he rips open his chest, he sees a beating heart? There you go.
2005-05-19, 11:36 PM #62
Originally posted by Jedigreedo

Grievous was kind of cool but also kind of lame...I mean the cartoon has him as some uber-badass. While the movie shows him as a hacking geezer dependant on his bodyguards.

That might have had something to do with the last episode of the Clone wars cartoon, where Mace meets grevious when he's getting on the shuttle after abducting palpy. Mace uses the force to crush one of grevious's chest plates, and grevious then drops his sabers and falls gasping to the deck. That might have weakened grevious permanently.
2005-05-19, 11:59 PM #63
Mace was a pimp. Stupid.. anakin.. yeah.
2005-05-20, 12:27 AM #64
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS
That might have had something to do with the last episode of the Clone wars cartoon, where Mace meets grevious when he's getting on the shuttle after abducting palpy. Mace uses the force to crush one of grevious's chest plates, and grevious then drops his sabers and falls gasping to the deck. That might have weakened grevious permanently.

Yeah Episode III takes place IMMEDIATLY after the Clone Wars cartoon when Greviuos "kidnaps" Palpatine (although Grevious had no idea Palpatine was Lord Sidious, so he really did Kidnap him I guess). Windu had crushed Grevious's chestplate and hadn't the time to repair it since he just arrived on his flagship.
2005-05-20, 12:38 AM #65
Originally posted by happydud
I was dissapointed in how they portrayed Palpatine. After he openly turned to the dark side, he was really a pretty big pansy. He was practically crying while Mace was pointing his lightsaber at him, and several other parts he made me feel like he just wasn't the Dark Lord of the Sith...

He wanted to turn Anakin. I think he could've easily killed Mace but he wanted Anakin to help him.

Argh, Z@NARDI beat me to it.
Sorry for the lousy German
2005-05-20, 1:02 AM #66
Just got back a little bit ago. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Definately the best of the PT. Still like the OT more though.

[Edit]Though I couldn't help but think of A Lost Hope during some parts of the movie. When Anakin gets burned, I could hear him saying, "Oh yeah, it better be" in response to Palpatine's, "Your transformation is almost complete." Also, I could completely see Obi-Wan saying, "You're pure dag-nasty evil, it's just a fact." :D
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2005-05-20, 1:10 AM #67
On another note, even though I've seen it before, I got some serious chills during the The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe trailer. That movie looks like it's going to be worth seeing.

So many good movies this year, Hitchhiker's, RotS, Serenity, Corpse Bride, Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe......

*head 'splodes
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
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2005-05-20, 1:16 AM #68
Grievous was killed in a crash, except his organs were put in a big droid, and he was named leader of the droid army. Hardly force-sensitive, letalone an early version of vader. just a tough arse warrior. I think he worked for dooku anyway.

I read the history somewhere... on the back of an action figure or osmething.

My thoughts...

I really liked the humor in the beginning. The ray shield part was sweet, if anything I think it wasn't funny ENOUGH. "Well this was smart" "how did that happen?" "we're smarter than this" "I think we should be patient and wait it out"

beginning had too many special effects though. Too many near misses passed off as nothing/slightly funny.
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2005-05-20, 1:55 AM #69
I thought it was a fantastic film. It was everything I was hoping for and more. Unfortunately I would have liked to see the scenes where they form the rebellion and take the petition to Palpatine demanding he restore power to the senate, though I can see why Lucas took it out. *waits for DVD*

To answer the question about qui-gon, when yoda is meditating on Polis Massa and Bail Organa tells him that Obi-wan has made contact, the beginning of the scene had Yoda speaking to qui-gon. Qui-gon tells Yoda that the key to immortality lies in compassion, and giving yourself over to the force. He tells Yoda that in time, he will be able to join with the force at will, and that his physical body will disappear. He tells Yoda that the sith will never achieve immortality because they seek it through the exaultation of self. "Love is the answer to darkness." The fact that Qui-gon didn't disappear in the Phantom Menace just shows that Qui-gon only discovered the secret after his death, just as Anakin learned the secret after he died. His body didn't fade away, but he was able to return.

I thought the acting in the move was outstanding, there were only a couple of moments that I had to wrinkle my nose at. "NO! NOOO! YOU WILL DIE!" and "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and "You are so beautiful." "It's Becaues I'm so in love" "No, it's because I'm so in love with you" Yawn. Great movie though.
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2005-05-20, 7:33 AM #70
My god. Some of you have ridiculous complaints about the movie. Sorry everything isn't as perfect as in your world and that most people can enjoy a movie just for what it is.

Anyway, it was really good. Hayden did a lot better in his acting this time around(though evidently Lucas made him act wooden in AotC). And for those who are familiar with Star Wars, you notice a lot of things that look familiar(like the shuttle Grievous uses to get to the hole place and the fighter Obi-wan uses).
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2005-05-20, 8:56 AM #71
I've seen it twice and I have to admit that I have some mixed feelings about it. Overall, I'd say it was pretty good, but I was expecting the lightsaber battles to be better. None of them (except possibly Yoda vs Sidious) came close to the final battle in TPM.
I bet you think that's funny, don't you.
2005-05-20, 10:38 AM #72
My opinion on the lightsaber battles:
Except for a few boring face-shots, IE Mace vs palpatine, I thought the saber battles were excellent. THey weren't Matrixified or Extremely too well choreographed like in TPM. They were just very well done seemingly realistic "as in appear to be improvised fights by the characters" fights. I especially liked anakin and obi wan fighting before the whole lava bit. It was just very adrenaline packed, very fast. It wasn't about "who can figure out where I'm going to swing next" it was just a straight anger filled purposeful battle.
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2005-05-20, 10:53 AM #73
When I was at the theatre (Arclight in Hollywood), everyone clapped as soon as the 20th Century logo appeared. Alright!

Then they applauded when the Lucasfilm logo appeared. That's cool.

Then cheers at "A long time ago..." Okay, guys, get the point. Its the last time..

Then loud applause at the Star Wars logo. At this point I'm tired of it. I've just about had enough as they do it again when "Episode III" appears.

Then everyone at the same time yelled "WAR!" when that appeared. I had enough. Something came out of my little, girly mouth that I did not expect.


Everyone was quiet until the credits.


Things I have to say, though:
(1) This is not a movie for the epileptic. Sooo many flashes...
(2) "Nooo" was hilarious.
(3) I want to be able to make Anakin's face before his final strike at Obi-Wan when I get mad at someone, too!
(4) "No, I'm so in love with you." "No, I'm so in love with you." "No, I'm so in love with you." "No, I'm so in love with you..."
Do not fire!
2005-05-20, 11:49 AM #74
Personally, I enjoyed the Phathom Menance more then this movie. Anakins move to the dark side was horribly done. I am sorry, but it just happened way too quickly. Oh thanks yoda for telling Obi Wan about Qui Gon but not explaining how he does it. Alsom Padme lost the will to live, and thats why they couldnt save her? Bull****, how could a robot be able to tell that. Sorry excuse to let her die. I personally did like that fact that Vader was still somewhat human after he got the Vader suite on and the whole "Noooooooooo" thing. Then you witnessed that his love for her was the biggest fuel for his power. Besides that, this movie was really bad. Obi Wans actting was the only thing that saved this movie.
In Tribute to Adam Sliger. Rest in Peace

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2005-05-20, 11:55 AM #75
But Anakin has been moving towards the dark side ever since Episode 1. So figure the time inbetween the movies as well, and it was quite a long period of him getting anger, emotions, and just being unsure about himself.

I don't see how they could've really prolonged it anymore. Once he chose the dark side, that was it. The movie would've been boring if it was 2 hours of him being on the dark side and than deciding that it was wrong.

Instead, it showed he would sacrifice everything in order to stop the one thing that he did not want to lose.
2005-05-20, 11:58 AM #76
I think the Mace vs. Palpatine fight was like one of the OT fights. I liked it alot better. It may not be all flashy and every flipping around and swinging lightsabers crazy like. But it seems more.. I dunno.. it's just how I remember the Light saber battles before TPM.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2005-05-20, 11:59 AM #77
I think it had have made more sense if he did kill Padme... at least she'd have died properly. Then they could have saved Luke & Leia.

The Qui-Gon bit seemed tacked on... it seemed added to somehow explain how Obi-wan can come back as a ghost in ESB.
2005-05-20, 12:16 PM #78

Do not fire!
2005-05-20, 1:00 PM #79
Anakin contributed to the death of Padme... when he choked her ... Anyone knows if you do that to a pregnant lady, she's going to have some adverse effects on her body.
2005-05-20, 1:02 PM #80
Originally posted by Temperamental
Anyone knows if you do that to a pregnant lady, she's going to have some adverse effects on her body.

Good for future knowledge ;)
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