I got to go see it yesterday and, yeah, besides from the acting and other little things, I liked it!
The two things that bothered me most were (and they probably bothered me more since after the movie my friend and I went and watched ESB
) :
- Yoda's backwards lines were really over done. In ESB and RotJ you can pretty much understand him...there were a lot of his lines in this one that just didn't make any sense because it seemed they tried too hard to make them backwards. o_O
- the lightsaber fights...did you ever notice how there are no really neat flips and tricks in the OT, but in the new ones they jump around all the time and are all fancy.
meh...but otherwise I liked it
we had three Vaders in the theater, a couple Jedi, and a stormtrooper way in the back that was rather annoying...but I won't complain about the people. That requires an entirely different rant!
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."