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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Episode 3!! (slight spoilers)
Episode 3!! (slight spoilers)
2005-05-20, 1:10 PM #81
Except that she didn't die do to any health reasons. Good try though.

No need to spoiler textm everyone should know she is dead.
In Tribute to Adam Sliger. Rest in Peace

10/7/85 - 12/9/03
2005-05-20, 6:42 PM #82
Then that wouldmean she lost the will to fight to live since she found out about ANakin and what he did.
2005-05-20, 8:29 PM #83
Whooooaaa... that was crazy.

That was the most depressing movie I've seen in a while, actually. How all those clones killed the jedi in cowardly ways, and even the little kids... :(

I, also, thought the NOOOOOO bit was somewhat lame at the time, but now that I think about it, he really was just a lost, confused boy who had just killed everyone and everything he knew... then there's 20 years' between this episode and episode IV of killing people for him to become the badass he was in the OT.
2005-05-20, 11:32 PM #84
Jsut saw the move today, and I liked it, for the most part. A couple of things really bugged me though.

I didn't like how the Jedi died at all, save the kids in the temple. From the OT, Obi-wan makes it sound like Vader killed all the Jedi rather than having clones shoot all of them in the back. A few getting it that way would have been fine, but I would have liked to have seen Anakin kill a few Jedi

The who Padme dying in childbirth makes no sense since Leia has memories of her mother. Saying that Padme died when she was very yong doesn't quite fit what happened in RotS. It would have been a whole lot better if Anakin had messed her up so bad that she died too. Internal injuries or something.

R2D2 was stupid. He got all super-high tech gadgety in the last two movies and that doesn't fit with the way he was in the OT

Vader in the Vader suit was completely lacking. More lines from James Earl Jones would have been so bad ***. I would have liked to have seen Vader in suit do something too, like kill a few Jedi, intimidate some people, etc

The Emperor's face getting burned by the lightning didn't make a lot of sense either seeng as we don't see that happen to people who are shot with the lightning. Seemed like a bit of a cop out to explain why he looked the way he did.

I agree that Grievous was kind of pointless. A continuous leader of the Seperatists would have been better (All three movies) and allowed for some development.

I was very entertained by he movie, though. Watching Anakin's fall to the dark side was well done. You could tell he was torn at the begining. The final fight with Obi-Wan was great too. Really got into it.
Pissed Off?
2005-05-20, 11:52 PM #85
One more thing bothered me. When Anakin and Padme meet up the first time in the movie, at the column, it seemed to me that it had been the first time they'd seen each other in a long time. They both went on and talked about how they had missed each other. And yet somehow, even though Anakin hasn't been around for months, Padme is pregnant? Perhaps it wasn't the first time they'd seen each other in a long time, but it sure seemed that way. Immaculate conception anyone?
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2005-05-21, 12:16 AM #86
Originally posted by Ric_Olie
And yet somehow, even though Anakin hasn't been around for months, Padme is pregnant? Perhaps it wasn't the first time they'd seen each other in a long time, but it sure seemed that way. Immaculate conception anyone?

Maybe Padme is sleeping around. :p
2005-05-21, 12:47 AM #87
She was showing, so obviously she was a few months along. Judging by how much time appeared to have passed in the movie, it would be safe to say she was at least 8 months along, which is a long time for anakin to be away from home. Though she didn't look 8 months pregnant with twins, it is just a movie.

Also, I don't get why people think it sounds like obi-wan told luke vader killed at the jedi. He says nothing like that at all. "He helped the empire hunt down and destroy the jedi knights." That is EXACTLY what we saw in Revenge of the Sith. Vader lead the campaign against the jedi temple. If that doesn't count as him helping the empire destroy the jedi, I don't know what does.
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2005-05-21, 2:59 AM #88
Because the wonderful, well-written expanded universe said so.

Seriously. Some people think it's fact and important as the movies. Personally, I'm glad some things went apocryphal because they were just silly. Then again, I would kind of like a restart of the expanded universe now that we have the complete saga.

Crap, I kind of derailed... Uh, so how about that R2D2? He sure was hilarious! Maybe I'll draw him and C3PO as vaudeville folk!
Do not fire!
2005-05-21, 6:49 AM #89
Only thing I didn't really like was Grievous' rather cowardly nature in the movie. He was a deadly killing machine in the Clone Wars - I would've liked him kept that way.
"Well ain't that a merry jelly." - FastGamerr

"You can actually see the waves of me not caring in the air." - fishstickz
2005-05-21, 10:52 AM #90
Why's everyone geeking out about the TPM fight so much? It did benefit from fantastic music and flashy effects, but the choreography really is horrible. Darth Maul was practically forced to pause after each move to let the Jedi keep up with him. Had they let him fight naturally and force the choreographers to find a way for the Jedi to realistically beat back his assault, that would have been a saber fight to end all saber fights!
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2005-05-21, 10:53 AM #91
Holy crap, a Cougar sighting!
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-05-21, 11:01 AM #92
Wow. Loved it. Loved it.

Yeah we got out of the cinema and started picking it apart and far too many little things dont make sense, but sitting there watching it I really really enjoyed just about every single minute of it.

More than anything, the pacing was right with this prequel. TPM and AotC really dragged in places. RotS was interesting and fun to watch the entire way through, just like ANH or ESB.

The quote from IMDB is "A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi knights. He betrayed and murdered your father". So what Obi Wan says is correct, Anakin did have a large role in the extermination of the Jedi but it was the 'Empire' (ie. clones) who did most of the killing.

Leia is a Jedi, and some people claim to have memories of being in the womb and / or being born. I guess 'died when I was very young' = within 10 minutes of her being born.

Did anyone notice if Obi Wan took Anakin's lightsaber? In ANH he presents it to Luke as 'your father's lightsaber'. Didnt notice if he took it, though.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2005-05-21, 11:29 AM #93
Originally posted by Avenger
The Emperor's face getting burned by the lightning didn't make a lot of sense either seeng as we don't see that happen to people who are shot with the lightning. Seemed like a bit of a cop out to explain why he looked the way he did.

Palpatine's face already looked like that, as Darth Sidious, but by claiming the attack marred him, he can explain the change to the senate.

Also, why is nobody complaining at about Kashyyk? Lucas just voided the EU again.

Also, in Ep3, jedi are described as "selfless" while sith are described as being concerned only with themselves. Anakin balances this out by using both his passions, as well as acting to serve others.
2005-05-21, 12:37 PM #94
Seriously, you guys ARE nerds. You honestly need to get out more. It's a MOVIE> Stop picking apart literally everything in it.
2005-05-21, 12:41 PM #95
So you have to be a nerd if you pick things apart? You can always do it for fun, or if you don't have time to spend on anything else. Or if you get money. There are lots of possibilities! Including that you're a nerd.

Like... duh.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-05-21, 12:44 PM #96
Originally posted by Spork

Did anyone notice if Obi Wan took Anakin's lightsaber? In ANH he presents it to Luke as 'your father's lightsaber'. Didnt notice if he took it, though.

That he did.
"I'm only civil because I don't know any swear words."

2005-05-21, 12:52 PM #97
He does yeah. But Anakin doesnt "want luke to have it".
2005-05-21, 1:24 PM #98
Originally posted by Vincent Valentine

Also, why is nobody complaining at about Kashyyk? Lucas just voided the EU again.

not entirely; you only see the beaches of kashyyyk, not the forests. granted, in the EU it's described as a "forest planet", but for that many trees, you'd need a crapload of water, so it makes sense to me for it to have had beaches, too (where naturally the forests wouldn't be as big)
2005-05-21, 1:44 PM #99
The only complaint i have about Kashyyk is the lack of it. There were no more than 3 scenes there! Kinda made you wonder the point of including it.
2005-05-21, 2:06 PM #100
They included it because it was something fans have always wanted to see. The same with Alderaan at the end, it didn't need to be shown, but the fans have always wanted to see it.
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2005-05-21, 2:35 PM #101
I thought the first half was dodgy. The second half was really good.
2005-05-21, 2:37 PM #102
Originally posted by A_Big_Fat_CoW
not entirely; you only see the beaches of kashyyyk, not the forests. granted, in the EU it's described as a "forest planet", but for that many trees, you'd need a crapload of water, so it makes sense to me for it to have had beaches, too (where naturally the forests wouldn't be as big)

Yeah, the idea of having planets that were "forest planets" and "desert planets" never struck me as all that realistic, considering how varied the Earth can be.
2005-05-21, 2:38 PM #103
Originally posted by BizRodian
I thought the first half was dodgy. The second half was really good.

I enjoyed the space battle at the beginning. I loved seeing the capships fighting next to each other like old fashioned pirate ships, hehe.
2005-05-21, 2:48 PM #104
Originally posted by Thrawn42689
Yeah, the idea of having planets that were "forest planets" and "desert planets" never struck me as all that realistic, considering how varied the Earth can be.

Desert, volcanic and ice planets I can understand (we have 'em in our solar system -- sometimes even moons!), but when it comes to forest planets or similar I reach for my gun.
VTEC just kicked in, yo!
2005-05-21, 3:19 PM #105
Or maybe we can extend our minds to realize this is FICTION!

Have you guys ever thought of why Lucas has the ships explode and has sounds in space?! That's so unrealistic, it makes my head hurt. He's violating physics and just plain science.

The fact that a forest planet might not be realistic troubles you. Yet the fact there are people running around using the force and lightsabers does not strike a chord with the realism?


I wonder why Lord of the Rings never got these comments on realism.
2005-05-21, 3:29 PM #106
Because it's realistic. I mean there are elves and hobbits in our world. There are also dragons and wizards too.

I personally enjoyed the movie very much. The lightsaber battles were very fast paced; yet, it did not go overboard too much. I love how the music in episode III contains themes from all the other movies in the trilogy. The dialogue and acting was kind of bad and cheesy at some point, but it's not that bad as opposed to the other two prequels. Seriously though, I have yet to hear an actor scream "NOOOOOOOOOO" without sounding like a fool. Call me sadistic, but I would have liked to see the kids fight against Anakin just to make Anakin seem more evil.
2005-05-21, 3:32 PM #107
The only thing I didn't like was the audiance. Why the hell did they laugh when Yoda mangled the two guards? That isn't funny, just neat. They also laughed when he fell.

Favorite part: Jar Jar said only one word, and it was quiet. <3 GL
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-05-21, 3:39 PM #108
There were a lot of NOOOOO's in the Star Wars movies.

Personally, I think Obi-wan's was the best. When Qui-gon was killed. I even liked it better than Luke's in the ESB.
2005-05-21, 4:00 PM #109
Saw it yesterday afternoon. Compared to TPM and AOTC, it is absolutely fantastic. I'd rate it right up there with the OT films.

Few points though:

* Even though i knew how he died beforehand, I still found that Grievous was killed off in on of the most humiliating ways possible: A jedi picks up a stormtrooper's riffle and shoots him a few times with it. Not the proudest moment for eitehr Obi or the General).

* I liked how we finally got a chance to see Zonoma Sekot (where Aayla was killed). It also gave us a clue as to what the creations of the Vong looked like.

* What's Star Wars without humor? Of course, there was R2's oil trick, but there was also how Yoda defeated the Imperal guards (clad in red), and Vader's "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!". It was sad, and yet i still chucked.

* I liked how the showed us why Palpatien doesn't use a saber in ROTJ (how many of those things does he have, anyway?): He's not much of a duelist by comparrison to high-level Jedi.

This still gets me every time though: How is it that it took more than 20 years to build the first Deathstar, and yet the second one (which was larger, employed more experimental technology and had a more powerful generator) was built in less than 2?
50000 episodes of badmouthing and screaming like a constipated goat cant be wrong. - Mr. Stafford
2005-05-21, 4:16 PM #110
Originally posted by Forsakahn

This still gets me every time though: How is it that it took more than 20 years to build the first Deathstar, and yet the second one (which was larger, employed more experimental technology and had a more powerful generator) was built in less than 2?

I'm hear to put you BACK on scheduel!!!

But he asks the impossible!! I need more men!!

Basically, the Empire was FAR more powerful perhaps by RotJ, and once you build one Death Star, its easy 2nd time round... like riding a bicycle! :D
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2005-05-21, 6:18 PM #111
Originally posted by Hombre
OK, I have a question about the end of the film.

What the hell was Yoda talking about at the end? Comntinued training? Special technique from the nether-regions of the force? I assume what he's talking about is that die-then-dissapear-and-turn-transparent-blue trick they pull off later... but what does it have to do with Qui-Gon Jinn? He didn't dissappear. I was expecting Qui-Gon to show up all blue, but the movie just... ended. I don't understand that whole conversation between Yoda and Obi-Wan after Organa leaves.


Perhaps it was an attained. Yoda said he had recently discovered it. Once he figured it out, he told everyone else...?
2005-05-21, 6:25 PM #112
Originally posted by Forsakahn

* I liked how we finally got a chance to see Zonoma Sekot (where Aayla was killed). It also gave us a clue as to what the creations of the Vong looked like.

Zonama Sekot? Why should that've been Zonama Sekot? There have only three Jedi ever been to Zonama Sekot.
Sorry for the lousy German
2005-05-21, 7:37 PM #113
Just got back from my first time seeing it. Apart from some badly written/delivered lines and the NOOOOOOO!!! I thought it was a great movie. Definately a good note to end the entire Star Wars thing on.

I loved how dark it was, the emotions shown during the Obi-wan vs. Anakin fight, the sets/locations were amazing, and how well it led into ANH. Not the best Star Wars movie ever made, but definately not bad.
2005-05-21, 8:05 PM #114
Originally posted by TheJkWhoSaysNi
He does yeah. But Anakin doesnt "want luke to have it".

i'd imagine he was just saying that so luke's father seemed more like the great jedi obi wan was saying he was.
2005-05-21, 8:26 PM #115
I got to go see it yesterday and, yeah, besides from the acting and other little things, I liked it! :) The two things that bothered me most were (and they probably bothered me more since after the movie my friend and I went and watched ESB :o ) :

- Yoda's backwards lines were really over done. In ESB and RotJ you can pretty much understand him...there were a lot of his lines in this one that just didn't make any sense because it seemed they tried too hard to make them backwards. o_O

- the lightsaber fights...did you ever notice how there are no really neat flips and tricks in the OT, but in the new ones they jump around all the time and are all fancy.

meh...but otherwise I liked it :D we had three Vaders in the theater, a couple Jedi, and a stormtrooper way in the back that was rather annoying...but I won't complain about the people. That requires an entirely different rant!
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2005-05-21, 8:48 PM #116
Originally posted by quesadilla_red

- the lightsaber fights...did you ever notice how there are no really neat flips and tricks in the OT, but in the new ones they jump around all the time and are all fancy.

but in the OT, the only people who use sabers are an old geezer, an old, burnt up, half machine geezer, and a whiney farmboy who has no idea what he's doing, and was taught by old geezers... not exactly the fanciest dueling materiel, if you ask me ;)
2005-05-21, 8:51 PM #117
Originally posted by A_Big_Fat_CoW
but in the OT, the only people who use sabers are an old geezer, an old, burnt up, half machine geezer, and a whiney farmboy who has no idea what he's doing, and was taught by old geezers... not exactly the fanciest dueling materiel, if you ask me ;)
Attachment: 5189/touche.gif (1,844 bytes)
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2005-05-21, 8:56 PM #118
- Yoda's backwards lines were really over done. In ESB and RotJ you can pretty much understand him...there were a lot of his lines in this one that just didn't make any sense because it seemed they tried too hard to make them backwards. o_O

Yeah, I noticed this too. Several of his lines needed to be completely rewritten. Ah, well, I guess you can't have everything - I really enjoyed this movie, the best of them all!
"It is not advisable, James, to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener."
"Rationality is the recognition of the fact that nothing can alter the truth and nothing can take precedence over that act of perceiving it."
2005-05-21, 9:28 PM #119
Two questions:

Was Yoda the only one who could sense that people wanted to kill him???

Who the F is Sypher Diaz????????????????
2005-05-21, 9:35 PM #120
Yoda was the only one who had the time to do something about it. Actually that bit was a little weird, Yoda decapitates two of his security guards and the Wookies didnt seem to mind at all... Piggy-back ride!!

I presumsed Sypher Diaz [sp] was either an alias of Palpatine's, or someone working for Palpatine. Sidious obviously had a large part in ordering the clone army, it being part of his grand scheme and implementing Order 66 and all.
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