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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Episode 3!! (slight spoilers)
Episode 3!! (slight spoilers)
2005-05-21, 9:50 PM #121
Originally posted by Forsakahn
* I liked how the showed us why Palpatien doesn't use a saber in ROTJ (how many of those things does he have, anyway?): He's not much of a duelist by comparrison to high-level Jedi.

What? The only jedi he didn't kill within five seconds were Mace and Yoda, the two best saber fighters of the jedi... and I'm not convinced yet that he didn't allow Mace to win to setup the situation where Anakin had to save him. Sidious' greatest strength seems to be in playing with the emotions of people, whether it be the demagogery in the senate or the whole you-can-save-Padme trick with Anakin.
2005-05-21, 9:50 PM #122
First, the short list, or, the things I liked:

1.) Everything associated with the Darth Vader suit. It was neat to see Anikan put in the Vader suit, and hearing the voice of James Earl Jones instead of Hayden's.

2.) The ending sequence was nicely done with the classic scene on Tatoonie with its two suns.

3.) The cancelling out of force push between Anikan and Obiwan.

4.) I enjoyed the symbolism of Yoda vs. Palpatine in the Senate room, and how Palpatine threw the Senate seats at Yoda.

5.) The irony of Anikan trying to save Padme, but in fact moves closer to killing her.

Now the much longer list of things I didn't like:

1.) The opening crawl made me laugh.

"War! The Republic is crumbling under attacks by the ruthless Sith Lord, Count Dooku. There are heroes on both sides. Evil is everywhere."

Dun dun dun!

2.) There is a force field blocking a ship hangar, and the shield generator happens to be right next to the force field for Anikan to shoot. I'm sure if I designed a space ship, I would put the generator right next to the actual shield. :rolleyes:

3.) When in the space ship, we get to hear such great dialogue as:

"Get help! You're no match for him. He's a Sith Lord."
"You won't get away this time, Dooku!"
"Wait a minute, how'd this happen! We're smarter than this."

4.) Half way through the movie, Mace Windu makes the statement:

"I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi. The dark side of the Force surrounds the Chancellor. "

Very good, Mace Windu. Glad to see you and the other Jedi are in tune with the current events. It's nice to know that you Jedi Masters can sense the death of another Jedi a planet away, but it takes you two and a half movies to discover that Senator Palpatine, walking right next to you, is THE Sith Lord, and he wants to kill you.

5.) Jedi, aren't they suppose to be able to sense what is about to happen and be aware of the people around them? If this is so, why was just about every one of them killed so easily by their comrades in battle? The Jedi were able to fight off large amounts of enemies as shown in Episode II, but because the plot needed them to die, they died.

6.) Senator Palpatine is able to kill three Jedi with a few swings, which wouldn't be as bad if we had not seen the same Jedi fight so well, in the last movie, against hundreds of enemies.

7.) The saber battles were zoomed in so close I couldn't tell what was going on. You might say, "It makes things more intense!" What, so you're telling me it wasn't at all intense when, in Return of the Jedi, Luke is fighting Vader and I can see where the sabers are hitting? You're telling me it wasn't at all intense when Darth Maul stabbed Quigon and Obi runs out, kicks his butt, and we can see what is happening? To me, zooming in for almost the entire time is a cheap way of making a lightsaber battle longer with more blande choreography. This is the only Star Wars movie where every saber battle was done in this style, which makes it even more dissapointing. This is, however, only a minor problem as I'm probably the only one in a hundred that noticed it.

Overall, I felt let down by Episode 3. I didn't expect it to be better than 4-6, but I didn't expect to be worse than 1 and 2. The most annoying part about the whole film was the horrendous script. Everyone on the cast has some acting talent, but they do not have a whole lot with which to work. This is especially true for Hayden, who seems to get stuck with the worst lines in both Episode II and III.
2005-05-21, 10:10 PM #123
There is a force field blocking a ship hangar, and the shield generator happens to be right next to the force field for Anikan to shoot. I'm sure if I designed a space ship, I would put the generator right next to the actual shield.

So without a generator (or at least some power cables or something that Anakin might well have shot) that would make the shield come from where exactly? Poor design, yes, but when you look at how shodily the Trade Federation's robot army is made it's no real surprise that their ships follow the same crappy design principles.

Jedi, aren't they suppose to be able to sense what is about to happen and be aware of the people around them? If this is so, why was just about every one of them killed so easily by their comrades in battle? The Jedi were able to fight off large amounts of enemies as shown in Episode II, but because the plot needed them to die, they died.

A surprising number of Jedi didnt survive the fighting at the arena in AotC. Look for corpses wearing robes next time you watch that movie. Also they were working as a unit in Episode II which when you're using something like the Force to fight with would obviously be much more effective. There is proof that a Jedi Master can hold off many opponents, but lesser Jedi dont seem to do as well when the numbers are severly against them.

6.) Senator Palpatine is able to kill four Jedi with a few swings, which wouldn't be as bad if we had not seen the same Jedi fight so well, in the last movie, against hundreds of enemies.

He's a Sith Lord. 'Nuff said.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2005-05-21, 10:25 PM #124
So without a generator (or at least some power cables or something that Anakin might well have shot) that would make the shield come from where exactly? Poor design, yes, but when you look at how shodily the Trade Federation's robot army is made it's no real surprise that their ships follow the same crappy design principles.

Okay, let's go back to the first movie. Trade Federation shield generator up, how many people couldn't penetrate it? They obviously know how to design a shield system.

A surprising number of Jedi didnt survive the fighting at the arena in AotC. Look for corpses wearing robes next time you watch that movie. Also they were working as a unit in Episode II which when you're using something like the Force to fight with would obviously be much more effective. There is proof that a Jedi Master can hold off many opponents, but lesser Jedi dont seem to do as well when the numbers are severly against them.

However, were not the ones who were shown to be killed in Episode III on the counsel? And all Jedi who are on the Counsel are Jedi Masters.

He's a Sith Lord. 'Nuff said.

So, because he's a Sith Lord, he can do a blande swing with his lightsaber and magically have his oppenents forget how to block? Let me guess, Sith mind trick?
2005-05-21, 10:32 PM #125
Surprise, it's the Chancellor with a lightsaber!
2005-05-21, 10:57 PM #126
You guys really are tearing this movie apart.. it's a story. It's fake, and nothing but entertainment. Comon now, I can point out things like this in every movie I own. But they are still entertaining and I don't rip them apart. Besides things like Bad dialog and acting..
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2005-05-21, 11:56 PM #127
Originally posted by Z@NARDI
You guys really are tearing this movie apart.. it's a story. It's fake, and nothing but entertainment. Comon now, I can point out things like this in every movie I own.

All three of the original Star Wars movies have far more coherent plots than Episode III. It's a matter of attention to detail, and a lack of such attention is evident in RotS. I enjoyed the movie too, but the reason people are picking it apart is that many things in it glaringly did not make the least bit of sense.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2005-05-22, 12:00 AM #128
Continuing the comparison, you guys have a problem with the shield generator right outside the docking bay in RotS, but you have no problem with one shaft being the weakness of the Death Star?
2005-05-22, 12:22 AM #129
Originally posted by Demon_Nightmare
Continuing the comparison, you guys have a problem with the shield generator right outside the docking bay in RotS, but you have no problem with one shaft being the weakness of the Death Star?

You know, if they had just put a grill over that, they would have been fine.
2005-05-22, 1:17 AM #130
Not to mention the fact that the controls for the tractor beam on the death star were on a console accessable by the most unsafe walkway ever constructed.

And really, the reason the jedi couldn't sense palpatine or any of his plot was CLEARLY and repeatedly explained in Episode II. The dark side has clouded EVERYTHING. The jedi are BLIND. Maybe if you spent more time paying attention to the extremely good plot rather than looking for PETTY details to complain about, you would enjoy the film more.
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2005-05-22, 7:18 AM #131
Exactly, if you really sat down and analyzed the OT this way too, you would realize they suck as well. *But I don't think they suck, because I accept it is a story*
2005-05-22, 7:22 AM #132
there seems to be alot of stuff you guys are questioning/complaining about that have been answered many times in all 6 movies. like the fact that the jedi masters have said more than 5 times that, "the dark side clouds everything. so hard to see the dark side." and the fast that sidious is so powerfull he could easily cloud their minds to it.

leia's mother is mrs. organa. she was sad because the empire was started the day before leia was born. and she died when leia was young. what's to question? we all know this already.

palpatine was playing everyone. he told dooku that he would step in if obi-wan or anakin got the upper hand in his rescue attempt. look how surprised dooku looked as he glanced back and forth between palpatine and anakin just before he got his head cut off.

read the novels. alot of your questions will be answered.
2005-05-22, 7:41 AM #133
oh, and some of you guys need to take a course in something. even though it's a movie and we should just watch for it's entertainment value because that's what it is, there is some truth to all fiction.

schming, it takes a drastic drop in pressure to make someone's eyes pop out of their heads. the short time of the partial depressurization of a starship control room is nowhere enough to make that happen.

greivous has control chips in his head wired into his brain to help him with his jedi ways training.
he also could step out into space if he wanted. not only is it a fun movie, he is mostly driod now and he could hold his breath for alot longer than he would've had he been all biological.
2005-05-22, 12:44 PM #134
I take Leia remembering her mother differently, Evad. If there is ONE thing we have learned about the skywalker line in these movies, it's that they have VISIONS. Anakin had visions about his mother and Padme, Luke had visions about his friends while on Dagobah. Who's to say Leia doesn't have visions through the force of her real mother? The force is strong with her as well. I believe they were trying to establish that Leia was able to connect to her mother through the force.
Completely Overrated Facebook:
A community dedicated to discussing all things entertainment.
2005-05-22, 12:57 PM #135
Originally posted by SithGhost
Okay, let's go back to the first movie. Trade Federation shield generator up, how many people couldn't penetrate it? They obviously know how to design a shield system.

However, were not the ones who were shown to be killed in Episode III on the counsel? And all Jedi who are on the Counsel are Jedi Masters.

So, because he's a Sith Lord, he can do a blande swing with his lightsaber and magically have his oppenents forget how to block? Let me guess, Sith mind trick?

1. In the first movie that was the shield FOR THW WHOLE SHIP, in RotS, that was the emmitter for a doorway

2. They might have been taken by surprise that Palp really was a Sith Lord

3. Remember how in TPM and AotC that yoda was saying how the dark side was disturbing and clouding the force to the Jedi? It's a lot easier to trick people in the fog then it is in broad daylight
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2005-05-22, 1:08 PM #136
About the whole mother thing...didn't Luke say something like "Do you remember anything about your mother. Your REAL mother?"

I could be wrong. I'm not sure.
2005-05-22, 1:10 PM #137
so far the biggest flub i've found between the movies is that line, murc
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2005-05-22, 1:18 PM #138
But if Darth J is right on his analysis of the situation, then it works.

I have not actually heard J's explanation anywhere before, but it actually does make sense. Figuring the movies did contain visions with force-adept people, it is plausible that that is the situation.
2005-05-22, 1:47 PM #139
Star Wars, the saga of the rise and fall of the Galactic Empire...

Heh, it really seems more or less like the rise and fall of the Third Reich, not political commentary. Look at all 6 movies, and see if it really doesn't seem that way.

And to me, the movie was perfect. Sometimes I like a movie, then read what others thought its flaws were, and I do a double take. Not so with this movie. Maybe the dialouge got corny, but there were a few times I was choked up (read: Mace's death, Anakin being left to die a slow death by Obi-wan ), and overall, I couldn't imagine it being done in another way. I loved Anakin's turn to the dark side. Anakin fell not because he was whiny, or felt he was being "held back". His faith in the Jedi was shaken because of their mysterious-as-usual actions (reminds me of how Carth would feel in KotoR), and he wanted to save the life of the ONLY important person to him, next to Obi-wan. He also didn't like killing Dooku, a he saw a repeat of that with Palpatine, piled on with the fact palp could help him.

I came in with high expectations, I was still very impressed...
2005-05-22, 9:26 PM #140
Can anyone comfirm the Millenium falcon siting? Two people have told me they saw it landing on a coruscant starport.. I saw it twice and didn't see it.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2005-05-22, 9:27 PM #141

"Nulla tenaci invia est via"

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