Not same species of Human, huh? Mind giving us some scientific research to back that up? Seconly, I find it sad that you think that these "terroist" are just killing people because their different from them. Are you suggesting that they are Racist? If so, I think you could find far worse 'racial hate' crimes committed by the "whites" in US History. Have you ever stopped for a moment and thought about why they might be now against us? This little article was release 2 days after Sept 11th, 2001:,1300,551086,00.html
Here's another nice little read:
Oh, and more Iraq centered:
Especially noteworth from that link are:
"Over 1.2 million people have died as a result of medical shortages during more than seven years of U.N. trade sanctions against Iraq. - Ministry of Health, September 1997."
"More than one million Iraqis have died-567,000 of them children-as a direct consequence of economic sanctions . . .. As many as 12% of the children surveyed in Baghdad are wasted, 28% stunted and 29% underweight."-UN FAO, December 1995."
"Sanctions are inhibiting the importation of spare parts, chemicals, reagents, and the means of transportation required to provide water and sanitation services to the civilian population of Iraq. ... What has become increasingly clear is that no significant movement towards food security can be achieved so long as the embargo remains in place. All vital contributors to food availability - agricultural production, importation of foodstuffs, economic stability and income generation, are dependent on Iraq's ability to purchase and import those items vital to the survival of the civilian population" - UNICEF, 1995"
"UNR 986 allows for the limited sale of $2 billion of Iraqi oil every 6 months. Only 40% of the proceeds from the "Oil for Food" deal can be used to purchase food and medicine for the population of Central and Southern Iraq. These small and restricted sales allocate less than 25 cents a day per person, and provide, at best, less than a quarter of the minimum caloric intake.
Oh, and:
"By 1988, Osama bin Laden had split from the MAK and established a new guerilla group, dubbed al-Qaida, which included many of the more militant MAK members he had met in Afghanistan. The Soviet Union withdrew from Afghanistan in 1989. Osama was lauded as a hero in Saudi Arabia, but during the Gulf War against Iraq he was critical of Saudi Arabia's dependence on the U.S. military and demanded that all foreigners leave the country. It was the U.S. support of what he viewed to be a corrupt, materialist, and irreligious Saudi monarchy that turned him against the United States. He began to criticize the monarchy and was forced to flee to Sudan in 1991, where he set up a new base of operations."
Racist or a "Rebel" with a cause?
Is this to say that Terriorist acts are justifiable under these circumstances? Of course not. But to many, "All's fair in love and war"... He's playing a game of war to win and to use your own words: "by any means necessary." Perhaps people like you and these "terroist" arn't so different after all...In fact, I would go as far as saying what happend at the Abu Ghraib Prison is, by their cultural equivalence, terroism (especially as Miss Poster Child has said that certain "officials" asked her to pose in those picture as they were using the pictures in interrogations to show the one being interrogated what would happend to them if they didn't cooporate. Not to memntion that many of the Iraqies that were Humiliated
probably wish they were dead after that).
It doesn't work like that. The more the millitary is allowed to do things 'their' way, the harder they make it for the diplomats. If the millitary had it 'their' way they'd be storming mosques left and right. Over there, they take their religion stuff pretty seriously. Do you have any idea the kind of reaction would be had to the millitary storming these mosques? The already dwindling support would decrease exponentially. The "Rules of Engagement" and "Geneva Convention" laws are in place for a reason. In it's basic form, it keeps an already bad situation from becomming much much worse.
Don't get me wrong. I see, know, and understand completely where your coming from. But there's a great deal more for us to consider. After all, what will all of this been worth if they are not our allies or simply don't trust us when this is all over with? There's a fine line that can't be crossed or broken...and that line has already been stretched nearly to the breaking point...
Amd yet another sad unsupported claim by Wookie06...
"At last, we have come to find the truth to our souls. Though, the truth is not what we expected. I now fear my own soul."
[This message has been edited by CaptBewil (edited May 16, 2004).]
"At last, we have come to find the truth to our souls. Though, the truth is not what we expected. I now fear my own soul."