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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Woman counter-sues the RIAA
Woman counter-sues the RIAA
2005-10-05, 8:55 PM #121
I met Jon`C once, he crushed my tiny hands in his giant paws.
2005-10-05, 8:55 PM #122
Originally posted by JediGandalf:
c) Sierra Tango Uniform Foxtrot.


Heh, I come onto the thread just to post this. What kind of flame warrior does that make me?
2005-10-05, 8:57 PM #123
Originally posted by kyle90:

Heh, I come onto the thread just to post this. What kind of flame warrior does that make me?


Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2005-10-06, 1:40 PM #124
Never posted my picture on the internet before, so, no, you don't "remember correctly".

And to all else you said. Whatever, if you think that I think I'm an internet tough guy, go ahead, I could care less. If anything, it's a compliment. Considering that in real life.. well, I'll not post it for obvious reasons.

The fact of the matter remains that myself and a few others have basically pounded your "claims" into the ground about Rap and Tupac. Deal.

You're an idiot.


Way to be constructive. Didn't you also add me to msn? For what reason I have no idea. The need to converse with an idiot... I have no idea. Either way, that's pointless, but I've got nothing to say to you're nobody.
2005-10-06, 1:42 PM #125
Sometimes people like talking to you, because it makes them feel much smarter.
2005-10-06, 2:04 PM #126
That makes sense Rob. Considering the fact he never spoke to me. Try again.
2005-10-06, 2:16 PM #127
Well, maybe he hasn't been feeling sans-intelligence lately and hasn't needed to?
2005-10-06, 3:34 PM #128
Your post makes no sense. Please, stop talking to me.
2005-10-06, 4:07 PM #129
Rap, by definition, isn't inherently bad, and I'm sure there's rap out there that I could tolerate, but the popular hip-hop genre/culture thing is obnoxious. It just seems to promote all the worst stereotypes of black people - as subhuman criminals with low capacity for intelligence, high libido, and low inhibition.
The existence of rap that isn't like this is irrelevent - it's not the stuff that invades my senses uninvited like second hand smoke.
I'm just a little boy.

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