SMOCK, you bring up a good point. That is one argument for homosexuality not being strictly genetic. Evolution is not strictly genetic either. Changes in environment can produce changes in populations independent of the genes in the species. Genetic evolution is more permanent and longer lasting, but takes too long do develope in short-term situations (we're talking thousands of years here). Changes in habits, especially in such a social species as humans, can be very powerful but separate from any genetic evolution.
Also, gay people still have the capability to reproduce, and many do (thus rises the issue some people have with gay couples raising children); this is a possible way for the continuation of the gene. I don't disagree with you that the evolutionary problem arises when trying to describe homosexuality in purely genetic terms. I'm not sure whether or not homosexuality is even exclusively genetic or not. But if it is, then the evidence would point to the fact that gay people ARE having children, either naturally or through other techniques like artificial insemination, or perhaps what Wolfy suggested as the gay gene being recessive. This would mean a vast number of people could carry it and produce homosexual children while still producing straight offspring that carry on the genes.
Also, gay people still have the capability to reproduce, and many do (thus rises the issue some people have with gay couples raising children); this is a possible way for the continuation of the gene. I don't disagree with you that the evolutionary problem arises when trying to describe homosexuality in purely genetic terms. I'm not sure whether or not homosexuality is even exclusively genetic or not. But if it is, then the evidence would point to the fact that gay people ARE having children, either naturally or through other techniques like artificial insemination, or perhaps what Wolfy suggested as the gay gene being recessive. This would mean a vast number of people could carry it and produce homosexual children while still producing straight offspring that carry on the genes.
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