also, why would god test us.. why would he want to? For fun? if he loves us, he should tell us the truth, not decieve us.... By giving us all this false information, it's kinda as if he's TRYING TO TRICK us into going to hell...
and if everything is 6000 years old, and god is eternal.. been around forever.. what did he do before the universe was created.. he had to do something, right?
And the idea of "all powerful" is an inpossibility also.. it would be physically impossible for ANYTHING to be all powerful. As i saw on TV once (pardon me, I am going to get kind of childish here)
"could god make a burrito so hot, that he himself could not eat it?"
this, though infantile, illustrates how absolute power is IMPOSSIBLE...
If he couldn't make the burrito so hot that he couldn't eat it... then There is something that he can't do.
If he CAN achieve making a burrito THAT HOT.. then he still can't eat it..
Another problem with religion is the idea of absolute justice. If a person kills a man, they WILL get what they diserve in the after life.
That is all well and good, but what about me. I don't believe in God because I don't understand how it could be possible, but I am a good person. I give to causes, and homeless people on the street (sometimes
), yet if I were to die tomorrow, and a child rapist were to die tomorrow, we would BOTH go to hell. That doesn't seem JUST to me.
The whole "Heaven and Hell" thing is WAY TOO black and white to exsist.. no shades of gray.
Spiral's Theory -
Murder and Theft was rampant, no one can keep an eye on EVERYONE at all times to make sure no one was killing or stealing, so they couldn't control it, it was a lawless society.
Someone came up with the idea of "scaring" the criminals through paranoia.
SOMEONE will be watching you ALL the time to make sure you are no stealing or killing.
But wait... what happens when someone finally gets up enough courage to kill someone, and nothing happens?
Oh, I got an idea, tell them that they won't get PUNISH NOW by "the watcher"... but ONCE THEY DIE they will be punished. Because NO ONE will know if they WILL INDEED get punished or not. AND by leaving the punishment vague and unspoken, we can scare a larger majority of people, because some men's fears don't seem too bad to EVERYONE.
-Religion isn't a bad thing, it did it's job well. Back in the dark ages when people were more barbaric, it kept society under control. I feel, however that Religion has NO PLACE in the world today.. (aside from the "live happy" thing) people seem to be (or hopefully are) responsible enough to be able to tell what is right and wrong for themselves...
Religion also helps people live happy lives... which is a good thing, because they don't have to worry about Death, which we all have experienced before we were born in the first place, we are just too scared to look at it, so we swiftly turn our heads to promises of light and eternal happiness.
The WORST part about ALL religion though is the fact that people KILL each other over it... I am the kind of person that says "Believe whatever you want to believe, as long as it don't endanger me or someone I care about... why can't more people be like this... And if you look at it, we are fighting over trivial differences...
All these Religious wars are just like two kids shooting each other on the playground because they couldn't agree if Santa's Coat is Red or Green...
Not even if he exsists int he first place... but something as minute as the color of his clothes.
"I don't need a god to tell me that killing is wrong." -- Athiest