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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Justice is served!
Justice is served!
2006-02-23, 10:30 AM #121
look man if you don't care about what i think you can ignore me insted of calling me an idiot.
2006-02-23, 10:34 AM #122
[QUOTE=Zwier Zak]look man if you don't care about what i think you can ignore me insted of calling me an idiot.[/QUOTE]

That's exactly his point. You could also simply ignore the fact that he calls you an idiot (anything else won't work - trust me) and also the fact that people say the holocaust never took place.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2006-02-23, 10:35 AM #123
[QUOTE=Zwier Zak]Suck it up, idiot, Hitler what next? you belive it's wrong that he is in jail i belive it's good. you are the ones who can't get along with the opinions of others.[/QUOTE]

Irony defined.
Pissed Off?
2006-02-23, 10:36 AM #124
But the LOLOCAUST happened.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-02-23, 10:36 AM #125
The difference between you and us is that if you were in charge, we would be in jail, and if we were in charge, you wouldn't be.
2006-02-23, 10:37 AM #126
If you start by jailing people who have a different opinion or belief, what's to stop you from rounding them up and putting the in forced labor camps, death camps and committing genocide? This is exactly how the Holocouast started.
Pissed Off?
2006-02-23, 10:37 AM #127
ok fine i don't whant to have a forum war here.
2006-02-23, 10:38 AM #128
Then don't be a fascist :p
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2006-02-23, 10:39 AM #129
Originally posted by ORJ_JoS:
That's exactly his point. You could also simply ignore the fact that he calls you an idiot (anything else won't work - trust me) and also the fact that people say the holocaust never took place.

Oh yeah, cause I'm sure your quack doctor friend told you that right?

Pfft no.
2006-02-23, 10:53 AM #130
[QUOTE=Zwier Zak]Look in my opinion some people don't know how to use ther rights without ofending others. manny people lost all they had in that war and the guy is telling us it's not true. that is ofensive.[/QUOTE]The potentiality of the real, tangible harm that could result from the precedent of censoring offensive statements vastly outweighs the potentiality of harm caused by simply allowing the offensive statement to be spoken. If the same principle of censoring offensive statements was used by a government in the entire application of free speech, the government would be bestowing the duty of defining an "offensive statement" upon human, and consequently partisan, entities. Even though this could very easily allow for the censorship of emotionally disturbing falsehoods, the abuse of this system could allow for the silencing of the truth; furthermore, since speech is used to express concerns of well-being, a leading majority could silence "truths" of abuse of the human rights of a minority. In short, there are many other bad things that could happen (to put it lightly). I suggest you read about world dictators--one of the things they all had in common was censorship.

On the other end of the spectrum, if offensive statements were allowed to be spoken the worst feasible result would be "emotional distress".

So it basically boils down to: would you rather risk the abuses of an authoritarian state or emotional distress?
2006-02-23, 11:02 AM #131
Originally posted by money•bie:
So it basically boils down to: would you rather risk the abuses of an authoritarian state or emotional distress?

Abuse of an authoritarian. Read about Józef Piłsudski.
2006-02-23, 11:04 AM #132
I don't get what you're hinting at. What about him?
2006-02-23, 11:07 AM #133
Not all dictators are bad :rolleyes:
2006-02-23, 11:08 AM #134
No, just most of them.

Which is a reason to avoid it.

PS, mr. communist.

Bet you paid for that computer with capital.
2006-02-23, 11:11 AM #135
didint whant to take for free :rolleyes:
2006-02-23, 11:15 AM #136
Well then you aren't a very good communist, now are you?
2006-02-23, 11:18 AM #137
Why are you a communist? Please exaplain to me the definition of communism, and what makes you a communist.
2006-02-23, 11:21 AM #138
There is capital in china there was capital in soviet russia and so on and so on. find something else to suck on :rolleyes:
2006-02-23, 11:25 AM #139
[quote=Zwier Zak]Not all dictators are bad[/quote]Yeah, and what is your point? Assuming you can agree that humans are by nature self-concerned, the likelihood of there being a dictator who completely meets the needs of all his subjects is very slim. If you've studied history in the least, you should realize abuse of authority is one of the most common human tendencies. There's a reason the Renaissance popes were some of the worst leaders (albeit spiritual leaders) in world history despite their positions of holiness; they had nearly unlimited power, and this coupled with their natural human proclivities towards sinfulness and abuse were their main motivations.

So, with that all said, I gather you'd risk having an oppressive state in the hope that a good one came along. That's just great kid, good for you. All I gotta say is I'm glad the people in charge of my government aren't so haphazard.
2006-02-23, 11:28 AM #140
ok. like i said i don't whant to have a war here(to late??). just forget my posts ok??
2006-02-23, 11:30 AM #141
C'mon, Karl-Jong Khrushchev, answer my questions.
2006-02-23, 11:36 AM #142
[QUOTE=Zwier Zak]Abuse of an authoritarian. Read about Józef Piłsudski.[/QUOTE]

So, you'd rather have a government that infringes on your rights that have your feelings hurt? That makes a whole lot of sense to me.
Pissed Off?
2006-02-23, 11:37 AM #143
Its like a goverment CONCEIVED OF EMO...

They all look, dress, and act the same..


Oh god.

2006-02-23, 11:37 AM #144
[QUOTE=Zwier Zak]ok. like i said i don't whant to have a war here(to late??). just forget my posts ok??[/QUOTE]
It's not a "war," it's called a debate. And it seems you're just avoiding it because you know you're wrong and don't want to admit it.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-02-23, 11:38 AM #145
Originally posted by Rob:
Its like a goverment CONCEIVED OF EMO...

They all look, dress, and act the same..


Oh god.


Hahahahahahahahaha!!!! That would be hilarious!!!!
Pissed Off?
2006-02-23, 11:39 AM #146
Originally posted by ':
-[ellequin']C'mon, Karl-Jong Khrushchev, answer my questions.

I belive that classess have faild there funcjon. I belive it is moore just to give all by what they do, make and need. I am a communist becouse communism is the only fair form of society. I don't whant to be used by those who have moore just becouse they like to take everything they can.
2006-02-23, 11:41 AM #147
Good luck making that work out.
Pissed Off?
2006-02-23, 11:41 AM #148
Originally posted by Emon:
It's not a "war," it's called a debate. And it seems you're just avoiding it because you know you're wrong and don't want to admit it.

2006-02-23, 11:41 AM #149
So in other words, you have no idea what communism really as and you're just spouting off some crap a left wing liberal nut high school history teacher told you.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-02-23, 11:42 AM #150
2006-02-23, 11:42 AM #151
[QUOTE=Zwier Zak]ok. like i said i don't whant to have a war here(to late??). just forget my posts ok??[/QUOTE]

Yes, it is too late. You have voiced the opinion that a government has the right to decide what is appropriate for its people to believe. That means that if we were in power, we would have the legal right to jail you and ship you off to a quiet corner of the country.

Is that fair? By your standards, it is. By ours, it's not. You can think someone's an idiot. You can think that their beliefs are the stupidest thing you have ever had the misfortune to be subjected to. But you can ignore that person, assuming that they're not dogging you (in which case that would be called harassment, and I'm fairly certain that there's some law against that). You can argue with the guy, and you can protest. You can fight words with words. But censoring someone because they believe differently than you? That's ridiculous, fascist, and an immature way of dealing with differing opinions.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2006-02-23, 11:43 AM #152
Originally posted by Avenger:
So, you'd rather have a government that infringes on your rights that have your feelings hurt? That makes a whole lot of sense to me.

not becouse my feelings mey be hurt. becouse i don't whant annyone to insolt my people and history just for fame.
2006-02-23, 11:45 AM #153
[QUOTE=Zwier Zak]not becouse my feelings mey be hurt. becouse i don't whant annyone to insolt my people and history just for fame.[/QUOTE]

Being an idiot only has something to do with fame if you're Bam Margera.
2006-02-23, 11:45 AM #154
[QUOTE=Zwier Zak]not becouse my feelings mey be hurt. becouse i don't whant annyone to insolt my people and history just for fame.[/QUOTE]It's still your feelings that are being hurt. Pride is a feeling.
2006-02-23, 11:47 AM #155
[QUOTE=Zwier Zak]not becouse my feelings mey be hurt. becouse i don't whant annyone to insolt my people and history just for fame.[/QUOTE]

Who are "your people"?
2006-02-23, 11:47 AM #156
Originally posted by Wolfy:
Yes, it is too late. You have voiced the opinion that a government has the right to decide what is appropriate for its people to believe. That means that if we were in power, we would have the legal right to jail you and ship you off to a quiet corner of the country.

Is that fair? By your standards, it is. By ours, it's not. You can think someone's an idiot. You can think that their beliefs are the stupidest thing you have ever had the misfortune to be subjected to. But you can ignore that person, assuming that they're not dogging you (in which case that would be called harassment, and I'm fairly certain that there's some law against that). You can argue with the guy, and you can protest. You can fight words with words. But censoring someone because they believe differently than you? That's ridiculous, fascist, and an immature way of dealing with differing opinions.

if i would deny that 6 milion jews where killed i would say that yes you can jail me.
2006-02-23, 11:49 AM #157
But, why? What harm would you be doing in denying that?
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-02-23, 11:50 AM #158
But where does it stop and who determines what people should be jailed for? It's far too subjective. It would lead to some leaders eventually jailing people who have disssenting political opinions.
Pissed Off?
2006-02-23, 11:52 AM #159
Originally posted by Emon:
So in other words, you have no idea what communism really as and you're just spouting off some crap a left wing liberal nut high school history teacher told you.

By this quote one would assume that you're ignorant about it, its actually quite an intellectual theory that most people just assume means "dictatorship where the government takes EVERYTHING!!!"

Originally posted by Deadman:

Wow, so theres a country out there that bans people for stupidity.

Actually many European countries have similar laws about holocaust denial
2006-02-23, 11:52 AM #160
the risk is grate i must admit. the thing is do you whant to crose that line? i do.

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