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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Justice is served!
Justice is served!
2006-02-23, 8:03 PM #281
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Um, guys, it's retarded to argue about morality if you don't first define it. If you don't first establish the grounds for right and wrong you might as well be arguing about whether red is better than blue.

And if I'm not mistaken, that statement was based on a generalization that probably was influenced by your apparent stereotypical view of the "Big bad capitalist CEO."

I'll sum up morality in one word: Existentialism.


Originally posted by Freelancer:
I said I'm READING some philosphers. That is not a false statement. JESUS CHRIST! you piss me off more than you can possibly imagine

One cannot read philosophers.

(Half joking here, I'm not yoshing on you)
2006-02-23, 8:06 PM #282
Originally posted by Freelancer:
I said I'm READING some philosphers. That is not a false statement. JESUS CHRIST! you piss me off more than you can possibly imagine

I said it was false? I was talking about what the philosophers said and what you said about the cycle of money. And I don't really care if I piss you off. Go post on WPYO if you want, I'm not here to please.
2006-02-23, 8:13 PM #283
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-23, 8:15 PM #284
Originally posted by Deadman:
Wow, so theres a country out there that bans people for stupidity.

Reminds me of most internet forums.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-02-23, 8:19 PM #285
Originally posted by Anovis:
I'll sum up morality in one word: Existentialism.



I'm not seeing a whole lot about morality here. It looks more like a rather feeble attemt to define the idea of "Human".
2006-02-23, 8:21 PM #286
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:

I'm not seeing a whole lot about morality here. It looks more like a rather feeble attemt to define the idea of "Human".

Wiki isn't all knowing. Of course, you being as young as you are haven't had formal education with Existentialism. I rather like it. It's not feeble at all, but this is coming from a I'm not too surprised.
2006-02-23, 8:27 PM #287
I wouldn't trust just one sources of information for philosophy. Especailly Existentialism.

The morality issues of Existentialism for an "Athiestic Existentialist" would be that God might or might not have made humans, and then he left. God didn't send out a moral code of issues...he never told anybody that raping is wrong, stealing is wrong, giving is right, helping is right, that human beings formed that on their own as a society.

Of course that Wiki report was written by a Christianic Existentialist, which has..different views.

Remeber that this is a pathetic attempt on telling you about Exitentialism, as there are a lot of different philosophers on the issue...lots of branches. And writing just one paragraph is very brief.

[edit] what Yoshi said basically.
2006-02-23, 9:39 PM #288
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Too bad those philosophers rarely, if ever, effect anyone. Also, you've got it backwards. Pouring your money into charities will never get you a dime. Pouring your money into business and then spending some of the excess of your earnings will get you a lot of money, and plenty of self-worth, along with a sustained income for the charity. Trust me, they want the latter much more than the former.[/QUOTE]

are you serious? philosophers have effected quite alot of people, for instance the structure of government was inspired by..philosophers, communism was created by...philosophers.

Science up until the renessiance... philosophers

this was simply an ignorant statement

1) No...I'm really not. I would prove it, but I'm sure it's just a matter of reading comprehension as far as that goes.

2) Yes, it's quite true, as it's been proven that, instinctually, humans are greedy. Communism is trying to mold the human mind to a hive-like mind, and it doesn't work because we are not a hive civilization, and aeons of evolution have instilled other thought patterns into us.

I love how you're lecturing free about debate and you engage in "you're just wrong... no im right!" with me

1) yes, philosophy has to do with science, by defenition actually much of philosophy IS science

2) no it has not been proven, unless you think that your poor example of the baby and the diper was proof.

you said that the baby doesnt NEED the diper to be changed but wants it anyway, but this doesn't necessairly show greed, if a human is uncomfortable and can fix it at no one else's expense.. this isn't necessairly greed. (unless you're under the impression that everything everyone can possible do is motivated by greed as i stated earlier) but then you'd be engaging in a certain philosophical point of view/opinion which has an undermining fallacy in its theory as a philosophical theory

to say that humans are born greedy as a proven thing is just a little ridicilous.
2006-02-23, 9:41 PM #289
Originally posted by Anovis:
I wouldn't trust just one sources of information for philosophy. Especailly Existentialism.

The morality issues of Existentialism for an "Athiestic Existentialist" would be that God might or might not have made humans, and then he left. God didn't send out a moral code of issues...he never told anybody that raping is wrong, stealing is wrong, giving is right, helping is right, that human beings formed that on their own as a society.

Of course that Wiki report was written by a Christianic Existentialist, which has..different views.

Remeber that this is a pathetic attempt on telling you about Exitentialism, as there are a lot of different philosophers on the issue...lots of branches. And writing just one paragraph is very brief.

[edit] what Yoshi said basically.

this goes for communism too, there isnt one standard ideal of "communism" there are many many branches. many philosophers that have different versions/theories/views on it
2006-02-24, 12:11 AM #290
BTW, earlier when I said helping others would make you rich, I didn't mean it literally. I meant it figuratively. Helping others will make you feel fulfilled but money will not.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-24, 5:53 AM #291
Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
are you serious? philosophers have effected quite alot of people, for instance the structure of government was inspired by..philosophers, communism was created by...philosophers.

Science up until the renessiance... philosophers

this was simply an ignorant statement

Notice I said "Those". Most philosophers rehash things others have said, and live their lives "dedicated to their work", or come up with wholly unoriginal/uninspired ideas. The only thing ignorant around here are your 2nd grade reading comprehension skills.

Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
I love how you're lecturing free about debate and you engage in "you're just wrong... no im right!" with me

1) yes, philosophy has to do with science, by defenition actually much of philosophy IS science

2) no it has not been proven, unless you think that your poor example of the baby and the diper was proof.

you said that the baby doesnt NEED the diper to be changed but wants it anyway, but this doesn't necessairly show greed, if a human is uncomfortable and can fix it at no one else's expense.. this isn't necessairly greed. (unless you're under the impression that everything everyone can possible do is motivated by greed as i stated earlier) but then you'd be engaging in a certain philosophical point of view/opinion which has an undermining fallacy in its theory as a philosophical theory

to say that humans are born greedy as a proven thing is just a little ridicilous.

1) No, because philosophy doesn't have to be right or wrong, it just is. You can't falsify philosophy, you can't do anything to it. Science is proven, philosophy is created, then critiqued, but can never be disproven.

2) Uh, or maybe the example about finding the best mate? You said that wasn't greed, and you're wrong, I showed you the textbook definition of greed, and you still said it wasn't. THAT right there is also ignorance.

Also--it IS at someone else's expense.

And no, it's not just a little ridiculous. About four or five people have agreed with me and given other examples, yet you refuse to believe them or ignore them. I'm starting to think your alternate identity is Friend14 or something.

Originally posted by Freelancer:
BTW, earlier when I said helping others would make you rich, I didn't mean it literally. I meant it figuratively. Helping others will make you feel fulfilled but money will not.

To an extent this is true, but it varies from person to person. This isn't a universal truth.

Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
this goes for communism too, there isnt one standard ideal of "communism" there are many many branches. many philosophers that have different versions/theories/views on it

Marxism is the given accepted form of communism, and it won't work unless there's a "perfect world" situation and no one is greedy, which no one can prove that greed can be hammered out of humanity so, even in theory, it'll never work.
2006-02-24, 3:53 PM #292
Marxism is the given accepted form of communism, and it won't work unless there's a "perfect world" situation and no one is greedy, which no one can prove that greed can be hammered out of humanity so, even in theory, it'll never work.

And even if all that could be done, capitalism would work just as well.

[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Wiki isn't all knowing. Of course, you being as young as you are haven't had formal education with Existentialism. I rather like it. It's not feeble at all, but this is coming from a I'm not too surprised.[/QUOTE]

Right, well, it'd be stupid for me to critique something you know nothing about. I'll save that for some other thread.
2006-02-27, 12:49 PM #293
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Notice I said "Those". Most philosophers rehash things others have said, and live their lives "dedicated to their work", or come up with wholly unoriginal/uninspired ideas. The only thing ignorant around here are your 2nd grade reading comprehension skills.[/quote]

Me misreading you doesn't mean that you need to insult me. This entire quote shows your ignorance of what philosophy is about. Many philosophers make new ideas.. otherwise they wouldn't be studied.

1) No, because philosophy doesn't have to be right or wrong, it just is. You can't falsify philosophy, you can't do anything to it. Science is proven, philosophy is created, then critiqued, but can never be disproven.

2) Uh, or maybe the example about finding the best mate? You said that wasn't greed, and you're wrong, I showed you the textbook definition of greed, and you still said it wasn't. THAT right there is also ignorance.

1) again you simply don't know what you're talking about. You can falsify philosophy, falsifibility is actually something that deals greatly with science and philosophy. If something is unfalsifiable then it is neither scientific nor a valid philosophical argument, but since you've never taken any classes or studied these things clearly, you wouldn't know that.

2) The definition link you gave doesn't mention anything about it being inherent or not. This doesn't prove anything, I think we all understand what greed it, that isn't what we are talking about

And no, it's not just a little ridiculous. About four or five people have agreed with me and given other examples, yet you refuse to believe them or ignore them. I'm starting to think your alternate identity is Friend14 or something.

So four or five other people agreeing with you on this forum makes it less ridiculous? I don't know what you mean by the Friend14 statement.

Marxism is the given accepted form of communism, and it won't work unless there's a "perfect world" situation and no one is greedy, which no one can prove that greed can be hammered out of humanity so, even in theory, it'll never work.

Marxism was the original form yes, but there have been so many variations throughout time that you can't make a blanket statement about COMMUNISM, but you can about marxism. Regardless, if even in theory it wouldn't work, then it wouldn't have had the effect on the world that it did. But this just isn't correct. It isn't fundamently flawed in theory, but in practice.
2006-02-27, 1:23 PM #294
After a couple days without replies, a debate thread is pretty much over.
Historians are the most powerful and dangerous members of any society. They must be watched carefully... They can spoil everything. - Nikita Khrushchev.
Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god. - Jean Rostand.
2006-02-27, 1:36 PM #295
eh, I was unable to reply this weekend, but I see that DJ is banned so I suppose that was a pointless post, oh well atleast I got the last word, hah
2006-02-27, 1:46 PM #296
haha. WRONG. I'm going to bump this thread for the next three days until he gets back.
>>untie shoes
2006-02-28, 12:15 AM #297
Don't you dare...
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-28, 12:24 AM #298
Oh I do dare.
>>untie shoes
2006-02-28, 6:51 AM #299
Oh no you din't!
2006-02-28, 7:37 AM #300
2006-02-28, 8:01 AM #301
you won't
2006-02-28, 8:31 AM #302
I will!
2006-02-28, 8:32 AM #303
Rob boR
Freelancer recnaleerF
Obi_Kwiet teiwK_ibO
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-28, 8:33 AM #304
He will.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-02-28, 9:10 AM #305
This thread makes me want to spam images. :(
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-02-28, 1:55 PM #306 won't
2006-02-28, 1:57 PM #307
..He might
2006-02-28, 1:57 PM #308
He shan't
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-28, 1:59 PM #309
Please do.
2006-02-28, 2:01 PM #310
2006-02-28, 2:15 PM #311
2006-02-28, 2:19 PM #312
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-28, 3:44 PM #313
Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
1) yes, philosophy has to do with science, by defenition actually much of philosophy IS science.

Except that philosophy by definition is observing the nature of something with logical reasoning instead of empirical methods...which is what science is.
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-02-28, 4:15 PM #314
Empiricism has too many presuppositions to be used in philosophy.

Also, stop giving the thread CPR. So... Nailface.
2006-02-28, 4:17 PM #315
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-02-28, 4:32 PM #316
Originally posted by Roach:
Except that philosophy by definition is observing the nature of something with logical reasoning instead of empirical methods...which is what science is.
They might not be the same, but the one and the other are inseparable. Empiricism is itself "by definition" a philosophy. Positivism is the philosophy that science knowledge is the only authentic knowledge. Reductionism, the philosophy that systems can always be reduced to simpler components, is readily applied in science. In contention, emergence, in scientific terms, and, in philosophical terms, holism, go hand in hand in their attempt to disprove reductionistic paradigm.
2006-03-02, 2:25 PM #317
Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
Me misreading you doesn't mean that you need to insult me. This entire quote shows your ignorance of what philosophy is about. Many philosophers make new ideas.. otherwise they wouldn't be studied.

Many, not all. Many doesn't even mean the majority. And I was referencing the majority of philosophers, which don't do **** except rehash old, tired ideas.

Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
1) again you simply don't know what you're talking about. You can falsify philosophy, falsifibility is actually something that deals greatly with science and philosophy. If something is unfalsifiable then it is neither scientific nor a valid philosophical argument, but since you've never taken any classes or studied these things clearly, you wouldn't know that.

Not with facts though. Therefore it's not falsifiable to any concrete extent. PS--You telling anyone else they don't know what they're talking about is quite comical.

Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
2) The definition link you gave doesn't mention anything about it being inherent or not. This doesn't prove anything, I think we all understand what greed it, that isn't what we are talking about doesn't it make sense? Do you not read english? Do you not know how to use a dictionary? We DO all understand what greed is. It's defined in that link. Dodging your wrongness again?

Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
So four or five other people agreeing with you on this forum makes it less ridiculous? I don't know what you mean by the Friend14 statement.

Four or five older, more experienced, more economically/politically knowledgable forum members agreeing with me, as compared to one whom I'm fairly sure is somewhat insane agreeing with claim isn't ridiculous in any amount. Communism has never been proven to work. You're the one with the workload to prove that it'd ever work. So far you haven't done that great of a job.

Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
Marxism was the original form yes, but there have been so many variations throughout time that you can't make a blanket statement about COMMUNISM, but you can about marxism. Regardless, if even in theory it wouldn't work, then it wouldn't have had the effect on the world that it did. But this just isn't correct. It isn't fundamently flawed in theory, but in practice.

If it's flawed in practice...then why does it matter? Practice is the physical and logical application of theory. So in essence, you're saying something could work even though it wouldn't work if you tried to apply it as you say it could work. I'm really not getting how you've come out of this "with the last word". Also, if there's so many variations, list some and their ideas, please. Though, I'm sure you will never have read up on any of them before I called you on your BS, it'd be good to know that you at least have SOME backup to your argument, even if you didn't even know it yet.
2006-03-02, 3:41 PM #318
Quote: doesn't it make sense? Do you not read english? Do you not know how to use a dictionary? We DO all understand what greed is. It's defined in that link. Dodging your wrongness again?

you must have misread what I said earlier because I never said that we don't understand greed, I have been aruging that it hasn't been proven to be inherent to humans. do you not read english?!

Not with facts though. Therefore it's not falsifiable to any concrete extent.

but something like whether greed is inherent or not is not unfalsifiable. So I don't see your point

PS--You telling anyone else they don't know what they're talking about is quite comical.

almost as comical as you starting a "no you're wrong!" battle with me

Also, if there's so many variations, list some and their ideas, please.

from a wikipedia search that took less than 10 seconds:

Marxism · Leninism
Trotskyism · Maoism
Left communism
Council communism
Anarchist communism
Christian communism

Though, I'm sure you will never have read up on any of them before I called you on your BS, it'd be good to know that you at least have SOME backup to your argument, even if you didn't even know it yet.

what the hell are you talking about? I like how you make blanket assumptions based on absolutly nothing. Your form of debating is quite comical indeed

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