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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Justice is served!
Justice is served!
2006-02-23, 11:54 AM #161
Hey commie.

Use spellcheck.
2006-02-23, 11:55 AM #162
Originally posted by Emon:
So in other words, you have no idea what communism really as and you're just spouting off some crap a left wing liberal nut high school history teacher told you.

you whant me to tell you everthing about marxism?? sorry i don't know english that good :rolleyes:
2006-02-23, 11:56 AM #163
[QUOTE=Zwier Zak]I belive that classess have faild there funcjon. I belive it is moore just to give all by what they do, make and need. I am a communist becouse communism is the only fair form of society. I don't whant to be used by those who have moore just becouse they like to take everything they can.[/QUOTE]

Communism will never work in practice because of human nature. History should have taught you that. Don't misunderstand me, I don't like capitalism all that much either, but it seems to be what works best.

And BTW, better English might help your case.
Historians are the most powerful and dangerous members of any society. They must be watched carefully... They can spoil everything. - Nikita Khrushchev.
Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god. - Jean Rostand.
2006-02-23, 11:56 AM #164
[QUOTE=Zwier Zak]the risk is grate i must admit. the thing is do you whant to crose that line? i do.[/QUOTE]Like I said, congratulations.

A good education in common sense would cure you of this opinion.
2006-02-23, 11:57 AM #165
No one needs to rag onthe guy about his English. It's not his native language.
Pissed Off?
2006-02-23, 11:58 AM #166
Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
By this quote one would assume that you're ignorant about it, its actually quite an intellectual theory that most people just assume means "dictatorship where the government takes EVERYTHING!!!"

Hardly, infact if anything, that is what I would be accusing HIM of, if I were accusing him of anything.

No, I didn't ask you to explain all of Marxism. Stop dodging. You could, you know, summerize it. Although there's no point now since you'll probably just Wikipedia it.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-02-23, 11:58 AM #167
Communism will never work in practice because of human nature. History should have taught you that. Don't misunderstand me, I don't like capitalism all that much either, but it seems to be what works best.

this is a blanket cop out statement for attacking communism, it is much more complex and there are many forms of it to say "it doesnt work"

if you wanted to say that, look at china, it "works" there.
2006-02-23, 12:00 PM #168
Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
if you wanted to say that, look at china, it "works" there.

Yeah, it "works" really well there. I agree that most people who arguing about the subject aren't completely educated about it, but I still don't believe it's the ideal solution, even if it would work. But I don't think capitalism is, either. It's really a debate for another subject.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-02-23, 12:00 PM #169
China isn't communist, and it's getting less so iwth every passing day.
Pissed Off?
2006-02-23, 12:03 PM #170
Originally posted by Emon:
Hardly, infact if anything, that is what I would be accusing HIM of, if I were accusing him of anything.

No, I didn't ask you to explain all of Marxism. Stop dodging. You could, you know, summerize it. Although there's no point now since you'll probably just Wikipedia it.

Ill gladly summerize it in polish if you like?
2006-02-23, 12:04 PM #171
Oh comon. Your English is not that bad. There's no reason you could carry on this debate but not explain communism in a few paragraphs or less.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-02-23, 12:05 PM #172
Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
this is a blanket cop out statement for attacking communism, it is much more complex and there are many forms of it to say "it doesnt work"

if you wanted to say that, look at china, it "works" there.

Eh, you could definately argue that.

In several ways.
2006-02-23, 12:08 PM #173
right but i don't know how to say "ploretariusze" our "burżuje" in english. and these things are esential.
2006-02-23, 12:09 PM #174
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-02-23, 12:11 PM #175
Originally posted by FastGamerr:

if you say so :p
2006-02-23, 12:11 PM #176
Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
Actually many European countries have similar laws about holocaust denial

And that makes it right? (although this was not an argument you were making, I'll ask it anyway)

[QUOTE=Zwier Zak]right but i don't know how to say "ploretariusze" our "burżuje" in english. and these things are esential.[/QUOTE]
Fair enough, I supopse.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-02-23, 12:13 PM #177
Originally posted by Avenger:
China isn't communist, and it's getting less so iwth every passing day.

if its getting "less communist with every passing day" then how is it not communist?

I agree there are quite a few capitalist reforms, but at the same time they are trying to maintain their communist ideals with their authoritarian control over their people (e.g. their internet sensorship)
2006-02-23, 12:14 PM #178
And that makes it right? (although this was not an argument you were making, I'll ask it anyway)

not at all, as you'll see in my earlier posts I disagree with these laws completly. That was just an informative post.
2006-02-23, 12:21 PM #179
Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
if you wanted to say that, look at china, it "works" there. also doesn't work in many ways. On some minor issues, like, say, human rights, it doesn't work too well.
2006-02-23, 12:34 PM #180
Originally posted by money•bie: also doesn't work in many ways. On some minor issues, like, say, human rights, it doesn't work too well.

true, but you can't blame that on communism, you could look at the bad aspects of the US and blame it on capitalism, but this is just false cause for the problems you're looking at (and people do it quite often)
2006-02-23, 12:44 PM #181
Communism has "worked" in a few nations simply because they traded with foreign capitalist nations. China is the perfect example of that.
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-02-23, 12:51 PM #182
Yeah, but to call it communism isn't really accurate. It's really more a hard socialist system.
Pissed Off?
2006-02-23, 12:58 PM #183
Originally posted by Roach:
Communism has "worked" in a few nations simply because they traded with foreign capitalist nations. China is the perfect example of that.

Without cheap labor and free trade, China would look far worse as a communist state. Since the government controls industry, corruption and inefficiency still hurts their booming economy. They need more private institutions, a provision of capitalism, to innovate and survive as an economic power, instead of depending on the West.

I remember reading a figure somewhere that a significant portion of goods from China are counterfeit.
2006-02-23, 1:14 PM #184
Strange... when last I look I thought we were disucussing freedom of speech.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2006-02-23, 1:15 PM #185
Originally posted by Centrist:
Communism will never work in practice because of human nature. History should have taught you that. Don't misunderstand me, I don't like capitalism all that much either, but it seems to be what works best.

I hate that human nature cliche. Pure capitalism will never work in practice either. The U.S.A tried it in the 19th and early 20th centuries and it failed miserably. Today in the U.S.A., there are very strict limits on business and there are only more imposed every day. Both systems failed not because of human nature, but because the two economic systems limited freedom. There's nothing inherently wrong with the people. The people are fine. You need to change the system.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-23, 1:16 PM #186
Originally posted by Avenger:
Yeah, but to call it communism isn't really accurate. It's really more a hard socialist system.

I just had to laugh at this. In the grand scale of things, they are hardly different. Compared to what could be, capitalism isn't a whole lot different than communism either.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-23, 1:19 PM #187
Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
I agree there are quite a few capitalist reforms, but at the same time they are trying to maintain their communist ideals with their authoritarian control over their people (e.g. their internet sensorship)

Internet censhorship has nothing to do with communism. It is viable to allow people broad social freedoms while limiting their economic freedom. Communism is merely an economic system, not a political one.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-23, 1:22 PM #188
[QUOTE=Zwier Zak]There is capital in china there was capital in soviet russia and so on and so on. find something else to suck on :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]
That's why China only started getting capital as they moved towards a more free market, and Russia collapsed under its socialistic burden?

[QUOTE=Zwier Zak]I belive that classess have faild there funcjon. I belive it is moore just to give all by what they do, make and need. I am a communist becouse communism is the only fair form of society. I don't whant to be used by those who have moore just becouse they like to take everything they can.[/QUOTE]
Communism ISN'T fair though. The people in charge make too many decisions, and don't take everything into account--how can they?

In capitalism, if people push themselves harder to succeed, they succeed further. They get more money/the dream job/etc. If you don't want to be ruled by them, PUSH YOURSELF. If you don't want to do that, that's called laziness. But the ironic thing is, in Communism you'll always be ruled by those with more than you, no matter what--there's always a dictator to run things.

Also, if EVERYONE tries to "take everything they can", then that feeds into the Invisible Hand theory. While not perfect, it's the best thing we've got so far, and it seems to work DAMN well.

Finally, there are good dictators. Can you name more than five? Because I can name more than ten bad ones right here. Hell, can you name more than THREE?

Pol Pot
Ghengis Khan
Saddam Hussein
Kim-Jong Il
Omar Bashir
Juvenal Habyarimana
Mohammed Farrah Aidid

I'll take my chances with the Capitalist system.
2006-02-23, 1:22 PM #189
Since we are discussing economics and such... can some one tell me why is it that in poor nations there are, in some cases, lots of unemployed people when there are lots of work to be done that I'm sure would benefit the people and the nation and might even get them money.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2006-02-23, 1:31 PM #190
Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
this is a blanket cop out statement for attacking communism, it is much more complex and there are many forms of it to say "it doesnt work"

if you wanted to say that, look at china, it "works" there.

No, China is becoming less communist, moving towards capitalism, and the government's hold on the country is weakening slowly. I estimate by the time they "come into power" as they're supposed to, they will be considered socialist or capitalist.

Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
if its getting "less communist with every passing day" then how is it not communist?

I agree there are quite a few capitalist reforms, but at the same time they are trying to maintain their communist ideals with their authoritarian control over their people (e.g. their internet sensorship)

Internet censhorship is tenuous at best. The Chinese government has received a lot of flak for that, and business people are starting to realize what's going on. The only reason that's held on so long is because those who run the businesses don't realize it's going on really. Once knowledge becomes more widespread, there will be a revolt until it is changed. Censoring something like that only lasts so long. Communism feeds off of ignorance.

Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
true, but you can't blame that on communism, you could look at the bad aspects of the US and blame it on capitalism, but this is just false cause for the problems you're looking at (and people do it quite often)

Could you not? Communism encourages obedience, not intelligence, and complacence and laziness instead of hard work. Communism isn't "just" an economic system in that it only effects the economy--for it to work social reforms must be in place as well obviously. (IE, internet censorship. Two-edged sword).

Originally posted by Freelancer:
I hate that human nature cliche. Pure capitalism will never work in practice either. The U.S.A tried it in the 19th and early 20th centuries and it failed miserably. Today in the U.S.A., there are very strict limits on business and there are only more imposed every day. Both systems failed not because of human nature, but because the two economic systems limited freedom. There's nothing inherently wrong with the people. The people are fine. You need to change the system.

No, it boosted our economy TREMENDOUSLY. It just horribly violated civil rights because there were no limitations to it. With less limitations that could happen once again, and with less government involvement in the system. However, neither of these things will ever happen. The government is only bound to get more involved, and more laws are bound to pass. Conservatives are fighting an ever-losing battle in this regard (not neo-cons, however). It's just how fast do you lose.

Originally posted by Freelancer:
I just had to laugh at this. In the grand scale of things, they are hardly different. Compared to what could be, capitalism isn't a whole lot different than communism either.

Good job backing that up. They're not at all similar, and if you think they are go live 10 years in China or North Korea, then come back and say that. If you can.
2006-02-23, 1:41 PM #191
yoshi is totally wrong about everything he posted.
2006-02-23, 1:41 PM #192
No, he wouldn't live in China or North Korea, because he's different. He'll have to change his name from "Freelancer" to "COMMUNISTRULESlancer".
2006-02-23, 1:48 PM #193
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]No, it boosted our economy TREMENDOUSLY. It just horribly violated civil rights because there were no limitations to it. With less limitations that could happen once again, and with less government involvement in the system. However, neither of these things will ever happen. The government is only bound to get more involved, and more laws are bound to pass. Conservatives are fighting an ever-losing battle in this regard (not neo-cons, however). It's just how fast do you lose.[/quote]

What do you mean, no? If it worked, we would still be using it. Hate to break it to you, btw, but the U.S.A didn't become much of an economic power until after WWI when war debts were paid to us. At that time, the U.S.A. came into possession of basically all the gold currency being circulated at the time. You know, Fort Knox and all that.

How can you say a monopolistic economy was a boost to the economy? It put a lot of money in the hands of a few. Do you see that as economic progress? You can't think of the economy solely in terms of money, you must also think about innovation. Monopolies are detrimental to progress, because a monopoly has no reason to be innovative.

I hardly see how overworked employees crushed under the iron heel of some monopolist is the ideal breeding ground for innovation over the long haul. Sure it provides a temporary boost in productivity, but in the long term it is a kink to progress. There have been studies done that peg 40 hours as the ideal work hours for the average worker. Any more and productivity (true productivity) lags, and any less and it lags.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-23, 1:50 PM #194
The U.S. was booming in the second industrial revolution.

Granted working conditions sucked, but hey, we wouldn't be there today if people wouldn't have worked for >$1.00/h.

Furthermore, the Industrial Revolutions were the pioneering grounds to the workforce as we know it today. We had to start somewhere. And I think we did pretty damn good. Without the crappy working conditions, people wouldn't form child labor laws, women rights, and so on.

Kinda my view on things.

Protaginism FTW
2006-02-23, 1:55 PM #195
The economic practices of the Industrial Revolution were a major contributor to the Great Depression, though a lot of it was caused by bankers. It wasn't until the New Deal secretly socialized businesses that we were able to get out of that slump.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-23, 1:55 PM #196
Originally posted by Freelancer:
What do you mean, no? If it worked, we would still be using it. Hate to break it to you, btw, but the U.S.A didn't become much of an economic power until after WWI when war debts were paid to us. At that time, the U.S.A. came into possession of basically all the gold currency being circulated at the time. You know, Fort Knox and all that.

How can you say a monopolistic economy was a boost to the economy? It put a lot of money in the hands of a few. Do you see that as economic progress? You can't think of the economy solely in terms of money, you must also think about innovation. Monopolies are detrimental to progress, because a monopoly has no reason to be innovative.

I hardly see how overworked employees crushed under the iron heel of some monopolist is the ideal breeding ground for innovation over the long haul. Sure it provides a temporary boost in productivity, but in the long term it is a kink to progress. There have been studies done that peg 40 hours as the ideal work hours for the average worker. Any more and productivity (true productivity) lags, and any less and it lags.

Cheap labor + tons of natural resources + open land - laws = economic progress. After you move to a certain point, it stagnates, but until then you see humongous gains. If it weren't for the robber barons we would be in the same position as China, only with a lot less people. We wouldn't have had railroad run across the country and linked up, we wouldn't have distribution of natural resources, and we'd be SCREWED. You can't argue that the robber baron era was an era of humongous economic gains.

I think we became a power shortly after the Spanish-American war.
2006-02-23, 2:01 PM #197
Originally posted by Freelancer:
The economic practices of the Industrial Revolution were a major contributor to the Great Depression, though a lot of it was caused by bankers. It wasn't until the New Deal secretly socialized businesses that we were able to get out of that slump.

Great Depression = totally caused by bankers and Black Thursday/Tuesday.

IMO at least.

Once again, without the mistakes that were made, we wouldn't be where we are today.

Don't always look on one side of things. :)
2006-02-23, 2:11 PM #198
Also, the New Deal only kept our country afloat, if anything, and has done more harm in the long run than it has good. It didn't "secretly" socialize anything. I hope FDR is burning in hell, to be honest with you, because I consider him one of the worst presidents we've ever had.
2006-02-23, 2:17 PM #199
Worse than Bush?


2006-02-23, 2:35 PM #200
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Also, the New Deal only kept our country afloat, if anything, and has done more

arm in the long run than it has good. It didn't "secretly" socialize anything. I hope FDR is burning in hell, to be honest with you, because I consider him one of the worst presidents we've ever had.[/QUOTE]

....oh dear god.....

Yeah, it did secretly socialize many of the largest businesses in the U.S.A. Maybe you don't know about it because it was 'secret.' ;)

Let's see, the New Deal stated that corporations could count plant expansions and new equipment as operating expenses, which they could deduct from their new earnings before calculating income taxes. Which amounts to a subsidy to cover all new-equipment. They then said the same thing about advertising. In fact, through these tax deductions, it amounted to about 7 billion dollars(keep in mind this is the 30s) a year to subsidize advertising. So basically they took the risk out of free enterprise. They didn't socialize the people directly; they socialized the businesses.

They placed controls of every kind on banks; banks became about as regulated as the post office. Plus they guaranteed bank accounts to 5,000 dollars. They made a number of companies their 'prime contractors', and instead of taking control of them, they simply gave them orders - for example, to Chrysler for tanks. Congress passed rent controls, limited interest rates to 1.5%, and passed all sorts of other price controls. The New Deal drastically raised the minimum wage (in fact it may have instituted them for the first time, I'm not sure), and raised them so much that basically everyone was pretty well-to-do. Even the lowliest laborer. The New Deal also viciously negotiated constantly with businesses to limit profits (to prevent drastic overpricing). During the New Deal, businesses only averaged 10 percent or so.

Everything I just mentioned is socialism, man. And a lot of the things I mentioned are still in effect today, so you take them for granted as pure Capitalism.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009

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