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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Women: The Hidden Misery
Women: The Hidden Misery
2006-05-05, 2:41 AM #121
Originally posted by Shintock:
The best thing for a guy to do when his girlfriend is on her period is a warm hand on her lower tummy, and just being a big teddy bear. Always helps. :p

That, and hand over all the chocolate.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2006-05-05, 3:15 AM #122
shintock had it right the first time lol. i think when all of the girls on the board read that we all had the same reaction "aww that was perfect" hehe brownie pts for shintock lol
2006-05-05, 4:15 AM #123
Originally posted by quesadilla_red:
And some have good looking hair...maybe these guys should have periods too? >.>

OI! :eek:
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-05-05, 8:56 AM #124
Aye, Ruthy, you should bleed for your flowing lockes.
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-05-05, 9:00 AM #125
One way or another...
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-05-05, 5:42 PM #126
ha in your face, i got my hair cut off today.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-05-05, 5:44 PM #127
Originally posted by Ruthven:
ha in your face, i got my hair cut off today.

Pix... :em321: :D
2006-05-05, 8:11 PM #128
:( you did?
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2006-05-05, 8:34 PM #129

You think that work place sexism doesn't make me miserable? You think I like being worked untill I'm about to pass out, when a woman with less seniority (keep in mind, my job is union) is stand their not lifting a god damn finger to help?

I've only worked with three women that I would actually consider worth working with, because they work hard and don't complain. Two of which I work with now, and have worked with for over 6 months. There hasn't been a time, in those 6 months where I've seen them let someone else do all the work or slow down.

I understand that the cycles are different for every woman to some degree. But they both agree with me, when I say that I am of the opinion that most women just seem to use it as an excuse.

We have what I like to call an Iron Vagina at my center. The women are quickly offered and stay in much easier jobs. (Letter scanning, clipboard, truck tracking. None of those require any real form of physical labor) Mostly because of the previous inside supervisor, who is herself, a lazy fat cow. (To prove a point, we now have a new female supervisor. Now, the other supervisor will tell you to work faster, to keep moving, work harder but will never even lift a finger to help. She won't even help with packages over 70 pounds, which BY LAW IN THE UNITED STATES she has to. Especially if asked. Nicole, the new supervisor actively helps EVERYONE. She busts her ****ing ***. It's amazing. I have mad respect for her and she's seriously only been working at my center for a week.)

There were two other girls hired directly after me. I have more seniority than both of them. When I first started, they worked me in the container untill I was about to pass out. Especially on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday on which we have our highest volumes, also on which there is an extra trailer of lose packages (numbering anywhere from 1500 to 2000) to load. By their second week each of them were moved somewhere easier, without even having to barely touch a package. Let alone load a container by themselves. One was moved to the clipboard/truck tracking. Basically a stand there job, the other works in smalls.. scanning letters.

I'm still loading containers and unloading trucks. The union is pissed, but I like loading and unloading so I stick with it. I'm in better shape than both of them anyways.

Up untill about a month ago, the women were always on the unload, and the men were always loading. Unloading is easy as hell. Loading sucks. They'd stack up the belt quickly and easily. And we'd every day get pissed off and stop the belt. We had to go to the union to make them switch.

Child birthing is also, as I recall, an entirely voluntary process for the most part. So don't complain about it after you've had one, because you didn't have to. You could have just as easily given another child a chance at a good life and adopted, no pain involved.

I wouldn't even be pissed off if it were only the ~7 days that the women I worked with were lazy and showed no ambition to better themselves. I'd be find with that.

But apparently it's an all the time thing.

And like I said, this may be personal experience and there are exceptions that I have noted... but for the most part women piss me off at the workplace.
2006-05-05, 8:55 PM #130
Quit your *****in' and earn yourself a better job, you wuss.

Those women are clearly laughing at you for actually doing all the work yourself. They are clearly smarter than you.
2006-05-05, 8:58 PM #131
They're clearly lazy.

My job kicks ***. It'll kick tons more *** once I get up there in seniority.
2006-05-05, 9:37 PM #132
You talk to any guy who works in the payroll department of any major company. He'll tell you exactly what I'm saying: hour for hour, the average entry-level position pays the same amount whether you're a man or a woman.

Women still complain about getting paid less money than men do though. Well, no ****. The overwhelming majority of men are easily willing to work voluntary overtime. How many women do? Almost none. Men work more hours, they get paid more. Men sacrifice for the company, they get promoted faster.

Why do you think there are relatively few women working in the games industry? It's not for lack of interest, it's because they aren't willing to accept the working environment. A woman programmer could write the same amount of code in the same amount of time as a male programmer, but if the dude is working 80 hour weeks why the hell should the woman be paid as much for the job?
2006-05-05, 10:32 PM #133
I've also noticed that women tend to screw me over when I'm around at work.

"Climb this ladder for me. I'm too weak/scared to do it myself."
"Lug this heavy thing for me."

Yet they'll do it themselves if I'm not around, though they wouldn't want me to know it.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-05-07, 3:12 AM #134
was watching the south park movie "bigger longer and uncut" and saw the part again and thought it'd be funny to post here...

"...I'm Sorry Wendy, but I don't trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die."
- Mr. Garrison
2006-05-07, 7:05 AM #135
Hee, I love that quote, Boricua.

I thought this was oddly appropriate for this thread:


Tampon fight!
"Art is a lie that makes us to realize the truth."
- Pablo Picasso

blog thingamajig
2006-05-07, 7:58 AM #136
Pink tongue piercing. Not very italian...
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-05-07, 8:04 AM #137
Originally posted by Roach:
Pink tongue piercing. Not very italian...

It matches the dress, it just looks pink in all of the pictures with flash. :(

And who says fat Italian men can't have their tongues pierced?!
"Art is a lie that makes us to realize the truth."
- Pablo Picasso

blog thingamajig
2006-05-07, 8:12 AM #138
It's more of the "wearing a dress and dueling with a tampon" part that seems un-fat-hairy-italian-man-esque.
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-05-07, 9:10 AM #139
Have you ever been in an Italian men's room?
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2006-05-07, 9:18 AM #140
i hear tongue piercings are favoured by lesbians and Bi-sethuals.

all that lady tongue touching and all those sparks from two studs smashing together.

if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-05-07, 3:19 PM #141
Originally posted by Jon`C:
No, a "guys night in" is when we do things that will make us horribly unattractive to you.

Like spend all night playing video games, binge drinking, binge eating, going to a strip club or gambling. When it gets to the point that we want to have a party that doesn't involve the women we know, it's because we're sick of you and the last thing we want is to think or talk about you.

Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
nope... we mainly just talk about sports... and cars... or sports involving cars.

True, but the guys I hang with talk about that all the time :rolleyes: Maybe it's just them, but they did admit they talk about us when we're not there in the same way that they talk with me about other people in their absence.
One should never throw the letter Q into a privet bush
Vin Diesel shot the sheriff, but he did not shoot the deputy; he ate him alive instead.
My Site
2006-05-07, 11:38 PM #142
Originally posted by SMOCK!:
Have you ever been in an Italian men's room?
I have. Nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to defecate there.

Originally posted by Joey:
True, but the guys I hang with talk about that all the time :rolleyes: Maybe it's just them, but they did admit they talk about us when we're not there in the same way that they talk with me about other people in their absence.
Nice friends.
2006-05-07, 11:43 PM #143
Originally posted by Joey:
True, but the guys I hang with talk about that all the time :rolleyes: Maybe it's just them, but they did admit they talk about us when we're not there in the same way that they talk with me about other people in their absence.

I hang out with guys from work while high. My social life is teh sux. I need a more acessible woman.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-05-08, 3:31 AM #144
None of my friends talk about cars.

Unless we're going to make fun of this one kid for having a Saturn.

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