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ForumsDiscussion Forum → PS3 ($500 - 20GB No HDMI Support / $600 - 60GB HDMI Support)
PS3 ($500 - 20GB No HDMI Support / $600 - 60GB HDMI Support)
2006-05-09, 4:38 AM #41
So, if the game is using this gyroscope, does that mean I have to hold my hands absolutly level and still to not put input in? That would totally suck.
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-05-09, 5:52 AM #42
The clever things about gyroscopes is that they're very good at keeping things steady.

I have a Logitech gamepad from about 5 years ago with a tilt sensor in it, amusingly it looks remarkably similar to the PS3 gamepad.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2006-05-09, 5:59 AM #43
Originally posted by Jon`C:
No, they removed rumble from the controller because they were legally forced to. Patents are fun, kids.

Because it's impossible that the rumble function could interfere with something that senses when you tilt. Think about it. Honestly.
2006-05-09, 6:01 AM #44
Actually, I think Nintendo was the first to have gyroscopic controls on a game.

I remember having a game for original gameboy with a tilt sensor.

As for WII versus PS3.

I'll be buying the WII. It's much more affordable, and that shooter game they showed looks about 9 times more rad than anything I've seen PS3 offer.
2006-05-09, 6:07 AM #45
Originally posted by Wolfy:
I could have sworn there was a PC controller that had the gyro in it some 6 to 8 years ago, or, at least, it was in development.

MS Sidewinder Freestyle Pro?
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2006-05-09, 6:12 AM #46
I love it when two fanboys battle it out.
2006-05-09, 6:27 AM #47
Sidewinders are great controllers.

I've never bought a sidewinder that didn't rock.
2006-05-09, 6:49 AM #48
Originally posted by Jon`C:
No, they removed rumble from the controller because they were legally forced to. Patents are fun, kids.

Or, the rumble was removed because it drains batteries? That's why the Wavebird and every wireless controller I can think of doesn't have it.

Edit: So apparently the X360 has them. Didn't know that. I'd still like to see how long they last on battery.
2006-05-09, 6:56 AM #49
[QUOTE=Cool Matty]Or, the rumble was removed because it drains batteries? That's why the Wavebird and every wireless controller I can think of doesn't have it.[/QUOTE]
You mean aside from the Logitech wireless controllers for the X-Box and the standard wireless controller for the 360...
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-05-09, 7:09 AM #50
Originally posted by Roach:
You mean aside from the Logitech wireless controllers for the X-Box and the standard wireless controller for the 360...

I'd like to see how long the 360's controllers last. But yeah, I didn't even think of that point, CM, a fairly good one.
2006-05-09, 7:27 AM #51
Originally posted by Detty:
The clever things about gyroscopes is that they're very good at keeping things steady.

There are no gyroscopes inside any of these controllers.
This Space Intentionally Left Blank.
2006-05-09, 7:40 AM #52
Originally posted by Naythn:
There are no gyroscopes inside any of these controllers.

Then how exactly would they sense tilting motion? Just curious, not saying you're wrong or anything.
2006-05-09, 9:39 AM #53
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]I'd like to see how long the 360's controllers last.[/QUOTE]
My friends get around a month's worth out of their batteries in their controllers with daily play with at least 3 hours per day.
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-05-09, 9:58 AM #54
Originally posted by Roach:
My friends get around a month's worth out of their batteries in their controllers with daily play with at least 3 hours per day.

I think me friend get's about a month and a half. But he made the cost of batteries a moot point. He got four rechargeables.

I'd also like to point out, that the feedback motors in the 360 controllers are NOTICABLY weaker than the ones in the original Xbox controllers. I would have to assume it's because it draws less power. Kinda lame... but after playing with it for awhile you don't notice too much. ... Until you go back to an Xbox.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2006-05-09, 10:33 AM #55
Originally posted by phoenix_9286:
I think me friend get's about a month and a half. But he made the cost of batteries a moot point. He got four rechargeables.

I'd also like to point out, that the feedback motors in the 360 controllers are NOTICABLY weaker than the ones in the original Xbox controllers. I would have to assume it's because it draws less power. Kinda lame... but after playing with it for awhile you don't notice too much. ... Until you go back to an Xbox.

Makes sense. I still think the PS1 dual shock was the best force feedback device ever. The thing shook so hard.
2006-05-09, 10:37 AM #56
too much for me, i might buy one once it goes down in price.
2006-05-09, 10:46 AM #57
I agree with imsoshort. This is what you get when you demo and promo an invention without bulletproof patenting. There's no "fairness" scale about it.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2006-05-09, 12:54 PM #58
I would never buy one.
2006-05-09, 12:57 PM #59
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Because it's impossible that the rumble function could interfere with something that senses when you tilt. Think about it. Honestly.[/QUOTE]I never said it wouldn't. What I said is that Microsoft is now a significant shareholder in the company that has sole ownership over this technology and now the Xbox 360 is the only new console that has vibrating controllers.

Immersion also isn't interested in licensing the technology to Sony. Dual Shock 3 either doesn't vibrate, or it doesn't go on sale. Period.
2006-05-09, 3:22 PM #60
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Then how exactly would they sense tilting motion? Just curious, not saying you're wrong or anything.[/QUOTE]

MEMS devices. They're already used extensively in automotive applications.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
I never said it wouldn't. What I said is that Microsoft is now a significant shareholder in the company that has sole ownership over this technology and now the Xbox 360 is the only new console that has vibrating controllers.

Wii controllers vibrate as well.
This Space Intentionally Left Blank.
2006-05-09, 3:26 PM #61
Really? Awesome.

I guess it doesn't interfere with the motion tracking then. :D
2006-05-09, 3:34 PM #62
[QUOTE=Cool Matty]Or, the rumble was removed because it drains batteries? That's why the Wavebird and every wireless controller I can think of doesn't have it.

Edit: So apparently the X360 has them. Didn't know that. I'd still like to see how long they last on battery.[/QUOTE]

MS says up to 40 hours and it can if you turn the vibration off (not personal experience but i know a couple people who have a 360)

also a large number of 3rd party wireless controllers have vibration (and usually it can be turned off for extra battery life)
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2006-05-09, 5:28 PM #63
Sony going to have a real hard time with this console if they don't pull something seriously good out of their hat at E3.
2006-05-09, 5:30 PM #64
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]1) The PS3 is fairly well priced, IMO.
2) The controller is rumored to be very dual-shock esque. It may draw a few elements (that the Revolution really didn't revolutionize--gyros in controllers to sense tilt have been around since before then), but it's still the same controller. They're not ripping off anything. Get your head out of your ***.
3) They wanted to remake the controller because of the EXCEEDINGLY bad press that the original design got. It had nothing to do with nintendo.
4) Quit being a fanboy.[/QUOTE]

2006-05-09, 5:33 PM #65
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Sony going to have a real hard time with this console if they don't pull something seriously good out of their hat at E3.

I sincerely doubt that.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-09, 5:39 PM #66
Wish the PS3 was cheaper...after seeing the trailer for FFXIII and MGS 4. I do lament the lack of a rumble feature though...
2006-05-09, 6:36 PM #67
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]Your ignorance is going to make my goddamn head explode. Shut your mouth. It's OBVIOUS that they got the motion idea from Nintendo. Every gaming site in the world and every person except for you agrees. It has nothing to do with being a fanboy. Once again, shut your face.[/QUOTE]

yeah like, except for me. sorry, but you're the ignorant one. and not to drive the... stake in further or anything, but until nintendo gets a boatload of patents to cover a gyro sensitive game controller, sony can do what they feel is necessary to sell their new system.
i know a vegan dairy farmer
2006-05-09, 7:02 PM #68
Gentlemen, the answer is here
"Oh my god. That just made me want to start cutting" - Aglar
"Why do people from ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA keep asking about CATS?" - Steven, 4/1/2009
2006-05-09, 7:44 PM #69
Ho hum Sony stole an idea. Nin shoulda patented it, if it is indeed that similar.
2006-05-10, 6:03 AM #70
i guess nobody is listening to those of us who keep reminding them of pc controllers from a few years back with tilt sensing abilities

if anything nintendo stole the idea from [insert whoever was the first to make a game controller with a gyroscope or any other tilt sensing setup that may exist here]

or here's one that will make your brains hurt...

eat right, exercise, die anyway
2006-05-10, 6:27 AM #71
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Sony going to have a real hard time with this console if they don't pull something seriously good out of their hat at E3.

I agree, public perception right now for the PS3 isn't looking that great compared to the M$ and Nintendo. Sony's already considered on other forum's polls as having the weakest conference of the three from what I've seen.

And like people said, you can buy a 360 and Wii for less than a PS3. Plus, there's the whole Blu-Ray issue which could turn into another UMD format.

Today's the start of games at E3, so we'll see. However, that price is killing it for lots of people. They're trying to appeal to people in the 20's...but for college kids that can be quite a financial burden. Little kids won't be getting as many for Xmas as parents will see a price tag of $599 (Unless you're stupid and get the 499) and say No.

In the end, I think PS3 will sell, but Sony's losing market share for sure. And while motion sensors in controllers are not new, I will call the PS3 the Plagerism 3 like other people. You don't go one E3 with a controller that has relatively no new ideas (The boomerang), and then say the next E3 "We got a new controller! Innovation is what we do!" that seems to be trying to steal the thunder from Nintendo. I'm not stating they stole it or that Nintendo came up with the idea. But you're an idiot if you think Nintendo doing it had no bearing on Sony redesigning their controller

Nintendo kept saying "We don't want to reveal it [controller] yet because people will steal our idea's and put it in their own." I pretty much took this as crap and that they just didn't have anything ready to show. However, it seems like Nintendo may have been right.

And if you think my opinion's a minority. Look around across Internet gaming sites (1UP, IGN, Gamespot, etc) Sony is getting some public perception backlash from this, as it seems they are taking many of the concepts from 360 and Wii and just putting it in their own

It'll be interesting to see, that's for sure.
2006-05-10, 7:09 AM #72

It doesn't make you clever, funny, or look more like you're fighting the man.

It makes you look like an idiot.

And this has been Robert's Pet Peeve of the day.
2006-05-10, 10:13 AM #73
Originally posted by Demon_Nightmare:
I agree, public perception right now for the PS3 isn't looking that great compared to the M$ and Nintendo. Sony's already considered on other forum's polls as having the weakest conference of the three from what I've seen.

And like people said, you can buy a 360 and Wii for less than a PS3. Plus, there's the whole Blu-Ray issue which could turn into another UMD format.

You can? I could have sworn the Wii's price was unreleased, and is estimated at 250. That would mean at the very least, 550. Which is more than the PS3. Either way, you don't know. And Blu-Ray will NOT be UMD. That's like saying HD-DVD will be like UMD. They're the two replacements for regular DVDs, not some hack job proprietary formats.

Originally posted by Demon_Nightmare:
Today's the start of games at E3, so we'll see. However, that price is killing it for lots of people. They're trying to appeal to people in the 20's...but for college kids that can be quite a financial burden. Little kids won't be getting as many for Xmas as parents will see a price tag of $599 (Unless you're stupid and get the 499) and say No.

It's also a blu-ray player, which, considering the cheapest of those is $1,000, is a very attractive feature.

Originally posted by Demon_Nightmare:
In the end, I think PS3 will sell, but Sony's losing market share for sure. And while motion sensors in controllers are not new, I will call the PS3 the Plagerism 3 like other people. You don't go one E3 with a controller that has relatively no new ideas (The boomerang), and then say the next E3 "We got a new controller! Innovation is what we do!" that seems to be trying to steal the thunder from Nintendo. I'm not stating they stole it or that Nintendo came up with the idea. But you're an idiot if you think Nintendo doing it had no bearing on Sony redesigning their controller

They never said they were innovating with the new controller. They said it'd help gameplay, but they never claimed innovation. And I guess I'm "an idiot", because NINTENDO'S NOT THE FIRST GODDAMN COMPANY TO DO IT. Get it through your head--the world doesn't revolve around Nintendo.

Originally posted by Demon_Nightmare:
Nintendo kept saying "We don't want to reveal it [controller] yet because people will steal our idea's and put it in their own." I pretty much took this as crap and that they just didn't have anything ready to show. However, it seems like Nintendo may have been right.

More ignorant drivel.

Originally posted by Demon_Nightmare:
And if you think my opinion's a minority. Look around across Internet gaming sites (1UP, IGN, Gamespot, etc) Sony is getting some public perception backlash from this, as it seems they are taking many of the concepts from 360 and Wii and just putting it in their own

It'll be interesting to see, that's for sure.

Majority != Right. Remember that whole world being flat deal?

And what did they "steal" from the 360? The online network? That could be the ONLY thing you can say they stole from anyone, and even then, that's moving towards the future. Online play, while not a majority, is a very big market share, along with people buying extras online (like arcade games, movies, tv shows, everything the sony connect thing bundles in), and they offer MORE than the 360 does for free. I call that genius, not stealing, especially since their service spans across the PSP AND the PS3.
2006-05-10, 10:16 AM #74
Originally posted by Rob:

It doesn't make you clever, funny, or look more like you're fighting the man.

It makes you look like an idiot.

And this has been Robert's Pet Peeve of the day.

m$ rofl
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2006-05-10, 10:45 AM #75
Originally posted by KOP_Snake:
m$ rofl

Guess who lost the cool points they got earlier?

Shame too.

You were like 3 or 4 away from earning a cookie.
2006-05-10, 10:56 AM #76
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]You can? I could have sworn the Wii's price was unreleased, and is estimated at 250. That would mean at the very least, 550. Which is more than the PS3. Either way, you don't know. And Blu-Ray will NOT be UMD. That's like saying HD-DVD will be like UMD. They're the two replacements for regular DVDs, not some hack job proprietary formats.[/QUOTE]

Except that $250 is still a rumor. If you want to talk about rumors, then talk about the rumor that the Xbox will undergo a price drop when the PS3 is released. That should bring the Wii/Xbox combo to under the $500 point. Also, $550 is more than the basic package, which most will agree isn't worth getting in the first place.

It's also a blu-ray player, which, considering the cheapest of those is $1,000, is a very attractive feature.

I'm willing to bet that 4-6 months after the release of the PS3/first Blu-Ray players, you'll be able to get one for $300-400. Unless you really want to be an early adopter, then you get to pay your premium prices.

They never said they were innovating with the new controller. They said it'd help gameplay, but they never claimed innovation. And I guess I'm "an idiot", because NINTENDO'S NOT THE FIRST GODDAMN COMPANY TO DO IT. Get it through your head--the world doesn't revolve around Nintendo.

I agree with you here, though Nintendo is taking a big leap by basing what seems like a majority of their upcoming games on it.

Majority != Right. Remember that whole world being flat deal?

Apples and oranges.

And what did they "steal" from the 360? The online network? That could be the ONLY thing you can say they stole from anyone, and even then, that's moving towards the future. Online play, while not a majority, is a very big market share, along with people buying extras online (like arcade games, movies, tv shows, everything the sony connect thing bundles in), and they offer MORE than the 360 does for free. I call that genius, not stealing, especially since their service spans across the PSP AND the PS3.

Has anything specific been announced for the PS3's online system? This is one area that I haven't really paid attention to.

One of my personal disappointments with the PS3 is that it doesn't really innovate. Microsoft has an excellent Xbox Live service, and Nintendo has the Wiimote, but Sony seems to just be trying to evolve their system. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but, as evidence by the hype around Wii, new radical changes cause a lot of buzz and excitement. I think the PS3 will be a fairly solid console, though we'll have to wait and see.

As for Blu-ray vs HD-DVD, I don't know which will win and I really don't care. I'll wait for the dust to settle before even considering getting one or the other. There's something to be said for the improved storage capacity of the discs, but I've also seen reviews of some upscaling DVD players that can deliver just as good of a picture as HD-DVD.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2006-05-10, 11:21 AM #77
Originally posted by Ric_Olie:
Except that $250 is still a rumor. If you want to talk about rumors, then talk about the rumor that the Xbox will undergo a price drop when the PS3 is released. That should bring the Wii/Xbox combo to under the $500 point. Also, $550 is more than the basic package, which most will agree isn't worth getting in the first place.

That's why I said "estimated". Even at 200, the 360 will drop the regular package by the time the PS3 is out, and will drop that by maybe 50, MAYBE, probably 20 or so. So you're still looking at 550. And the basic package isn't bad at all for your average consumer, because they seriously won't use the features that the premium package includes. It's not good for anyone with a decent TV/setup, etc.

Originally posted by Ric_Olie:
I'm willing to bet that 4-6 months after the release of the PS3/first Blu-Ray players, you'll be able to get one for $300-400. Unless you really want to be an early adopter, then you get to pay your premium prices.

Considering the length of time it took to develop Blu-Ray, I'm willing to bet you're wrong. I'm sure it'll stay in the 600-ish range for at least a year, and in the first few months will drop to 800. But this is all speculation anyways. And even at 300 dollars, think about it--why not pop another 300 for a TiVo/Blu-Ray player/Game system?

Originally posted by Ric_Olie:
Apples and oranges.

People speculating about things they know nothing about and calling themselves right? No, that's Apples and Apples.

Originally posted by Ric_Olie:
Has anything specific been announced for the PS3's online system? This is one area that I haven't really paid attention to.

I've caught a few details off of Engadget, but mostly it's just going to offer up PS1 games, TV shows, movies, and music, along with online play, all for no monthly premium. Pretty good deal IMO.

Originally posted by Ric_Olie:
One of my personal disappointments with the PS3 is that it doesn't really innovate. Microsoft has an excellent Xbox Live service, and Nintendo has the Wiimote, but Sony seems to just be trying to evolve their system. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but, as evidence by the hype around Wii, new radical changes cause a lot of buzz and excitement. I think the PS3 will be a fairly solid console, though we'll have to wait and see.

As for Blu-ray vs HD-DVD, I don't know which will win and I really don't care. I'll wait for the dust to settle before even considering getting one or the other. There's something to be said for the improved storage capacity of the discs, but I've also seen reviews of some upscaling DVD players that can deliver just as good of a picture as HD-DVD.

1) Innovation can be good, but it can also be bad. The PS3 needs to be a reliable platform, as it has the most developers working on it. Therefore innovation could hurt Sony's business. They've innovated as much as they can, and I agree it's more evolution than innovation, but it's good enough for me.

2) Microsoft's Xbox Live service will be torn to **** by Sony Connect if it goes down as planned (basically free Xbox Live).
2006-05-10, 11:35 AM #78
Originally posted by Ric_Olie:
As for Blu-ray vs HD-DVD, I don't know which will win and I really don't care. I'll wait for the dust to settle before even considering getting one or the other. There's something to be said for the improved storage capacity of the discs, but I've also seen reviews of some upscaling DVD players that can deliver just as good of a picture as HD-DVD.

Firstly, Blu-Ray looks like it should be a surperior format.

Secondly, up-convert dvd players quite simply cannot deliver the same image quality as HD. It's not possible. The source signal is still NTSC, and therefore the resolution is lacking in comparison to 1080p or 720p. Read it again. It's not possible.
>>untie shoes
2006-05-10, 11:36 AM #79
I think we can all agree that Red Steel is going to kick major ***.
2006-05-10, 11:40 AM #80
Originally posted by Rob:

It doesn't make you clever, funny, or look more like you're fighting the man.

It makes you look like an idiot.

And this has been Robert's Pet Peeve of the day.

Oh, and yes. This is all true.
>>untie shoes

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