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ForumsDiscussion Forum → PS3 ($500 - 20GB No HDMI Support / $600 - 60GB HDMI Support)
PS3 ($500 - 20GB No HDMI Support / $600 - 60GB HDMI Support)
2006-05-11, 8:53 AM #121
wii crack pipes could be awesome.
2006-05-11, 8:58 AM #122
Originally posted by Rob:
Don't know about that.

They pretty much did away with the $250 rumor.

But still haven't given a definite price.

I still hope like hell it's going to be like $150. But I'll still pay upto $300 for the system itself. I'll probably end up spending over $400 release day, becuase I want alot of stuff to play. The release line-up looks freaking AWESOME.

They said sub-$200, I believe. I saw it on an ign headline.
2006-05-11, 9:46 AM #123
One thing for sure is that Nintendo has REALLY gotten their act together for the Wii, regardless of the price.
2006-05-11, 10:06 AM #124
[QUOTE=IRG SithLord]One thing for sure is that Nintendo has REALLY gotten their act together for the Wii, regardless of the price.[/QUOTE]

I love nintendo, I really do. The GC and n64 fit my needs, because I'm mostly a PC gamer who like nintendo games. If it wasn't for MGS being mainly on the Sony systems, I really wouldn't care about this at all, and turn a blind eye to E3. However, nintendo *always* has a great E3 showing, I think everyone is being a bit too optimistic. Nintendo will chug along like it had with the GC, no greater and no less.

As expensive as the ps3 is, it will sell leaps and bounds above expectations I think. It's a consumer culture that buys things they don't need. A great example is that people buy SUV's even though only one person drives it. Gas is expensive, and getting moreso. Yet people still keep buying the gas guzzlers. Sony is the leader now, and the sheer inertia will carry it through. The price will be a bit of friction, but most people are like Yoshi over there: $600 isn't that much. And considering other purchases, $600 really isn't that much to many people.

Me, I'm a med student with loans up the wazoo. My research stipend is paltry. I can barely afford to buy groceries without taking out more. My guilty pleasure is I have cable internet, that's my sole excess. This is why I won't be getting a ps3. However, young, single, and recently employed males are the key demographic. They just started to make cash and haven't really matured in their spending of it. It's like "wow, look at all this money!" for many 20 somethings, and I'd be willing to wager they are into spending. And what do men like alot? Gadgets. And the ps3 has tons of it. Does it really matter how good a picture looks? Can you just not stand resolutions that aren't the highest of the high? Is it that necessary to get a blue ray right now? Many in the demographic I believe would answer yes.

That and again, people loved the ps2, and the third parties for the ps2 will probably publish for the ps3. This is the other important thing, and sony has it. They have the actual games to back the system. Maybe not this second, but eventually.

Sony knows what they are doing. As much as I do dislike them, I bet they will still be the leader, far ahead, in the next generation.
2006-05-11, 1:24 PM #125
[QUOTE=Lord Kuat]

I just wonder what Joe T. Consumer will think. The average one, not ones that actually understand what all those new-fangled numbers and gadgets are. Then again, maybe I give the average consumer too little credit.[/QUOTE]

That's actually mostly what I was arguing. 600 isn't reasonable for Joe T. Consumer. It might be reasonable for someone like DJ-Yoshi, but not most people.
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2006-05-11, 1:53 PM #126
Originally posted by happydud:
That's actually mostly what I was arguing. 600 isn't reasonable for Joe T. Consumer. It might be reasonable for someone like DJ-Yoshi, but not most people.

Yes. I totally agree with your rant.
Also, I honestly do not know what a Blu-ray player does or why I would want it.
2006-05-11, 2:15 PM #127
Blu-Ray is named after the laser it uses to read the DVD. The laser is much finer so you can put more information onto a DVD for it to read. Using a Blu-Ray, you could read DVDs that have about 50 gigabytes of information.

Blu-Rays are also really expensive...which makes me wonder how a PS3 could have one and only be $600. The only thing I can think of is that it is an act of desparation for Blu-Ray technology. It very well might be on its way out the door.
2006-05-11, 2:29 PM #128
The PS3 has some impressive things in it and even though it is a deal, it's probably not a deal most people want. Frankly I don't know to many non-enthusiast who like or even care about the idea of an HTPC, or an all in one media box like Sony seems to be pushing. TiVo seems to be good enough for the average person.
2006-05-11, 2:35 PM #129
I don't think the average person realizes what any console is capable of. The only thing they really know about is:

1. It's used to play games.
2. The graphics look really good.

And that's pretty much all they see. Most of them can't be bothered to do any further research.
2006-05-11, 3:47 PM #130
[QUOTE=IRG SithLord]I don't think the average person realizes what any console is capable of. The only thing they really know about is:

1. It's used to play games.
2. The graphics look really good.

And that's pretty much all they see. Most of them can't be bothered to do any further research.[/QUOTE]

No, but they will hear about it. People hear about things, and internalize them even though they don't understand. They will just know the ps3 has some new fangled tech the other guys don't have. I don't think they care from there, it's a selling point for them.

Originally posted by happydud:
That's actually mostly what I was arguing. 600 isn't reasonable for Joe T. Consumer. It might be reasonable for someone like DJ-Yoshi, but not most people.

I'd actually say Yoshi is the majority, i.e. disposable income.
2006-05-11, 6:00 PM #131
[QUOTE=IRG SithLord]Blu-Ray is named after the laser it uses to read the DVD. The laser is much finer so you can put more information onto a DVD for it to read. Using a Blu-Ray, you could read DVDs that have about 50 gigabytes of information.

Blu-Rays are also really expensive...which makes me wonder how a PS3 could have one and only be $600. The only thing I can think of is that it is an act of desparation for Blu-Ray technology. It very well might be on its way out the door.[/QUOTE]
They're not even out the door. It's that way the same way all DVD players were like 600 when they came out and the PS2 was 300 dollars.
2006-05-11, 6:19 PM #132
[QUOTE=Lord Kuat]. This is why I won't be getting a ps3. However, young, single, and recently employed males are the key demographic.[/QUOTE]

And nintendo's key demographic is everyone else
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2006-05-11, 11:04 PM #133
Originally posted by fishstickz:
And nintendo's key demographic is everyone else

The problem being that everyone else isn't neccesarily into games. ;)
2006-05-12, 2:12 AM #134
Thus Nintendo's plan to get them hooked with conducting, fishing, sports, etc. games. Not saying it will succeed, but that's their plan. I know my dad would love a realistic fishing game with the Wiimote. I doubt my mother would ever pick one up though.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2006-05-12, 2:39 AM #135
Dude... I don't know.... Part of the whole thing about playing videogames is being able to do things which you do not readily have the skills to achieve. If I actually have to physically do the things which my character is doing in the game, then it just seems like it may be a bit too interactive... especially if it's something I can do in real life.
>>untie shoes
2006-05-12, 2:54 AM #136
Originally posted by Bill:
it just seems like it may be a bit too interactive...

o rly?

A bit too interactive.

Wow, I don't think I've ever seen that as a negative.
2006-05-12, 5:47 AM #137
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]They said sub-$200, I believe. I saw it on an ign headline.[/QUOTE]

They've never set a price. IGN has lied a couple times already to produce news, unfortunately.

There have been at least 3 interviews on G4 saying that they refuse to set a price at this point, but saying that it will be cheaper than the 360 and the PS3 (which was pretty much a 'duh' answer).
2006-05-12, 6:02 AM #138
Originally posted by Bill:
Dude... I don't know.... Part of the whole thing about playing videogames is being able to do things which you do not readily have the skills to achieve. If I actually have to physically do the things which my character is doing in the game, then it just seems like it may be a bit too interactive... especially if it's something I can do in real life.

I'm sure they have the option on the system to use the Wiimote or a regular control system...
2006-05-12, 12:49 PM #139
I don't know... maybe it's just me, but when I play videogames, I don't really want to be flailing my arms about unless I just lost. I like to sit down and chill and play the damned game. This is why I do not play games like DDR.
>>untie shoes
2006-05-12, 2:08 PM #140
I bet you do it anyways and don't notice it.
2006-05-12, 6:34 PM #141
Originally posted by Bill:
I don't know... maybe it's just me, but when I play videogames, I don't really want to be flailing my arms about unless I just lost. I like to sit down and chill and play the damned game. This is why I do not play games like DDR.

Also, a lot of what is demonstrated is just for show. According to some of the reporters/blogs on the floor, you can turn the sensitivity of the controllers up and get away with small, controlled movements. I'm willing to bet you unconciously tilt/move a controller anyway, so this would be only a bit of an exagerration on movements you make anyway.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2006-05-14, 4:20 AM #142
Originally posted by Bill:
Dude... I don't know.... Part of the whole thing about playing videogames is being able to do things which you do not readily have the skills to achieve. If I actually have to physically do the things which my character is doing in the game, then it just seems like it may be a bit too interactive... especially if it's something I can do in real life.
$200 for a Wii, $50 for a game, and I can - by moving my own hands in a more-or-less natural fashion - shoot people in the face with a pistol and cut them up with a sword.


$400 for a pistol, $25 for a box of ammo, $4000 for a combat-worthy katana (4 lbs of hand-forged folded steel, not the 16 pound $200 Cutco special that will break at the tang the first time you swing it). Oh yeah, and life in prison assuming you survive.

See, I can do it in real life but it just doesn't seem like a good bargain to me. This line of argument doesn't fly. If you like fishing, fine: buy decent fishing poles. If you like tennis you should buy a good racquet. I did. Not that I ever get to use it though.

Sure, you can do most of these activities in real life. The problem is that they're expensive. It's a tough sell to your afraid-of-the-sun gamer friends. Wii Sports isn't. And as long as the simulated version of the game is cheaper than the real version of it, I say the more realistic the better.
2006-05-14, 6:25 AM #143
Are those things really 4000$? I have one, but its five hundred years old. I wonder if it's worth more.
2006-05-14, 8:07 AM #144
no, not the old ones. that is how much it costs to get a katana hand forged.

anyway, as many chacacters in FF games past 6 have prooven, cast metal swords > forged swords.
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2006-05-14, 8:51 AM #145

Metal castings suck. They're often porous, their quality is almost unpredictable, EVEN UDER ISO STANDARDS. And they're a ****ing pain in the *** to work with.

They're WAY weaker than something either machined or hand forged.

The only reason they don't fully machine things like engine blocks from solid steel on cars is because it'd jack the price up exponentially.
2006-05-14, 9:59 AM #146
A real combat-worthy sword needs to have a carbon gradient. Low-carbon in the middle, so it's flexible. High carbon on the edge, so it holds a blade.

All of the modern swords I've seen from large companies are either crafted entirely from tool steel or entirely from mild steel. They're also much too thick and weigh 5-20 times more than they should. Real swords were very light and very fast (even the claymore) - the katana was heavier than most, because it was designed for chopping off limbs.

$4000 is on the low-end for hand-forged swords. In medieval times it would take the labor of a master smith and 3-4 apprentices hammering to craft one. Swords were typically made from several different pieces of metal which were forge-welded together, which not only required speed but also required oil quenching.
Nowadays we use power hammers. That's if you can find a bladesmith at all.
2006-05-14, 10:06 AM #147
Originally posted by Jon`C:
A real combat-worthy sword needs to have a carbon gradient. Low-carbon in the middle, so it's flexible. High carbon on the edge, so it holds a blade.

All of the modern swords I've seen from large companies are either crafted entirely from tool steel or entirely from mild steel. They're also much too thick and weigh 5-20 times more than they should. Real swords were very light and very fast (even the claymore) - the katana was heavier than most, because it was designed for chopping off limbs.

$4000 is on the low-end for hand-forged swords. In medieval times it would take the labor of a master smith and 3-4 apprentices hammering to craft one. Swords were typically made from several different pieces of metal which were forge-welded together, which not only required speed but also required oil quenching.
Nowadays we use power hammers. That's if you can find a bladesmith at all.

2006-05-14, 11:31 AM #148
Originally posted by Jon`C:
A real combat-worthy sword needs to have a carbon gradient. Low-carbon in the middle, so it's flexible. High carbon on the edge, so it holds a blade.

All of the modern swords I've seen from large companies are either crafted entirely from tool steel or entirely from mild steel. They're also much too thick and weigh 5-20 times more than they should. Real swords were very light and very fast (even the claymore) - the katana was heavier than most, because it was designed for chopping off limbs.

$4000 is on the low-end for hand-forged swords. In medieval times it would take the labor of a master smith and 3-4 apprentices hammering to craft one. Swords were typically made from several different pieces of metal which were forge-welded together, which not only required speed but also required oil quenching.
Nowadays we use power hammers. That's if you can find a bladesmith at all.

Yeah I know.

But you seriously can't say that a casting is harder than a forged sword.

I used to work with castings all day long. I know EXACTLY how much they sucked.

I'll have to call my old boss and see if they ever solved any of the problems.

What I'm basically alluding to, is that a sword made from a metal casting would probably break fairly easily.
2006-05-14, 5:46 PM #149
That's what I said.
2006-05-14, 6:31 PM #150
I know, it's just, I can't get over how dumb the other guy is!
2006-05-14, 6:41 PM #151
2006-05-14, 7:21 PM #152
"It's about bloody time!" You can probably guess that I'm not angry.
2006-05-14, 8:21 PM #153
Originally posted by alpha1:
no, not the old ones. that is how much it costs to get a katana hand forged.

anyway, as many chacacters in FF games past 6 have prooven, cast metal swords > forged swords.

Still, if it's that old it's got to be hand made. It's still in perfect condition, if I were to guess I'd say it wasn't more than a few years old, but I know other wise. Do you think I could get more than 4000$ for it? It's some katana. I can post pics, if anyone here knows anything about them.
2006-05-14, 8:23 PM #154
I'll give you three fiddy for it.
2006-05-14, 8:27 PM #155
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Still, if it's that old it's got to be hand made. It's still in perfect condition, if I were to guess I'd say it wasn't more than a few years old, but I know other wise. Do you think I could get more than 4000$ for it? It's some katana. I can post pics, if anyone here knows anything about them.
If it weighs more than 3-4 lbs it's worth about $80. To someone who wants a pretty-looking decoration.
2006-05-14, 8:36 PM #156
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi] It's that way the same way all DVD players were like 600 when they came out and the PS2 was 300 dollars.[/QUOTE]

Does anyone else think Sony is banking a little too much on the blu-ray thing though? I'm certainly not about to repurchase all my DVDs for a slight increase in quality and a large increase in DRM. I can't see a whole lot of others doing it either, DVD hasn't been around for *that* long and it's good enough for most people.

It seems like if they ditched the blu-ray thing the console would be a much more reasonable price. Blu-ray just isn't desirable enough to justify the extra cost on top of the console. If I was actually going to buy one, I'd rather spend for example 2 x $350 to get the PS3 and a blu-ray player separate than cough up $600 beans in one hit. Reason being that not everyone who would be interested in a PS3 is interested in blu-ray discs, and secondly because a 350 hit to the wallet is easier to absorb at any given time than a $600 one. (All numbers are guesstimated ;))

Meh, but what do I know, they'll release the thing and it'll probably sell by the truckload.
2006-05-14, 8:55 PM #157
Originally posted by alpha1:
no, not the old ones. that is how much it costs to get a katana hand forged.

anyway, as many chacacters in FF games past 6 have prooven, cast metal swords > forged swords.

Uh, casting is roughly the equivalent of balsa wood.

It's ugly too.

It took me three weeks of lots of time to make a semi0nice knife. And then I messed up on heat treating and quenching it and more or less ruined it now. Looks like a god damned orc dagger. :(
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-05-14, 9:14 PM #158
Originally posted by Rerun:
Does anyone else think Sony is banking a little too much on the blu-ray thing though? I'm certainly not about to repurchase all my DVDs for a slight increase in quality and a large increase in DRM. I can't see a whole lot of others doing it either, DVD hasn't been around for *that* long and it's good enough for most people.

It seems like if they ditched the blu-ray thing the console would be a much more reasonable price. Blu-ray just isn't desirable enough to justify the extra cost on top of the console. If I was actually going to buy one, I'd rather spend for example 2 x $350 to get the PS3 and a blu-ray player separate than cough up $600 beans in one hit. Reason being that not everyone who would be interested in a PS3 is interested in blu-ray discs, and secondly because a 350 hit to the wallet is easier to absorb at any given time than a $600 one. (All numbers are guesstimated ;))

Meh, but what do I know, they'll release the thing and it'll probably sell by the truckload.

Blu-Ray players will be at least a grand at release.

And you'd be surprised. People will latch onto it thinking it's the best thing since sliced bread without even knowing what Blu-Ray really is. It'll be slow at first, but it'll catch on.
2006-05-14, 9:20 PM #159
Wait until Sony starts to release stuff as the release date approaches, and people are going to change their mind. So many people have already made up their minds about which console is better when they lack a lot of information on the PS3.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-14, 9:59 PM #160
Originally posted by Avenger:
Wait until Sony starts to release stuff as the release date approaches, and people are going to change their mind. So many people have already made up their minds about which console is better when they lack a lot of information on the PS3.

Not to mention Sony is the KING of advertisement. Remember the PS2's victory over the far more able Dreamcast.

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