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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Israel invades Gaza and Lebanon...
Israel invades Gaza and Lebanon...
2006-07-18, 8:16 AM #121
Originally posted by Freelancer:
I wonder how many lives would be saved if all the effort that Massassians put into arguing, they instead put toward saving lives. 10? 100? 1,000? 1,000,000?

Net lives saved...probably none given the apparent psychotics Massassi has.
2006-07-18, 10:12 AM #122
Originally posted by Freelancer:
I wonder how many lives would be saved if all the effort that Massassians put into arguing, they instead put toward saving lives. 10? 100? 1,000? 1,000,000?

I <3 you. Lets form the massassi commando corps.
"The only crime I'm guilty of is love [of china]"
- Ruthven
me clan me mod
2006-07-18, 10:13 AM #123
Originally posted by Freelancer:
I wonder how many lives would be saved if all the effort that Massassians put into arguing, they instead put toward saving lives. 10? 100? 1,000? 1,000,000?

None, because there's not a goddamned thing we could do to save anyone in Israel's life.

Seriously, that's gotta be one of the stupidest statements I've ever seen.
2006-07-18, 11:00 AM #124
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-07-18, 11:09 AM #125
2006-07-18, 1:00 PM #126
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Then maybe, as a Jewish man, you shouldn't be saying things that could be a quote straight from Mein Kampf.

"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2006-07-18, 1:04 PM #127
Originally posted by fishstickz:

Godwin* :p
2006-07-18, 1:05 PM #128
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]None, because there's not a goddamned thing we could do to save anyone in Israel's life.

Seriously, that's gotta be one of the stupidest statements I've ever seen.[/QUOTE]

Wow... talk about no sense of humor. Oh wait... he quoted Freelancer. I forgot about DJ's AI scripting...

ListOfUsers = new Array();
ListOfUsers[0] = "Freelancer"
ListOfUsers[1] = "Obi_Kwiet"
ListOfUsers[2] = "SF_Gold_01"

for(i=0; i<ListOfUsers.Length; i++)
   if(GetUserName(poster) == ListOfUsers)

The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2006-07-18, 1:07 PM #129
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Godwin* :p[/QUOTE]

I know what I posted. And I know what I wanted to post. Your correction means nothing.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2006-07-18, 1:18 PM #130
Originally posted by SavageX378:
Wow... talk about no sense of humor. Oh wait... he quoted Freelancer. I forgot about DJ's AI scripting...

ListOfUsers = new Array();
ListOfUsers[0] = "Freelancer"
ListOfUsers[1] = "Obi_Kwiet"
ListOfUsers[2] = "SF_Gold_01"

for(i=0; i<ListOfUsers.Length; i++)
   if(GetUserName(poster) == ListOfUsers)


Freelancer himself said he never jokes.

But your oh-so-unwitty breakdown of my posts which is vastly untrue has me doubled up in agony. But not from laughter. Grats.

Originally posted by fishstickz:
I know what I posted. And I know what I wanted to post. Your correction means nothing.

Do you mean "Godwhine'd" then? Because I don't think his post had anything to do with either fermented grapes or the program that allows Windows/DOS programs to be run in Linux.
2006-07-18, 1:22 PM #131
Your skill in reading has increased by 1 point.
2006-07-18, 1:45 PM #132
this is certainly turning into a quality relevant thread
2006-07-18, 2:03 PM #133
Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
this is certainly turning into a quality relevant thread

Helping it along quite nicely aren't you?
2006-07-18, 2:26 PM #134
we didn't start the fire...
2006-07-18, 2:41 PM #135
it was always burning...
2006-07-18, 2:48 PM #136
I gave up Yoshi. You wouldn't listen, you just flamed me. I was perfetly respectiful, but no, you had to be a mellodramtic jerk.

I don't care if I treat idiots like crap, for one. I don't try to look like a hero, I don't look like an "angry idiot who forgot to take his meds" (this coming from the kid who has no life, no sense of humor, and no decent insight into anything. No, that's not me, before someone so "hilariously" points that bit out.)

I treat people with respect who deserve that respect. You have never deserved any respect from me, and your unfailing devotion to whatever stupid notion has entered your mind (poet and didn't know it!) has only further made me dislike you more. You maintain that there's some honor or greatness in joining and serving the military, serving our government. There's not. You're just another man hired to do a job, you're not some hero just because you joined the military, and even if you think that you're wrong. You're another tool of the government--just like those that work for the Secret Service, FBI, any government agency--they don't care why you joined, just how capable you are. Get that stupid, naive thought out of your mind.

So... anyone who ever disagrees with you ever is an idiot who deserves no respect? And before you say I'm exaggerating, I have to first say I don't remember you ever respectfully disagreeing with anyone. Such an occurrence would likely coincide with the discovery of flying pigs.

Also, you're wrong about my sense of humor. I find the oblivious irony of your posts very funny, as I'm sure many of my fellow posters do also.
2006-07-18, 3:04 PM #137
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Wait wait wait, what?
First off, here's how organized the IDF is: USS Liberty incident.

You're using an attack from '67 involving questionable intent in order to show that the IDF, arguably the only force that can time and time again defeat the U.S. military in training operations, is not organized? The Israelis have a truly frightening military; they're the source of desert fighting skills and tactics for the West (water intervals, flanking, air support, AC units, etc).
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-07-18, 3:21 PM #138
I'll tell you who's coming out ahead of all this, Ahmadinejad. That guy had the world down its back and now the world shifted its attention to Israel and Lebanon. Iran is temporarily free from world pressure and now the crazy ******* can do stuff like continue his weapons program. Whether this is contrived or simply happenstance, Iran's on cloud-9 right now.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2006-07-18, 3:39 PM #139
Eh...I would recommend you pay attention to current deployment locations in Iraq and then think about where Iran's sitting.
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-07-18, 3:40 PM #140
Originally posted by JediGandalf:
I'll tell you who's coming out ahead of all this, Ahmadinejad. That guy had the world down its back and now the world shifted its attention to Israel and Lebanon. Iran is temporarily free from world pressure and now the crazy ******* can do stuff like continue his weapons program. Whether this is contrived or simply happenstance, Iran's on cloud-9 right now.

Hezbollah following the "Cedar Revolution"

During the months following Syria's (Hezbollah's main backer) April 2005 withdrawal from Lebanon, international and domestic pressure has mounted on Hezbollah to dismantle its military wing and become solely a political party. On November 21, 2005 Hezbollah launched a heavy attack along the entire border with Israel which was intended to provide tactical cover for a squad of Hezbollah special forces attempting to abduct Israeli troops from the Israeli side of the village of Al-Ghajar[35]. The attack failed when IDF Paratroopers ambushed and killed 4 Hezbollah members and scattered the rest[36]. The IDF counter-attacked and destroyed Hezbollah's front line outposts and communication centers. The scope of the attack forced Lebanon (whose army does not control southern Lebanon) to request a cease-fire. Following the attack the UN Security Council denounced Hezbollah[37]. Commentators have speculated that the attack was an attempt to draw Israel into renewed conflict in Lebanon, alleviating diplomatic pressure on its backers Syria (which is under investigation for the assassination of Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri) and Iran (which is under UN investigation regarding alleged violations of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty)[38].


Seems like it could be a possibility.
2006-07-18, 3:45 PM #141
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
I gave up Yoshi. You wouldn't listen, you just flamed me. I was perfetly respectiful, but no, you had to be a mellodramtic jerk.

Because you deserve no respect from me, and you never were respectful. You continually insulted me, just as I did you. So if I am so horrible, indeed, you sit upon a throne of horror beside me.

But there was no melodrama, so I don't know where you got that much from.

Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
So... anyone who ever disagrees with you ever is an idiot who deserves no respect? And before you say I'm exaggerating, I have to first say I don't remember you ever respectfully disagreeing with anyone. Such an occurrence would likely coincide with the discovery of flying pigs.

Also, you're wrong about my sense of humor. I find the oblivious irony of your posts very funny, as I'm sure many of my fellow posters do also.

To name a few people, Avenger, Gandalf there, Kuat, TSM, and there have been more people that I've respectfully disagreed with. Once again, I give respect to those who deserve it--you in your narrow-sighted quest to sully my name (which you have the full support of many other similarly disrespectful massassians) in any way you can (indeed, whenever you respond to anything I say you're always trying to put me down in some manner, just as you claim I try to do to you. Speaking of irony...)

And I was not incorrect about your horrid sense of humor, for there is no irony in my posts, and only sad truth.
2006-07-18, 3:52 PM #142
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]
Hahaha. Those in the military don't get paid an exorbitant amount, true. But you forget they have every necessity and most wants paid for--so all 2 grand they make a month or so can be used on bull****. They get paid extremely well when you take into account their benefits, their family's benefits, the benefits they get for the rest of their life just for being in the service. You may not see them as mercs, but many people join the military because of the awesome pay (which it is awesome pay when you take everything into consideration) and the ability to restart their life. There are those that join because they want to serve their country, but that point is moot--no matter which camp you fall into you're still just a tool to be used. You're not getting this point because you think I'm wrong, and I know you're wrong in that regard and anyone who is much less naive than yourself would be inclined to agree.


Uh, what? That definitely is not neccesarily true. You're getting lied to if you think it's awesome pay. I know way, way too many military families who live below the poverty line. And knowing you, you will respond to this post calling those families inbred and lowlifes like your obnoxious little self is. No, these are senior NCO families, career military, who save money, who don't spend their allowance on boats instead of food.

Families don't get benefits if they fit certain (broad) criteria, and neither do servicemembers. In about two weeks I'll be leaving for boot camp, and do you know how much my Drill Instructors will make? For working 18 hours a day every day? LESS than minimum wage, is what it works out to. I bet you forgot that the military doesn't have standard office hours. You're doing a LOT more work, and losing a LOT more of your life than working at Best Buy (no offense to any blue shirted salespeople who post here). They and their families live in ****ty houses that leak and don't have even swamp coolers, and have to depend on meal allowance rather than a decent salary to eat. Lots can manage nicer off base housing, but things get pretty thin if they do that.

Don't get me wrong, I have no illusions about what I am joining. I joined an organization that only exists to fight and win wars. We're tools for the country. I didn't swear an oath to have fun and eat sushi off of naked women in Okinawa, I swore an oath to "defend the constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic". Nothing fuzzy about that and I'm pretty sure you don't have the balls to do it, however much you say you do, or however much you 'never would'. And hey, if you DO have them, go and prove it, or nobody is ever going to believe you.

But please, do not demean me and my friends and family by saying we get all this awesome **** for doing work nobody else wants to do, we really don't. When you figure in all the taxes that have to be paid (yes, on government salary) all the equipment that has to be purchased (you purchase all your uniforms, often have to pay for training material) and how much more time is put in, it's not some cushy paying job. It's a ****ty job that only people who haven't ever known better, or are stubborn jackasses can like and be comfortable with. Coincidentally, the only people who really want to join the military are people who don't know better and crazy *** stubborn people, IMO.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-07-18, 3:52 PM #143
Originally posted by JediGandalf:
I'll tell you who's coming out ahead of all this, Ahmadinejad. That guy had the world down its back and now the world shifted its attention to Israel and Lebanon. Iran is temporarily free from world pressure and now the crazy ******* can do stuff like continue his weapons program. Whether this is contrived or simply happenstance, Iran's on cloud-9 right now.

NK too, slightly
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-07-18, 3:55 PM #144
Originally posted by Spook:
...When you figure in all the taxes that have to be paid (yes, on government salary) all the equipment that has to be purchased (you purchase all your uniforms, often have to pay for training material) and how much more time is put in, it's not some cushy paying job... etc

Well, that was educational. I think many are under the impression you guys get treated better than that/get paid more with more benefits; I certainly was.
2006-07-18, 4:38 PM #145
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Because you deserve no respect from me, and you never were respectful. You continually insulted me, just as I did you. So if I am so horrible, indeed, you sit upon a throne of horror beside me.

When... was this?


[quote=DJ Yoshi]
You're just another fundie who could give two ****s less about other people. Enjoy your regime while it lasts.[/quote]

[quote=DJ Yoshi]Gratz on the inability to pass elementary school[/quote]

Yeah, that one didn't even aspire to melodrama.

[quote=DJ Yoshi]That's a goddamned lie. We were in Somalia, we were helping them, but Black Hawk Down happened and we pussed out. We could have easily entered Rwanda, and would have gotten UN support had we entered, but the UN was wrapped up in the same train of thought that Dalf seems to be sporting. Nobody else was helping, we can't make a difference, blah blah wah wah. Someone has to start the helping.[/quote]

You call someone a liar, but you don't bother to back up your accusation with any links or anything?

[quote=DJ Yoshi]
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Originally Posted by Obi_Kwiet
And really, if people don't want freedom enough, we can't give it to them. They have to want it enough to overthrow the tyrants themselves and set up the government themselves. That's the only way it will work. And that's why Iraq is not working now. It won't work until all of Iraq rises up and drives out the terrorist them selves. We can lead them to the door, but in the end they have to open it. That's what everyone forgets. It's one thing if we help people when their cause it just, but if they don't want the cause enough to die for it the cause it self will die.

No, they don't have to "want it" to overthrow tyrants. They can want it all they want, but you forget about a thing called technology. The tyrants own guns, explosives, well-trained armies, and are working on a very small scale. You're talking countries where half the population serves the government in some way because they need that many people to keep things running. When you have even 1/3 of the population with guns against 2/3 with sticks and stones, you quickly find yourself righteously ****ed if you're on the revolutionaries' side. Also, Iraqis say they're extremely thankful to us for helping us rid them of Saddam, albeit they do want us out. I doubt that's a nation that "didn't want it badly enough". That argument is bull**** and you know it.[/quote]

Emotional swear-filled attack to a perfectly civil post?

[quote=DJ Yoshi]No, we should have a little ****ing compassion for our fellow humans. They're not toys, they're not little beings that don't matter, they're ****ing human. What if it was your best friend? Your brother? Your father? What if they were the ones dying because they believed in something the tyrannical leaders didn't like, what if they were the ones being slaughtered just for being born?[/quote]

The swearing was unnecessary. Melodramatic. Stupid.

There's plenty of other stuff that you've posted that ranged to excessively hostile, to direct attacks. How did I not respect you? By having the gaul to disagree with you? Or maybe expressing irritation at a bunch of uncalled for hostility and personal attacks?
2006-07-18, 4:49 PM #146
Originally posted by Spook:
Uh, what? That definitely is not neccesarily true. You're getting lied to if you think it's awesome pay. I know way, way too many military families who live below the poverty line. And knowing you, you will respond to this post calling those families inbred and lowlifes like your obnoxious little self is. No, these are senior NCO families, career military, who save money, who don't spend their allowance on boats instead of food.

What? No. I have no idea what you're getting at or why your attack was so venomous, but calling me an inbred lowlife I believe is way, way out of line. The pay isn't "awesome", I told you, it's the benefits that make up for it. And I doubt they live below the poverty line unless they're making less than 15 grand a year, which the service doesn't even offer last I checked. But despite that, my point stands, whether you want to hate me for it or not--the government does not view you as people, only tools. To view you as people would add a touch of humanity that would make managing an army impossible.

Originally posted by Spook:
Families don't get benefits if they fit certain (broad) criteria, and neither do servicemembers. In about two weeks I'll be leaving for boot camp, and do you know how much my Drill Instructors will make? For working 18 hours a day every day? LESS than minimum wage, is what it works out to. I bet you forgot that the military doesn't have standard office hours. You're doing a LOT more work, and losing a LOT more of your life than working at Best Buy (no offense to any blue shirted salespeople who post here). They and their families live in ****ty houses that leak and don't have even swamp coolers, and have to depend on meal allowance rather than a decent salary to eat. Lots can manage nicer off base housing, but things get pretty thin if they do that.

1) Chill the **** out. Seriously, you're going about this all wrong.
2) I know they don't have "standard office hours"--two out of four of my family members served in the military. I know it's a full-time commitment that you work all day for, and yeah, you do get less than minimum wage when it's worked out. But you also get a place to stay, food to eat, usually the benefits are very good (I haven't heard of these broad criteria which would nullify benefits, but my family did serve like 10-15 years ago), and you still make money on top of that. Not much, but unless you have obligations you have nothing to spend it on.

Originally posted by Spook:
Don't get me wrong, I have no illusions about what I am joining. I joined an organization that only exists to fight and win wars. We're tools for the country. I didn't swear an oath to have fun and eat sushi off of naked women in Okinawa, I swore an oath to "defend the constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic". Nothing fuzzy about that and I'm pretty sure you don't have the balls to do it, however much you say you do, or however much you 'never would'. And hey, if you DO have them, go and prove it, or nobody is ever going to believe you.

I...what? It's got nothing to do with balls--that's one separation that I hate. "Oh, if you don't serve the military you're a failure to our country". Shut the **** up. Seriously. Different strokes. I respect those that DO go and serve the military, and have said time and again I'd never do it because it's not the lifestyle I choose for myself. I don't ask to be revered because I don't, I don't claim I would go and fight (because I wouldn't) in any country other than my own unless the need was dire, and I don't claim myself to be someone I'm not. I don't know where you got some impression I passed it off as "Oh, I could do that if I wanted", but that is not the case at all. I would never join the military, not as it is right now.

Also, what you said at the beginning of the paragraph is exactly what I was trying to convey to Obi--if he won't take it from me, maybe he'll take it from someone who is going into the service.

Originally posted by Spook:
But please, do not demean me and my friends and family by saying we get all this awesome **** for doing work nobody else wants to do, we really don't. When you figure in all the taxes that have to be paid (yes, on government salary) all the equipment that has to be purchased (you purchase all your uniforms, often have to pay for training material) and how much more time is put in, it's not some cushy paying job. It's a ****ty job that only people who haven't ever known better, or are stubborn jackasses can like and be comfortable with. Coincidentally, the only people who really want to join the military are people who don't know better and crazy *** stubborn people, IMO.

1) I'm not trying to demean anyone. I'm trying to state the truth of the army--that you guys aren't some noble and special service that is only filled with superheroes and should be regarded as such. There are people from every walk of life that join the service, and I respect anyone who does--to a certain extent. I'm not going to automatically call you my personal god just because you joined up, but I realize that for those with families especially it's not a thankful chore, and no, you guys don't get amazing ****. I just meant that, from my understanding, the pay was decent, the benefits were good, and the meals and lodgings were free. Paying for your uniform/training materials isn't as much as you make it out to be, from what I've heard about the service, and the taxes are much less than working a non-governmental job from what I understand, but the pay is still decent.

Forgive me if I came off wrong--I didn't mean to say you could support a 3 person family on it, pay off a house, a car and a boat or whatever, and I didn't mean to say that it was an amazing deal, I was merely outlining that you guys DO get compensated for your job (although you're the first serviceman to say to me that the compensation sucked as badly as it does).

But some of the **** you said was way out of line. Seriously.
2006-07-18, 4:56 PM #147
The only points worth responding to--

Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
You call someone a liar, but you don't bother to back up your accusation with any links or anything?

I need links to explain a situation that happened less than 2 decades ago? That's like saying "We waited till almost 1942 to enter the second World War? LINK ME PLZ!". To all who understand and know the situation, what I said was right. We were there, the question of resources wasn't even a question--it was politics. Once again, you have no grasp of the situation in that area.

Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Emotional swear-filled attack to a perfectly civil post?

The swearing was unnecessary. Melodramatic. Stupid.

There's plenty of other stuff that you've posted that ranged to excessively hostile, to direct attacks. How did I not respect you? By having the gaul to disagree with you? Or maybe expressing irritation at a bunch of uncalled for hostility and personal attacks?

Oh, I'm not denying I haven't quipped you, I'm saying you've quipped me many times. I don't need to go through this thread and pick out the specific points where you did, as it's obvious to anyone who reads the post.

And swearing != emotional melodrama. I use swears as if they were everyday words, I don't really put any emotional meaning behind them 99% of the time. I don't see any reason why--why should I censor a part of the english language, especially if the site does it for me? I could give two ****s less about swearing, it's just a word. You seem to think that because I swear I'm somehow emotionally attached to the subject at hand (though, in the case of Rwanda and Somalia I do have an emotional attachment--sorry if millions of lives causes that :v: ), or that I'm angry or trying to incite a riot. All it means is that I'm typing. I don't watch my words for anyone, much less an online forum (no matter how seriously you guys take the stupidest bull**** like swearing). Seriously, that's like saying because Lowtax swears, he must obviously be serious and trying to incite melodrama in all his articles on SA. Your logic is unsound and your point is moot.
2006-07-18, 4:57 PM #148
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]What? No. I have no idea what you're getting at or why your attack was so venomous, but calling me an inbred lowlife I believe is way, way out of line. The pay isn't "awesome", I told you, it's the benefits that make up for it. And I doubt they live below the poverty line unless they're making less than 15 grand a year, which the service doesn't even offer last I checked. But despite that, my point stands, whether you want to hate me for it or not--the government does not view you as people, only tools. To view you as people would add a touch of humanity that would make managing an army impossible.

1) Chill the **** out. Seriously, you're going about this all wrong.
2) I know they don't have "standard office hours"--two out of four of my family members served in the military. I know it's a full-time commitment that you work all day for, and yeah, you do get less than minimum wage when it's worked out. But you also get a place to stay, food to eat, usually the benefits are very good (I haven't heard of these broad criteria which would nullify benefits, but my family did serve like 10-15 years ago), and you still make money on top of that. Not much, but unless you have obligations you have nothing to spend it on.


Speaking as someone who is considering joining the military and someone who knows people who have and will join the military, I can tell you that it's not for the benefits. The benefits exist because that simply how an army has to work. People in prison get those same benefits. For what you get and the risk to you life it's just not worth it. You'd have to be out of your mind to join for the pay and benefits. It's an afterthought, really.
2006-07-18, 5:05 PM #149
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Speaking as someone who is considering joining the military and someone who knows people who have and will join the military, I can tell you that it's not for the benefits. The benefits exist because that simply how an army has to work. People in prison get those same benefits. For what you get and the risk to you life it's just not worth it. You'd have to be out of your mind to join for the pay and benefits. It's an afterthought, really.

Interesting, since all the "Join the Reserves" kind of videos around here always mention the great benefits and how they'll pay for your college and give you skills that you'll need. Does that mean that people who consider the army reserves after hearing such info are out of their mind?
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2006-07-18, 5:05 PM #150
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Speaking as someone who is considering joining the military and someone who knows people who have and will join the military, I can tell you that it's not for the benefits. The benefits exist because that simply how an army has to work. People in prison get those same benefits. For what you get and the risk to you life it's just not worth it. You'd have to be out of your mind to join for the pay and benefits. It's an afterthought, really.


You're still not ****in listening, seriously. I'm not saying anyone would join the military for the benefits. That doesn't impact the point of my posts at all. Get off the subject, and don't act as if you're the only one who knows about joining the military. My uncle pushed the idea onto me countless times, my mom's told me about it, I've had lectures since I was 12 urging me to join. I'm not saying it's worth it, I'm merely saying they're compensated.

And there are some pretty sweet deals to going into the military for some people. You can get your record cleaned, get your high school education, get job training which is invaluable and can land you a 40 grand/year job right out of the military if not better, and there's a lot of other benefits. To be honest, it's not as bad as people make it out to be--if you go to one year of college before you go into the military you automatically get a ****load of benefits and a better position.

Trust me, I've weighed out my options, I know about joining the military, but it's just not for me.

And yes, they WILL pay for your college in full. After you're out you owe them years of service, but they will pay for it regardless.

You guys underestimate some of the benefits the military does have to offer.
2006-07-18, 5:23 PM #151
That's totally cool. I'm not even sure how you interpreted that as me wanting you to join the military.

I was referencing this:

[QUote=JD Yoshi]Our soldiers aren't people, while they're in the service. They are fighting machines, they get paid to live and die for the wishes of our government. They may as well be mercenaries with loyalties. Money DOES fight wars, whether you believe it or not, as everyone can be bought, and for most people the Army, the Navy, or the Air Force has just the right amount of money to pay out.

I was saying how that's not why they join and how that's really not quite the correct way to look at it in our particular government. Imperial France and England maybe but not the US.
2006-07-18, 5:27 PM #152
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
That's totally cool. I'm not even sure how you interpreted that as me wanting you to join the military.

I'm not saying that at all. I didn't interpret it that way.

Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
I was referencing this:

I was saying how that's not why they join and how that's really not quite the correct way to look at it in our particular government. Imperial France and England maybe but not the US.

Damn, that JD Yoshi sure knows what he's talking about. But, my point stands that it doesn't matter why they join. What I said is fact, a sad fact, that even Spook admitted to--if you tell yourself anything else you're lying to yourself.
2006-07-18, 5:50 PM #153
I'm not saying they don't have to. I'm talking the implied contract between citizens and the military. Sure you could send the troops out to make an empire, but it would be taking advantage of them, and would cause less people to volunteer in the future. In other words I'm trying to say that they are != to money or machines, just because they have to do what their leaders tell them too.
2006-07-18, 5:52 PM #154
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]But your oh-so-unwitty breakdown of my posts which is vastly untrue has me doubled up in agony. But not from laughter. Grats.[/QUOTE]

You're welcome. The post wasn't supposed to make you laugh. The fact that I put you in agony was a nice bonus though.
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2006-07-18, 5:59 PM #155
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
I'm not saying they don't have to. I'm talking the implied contract between citizens and the military. Sure you could send the troops out to make an empire, but it would be taking advantage of them, and would cause less people to volunteer in the future. In other words I'm trying to say that they are != to money or machines, just because they have to do what their leaders tell them too.

They are making an empire--the only reason we get involved in the Mid-East is, as someone said earlier, to stabilize oil prices. That's what our entire purpose there in Iraq is, and what it became after week 1, basically. We put military pressure on countries that don't do as we like--or economic. We are making an empire but it's just not as overtly obvious. We're securing the US' wants and needs, slowly but surely.

Originally posted by SavageX378:
You're welcome. The post wasn't supposed to make you laugh. The fact that I put you in agony was a nice bonus though.

I didn't know you enjoyed other people in agony at your stupidity.
2006-07-18, 6:05 PM #156
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]They are making an empire--the only reason we get involved in the Mid-East is, as someone said earlier, to stabilize oil prices. That's what our entire purpose there in Iraq is, and what it became after week 1, basically. We put military pressure on countries that don't do as we like--or economic. We are making an empire but it's just not as overtly obvious. We're securing the US' wants and needs, slowly but surely.


That really is not relevant to my claim.

And if it is an empire is a pretty lousy empire. Gas is like three bucks a gallon.
2006-07-18, 6:14 PM #157
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
That really is not relevant to my claim.

And if it is an empire is a pretty lousy empire. Gas is like three bucks a gallon.

1) It's extremely relevant to your claim.
2) Things take time. It'll be 10 years to 20 years before we see the positive effects of this war. But once we do, trust me, our children will be grateful for it. It's too sad that might make Bush a good president in the publics' eyes in the long run, despite all the mistakes and wrongdoings he had in his presidency.
2006-07-18, 6:41 PM #158
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]They are making an empire--the only reason we get involved in the Mid-East is, as someone said earlier, to stabilize oil prices. That's what our entire purpose there in Iraq is, and what it became after week 1, basically. We put military pressure on countries that don't do as we like--or economic. We are making an empire but it's just not as overtly obvious. We're securing the US' wants and needs, slowly but surely.[/QUOTE]

Haha... I remember getting flamed by several Massassians for much less than this. They called me ignorant even though I pointed out how they installed (ex-Unocal) Kharzai as their puppet in Afghanistan to ensure the building of a major new oil pipeline.

I also remember elaborating about the fabricated evidence for the existence of WOMD in Iraq, claiming they lied about their motives to go to Iraq, and being called a liar for that by Yoshi. Don't get me wrong, I hold no grudges, and this is no attempt to get back at you. I'm sincerely amused to see how often we seem to agree on things these days. :psyduck:

The times they are-a-changin'! :v:
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2006-07-18, 6:45 PM #159
And my eyes are-a-opening. To be honest, I've just grown up a lot since "the day", and I've learned a lot. I was a stupid, uninformed naive kid who thought he had the world licked, much like a lot of the people I see here. I know now things aren't so concrete and I've learned a lot--mostly that the ability to learn is what makes humanity so great. It's a shame that most people refuse to use it, blinded by their own opinions or the opinions of their parents.
2006-07-18, 6:49 PM #160
I don't think we actually went to war with Iraq over oil. It was the WMD thing.

But since we're already get the point. Same with Afghanistan. Perhaps it helped the cause and it's being taken advantage of, but I'm pretty confident that there is ( or at least was) more than just oil at stake.
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.

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