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ForumsDiscussion Forum → New possible Jedi Knight Game in development! Video link included.
New possible Jedi Knight Game in development! Video link included.
2006-07-23, 4:12 PM #41
I personally really enjoyed JA, so I'll probably enjoy this.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-07-23, 4:42 PM #42
I don't think a light side jedi would brutalize stormtroopers like that... :eek:
2006-07-23, 4:43 PM #43
the light side is for homosexuals and women :P

bring on the pure evil, thats where the fun is. :)
2006-07-23, 4:47 PM #44
Did anyone notice one of the stormies was holding a staff?
2006-07-23, 4:48 PM #45
Star Wars Force Unleashed?
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-07-23, 4:52 PM #46
Seems likely.....and the footage fits the title very well. I guess we can see it being a PS3/X-Box 360/PC game. The Wii can't handle that kind of graphics. Besides, it will probably get a verison that makes more use of the controller.
2006-07-23, 4:53 PM #47
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS:
I don't think a light side jedi would brutalize stormtroopers like that... :eek:

Actually, I hope that there will be more "gentle" ways of taking care of Stormtroopers, the last bit of that movie has Darth Vader beaten on the sadistic scale. We should just as well be able to take their guns, fling those into the distance, or use the scenery to restrict their movement but not necessarily kill or harm them. It might even be more challenging than just flat out killing stormtroopers in brutal ways.
Seishun da!
2006-07-23, 5:11 PM #48
Originally posted by Cloud:
Seems likely.....and the footage fits the title very well. I guess we can see it being a PS3/X-Box 360/PC game. The Wii can't handle that kind of graphics. Besides, it will probably get a verison that makes more use of the controller.

Have you seen Red Steel? I think it's capable.
2006-07-23, 5:48 PM #49
At least we know one thing -- one of the Jedi powers that the team plans to include for the next iteration is the ability to destroy something from the inside out. Now that's awesome!

That's Force Rip! That's a powerful Sith... er... power!
Do we get to chose a path again?!? YES!

On that note:
I hope that they include realistic capes/robes. With this new-fangled physics engine they're going on about, it should be handled properly, though I always thought that a spline system would be best for capes and such.
Dual wielding would be fun. An E-11 in each hand, charging down a corridor, illuminating the halls with coherent red light as dozens of stormtroopers come to pieces before you very eyes...
I'd also like, though I highly doubt they'll do this, to see this being set after the "Dark" ending from Jedi Knight. I really felt that there was a whole lot of interesting stories to be told there, and even speculated on some possible gameplay additions due to such a premise (like, having a roster of Hands that you manage, give them weapons, armor, train them in the Force, have them be, like, pilots or gunners or swordsmen or assassins or whatever. That would be totally boss to have in a game. I like playing Barbie with video game characters.)

-Most of all, I want the return of "Force Destruction", because using Lightning and Push and shouting "Kamehameha!" in JA just isn't the same as doing that obscene gesture and launching a giant red-orange ball of death.
2006-07-23, 5:55 PM #50
I just found this, the concept art looks alot like what we see in the movie
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-07-23, 6:01 PM #51
I see London, I see France, I see Zuckus and Arden Lyn!?!

-I'm *SO* getting this!
2006-07-23, 6:06 PM #52

2006-07-23, 6:07 PM #53
It occurs to me suddenly that this game is most likely set during the Jedi Purge, at least the later bits. Judging from the concept art, the smattering of similar storylines already out there, and the scant gameplay footage (and the articles I've read) it seems you play one of... maybe, like, three or four padawans on the run from Darth Vader and multiple Bounty Hunters.
This is the plot of every Star Wars book and RPG supplement that has come out in the past year.

-... not that it's necessarily a bad thing.
2006-07-23, 6:17 PM #54
that game looks really easy
2006-07-23, 6:20 PM #55
Originally posted by Whelly:
Are you sure? The last part with the Jedi smashing the stormstrooper over and over... that does not look like it could come from, say, a Wii, or even an Xbox 360.

I was wondering how it COULDN'T come from the Wii. I mean that level of control over the force would be best done with the remote. :)

[Edit: Grr, probably not for Wii. Makes me sad.]

2006-07-23, 6:38 PM #56
How about we wait until we have more info before making any judgements about the difficulty or platform.

Sure the video made certain things like easy (as others have said it probably had a good bit of scripting to it), but I doubt that those kind of destructive area of effect or "big" moves would be able to be done repeatedly eg force destruction from JK, or pushing a large number of troops in JO/JA. Besides a Jedi should be able to take out a couple of stormtroopers without any hassle.
2006-07-23, 6:44 PM #57
I remember reading some months ago that there was a game centered around Vader in the works...

Could this be the result?
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2006-07-23, 7:11 PM #58
[QUOTE=Commander 598]I remember reading some months ago that there was a game centered around Vader in the works...

Could this be the result?[/QUOTE]

I believe this is it.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2006-07-23, 7:17 PM #59
Do not care.

Seems to me that gaming in the future will be via console. In which case, I'll probably give it up.
2006-07-23, 7:21 PM #60
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-07-23, 7:26 PM #61
well after putting it off for 3 years, i now HAVE to upgrade my comp (hopefully iy comes out on the pc).
2006-07-23, 8:42 PM #62

Damn that's alot of stormies. :psyduck:
2006-07-23, 9:04 PM #63
Remember the obi-wan game that was slated for the pc but just went to x-box i think? I kinda hope that this is a non jedi knight game, but once it gets revised and beautified with upgrades a new game will be made from the same tech for the jedi knight series.
"The only crime I'm guilty of is love [of china]"
- Ruthven
me clan me mod
2006-07-23, 9:06 PM #64
The article says multiple platforms, 2007/2008 release.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-07-23, 9:19 PM #65
Woah, that's nice, Zell. So nice I decided to make a desktop out of it for anyone who wants it. Also, Fireworks 8 is *so* much better than MX. Anyways, if any of you want it (the bg, not Fireworks, ha), PM me.
Attachment: 13305/background_cool.jpg (53,154 bytes)
2006-07-23, 9:40 PM #66
It would be better without the bar that repeats the section of the painting at the top. Replace that with something else, Maybe something like the small striped bar at the bottom. :)
2006-07-23, 9:44 PM #67
Also, the simply resized + cropped version, in case all those lines annoy you.

EDIT: Moved it a bit up so that the taskbar doesn't kill it. Hmm.
Attachment: 13309/background_cool2.jpg (56,102 bytes)
2006-07-23, 9:46 PM #68
Insta-posted. Ha!
2006-07-23, 9:54 PM #69
Ooh, lookin nice Koobie.
"The only crime I'm guilty of is love [of china]"
- Ruthven
me clan me mod
2006-07-23, 10:04 PM #70
My own version. this makes an awesome desktop, incidentally.

And much as I hope this game will end up on the Wii, I find it unlikely. If not, then it had better be a PC game, or so help me...

Assuming it's good. At least the concept art is. And the video looks... interesting.

Definitely not a new JK game, however.
Attachment: 13310/lol.jpg (53,264 bytes)
2006-07-23, 10:40 PM #71
Originally posted by MuffinArsonist:
Definitely not a new JK game, however.

Wait, how are you arriving at this conclusion? Let's see, we have lightsabers, force powers, and pretty much NO other information. Not a new JK game, huh? :rolleyes:
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-07-23, 10:48 PM #72
Wow, the end of the movie where the jedi hurls all that crap at a tie fighter.... mind-blowing. This looks cool, hopefully it will play cool.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-07-23, 11:50 PM #73
Originally posted by MuffinArsonist:
My own version. this makes an awesome desktop, incidentally.

And much as I hope this game will end up on the Wii, I find it unlikely. If not, then it had better be a PC game, or so help me...

Assuming it's good. At least the concept art is. And the video looks... interesting.

Definitely not a new JK game, however.

nice, I like.... think you can send a copy my way?
The Gas Station
2006-07-24, 4:15 AM #74
If I were to make a wild guess, I'd say that the Darth Vader game and what we see in that movie are two seperate games. The latter seems to be more of a... successor to JA, heck, that male Force user's outfit is almost identical to one of the outfits possible in JA. >.>;;

Plus, I don't see why you'd make a Darth Vader centered game and have Vader NOT be a playable character.
Seishun da!
2006-07-24, 4:18 AM #75
Maybe they're leaving the Vader stuff to Piggot. :P
2006-07-24, 7:40 AM #76
[QUOTE=Pedro T Hutt]If I were to make a wild guess, I'd say that the Darth Vader game and what we see in that movie are two seperate games. The latter seems to be more of a... successor to JA, heck, that male Force user's outfit is almost identical to one of the outfits possible in JA. >.>;;

Plus, I don't see why you'd make a Darth Vader centered game and have Vader NOT be a playable character.[/QUOTE]

Seems to be a good guess...
Attachment: 13312/screenshot_157078.jpg (74,695 bytes)
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2006-07-24, 7:43 AM #77
I would prefer a Darth Vader game to this, though ;)
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-07-24, 7:44 AM #78
Although, honestly, I'm not getting my hopes up. I remember when news of Obi-Wan leaked out, the JK community got all excited, and then they dumped on a console and the community got pissed. I've quit getting excited about Star Wars games since. If one comes out, great, I'm sure I'll buy it, but I'm not interested in another JK-style-game-emotional-rollercoaster-waiting-for-it-to-come-out.

I don't think that even made sense, but I'm too lazy to rewrite it.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2006-07-24, 8:56 AM #79
Could someone link to a copy of the star destroyer picture without desktop icons?

I really really like that...

my friend, after linking her to that pic:

"Wow. That Jedi's about to get boned."
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2006-07-24, 9:00 AM #80
Originally posted by Chewbubba:
Although, honestly, I'm not getting my hopes up. I remember when news of Obi-Wan leaked out, the JK community got all excited, and then they dumped on a console and the community got pissed. I've quit getting excited about Star Wars games since. If one comes out, great, I'm sure I'll buy it, but I'm not interested in another JK-style-game-emotional-rollercoaster-waiting-for-it-to-come-out.

I agree completely. After JO, JA, Republic Commando, and the two Battlefront games (I only purchased the first two because it was part of the JK series), I have been set on the idea that LEC has great ideas but delivers mediocre implementations. The Star Wars title is generally a watered-down rendition of a better product that is not Star Wars. Think Halo vs. Republic Commando or Battlefield 2 vs. Battlefront. Although the video featured in this thread was interesting, it seemed like spammable (is this a word?) gimmick. Of course, it looks great and fun in a pre-prepared scene but would you enjoy an eight-hour SP game repeatedly knocking stormies away with push/pull/earthquake? The TIE thing is something that would be very hard to pull off, even for developers in setting it up for the player.

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