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ForumsDiscussion Forum → New possible Jedi Knight Game in development! Video link included.
New possible Jedi Knight Game in development! Video link included.
2006-07-25, 7:55 PM #121
OMG new link :P
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-07-25, 8:54 PM #122
2006-07-26, 1:12 AM #123
hahahahaha..... that looks so stupid. if that game actually sees the light of day, it looks to be a bundle of gimmicks and glitter with zero substance... oh wait, we've seen that before with many LEC games..
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2006-07-26, 8:02 AM #124
[QUOTE=Blood Asp]hahahahaha..... that looks so stupid. if that game actually sees the light of day, it looks to be a bundle of gimmicks and glitter with zero substance... oh wait, we've seen that before with many LEC games..[/QUOTE]

That was my first thought.
2006-07-26, 8:41 AM #125
[QUOTE=Blood Asp]hahahahaha..... that looks so stupid. if that game actually sees the light of day, it looks to be a bundle of gimmicks and glitter with zero substance... oh wait, we've seen that before with many LEC games..[/QUOTE]

hahahahaha, it was a tech demo smart guy.
Pissed Off?
2006-07-26, 8:44 AM #126
Originally posted by Avenger:
hahahahaha, it was a tech demo smart guy.

Originally posted by Emon:

Did you READ the page? It does not say tech demo! A tech demo is where one shows off technology. This is previs of how force powers might work on a next gen console. We don't know WHAT it's running on. It's basically concept art in real time.

My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2006-07-26, 8:46 AM #127
Whatever. It's s demo of what a potential game can do. It isn't trying to show story or plot of anykind.
Pissed Off?
2006-07-26, 2:04 PM #128
Originally posted by Avenger:
Whatever. It's s demo of what a potential game can do. It isn't trying to show story or plot of anykind.

yes and what is being highlighted is glitter and glam. i think it's a safe bet that those force powers showcased will be the main focus of the game. it's not that much different from ja's "OMG YOU CAN USE NEW FORCE POWERS AND CUSTOMIZE YOUR CHARACTERS AS NEVER BEFORE!"

when was the last time there was a real plot in any LEC game?
Current Maps | Newest Map
2006-07-26, 2:05 PM #129
[QUOTE=Blood Asp]yes and what is being highlighted is glitter and glam. i think it's a safe bet that those force powers showcased will be the main focus of the game. it's not that much different from ja's "OMG YOU CAN USE NEW FORCE POWERS AND CUSTOMIZE YOUR CHARACTERS AS NEVER BEFORE!"

when was the last time there was a real plot in any LEC game?[/QUOTE]

2006-07-26, 2:08 PM #130
Originally posted by Anovis:

Yes, sadly true that things have degraded in the series.
2006-07-26, 2:12 PM #131
[QUOTE=Blood Asp]yes and what is being highlighted is glitter and glam. i think it's a safe bet that those force powers showcased will be the main focus of the game. it's not that much different from ja's "OMG YOU CAN USE NEW FORCE POWERS AND CUSTOMIZE YOUR CHARACTERS AS NEVER BEFORE!"

when was the last time there was a real plot in any LEC game?[/QUOTE]


Also, keep on making baseless judgments of you want, based on on one minute clip and no other information if you want.
Pissed Off?
2006-07-26, 2:37 PM #132
oooo This link has more images
The tips at the end of shoelaces are called "aglets". Their true purpose is sinister.
2006-07-26, 2:41 PM #133
Originally posted by Avenger:

Also, keep on making baseless judgments of you want, based on on one minute clip and no other information if you want.

I forgot about KOTOR...yes. KOTOR had a great one.
2006-07-26, 2:43 PM #134
[QUOTE=Blood Asp]when was the last time there was a real plot in any LEC game?[/QUOTE]
Republic Commando was pretty sweet.
2006-07-26, 2:49 PM #135
but really short with little plot.

Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-07-26, 2:53 PM #136
Originally posted by Anovis:
I forgot about KOTOR...yes. KOTOR had a great one.

I thought KOTOR was made by Bioware?
"Well ain't that a merry jelly." - FastGamerr

"You can actually see the waves of me not caring in the air." - fishstickz
2006-07-26, 3:04 PM #137
LEC hasn't made a SW game in a long time. LEC serves as the developer now.
Pissed Off?
2006-07-26, 3:34 PM #138
TIE Fighter had a plot; Kill rebels, kill pirate, kills traitors, repeat as necessary. None of this sappy "OMG my family's pwnd" crap from XWA :P
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-07-26, 4:48 PM #139
Originally posted by Darkjedibob:
TIE Fighter had a plot; Kill rebels, kill pirate, kills traitors, repeat as necessary. None of this sappy "OMG my family's pwnd" crap from XWA :P

I enjoyed XWA, and still do.. unfortunately my joystick broke. :(
Nothing to see here, move along.
2006-07-26, 5:38 PM #140
XWA had a not-half-bad plot (I wish they hadn't just abandoned it at the end, though) and allowed you to pretty much do everything they do in the movies. That was fun. Shields double-front, hop to the turret, throw the auto-pilot on, go zoom-zoom-zoom bang-bang-bang die-die-die, fly just about anything... it was awesome.
I figured that the only way the last mission of XWA makes any sense is that Ace must be one of the technicians on the Falcon during the Battle of Endor, in which case he still isn't actually piloting it, but he could be a gunner or whatever. After all, we really don't know who any of the people on the Falcon besides Lando and Nien were, a situation you don't really find in any other scene from any of the movies.
And in that video, I think I saw... like, Naboo... Ord Mantell... and... Dathomir?

2006-07-27, 8:31 AM #141
Here is something that I think all of you guys will be interested in seeing. I guess after they saw that the video got leaked onto the internet (which was only a matter of time), they decided to finally give out some more info about it.
-"Life is cheap.....especially mine." -Hero Yui
2006-07-27, 8:40 AM #142
Why is there no smiley for exploding with anticipation?
2006-07-27, 9:23 AM #143
I dunno, call it lack-of-posting-syndrome or somthing. I guess I'm just so hyped up about this game but afraid of which console it might come out for that I'm in a rut about it. I'd like to see it come out for the wii as well as the pc. Can you imagine the possibilites for the lightsaber combat with that controller on that system. Guess I'll wait for my hypeness to really show farther on down the line. :cool:
-"Life is cheap.....especially mine." -Hero Yui
2006-07-27, 10:46 AM #144
I was talking with Emon a little about using the Wiimote for something like this, but can you imagine the possiblities of dual-wielding with two Wiimotes? One for a saber, another for a blaster, if implemented this could be really, really cool.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-07-27, 11:00 AM #145
Red Steel is set to do the dual-wielding thing. Katana in the right hand with the wiimote, tanto in the left with the nunchaku controller. Potentially very, very fun.
2006-07-27, 11:40 AM #146
And very, very silly looking. Who would want to prance around thier living room like the star wars kid with two remotes, and realizing they suck when thier 'skill' with the wiimotes gets them killed? Not I. :P
2006-07-27, 11:53 AM #147
[QUOTE=Shawn Templar]Here is something that I think all of you guys will be interested in seeing. I guess after they saw that the video got leaked onto the internet (which was only a matter of time), they decided to finally give out some more info about it.[/QUOTE]
So they're building an engine from scratch. I hope it doesn't suck. And I hope it's not some closed source POS either.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-07-27, 12:02 PM #148
Originally posted by Zell:
And very, very silly looking. Who would want to prance around thier living room like the star wars kid with two remotes, and realizing they suck when thier 'skill' with the wiimotes gets them killed? Not I. :P

You know the games aren't designed for you to do all the spins and lunges, right? :P You just...move the controller. Would you look less silly with a huge pair of goggles over your eyes and nodes hooked up to your body? :P
2006-07-27, 12:03 PM #149
Yes, gawd. Then you look like you're in the matrix or something, which is so much cooler. <.<
2006-07-27, 12:05 PM #150
Originally posted by Emon:
And I hope it's not some closed source POS either.

Ha! Good luck with that! :rolleyes:





Sorry for the lousy German
2006-07-27, 12:14 PM #151
Well I just read the article. Everything he says sounds very very promising and interesting albeit I feel its pretty far fetched to expect some of the stuff he mentions to actually make it to the game.

"Games drive technology"

Sure I say, but the computer must still be able to handle it.

Still, I sure can't wait to see what they come up with.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-07-27, 12:49 PM #152
I still like what they are doing with both the DMM and the Euphoria (sp) Engines in this game. The fact that you can destroy a wall if you hit it hard enough with an object with enough mass (i'm sure slamming a stormie into it enough times will get the job done as well ;) ) and that each time you do it, it will always look different just adds more to the darksidedness of the game (at least for me anyways). I know I'm going to see how many walls I can put a stormie through when it comes out. Not only that but the Euphoria engine will have the AI use a certain logic. If the AI thinks that grabing onto a railing will help it get up faster then it'll do just that. If you push 2 stormies off a ledge then they will both claw at whatever they can just to keep from falling. If one of them happen to grab ahold of something then the second stormie will try to grab onto him. They will try to preseve their life no matter what it takes from what they make it out to seem. If you want to read up more about the two engines that are going to be a big part of this game then you should read up on the new Indiana Jones game that is coming out. One thing I did notice in the video (I know that they said it was prerendered but I'm wondering if they will put this in the final release), if you watch the second scene of force push, one of the stormtroopers actually gets his helmet blown off from the shockwave. :eek:
-"Life is cheap.....especially mine." -Hero Yui
2006-07-27, 12:56 PM #153
"The video is a pre-rendered pre-visualization of what we're targeting in terms of gameplay, the degree of interaction with the environment, and character reactions."

Not real time.
2006-07-27, 1:12 PM #154
Originally posted by Anovis:

DF2's plot was stupid.

Oh. My dad dies. I want his magic disk.

Whats this in my garage? A Lightsaber? OH. I must be a Jedi, because I found this lightsaber.

Kickass. Now I'm going to go thwart evil or some ****.
2006-07-27, 1:16 PM #155
Originally posted by Rob:
DF2's plot was stupid.

Oh. My dad dies. I want his magic disk.

Whats this in my garage? A Lightsaber? OH. I must be a Jedi, because I found this lightsaber.

Kickass. Now I'm going to go thwart evil or some ****.

Sounds like an awesome plot to me. :O
2006-07-27, 1:18 PM #156
It's stupid, shallow, and not nearly as good as DF.
2006-07-27, 1:22 PM #157
I wouldn't call it stupid, but it is rather shallow. The concept and main ideas are pretty solid, but it's limited by the fact that it's just a game. You can't have a time-sensical progression from nothing to Jedi in 30 hours of gameplay. Well, you can, but you need to have some sort of reference for how time moves. There's really no indication as to whether JK takes place over the course of several weeks, months or even a year. It can be inferred that it takes place within weeks or months, but there's nothing concrete to confirm that. Leaving you kind of in limbo as to how it should all make sense (garage -> lightsaber -> Jedi that is).

DF's was better though.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-07-27, 1:23 PM #158
Originally posted by Rob:
It's stupid, shallow, and not nearly as good as DF.

Doh, that's a given, it's not as good as DF. But he asked for the last best plot LEC came up with. DF:2 was the latest/last.
2006-07-27, 1:30 PM #159

It wasn't.

Because it didn't even have a good plot.
2006-07-27, 1:31 PM #160
Originally posted by Rob:

It wasn't.

Because it didn't even have a good plot.

Your opinion is wrong. :ninja:

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