I've heard time and time again that one isn't allowed to commit suicide from a christian point of view, and though I've heard a few reasons for this, the main reason that shines through is something along the lines of "God has a plan for us, and that would be altering God's intentions." Now, if this is truly what you believe, may I ask how many of you look both ways before crossing the street? How many of you check to see a gun is loaded and the safety is on when picking it up? Why don't you run more red lights? Use appliances while in the bathtube? It seems like a waste of precautionary acts if your God does indeed have a grand plan for you, don't you think? If you're meant to do something for Him, wouldn't He make sure nothing else would touch you for the time being, at least, until He no longer required your services?
omnia mea mecum porto