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ForumsDiscussion Forum → The Wii Thread
The Wii Thread
2006-11-12, 10:56 PM #41
It has 480p.
Think while it's still legal.
2006-11-12, 11:07 PM #42
I was going to wait till next year to get a Wii. But it just looks too damn awesome, so I pre-ordered mine the other day.
Australia doesn't get it till Dec 7 =[
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2006-11-13, 4:24 AM #43
Originally posted by Jon`C:
1.) it's a job at wal-mart :confused:

the only places that are hiring are worse than wal-mart, wal-mart isn't that bad to begin with

and yes it is stealing... i'd be stealing $120 from that store... i hate when people rip the store i work at off i don't do it to other stores

i may be evil.... but at least i'm no thief
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2006-11-13, 6:25 AM #44
Yeah, because you know, Sam Walton and his devil offspring don't deserve to have 120 dollars taken from them. It'd be crushing.
2006-11-13, 7:20 AM #45
They'd just reduce the wages of the sweatshop workers for a week.
2006-11-13, 7:23 AM #46
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
i may be evil.... but at least i'm no thief


I refuse to steal from TRU, even when I find a $10 Gift Card lying around.

I did find $10 in cash on the ground, far from the registers, that I pocketed however. But that's a little different.

2006-11-13, 8:19 AM #47
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Yeah, because you know, Sam Walton and his devil offspring don't deserve to have 120 dollars taken from them. It'd be crushing.[/QUOTE]

sam walton is dead... that $120 would not affect anyone at home office


i already said i won't do it so DROP THE FRIGGIN SUBJECT
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2006-11-13, 9:25 AM #48
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]It has 480p.[/QUOTE]

Isn't that like... worse than regular tv? :p
2006-11-13, 9:38 AM #49
Returning a PS3 without a receipt? Hahahaha.... won't happen at my store. I'd send you packing.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-11-13, 10:50 AM #50
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Returning a PS3 without a receipt? Hahahaha.... won't happen at my store. I'd send you packing.
Do you work for Wal-mart?

From what I heard it's company policy to allow returns without receipts during holiday season.
2006-11-13, 11:08 AM #51
I do, and I'm the guy that gets called over when customers at the service desk aren't happy with some decision that was made. I hate that aspect of my job. Basically, the service desk part of my job is to catch as much **** falling from the crevices of our customers' orifices as possible before it touches management. By the time a salaried manager is needed, they'll give customers whatever the hell they want just to get them out of the store.

There are no seasonal exceptions in Wal-Mart's return policy. However, that's not saying much because management can make exceptions any time they feel like it. Wal-Mart's policy is pretty lenient as far as returning merchandise without a receipt (year-round). Anything under fifty dollars that isn't drugs, makeup, or electronics will almost always be returned without a receipt. Merchandise over fifty dollars requires an override from a higher-up, and as long as everything's O.K. that shouldn't be a problem either. If you're trying to return opened software or music, you may exchange it for the same thing. If that is unacceptable, I suggest finding a pawn shop or video game exchange. If what you're returning is a gift, we're pretty lenient. But don't expect to return, say, a plasma T.V., laptop, or PS3 without a receipt.

Also, we will deny more than three no-receipt returns in a six-month period. The fourth time, we will deny the return. We will also deny the return if you have any bad checks on file.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-11-13, 1:13 PM #52
[QUOTE=Pedro T Hutt]*raises hand* A little under four weeks left for me. XD Isn't living in Europe just wonderful?[/QUOTE]

No, it is not. (i believe we australians get it a day before you euro people (dec. 7th) so :p .

(just about 21 days left)

I got myself the console and zelda preordered.

I have seen people pick on zelda by saying it looks like a previous gen game, only to get laughed at when someone points out that it is a last gen game, that has just been modified to use the wiimote and nunchuck.
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2006-11-13, 1:39 PM #53
Think while it's still legal.
2006-11-13, 3:10 PM #54
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
sam walton is dead... that $120 would not affect anyone at home office


i already said i won't do it so DROP THE FRIGGIN SUBJECT

I know Sam Walton is dead. His children have inherited the company however.

And exactly, it won't affect ANYONE. Except you.
2006-11-13, 3:22 PM #55
So it's okay to break the law and be immoral as long as nobody notices.

2006-11-13, 3:22 PM #56
[QUOTE=Vincent Valentine]This is only about how awesome Wii is.[/QUOTE].
Think while it's still legal.
2006-11-13, 3:26 PM #57
[QUOTE=Vincent Valentine]So it's okay to break the law and be immoral as long as nobody notices.

There's no law breaking involved. Immorality? Yes. Law breaking? Not technically.
2006-11-13, 3:34 PM #58
There is definately some law breaking going on. You're deceiving the business.
2006-11-13, 4:07 PM #59
Technically, since Wal-mart doesn't make any money on the system in the first place, there is (financially) no difference to them if you return the system for the full ticket price.

Unless, of course, you use the extra money to buy something with your employee discount.
2006-11-13, 4:13 PM #60
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort].[/QUOTE]
2006-11-13, 4:21 PM #61
By the by, has anyone made up their minds on what game to get with their Wii? I for one, haven't. o: Curse my indecisiveness.
Seishun da!
2006-11-13, 4:23 PM #62
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Technically, since Wal-mart doesn't make any money on the system in the first place, there is (financially) no difference to them if you return the system for the full ticket price.

Unless, of course, you use the extra money to buy something with your employee discount.

i remember saying to just drop the subject....
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2006-11-13, 4:30 PM #63
[QUOTE=Cool Matty]There is definately some law breaking going on. You're deceiving the business.[/QUOTE]
No, not really. But continue to believe what you want.
2006-11-13, 4:36 PM #64
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]No, not really. But continue to believe what you want.[/QUOTE]

I believe you need to revisit your high school government class.
2006-11-13, 4:41 PM #65
I think you all need to STFU and start talking about the Wii.
Think while it's still legal.
2006-11-13, 4:55 PM #66
So, how bout that Wii, eh?

Looks like a great system, but I'm going to wait for a few reviews as well, and I want to give it a go at a retail store before I invest in it.

Still though, Zelda + Metroid + SSB:B = Win in my book.
Frightening the very small and very old since 1952.
2006-11-13, 5:07 PM #67
Well, the first reviews in some European magazine gave Red Steel a very nice 90% and Super Monkey Ball a respectable 85%, sounds good to me. o:
Seishun da!
2006-11-13, 11:17 PM #68
[QUOTE=Pedro T Hutt]By the by, has anyone made up their minds on what game to get with their Wii? I for one, haven't. o: Curse my indecisiveness.[/QUOTE]

Red Steel and Zelda
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2006-11-13, 11:54 PM #69
Well I'm not going to be able to get one until at least christmas...
Say, Vinny, can I play with your Wii? I am a terrible person.

-I'm gonna get... Red Steel and Brawl, most likely. Hasn't Factor 5 declared the Wii a no-go for future RS games? Too bad. I hope they start making them for the computer again.
2006-11-14, 5:56 AM #70
i just hope with the limited resolution they at least give us some serious FSAA action
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2006-11-14, 7:10 AM #71
[QUOTE=Cool Matty]I believe you need to revisit your high school government class.[/QUOTE]
Trust me, I remember it clearly enough. There's no technical law breaking going on.
2006-11-14, 7:16 AM #72
Enough with the Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. posts already guys. You're not even debating the subject.

My father is stronger than yours.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-11-14, 7:30 AM #73
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Trust me, I remember it clearly enough. There's no technical law breaking going on.[/QUOTE]

That argument is over.

Now, as far as the Wii, I'm getting Zelda and possibly Red Steel.
2006-11-14, 7:39 AM #74
Originally posted by Jarl:
Well I'm not going to be able to get one until at least christmas...
Say, Vinny, can I play with your Wii? I am a terrible person.

-I'm gonna get... Red Steel and Brawl, most likely. Hasn't Factor 5 declared the Wii a no-go for future RS games? Too bad. I hope they start making them for the computer again.

Brawl isn't a launch title...

2006-11-14, 10:18 AM #75
Originally posted by mscbuck:
Got mine pre-ordered sometime in October with Zelda. And I'm picking it up at midnight right after a Primus concert this Saturday. I'm gonna buy Red Steel separately with my 20 dollar BB gift card.


Primus then Wii?! Not fair at all... :argh:

I'm going to wait a little while. The Wii is definitely on my list of things to get.
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2006-11-14, 10:32 AM #76
If I get a Wii, it won't be until Brawl comes out.

But not many of the other games are really grabbing my attention enough to drop $250 on another console, ~$100-$150 on a bunch of controllers, and then $50/game.

It's either a Wii or nothing, though.
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2006-11-14, 11:53 AM #77
[QUOTE=The Mega-ZZTer]Brawl isn't a launch title...[/QUOTE]
And I'm not a launch purchaser.

-When it comes out, Wii, Red Steel, and Brawl. In the future, probably Zelda, the new Tony Hawk, definitely Mario Galaxy (I have a 64 and a Game Cube but I never bought Mario 64 or Sunshine)... and, if they ever get around to a Star Wars game, that too.
2006-11-14, 12:21 PM #78
The launch titles I'm gonna get are Rayman Raving Rabbids and Twighlight Princess
2006-11-14, 2:10 PM #79
I'm getting Zelda for sure. Others I am considering include Super Monkey Ball, Rayman Raving Rabbits, and maybe Red Steel.

SMB for the MP - Red Steel I'll wait for more reviews. RRR I might wait since Zelda is supposed to take so long.
2006-11-14, 3:17 PM #80
if i get the Wii i'll definately get zelda
eat right, exercise, die anyway

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