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ForumsDiscussion Forum → The Wii Thread
The Wii Thread
2006-11-14, 3:54 PM #81
[QUOTE=Cool Matty]

That argument is over.

Now, as far as the Wii, I'm getting Zelda and possibly Red Steel.[/QUOTE]
Hrm, looks like I was wrong. Even though the article didn't outline this particular situation as false pretenses, I could easily see how you could interpret said situation as such.
2006-11-14, 4:07 PM #82
Noone cares. Just oogle the Wiii!

I saw one earlier. Looked sleek.
2006-11-14, 7:31 PM #83
Looks like my TRU is releasing Wii at midnight, but apparently it's hush hush. I don't know if all TRU are doing that, but it's something to look into if you haven't gotten a preorder yet.
2006-11-16, 10:13 AM #84
Wee! Wii reviews are beginning to appear left and right on the interwebs, so far it's looking promising, concidering the lowest score I encountered so far is a 7. o: (Meaning most games are quite above that)
Seishun da!
2006-11-16, 7:47 PM #85
We're getting at least 130 Wii's. So if you want one, hit up TRU.
2006-11-16, 9:35 PM #86
What's a TRU?
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2006-11-16, 9:45 PM #87
[QUOTE=Chaz Ghostle]What's a TRU?[/QUOTE]

Toys 'R' Us.
2006-11-16, 9:45 PM #88
Toys R Us.
2006-11-16, 9:52 PM #89
Good to know.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2006-11-16, 11:24 PM #90
The gametraders I'm getting mine from is doing a midnight release thing, but I'm just going to pop in after work.
Though I may take the next day off >_>
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2006-11-17, 2:49 AM #91
heh, theres a gametraders near where i live, but i preordered mine at EB (but it was the one in my town that is furthest form where i live.)

my city has a population of 300000 and has FOUR EBgames stores, how cool is that. (although, it is one per major shopping complex)
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2006-11-17, 4:14 AM #92
heh, I meant EB not gametraders
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2006-11-17, 5:14 AM #93
Originally posted by alpha1:
heh, theres a gametraders near where i live, but i preordered mine at EB (but it was the one in my town that is furthest form where i live.)

my city has a population of 300000 and has FOUR EBgames stores, how cool is that. (although, it is one per major shopping complex)

My city has a population of 2,000,000, and has about 32 EBGames/Gamestops in 1/2 an hour away or less. How cool is that?
2006-11-17, 9:55 AM #94
My city has more.
2006-11-17, 10:51 AM #95
My 'city' has about 3,000 people, and not a single goddamn game store. Can we have one of yours?

I'm really kind of reluctant to even try to pick one up on launch day since I didn't reserve one. I may see if Hastings is having a midnight release thing and attempt to pick one up there.
2006-11-17, 10:52 AM #96
I'm going to wait about a week or two weeks.

I bought Gamecube the day it came out, and I regret spending that much time in line.

All the people also regret being in line behind me because I paid entirely in quarters. (They were in rolls atleast)
2006-11-17, 12:51 PM #97
I got my gamecube release day, and i regret that. There was no line, but I spent $250, and now the bloody things cost $99 with a game and a bunch of extra crap. So its basicly worthless now. Especially with the Wii being compatible with all gamecube crap. >.< I'll be waiting till the Wii drops in price, and more good games come out. (and I only have $3 >.>)

2006-11-17, 2:42 PM #98
heh, in australia, the GCN was released on the same time as star wars episode II. I would not be surpirsed if some of the food court stores stayed open late that night. (at that time, all of the EB games stores were near a movie theater and a food court, or seperated by a food court.)
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2006-11-17, 9:49 PM #99
Played the offroad truck game on the kiosk today, was pretty cool. The thing that actually impressed me the most was the menu. You point the Wiimote at the screen and move the little hand around, but if you tilt the mote the hand tilts with it. SO COOL. The thing itself was smaller than I expected too.
2006-11-17, 10:59 PM #100
I'm always at my local Gamestop just chatting it up with the people that work there and one of the employees said they got these awesome shirts in and that they would try and score one of them for me. He showed me the shirt and I almost cried laughing. It's Reggie, the president of Nintendo of America holding the wiimote with these gigantic abs. Pics here:
Think while it's still legal.
2006-11-18, 1:22 AM #101

Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2006-11-18, 1:48 AM #102
Gamespot seems to be very anti-wii.. dunno why
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2006-11-18, 2:47 AM #103
Wow, 5.5.?

Pretty much all criticism is flawed, but Gamespot are especially ****ing clueless.

They gave Zelda an 8.8, and normally you'd think that'd be a good score--but only if the precedent hadn't been set with games like Tony Hawk 3 miraculously receiving a perfect 10 from the same reviewer.

Either the reviewer a. has a deadset bias against Wii or Zelda, b. he's using different scoring rationale for the differing contexts of the games (and he's a ****ty reviewer for inadvertently doing a disservice to the game through influencing the casual gamer into not buying it because of his failure to express said context of scoring rationale), or c. he honestly thinks Tony Hawk 3 is universally better than Zelda. And if the latter is the case, I'm pretty sure most people can conclude he's out of his mind, considering Zelda has so far been widely claimed better than OoT--widely considered one of the best games ever--while Tony Hawk 3 falls far short of having either of these honors.

I mean, I hate to be this way, but if a reviewer is going to cling to the same subjective gut-feeling review metholodogy that every critic on earth seems to have, I gotta say I'll give more weight to the gut-feeling of the majority over a single guy.

Anywaaay, enough irate ranting about trivial crap.
2006-11-18, 4:50 AM #104
I notice a lot of people are complaining about the new Red Steel screens on Gamespot, since they look a hell of a lot worse then the actual game.
Having seen a lot of videos, including videos from online reviews, which showed the reviewer actually playing.. I can agree that the screens look nothing like it.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2006-11-18, 7:03 AM #105
Who else got a call from Reggie yesterday regarding their pre-order (I think only from EBGames or Gamestop?) I got it and I was like 'what the ....."and then he finally said something about pre-order, and then a pre-recorded message from Gamestop popped up.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2006-11-18, 7:17 AM #106
You'd think they almost purposely made low-res screencaptures to get their point across. o: Bias or not, I'll just sit around and wait for more Red Steel reviews to appear.
Seishun da!
2006-11-18, 9:04 AM #107
Originally posted by money•bie:
Either the reviewer a. has a deadset bias against Wii or Zelda
They do.

For starters, Gamestop is a gigantic ad for Playstation 3. I make it a rule not to believe in the objectivity of any company that is a corporate shill. You cannot trust their reviews of Xbox 360, Wii, GBA and DS games because the scores will be too low, and you can't trust their reviews of PS2, PS3 or PSP games because the scores will be too high. You can't trust anything they do so they're pretty damn worthless as a reviewer.

Secondly, there's a video of the Gamestop reviewers getting their review Wii systems. There's also a review of them panting and moaning about actually having to move their AAA-size asses and end up sitting down and playing with the Wii from the wrist like a bunch of (in the words of Tycho) "****ing toolbox[es]".

Thirdly: While I'm not particularly inclined to trust for an objective viewpoint either, I'm definitely not going to trust the opinions of people who don't "get" the Wii and obviously aren't its target audience.
2006-11-18, 9:47 AM #108
Originally posted by Baconfish:
Isn't that like... worse than regular tv? :p

no regular tv is 480i
gbk is 50 probably

2006-11-18, 9:51 AM #109
Thirdly: While I'm not particularly inclined to trust for an objective viewpoint either, I'm definitely not going to trust the opinions of people who don't "get" the Wii and obviously aren't its target audience. noticed that they were handing out too many high scores last generation at launch and they weren't leaving any room for improvement, so this time around they really cracked down on any faults the games had. If you go on you'll notice ign very often isn't the highest rating like it used to be. All of the Wii launch titles also have in depth video reviews as well. I trust IGN more than say 1up or Gamespot any day.

Also, I picked up my Rayman and Call of Duty 3 preorders at Gamestop today. I can't pick up Zelda till Sunday though. These two sexy white boxes are taunting me :(
Think while it's still legal.
2006-11-18, 10:09 AM #110
Think while it's still legal.
2006-11-18, 10:12 AM #111
That was useful.
2006-11-18, 10:14 AM #112
2006-11-18, 10:39 AM #113
I'm kinda late with this...but are those DVDs or some new medium?
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2006-11-18, 10:42 AM #114
It's HD-NintendoRay.

Just kidding it's DVD.
2006-11-18, 7:18 PM #115
HOLY CRAP, the closer it gets to release, the more I want one. That is crap.
2006-11-18, 8:13 PM #116
Victor, once you got the actual Wii you have to let me know how awesome Rayman is.
2006-11-18, 9:15 PM #117
What are the chances there will be many Wii's left when stores open this morning after the midnight release at different places? If I want a last shot chance at getting one should I leave now and go to Target or Best Buy, or could I wait until later tomorrow morning? :psyduck:
2006-11-18, 10:15 PM #118
Originally posted by finity5:
What are the chances there will be many Wii's left when stores open this morning after the midnight release at different places? If I want a last shot chance at getting one should I leave now and go to Target or Best Buy, or could I wait until later tomorrow morning? :psyduck:

From what I hear, you should have no problem waiting. Best Buy in Canada isn't even selling them til 8 AM (it's 1:12 AM here and there's a countdown on their site still). Not to mention there is a rather large number of units being shipped, compared to the launch of the 360 and PS3.

In short, if you go first thing in the morning I'd be quite surprised if you weren't able to get one. But hey, that's just my opinion (and it probably depends on how big a city you live in, how many places nearby are selling them, etc).
2006-11-18, 10:55 PM #119
What is the average number of units going to stores like Best Buy and Target?
2006-11-19, 1:47 AM #120

HAPPY WEE DAY, one and all!

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