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ForumsDiscussion Forum → The Wii Thread
The Wii Thread
2006-11-26, 10:09 AM #161
well, if the cube couldn't handle the remote, they could make an attachment to the cube, like they did with the gameboy advance connection
2006-11-26, 10:12 AM #162
Originally posted by Spiral:
well, if the cube couldn't handle the remote, they could make an attachment to the cube, like they did with the gameboy advance connection

And you totally missed the other 50 points under my post, about how the Wii remote wasn't the only change and that it would be impossible for an attachment on the expansion port to even possibly pull off all the added features.
2006-11-26, 10:33 AM #163
those added features are not even noticeable... we're talking about and ENTIRE new console for those little things. that is still not justified at ALL.
2006-11-26, 10:36 AM #164
Oh yeah, virtual console, a motion sensing controller, those are little things!

You're an idiot.
2006-11-26, 10:38 AM #165
You mean, besides the fact that you'd need the sensor bar
:can be formatted to plug into a gamecube controller port...

a totally new OS,
:not if they made the games for gamecube, if they based the games off the current OS then why would you need a new one?

a new disk drive,
:because they changed the size of the disc? if they made games for the cube, that wouldn't be a problem.. the fact is the new Zelda game was made originally for game cube, they just converted it for the Wii.. so it is possible.

a wireless adapter, a bluetooth adapter,
:I never really used the wireless thing

somehow manage to keep the gamecube on "standby"
:who cares about stand by... that is NOT a major feature

make it use only 17 watts of power
:have the expansion with it's own powersupply

Sure, that could easily be an addon! Wait, no it couldn't.
:yes it could

Not even the expansion bay has the sort of power and bandwith to support such a change.
:make them adapt it.. I'm sure they could find a way, they arn't kindergartners

and rob, you are wrong.. I wasn't talking about the controller you moron.. I already explained that.. they did it for the NES with the power glove.. i'm sure they could have found a way to make it work with the gamecube (especially if they DESIGNED it to work for the game cube, they didn't even try.)

So I am going to take the christian stand point on this issue, I am right, and everyone else is wrong because I say so, and nothing you can do will change my mind... Wii is a rip off
2006-11-26, 10:43 AM #166



Standby and Wiiconnect24 are definately HUGE and VERY awesome features.

EVEN IF IT COULD you'd be paying close to $250 for it.

This isn't your PC. You don't just add and remove parts on a console to add functionality where there isn't room for any.

Nintendo went to normal DVDs for a reason.
2006-11-26, 10:49 AM #167
Originally posted by Spiral:
You mean, besides the fact that you'd need the sensor bar
:can be formatted to plug into a gamecube controller port...

Which would eliminate gamecube ports for multiplayer games...

a totally new OS,
:not if they made the games for gamecube, if they based the games off the current OS then why would you need a new one?

Because of the Wii remote? Because of the Wii channels? Because of the new DVD drive?

a new disk drive,
:because they changed the size of the disc? if they made games for the cube, that wouldn't be a problem.. the fact is the new Zelda game was made originally for game cube, they just converted it for the Wii.. so it is possible.

Doesn't mean companies didn't complain about it, and they did. DVD is cheaper to produce, and has a lot more space. Think about it.

a wireless adapter, a bluetooth adapter,
:I never really used the wireless thing

A. You have to have bluetooth, it's what the Wii remote uses.
B. 95% of all Wii users use Wireless. Just because "I never used this fancy little wireless thing" doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't.
C. It's one of the main features of the Wii. Hello, internet?

somehow manage to keep the gamecube on "standby"
:who cares about stand by... that is NOT a major feature

Yes it is.

make it use only 17 watts of power
:have the expansion with it's own powersupply

Oh that's brilliant. You're gonna end up making this expansion thing have so many plugs and stuff that it'll end up being the size of the wii, and costing as much as the wii. Great idea.

Sure, that could easily be an addon! Wait, no it couldn't.
:yes it could


Not even the expansion bay has the sort of power and bandwith to support such a change.
:make them adapt it.. I'm sure they could find a way, they arn't kindergartners

No, they aren't kindergartners, which is why they made a new system, cause they realized that'd be a massive improvement and it'd be helluva lot better than a stupid little expansion? How many expansions to systems really succeeded in the past? Sega CD? Failed. 64DD? Failed. Gamecube Ethernet Adapter? Failed.

The fact is, they did a helluva lot more research in this than you can possibly do, they AREN'T stupid.

and rob, you are wrong.. I wasn't talking about the controller you moron.. I already explained that.. they did it for the NES with the power glove.. i'm sure they could have found a way to make it work with the gamecube (especially if they DESIGNED it to work for the game cube, they didn't even try.)

The power glove was such a massive failure that to even relate this to the Wii remote is an insult.
2006-11-26, 10:54 AM #168
no no.. I'm not saying they are based off of the gamecube.. I am saying that they coul dhave easily been made for the game cube with out all the little subtle differences that arn't worth the price of the Wii. Also the new Zelda game was originally made for Gamecube.. and once they announced the Wii, they changed it a bit and made it into a Wii game.. Just saying it is possible for a game to go from GC to Wii, then maybe it's not too crazy to think the Wii games could have easily been made into gamecube games instead, leaving out all the blue tooth stuff... the graphics don't look that much differnet anyway, so it's not like anyone would notice.. the only difference I have seen is at how smooth and quick the games run (metriod for instance)

Just when I heard about them making a new metroid game for the Wii, I was expecting something awesome, but instead I got something that looks EXACTLY like the other 2 metroid prime games.
2006-11-26, 10:58 AM #169
Except that you are using exactly one (1) game as a reference that all games are just gamecube games.

Which is totally wrong.

And you are also assuming that the Wii remote is the only feature of the Wii. Which is terribly terribly wrong.
2006-11-26, 11:02 AM #170
[QUOTE=Cool Matty]Which would eliminate gamecube ports for multiplayer games... [/quote]

if you are using the sensor bar for a controller, why would you need all 4 ports open... 1 sensorbar + 3 regular controllers still equal 4 players

[QUOTE=Cool Matty]Because of the Wii remote? Because of the Wii channels? Because of the new DVD drive?[/quote]

I already have a DVD player, and I'm sure you do too

[QUOTE=Cool Matty]
A. You have to have bluetooth, it's what the Wii remote uses.
B. 95% of all Wii users use Wireless. Just because "I never used this fancy little wireless thing" doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't.
C. It's one of the main features of the Wii. Hello, internet?

I wasn't saying because I hadn't used it that then no one else does.. i was saying I hadn't used it, so I don't know enough about it to argue.. I'm not going to argue a point that I know nothing about

as for the powerglove thing...

the wii remote is the same basic idea, which makes it a valid point, you can say because it did poorly in sales that it is not a motion sensor remote..
2006-11-26, 11:05 AM #171
the wii remote IS the only major feature.. saying that a game system has a "stand by feature" is not a selling point.. it's not like I am in wal-mart saying.. hmmm.. ps3 or Wii... oh.. the Wii has stand by!! OMG!! I HAVE TO GET IT!! (which I know that the ps3 will have stand by also, I am just trying to show my point.)

I really don't want to discuss this anymore after seeing how this conversation is turning out, being called names by rob is about as childish as you can get, so for me this discussion is over.. it seems to me that you are so "awestruck" by the Wii that you refuse to see that it infact has problems and that it is pretty lame for a next gen console... give it a few years, maybe then you will be ready to admit that you are wrong :rolleyes:

Later all
2006-11-26, 11:13 AM #172
Originally posted by Spiral:
if you are using the sensor bar for a controller, why would you need all 4 ports open... 1 sensorbar + 3 regular controllers still equal 4 players

Uhm, you apparently don't understand the concept of more than 4 players.

I already have a DVD player, and I'm sure you do too

Yes, I do, what's your point? It doesn't play DVD movies. I suggest you read on the Wii's capabilities before making useless comments.

I wasn't saying because I hadn't used it that then no one else does.. i was saying I hadn't used it, so I don't know enough about it to argue.. I'm not going to argue a point that I know nothing about


as for the powerglove thing...

the wii remote is the same basic idea, which makes it a valid point, you can say because it did poorly in sales that it is not a motion sensor remote..

It did poorly because it didn't work. Period.
2006-11-26, 11:17 AM #173
Originally posted by Spiral:
and rob, you are wrong.. I wasn't talking about the controller you moron.. I already explained that.. they did it for the NES with the power glove.. i'm sure they could have found a way to make it work with the gamecube (especially if they DESIGNED it to work for the game cube, they didn't even try.)

Congratulations Mr. Knownothing. You are about to be schooled.

The power glove could only detect roll and rather horribly. Why? Because it was desgined to run with limited, unexpandable hardware. You can't stick extra ram or processor power in the nes anymore than you can the Gamecube. Infact, I have a powerglove. Wanna know what I bought it for? To cut the controller off of the forearm. That thing was bad ***.

The wii-mote more than overshadows the capability of the powerglove. And I think the power glove as the model you used to prove your point goes well out of it's way to disprove it. Infact, the model the powerglove was based on for the time had pretty similiar capabilities to the wiimote. But Nintendo chose to lose those for FINGER BUTTONING. By the way, it wouldn't have worked anyways.

I also find it incredibly, impossibly, STUPID that you're comparing nes hardware to modern console hardware. It's like you chose to ignore about 20 years of progress and changes, deciding only that it would of course work because it worked then.

Good luck with putting leaded gas in your modern sports car. Or using lead based paint to paint your masks. I mean, they worked then. They should work now!

The Powerglove and the wiimote are totally different design concepts. Otherwise Nintendo would have kep Yaw and Pitch in the design, and done away with the ****ty finger sensors instead.


Wii games aren't even PROGRAMMED like gamecube games. Just because the hardware EMULATES Gamecube games excedingly well doesn't mean they're all just gamecube games.

Wiiconnect24, the wiimote, the nunchuck, wireless support, etc are all MAJOR FEATURES. Features that SHOULD HAVE ATTRACTED YOU TO THE SYSTEM. Not the GRAPHICS. Which aren't what the wii is about.

2006-11-26, 11:17 AM #174
Originally posted by Spiral:
Just when I heard about them making a new metroid game for the Wii, I was expecting something awesome, but instead I got something that looks EXACTLY like the other 2 metroid prime games.

looks and plays are completely different, Nintendo didn't care about graphics, and the Metroid Primes look FAN-****ING-TASTIC, and the new control ideas that the Wiimote allows makes it even better.

sit down, shut up, I know there are some that don't like change, but just because it only seems like a gamecube+ doesn't make a gamecube+, its a freaking gamecubenesnesgameboy64+. last i heard the gamecube was just a gamecube.
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-11-26, 11:36 AM #175
WTF, the 360 is just the xbox with better graphics?? Look, all these xbox games run on it! Surely if a game can go from xbox to 360 they could have just been an xbox game to begin with. Why does this console even exist? It's just a repackaged xbox!

Maybe they could have made a motion-sensing controller for the cube. Maybe. But they didn't. So STFU and buy a Wii.
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-11-26, 2:28 PM #176
Aye, just buy it, sit back, and have "the most fun I have EVER had with ANY game.. EVER.. ", in your very own words. Because even if they somehow could've turned it all into Gamecube upgrades, you'd still be spending as much. o:
Seishun da!
2006-11-26, 2:57 PM #177
Clearly, the Wii is not for you. I hear the PS3 has nice graphics. Go buy one of those, if you can find one.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2006-11-26, 3:08 PM #178
hey you are all arguing over the internet lol
America, home of the free gift with purchase.
2006-11-26, 3:12 PM #179
Originally posted by drizzt2k2:
hey you are all arguing over the internet lol

Doody head!
2006-11-26, 5:46 PM #180
Originally posted by Martyn:
Doody head!

lets go for some beers
America, home of the free gift with purchase.
2006-11-26, 11:23 PM #181
My brother-in-law got a nintendo wii for and i got a chance to play it over Thanksgiving break. It is AWSOME!! I so want one! I am not that much of a gamer but this things is so great. I havent played the PS3 but I don't know if it can be as good as the wii...
2006-11-26, 11:27 PM #182
I got to play some Wii the day before Thanksgiving at a friend's. Damn is it fun. I can't wait to see what's in store for the future of the Wii... :D

Also, I once again own a copy of Zelda for a system I do not yet own... v_v
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-11-27, 12:11 AM #183
The person/people who are suggesting that the Wii could have been a Gamecube expansion have no idea what they're talking about.

The Wii is significantly more powerful than the Gamecube. Launch titles never take full advantage of a system's hardware. The fact that Zelda was originally a Gamecube game says less about the Wii's hardware and far more about how far Nintendo was pushing the Gamecube to run the game on it.
Wii also has more RAM than the Gamecube. Unlike the N64 there is no memory expansion support, and thanks to the 1T-SRAM the Gamecube and Wii use there really isn't any way of putting the memory on an external bus.

The fact that a significant portion of Gamecube games used multiple discs indicates that a larger storage medium was required. Realistically this could not have been added in as an expansion, as none of the expansion ports would have been able to provide enough bandwidth.

The sensor bar would have needed an external power supply. There would be no WiiConnect24 and the wireless adapter would have needed an external antenna. It would have no USB support.

The Gamecube did have an expansion port designed for a mass storage device, so 512 MB of NAND flash storage would have been easy to add. It also had SD card support. These features are the only new features that the Gamecube could have been modified to support.

Any solution to make the Wii into a Gamecube expansion would be a sub-par solution and it would involve a minimum of 8 separate components you'd need to attach to the Gamecube. I can also guarantee it would cost more than $250. So suck it up and stop whining. The games will get more impressive very soon; most developers only really started embracing the Wii in May.
2006-11-27, 3:48 AM #184
I suspect it's going to be a lot like the DS. Developers are going to struggle to take advantage of the new controls, and a lot of them are going to fail. We'll get a few gems, and then there will be the games that make us go 'I have to move the nunchuck how now?'
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-11-27, 5:51 AM #185
I know next to nothing about this, but I don't think that will be the case because the Wiimote also works well in standard situations like First Person Shooters. I think a lot of the new games will be more a case of "Cool, now we can finally do this" rather than developers struggling to come up with ideas. And if there aren't new ideas, we can play the old faithfuls in new ways.

(That's not to say that there will be bad games :P)
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2006-11-27, 6:15 AM #186
I think a lot of developers are going to look at the Wii and say, "Well, guys, we don't know how to use this controller. But we do know how to use a mouse, so let's just treat it like one."

See: First person shooters, Trauma Center.

Others will look at it and say, "Hay guys this is kinda like a joystick lol".

See: Madden 07, racing games

As long as the number of developers who look at the motion-sensitive aspect and say, "DURR ITS LIKE A BUTTON :downs:" low, we'll be sitting pretty.

See: Zelda (which, even though it's already great, would be much better if they chose a control system that didn't spontaneously quit responding. Sometimes I damn near throw my wrist out trying to do a spin attack)
2006-11-27, 3:55 PM #187
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I think a lot of developers are going to look at the Wii and say, "Well, guys, we don't know how to use this controller. But we do know how to use a mouse, so let's just treat it like one."

See: First person shooters, Trauma Center.

Others will look at it and say, "Hay guys this is kinda like a joystick lol".

See: Madden 07, racing games

As long as the number of developers who look at the motion-sensitive aspect and say, "DURR ITS LIKE A BUTTON :downs:" low, we'll be sitting pretty.

See: Zelda (which, even though it's already great, would be much better if they chose a control system that didn't spontaneously quit responding. Sometimes I damn near throw my wrist out trying to do a spin attack)
I haven't had that problem with the spin attack. In fact, I don't think it's ever become unresponsive. I wonder if there's any sort of interference in your house or something? Granted, it's not as smooth as I would have liked. But it's still pretty cool.

I'm slow, I don't get a lot of time to play. I'm almost to the boss in the forest temple .
2006-11-27, 4:21 PM #188
My problem with zelda is that I try to do a shield bash and do a spin attack instead. And the normal sword strike just seems unresponsive. This is probably why the enemies all seem to stand still for just a moment before they attack. I don't mind it so much for special attacks, but I'd rather they switched the A button leap attack with the shaking. Shake for leap, mash the button for normal attacks.

As a wolf, I use the A attack more anyway. It's the only one effective against larger and flying enemies.

It's not that developers won't have ideas how to use the new controls, it's that they'll have bad ideas. More sophisticated controls just means more ways for bad games to get it even worse.
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-11-27, 5:02 PM #189
It's Monday. Where's the new VC games?! I've got 1900 points to spend. :(
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2006-11-27, 5:07 PM #190
I've never had a single problem with the controls in Zelda. Just a flick of the wrist forward does the shield block and a slight flick to the left and right does the spin attack. No need to go Rambo on the controller. With a regular game controller it's hard to mess up. It's not like you're going to press the 'A' button the wrong way and it won't respond. Now with motion sensing people need to get used to the controls. It isn't a bad thing, it's just something new. For example, IGN said that some of the controls in CoD 3 are broken. That isn't the case. One example is in the video review of CoD3 he said that fighting off a Nazi never worked. It shows a clip of him waving his arms around like an r-tard when you can see the on screen instructions telling him to move the controllers back and forth slow and even. Well no duh you're going to think it's broken if you aren't doing it right.
Think while it's still legal.

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