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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Zelda: Twilight Princess
Zelda: Twilight Princess
2006-11-22, 9:07 AM #41
For something to be considered ergonomically designed it should cater for 95% of the target audience, therefore any company that cares about usability should make sure they include accessibility options for left-handed people.

This is not something that should be up for debate, it's fact.

In summary: Left-handed people make up a statistically significant percentage of the population and switching from a left-handed bias to a right-handed one is not a valid solution.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2006-11-22, 11:45 AM #42
So what you're saying is they should have delayed the game another 6 months in order to have the ability for Link to be left handed or right handed, despite the fact that it doesn't influence gameplay whatsoever, and that the Wiimote already has its own configuration settings for left or righthanded play?

Yeah, that sounds SO reasonable.
2006-11-22, 11:52 AM #43
You now seem to be implying there's no actual reason for making him right-handed afterall because his handedness has no bearing on gameplay.

Be consistent in your arguments.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2006-11-22, 11:53 AM #44
Originally posted by Detty:
You now seem to be implying there's no actual reason for making him right-handed afterall because his handedness has no bearing on gameplay.

Be consistent in your arguments.

I am being consistant. They had a choice of leaving it alone or changing it so it at least matches 75% of the market. Sounds pretty simple to me.
2006-11-22, 12:01 PM #45
Having the option to switch back wouldn't have added to the development time, it's just a simple matrix operation.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2006-11-22, 12:08 PM #46
Originally posted by Detty:
Having the option to switch back wouldn't have added to the development time, it's just a simple matrix operation.

It does seem silly to perform a quick flip for the righties, but not leave an option to flip it back for the lefties.
2006-11-22, 12:12 PM #47
Maybe they will release a patch.
2006-11-22, 12:13 PM #48
An eye patch!
2006-11-22, 12:43 PM #49
I dont get how left handle people have problems playing video games. Im a lefty, and its never been an issue.
2006-11-22, 12:46 PM #50
Because in this case you're wielding the wiimote like a sword - it's not like you're using a joypad and just having to press buttons. It's obviously something you'd prefer to do on your stronger side.
2006-11-22, 1:00 PM #51
I see
2006-11-22, 1:07 PM #52
Furthermore, I think part of the outcry also has to do that since Link has been an icon for left handed gamers for the past 19 years that for many of them it comes as a bit of a shock to see him suddenly right handed.

It'd be like Batman suddenly turning gay... no wait.

Or well, something like that, for some fans he'd still be the same crime fighter he's always been, in the eyes of others they'd have gone ahead and changed something significant about the character.
Seishun da!
2006-11-22, 1:19 PM #53
Originally posted by Detty:
Having the option to switch back wouldn't have added to the development time, it's just a simple matrix operation.

According to the multiple interviews it really wasn't that simple.
2006-11-22, 1:36 PM #54
I can see the argument being significant if controlling Link with the wiimote actually felt like using a sword, but really all you do is wiggle it back and forth to get him to fight. Maybe if the controls were a little bit more advanced, you guys would have a strong leg to stand on, but right now you're complaining about something when you could be enjoying the game instead.
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2006-11-22, 1:48 PM #55
[QUOTE=Darth J]but right now you're complaining about something when you could be enjoying the game instead.[/QUOTE]

Wii can't in the UK yet .(
2006-11-22, 1:55 PM #56
[QUOTE=Pedro T Hutt]Furthermore, I think part of the outcry also has to do that since Link has been an icon for left handed gamers for the past 19 years that for many of them it comes as a bit of a shock to see him suddenly right handed.[/QUOTE]
Wasn't his left-handed use of swords first seen in Ocarina of Time?
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2006-11-22, 2:26 PM #57
Well, in the old games he held his sword in his left hand when pointing in three out of four directions, indicating that the other was a lazy sprite-flip. XD So yeah, he's consistantly been predominantly left. (He's also been portrayed with holding the sword in his left hand in character art since the early days, as far as I can tell)
Seishun da!
2006-11-22, 2:28 PM #58 icon for left-handed gamers? Are you kidding me? :psyduck:
2006-11-22, 3:47 PM #59
Well~ When you're part of a minority, some members of that minority find it rather nifty to see some representation of "their own group" in popular fiction.
Seishun da!
2006-11-22, 4:00 PM #60
Now he's an icon for us ambidextrous gamers. :D

Left-handed handshaking is jarring to me because I was a scout, and scouts shake with left hands. So I tend to notice it more.
2006-11-22, 4:40 PM #61
It leapt out at me when I played it at the local eb-games for exactly the same reason. I kept expecting Link to throw up the old two-finger salute. If only his outfit were blue.

I also played that dumb truck racing game. It was too arcady, but the controls were awesome. You use the controller like a steering wheel! I can't wait to get this damn system. I'm going to have to be in a line somewhere Friday morning.

It's sort of a pity that we never got a second zelda on the cube that really shows off the hardware (Like Majora's Mask on n64). If nintendo had been following the pattern it set before, it wouldn't even be a launch title for the wii - we'd be waiting another year for a wii-only zelda, the same way Majora's Mask came out right up against the gamecube launch.

Damnit I'm holding the god damned wii game in my hand right now and I haven't got the console yet. Curse you you *** holes who cut the line and made me 54th to get one of 47 consoles. :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh:
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-11-22, 5:06 PM #62
That would be Excite Truck. Like Excite Bike, only... with trucks.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2006-11-23, 12:17 AM #63
Ouch, poor Isuwen =[
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2006-11-26, 2:21 AM #64
I just beat Twilight Princess.

It took me about 36 hours.

Overall, it was a great game. There are a few things I wish would have been done differently, though. At the end (this is a common complaint for long adventure games) it would have been nice to be able to roam about the now safe world and talk to people and play the mini games and whatnot, but oh well.

I liked the weapons and combat balancing, although the bits where the player is The Shaggy Link were awkward. I didn't care for them. The boss battles were fun and clever. One or two were flat out awesome. The final battle kicks *** and took me damn near half an hour (you could probably guess the fight occurs in stages, it is a Zelda game).

I will write a longer and more coherent review when it's not 2:20am. Ask any questions you like and I will try to answer them.

[Overall, I'm a little bit dissappointed. I'd give it 8.5/10--Really good, but not so amazing like everyone keeps saying. More to follow.]
2006-11-26, 9:47 PM #65
My biggest issue with Twilight Princess was it's depth. It wasn't as deep as previous Zelda games have been. There are a lot of characters, but the player only runs into them once, and never speaks with them again. The player has little to no attachment to any characters in the game, other than Link. I found the minigames and extra missions to be more of a chore than something to enjoy, and as such, didn't complete them all.

The story was medicore at best, with the traditional Zelda "oh no the magic thing is broken get all the pieces then do it again for another item" plot. The bits as The Shaggy Link were irritating. I found myself wishing they would end. The plot was standard Zelda fare, with no surprises anywhere. It was very underwhelming. Anyone who has completed more than one Zelda game can probaly guess what's going to happen without ever having played Twilight Princess.

The game world is pretty good looking, but hardly spectacular. Lake Hylia is reasonably impressive, but the rest of the game world is average for today's fare.

The dungeons are very well designed. This was the strongest aspect of the game, and fortunately, the largest. They're challenging, but not annoying or too difficult. There were one or two spots that had me completely confounded, but not for more than 5 or 10 minutes, and the secret turned out to be something very obvious, but not something one would typically think of. Some puzzles were very clever, others very simple. There was a very good balance of how weapons are used. Unlke other games where the player recieves a new weapon/item and only uses it in the immedate level, the weapons in this game are useful the entire way through. Weapons and items from the very beginning of the game are used in the very end.

The control scheme is wonkey. The use of the remote for swordplay was poorly implemented. For aiming projectile weapons it was nice, but I would rather mash a button for sword swinging. I tended to forget to use my wrist, and ended up pushing the button and getting the wrong result, even after playing for a number of hours. Fishing with the reel rod is fun for a short while, if you have the patience for it.

The action is pretty good. Some of the boss battles are really cool, as are the horseback episodes. The regular enemies are a tad tougher and more soldier like, rather than just dumb monsters in the field.

Overall, the game is fun, but not incredible. There are really no outstanding features of this game, but it's a solid title that will provide ample entertainment for 35-40 hours.
2006-11-26, 10:46 PM #66
Originally posted by Steven:
There were one or two spots that had me completely confounded, but not for more than 5 or 10 minutes, and the secret turned out to be something very obvious, but not something one would typically think of.
A fine example being the ring chandelier in the desert dungeon . I felt :downs: when it took me more then a minute to get that.
2006-11-27, 3:51 AM #67
Argh. I was stuck there so bad I had to turn it off. Figured it out right away when I went back in though.

I've heard lots of people complaining about being stuck at the master sword jumping puzzle . Am I the only one who thought that was easy?
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-11-27, 6:16 AM #68
2006-11-27, 2:36 PM #69
The Master Sword jumping puzzle was challenging, but not overly confusing.

The part that gave me trouble was in the very last dungeon, Hyrule Castle . If you checked the dungeon but haen't been there yet, I'm totally going to ruin it, so don't look.

In the room with the three torches and the oil, the second room inside the castle, I didn't think to put OUT the torch that was already lit. Really, in every Zelda game, it's always put ON the torch, not put it OUT. Durrrrr, stupid me. The final battle is all kinds of cool, though.
2006-11-27, 2:54 PM #70
Originally posted by Isuwen:
Damnit I'm holding the god damned wii game in my hand right now and I haven't got the console yet. Curse you you *** holes who cut the line and made me 54th to get one of 47 consoles. :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh:

That sucks. People are lame. .(
2006-11-27, 11:53 PM #71
Originally posted by JediGandalf:
Wasn't his left-handed use of swords first seen in Ocarina of Time?

Nope. IIRC, he was left-handed since Zelda 1. Although you can't count Zelda II (lol, sidescroller), it's noticeable in LttP and Link's Awakening.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-11-28, 12:07 AM #72

He looks left handed because it's just a reversed sprite. Turn the other way and he's right handed.
2006-11-28, 12:22 AM #73
Yes, but if you face down or up on any of the 2d games, it's very obvious which hand he is swinging with.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-11-28, 6:21 AM #74
Originally posted by Detty:
(it's probably more amongst gamers actually due to the personality traits usually exhibitied by lefties)

Mental retardation, autism, epilepsy, and dyslexia that are also exhibited more by lefties.

And I'd say designing a game control scheme to fit 85-95% of the population is a wise move.
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-11-28, 6:59 AM #75
Originally posted by Roach:
And I'd say designing a game control scheme to fit 85-95% of the population is a wise move.
Have you actually played the game? Twitching the Wiimote takes the place of a button. No more. The control scheme is no different than the Gamecube version, it's just less responsive.
2006-11-28, 3:28 PM #76
Is there a way to map the swing to a button on the wii? I want to just press a button to swing but use the remote to aim ranged weapons/items.
"The only crime I'm guilty of is love [of china]"
- Ruthven
me clan me mod
2006-11-28, 3:32 PM #77
If there was, I would have done it already. Using motions for special moves actually works nice, and it's awesome for the fishing. But it doesn't make any sense for the normal sword strike, unless the way you moved it also affected the way you swung the sword. (It doesn't.)

But... Snowboarding!
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-11-29, 1:36 PM #78
At first I was all excited because the game structure/plot seemed to be different than the others...

But then it went back to zomg ganondorf zomg stargate zomg get x more of x to kill x.
2006-11-29, 2:07 PM #79
[QUOTE=Vincent Valentine]At first I was all excited because the game structure/plot seemed to be different than the others...

But then it went back to zomg ganondorf zomg stargate zomg get x more of x to kill x.[/QUOTE]
The Wind Fish and Minnish Cap have nothing to do with Ganon, and they are both really cool. And I thought "Ganon" was a much better name than "Gannondorf" (they only used Ganon in the original - although it may have been Gannon but either way, the DORF makes it lame).

I just finished collecting the second set of stupid bug juice tears or whatever . I'm looking forward to going up DEATH MOUNTAIN . So far, my only complaint is the control system, I think it would be much better with a button to swing the sword. But I still like the pointer for using the various items.
2006-11-29, 2:56 PM #80
Ganon is Gannondorf in his 'omg super boss' form. In Ocarina of Time, Ganon is the final boss - he's the dragon thing Gannondorf transforms into. Similarly, you fight 'Phantom Ganon', not 'Phantom Gannondorf', even though it's clearly Gannondorf.

He's also not in Majora's Mask. Instead the final boss is the mask itself.

The pointer for aiming is awesome. You have some spots later on that I know must be horribly hard in the gamecube version.

I am noticing something else though. The world is huge, though maybe not so huge as Wind Waker (it cheated), but the dungeons seem awfully short. Either the puzzles are simpler, or I'm better at solving them.
Wikissassi sucks.

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