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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Zelda: Twilight Princess
Zelda: Twilight Princess
2006-11-29, 2:58 PM #81
The dungeons are simpler, and don't require as many "find the key" puzzles. I think the boss battles are much better, especially for the last three bosses (inlcuding the final battle).
2006-11-29, 6:10 PM #82
Originally posted by Steven:
The dungeons are simpler, and don't require as many "find the key" puzzles. I think the boss battles are much better, especially for the last three bosses (inlcuding the final battle).

I think that's the primary reason I am enjoying this one a lot more than OoT. It's more linear, but just more fun in general cuz you can progress quicker.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2006-11-29, 8:40 PM #83
I might just be the only Zelda fan alive who actually enjoyed the fact that he got stuck in OoT's water temple for an entire week.

I finally found something challenging. Or, well, actually, just frustrating. The second sol in the twilit palace. I'm in the last room, waiting for those two globes to charge up so the platform will lift me to the exit, when the hand catches up and smashes me. Ugh. Of course, once it gets you, there's no way you can stay ahead of it to do that room again. I fell in the twilit, and by time I de-wolfed and got back up top the hand was long gone.

When I got the second clawshot, I was thinking 'oh goody new weapon' and then it was just another clawshot. But the rest of that dungeon made up for it with all the climbing and an awesome flying boss fight.
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-11-29, 8:55 PM #84
Originally posted by Isuwen:
I might just be the only Zelda fan alive who actually enjoyed the fact that he got stuck in OoT's water temple for an entire week.
I thought that was the most miserable piece of game design in the history of the zelda series.
2006-11-29, 9:10 PM #85
I can tear through that thing in about half an hour now. You only need to move the water four times. :)
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-11-29, 10:14 PM #86
They redesigned the dungeon in MQ so you only need to complete about a third of the place.
2006-11-29, 11:04 PM #87
2006-11-29, 11:07 PM #88
Master Quest. It's OOT with the puzzles changed around a bit.
Think while it's still legal.
2006-11-29, 11:09 PM #89
I'm assuming he means Master Quest. The "hard" version of OoT that came on the Wind Waker bonus disk.
2006-11-29, 11:59 PM #90
Hey, my wii is preordered and paid for, due christmas day with a copy of zelda, heres the thing:

Never fully played a zelda game before, i mooched, killed and explored a fair range of dungeons and areas of wind waker, finding it very fun, but i'm not much of a seasoned zelda player at all.

Would it be worth flying through OOT and Majoras Mask before I get twilight princess? I bought an N64 and have both the cartridges at hand. Only thing putting me off OOT is this water temple malarkey, i've heard at least 10 different people say its ****ing horrible now and its really putting me off the game purely because i'll get all this fun and then BAM! hours upon hours of being fed up and pissed off.
2006-11-30, 2:08 AM #91
It's not that bad.
2006-11-30, 2:12 AM #92
I've never really enjoyed the 3d zeldas.. Windwaker was alright, but thats only because I'm overly obsessed with the maritime world. Its toobad the sailing is so crappy, what with always being able to change the wind for constant good weather.

2006-11-30, 7:38 AM #93
Would you have preferred it if Link would be stuck on any given island for several days waiting for the wind to change in the proper direction? o.o
Seishun da!
2006-11-30, 7:41 AM #94
You know you can sail in directions that the wind is not blowing?

You can even sail into the wind.
2006-11-30, 7:58 AM #95
[QUOTE=Vincent Valentine]You know you can sail in directions that the wind is not blowing?

You can even sail into the wind.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, tacking was a pretty useful trick if you were too lazy to get out the Wind Waker.
2006-11-30, 9:01 AM #96
[QUOTE=Mr. Stafford]Hey, my wii is preordered and paid for, due christmas day with a copy of zelda, heres the thing:

Never fully played a zelda game before, i mooched, killed and explored a fair range of dungeons and areas of wind waker, finding it very fun, but i'm not much of a seasoned zelda player at all.

Would it be worth flying through OOT and Majoras Mask before I get twilight princess? I bought an N64 and have both the cartridges at hand. Only thing putting me off OOT is this water temple malarkey, i've heard at least 10 different people say its ****ing horrible now and its really putting me off the game purely because i'll get all this fun and then BAM! hours upon hours of being fed up and pissed off.[/QUOTE]
If I were you, I'd pick up Zelda III, which was released on the SNES a long time ago, and rereleased on the game boy advance more recently. I believe they still have new copies available. That was by far the best game ever.

Re: the water temple - yeah it sucks, but if you get stuck, all you have to do is look at or something and get the answer. A lot of that game was really, really cool, but some of it sucked. I think it's worth playing though, but you don't NEED to play it in order to play any other zeldas, they don't really have a chronology like other series games. They rehash the same story with some differences each time. Maybe that's why new people always get hooked on it, even though they haven't played the previous.

Majora's Mask was simply horrible. I wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot pole.
2006-11-30, 9:10 AM #97
You're a loony. Majoras Mask was brilliant. It's one of the bests.
Think while it's still legal.
2006-11-30, 10:27 AM #98
I really enjoyed Majora's Mask, but it's easy to see why people wouldn't like it.
2006-11-30, 11:31 AM #99
I love Snowpeak.
2006-11-30, 12:00 PM #100
The entire game was on a freaking time limit, I hate damn time limits. Not only that, it resets you to zero if you don't pass it. There's nothing more frustrating than having to play the same thing over and over. You can't explore anything because you're always rushing to get something done before the sun goes down or whatever. Completely against the entire premise of zelda from the very beginning.
2006-11-30, 1:23 PM #101
That part in The Water Temple that got me stuck was When you raise the water level in the central building, I didn't even notice you could go down below that floating block. I was stuck for a good bit until one of my classmates told me about that part. If you pay attention to everything, you'll make it. However, I believe you do need to explore the entirety of the dungeon.

God, I was in 5th grade. O_o
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-11-30, 2:39 PM #102
Even with the players guide, the water temple took me like... a week.
Back in the day.
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2006-11-30, 2:58 PM #103
I loved the water temple. And I loved Majora's Mask. Really, the time limit was like SIX FRIGGIN HOURS. And all you have to do in the six hours is accomplish one thing. Gain access to the dungeon, reset to day 0. Make it to the miniboss, reset to day 0. Get to the boss, dungeon complete.

Of course, maybe you didn't know you just played the song of time a certain way to slow time down.

All in all, MM was awesome. Especially that topsy-turvy dungeon. That is the best zelda dungeon ever.
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-11-30, 4:25 PM #104
Majora's Mask had that subtly dark story line that I liked. Hard to play through a second time, I must admit. I hate playing those games to less that 100% and Majora had a ton of side-quests.
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
2006-11-30, 7:14 PM #105
You need to get all the masks and get Oni link to really appreciate it. Oni link is awesome. I played MM to 100%. Getting all the little fairies was a pain. I remember how hard it was to get them all in the last dungeon.

As for twilit princess... Finito. Longest final boss fight EVER

Now I suppose I get to go find everything. Like whatever goes in the third outfit slot. And wallet upgrades. Arrgh.
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-11-30, 7:20 PM #106
The boss battle was pretty cool, though, wasn't it?

And that third clothing slot bugs me, too.
2006-11-30, 7:27 PM #107
Great, I'm going to be obsessing over that 3rd slot for the rest of the game now, and I've got a long way to go.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2006-11-30, 7:29 PM #108
My brother got it (he cheated and used a FAQ). I've got the description below; sounds meh to me.

MAGIC ARMOR - This armor can first be seen when
Link gains access to Hyrule Castle Town as a human. However, the list price
for the Armor (100,000 Rupees) puts it well outside his price range. To gain
the armor, you'll need to help Malo set up a shop in Castle Town - a questline
which becomes available after the Goron Mines have been cleared. You'll need
to make donations totalling 3000 Rupees and wait some time for Malo's shop in
Castle Town to be opened, but once that is complete, the MAGIC ARMOR can be
purchased for 598 Rupees.

The Armor makes Link effectively invincible, but it comes at a price - quite
literally. While the Armor is worn, your supply of Rupees will continually
run down, and the draw will increase anytime Link is struck by an enemy. If
Link runs out of Rupees, the protection is nullified, and the weight of the
Armor drags Link down as though he is wearing Iron Boots.

Also, the absence of a magic meter is upsetting. This is the first Zelda game to lack a magic meter! What's up with that?
2006-11-30, 7:34 PM #109
No, Link's Awakening didn't have a magic meter either.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-11-30, 7:35 PM #110
That's simple. Link doesn't have any magic. While I remember seeing a blue potion, I forget what it did. It may have just been a more powerful healing potion. I think I drank exactly one potion the entire time.

Also, the fairies only heal 8 hearts. WTF?
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-11-30, 8:14 PM #111
Zelda 1 didn't have a magic meter either.
2006-11-30, 11:09 PM #112
If you get that guy his hot spring water, you don't have to donate so much.

Also, if you manage to catch all the poes, you can have unlimited money, basically, so the magic armor isn't so bad.
2006-12-01, 3:07 AM #113
Originally posted by Isuwen:
Also, the fairies only heal 8 hearts. WTF?

Probably for a bit more of a challenge after Wind Waker.
2006-12-01, 4:15 AM #114
Challenge? This was the easiest Zelda ever. There are, what, 3 iron knuckles in the whole thing? As opposed to Majora's Mask which had something like 30?
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-12-01, 4:18 AM #115
It's even easier than Wind Waker? Wow :P
2006-12-01, 4:25 AM #116
Twilight Princess has the hardest Iron Knuckles from any Zelda game ever.
2006-12-01, 7:41 AM #117
The enemies as a whole were more difficult in Twilight Princess, but not nearly enough to be a threat. They more life-like, not just random insane monsters. They all have weapons, and seem more intelligent.

The stronger enemies are actually fun to fight, except for the lame sword controls.
2006-12-01, 3:13 PM #118
No, the Iron Knuckles (Or equivalent, it's not really knuckly enough to be The Man) are easy. I had trouble with the first one, but owned the other two. They are very susceptible to the back slice, and it only takes two volleys to take off their armor and two more to kill them.

A few of the mini-bosses were challenging (Not so much the bosses themselves) but in true Zelda style, the challenge is figuring out how to hurt them, not the actual hurting them part.
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-12-01, 5:42 PM #119
You can kill anything if you jab its tongue enough times.
2006-12-01, 5:47 PM #120
I just beat the death mountain dungeon . It was really cool, I liked the entire thing. The graphics and level design in this game totally rock. The boss was awesome, too. I still don't like the sword control, though :mad:

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