I love it when libs post about voting for Kerry, "Well, I dont really like Kerry, but I want bush out of office." Anyways, Hey libs out there, Guess whats being found in Iraq, WMD! Isnt that amazing? after mounths and mounths of "Theres no WMD, this war is pointless" We are finding Dirty Uranium bomb and such, and shipping them to the US. Meaning all those mounths of complaining where about something that we did find
And now to the economy, After a big recession in 2001, The economy has picked up and Is as good as, maybe better, then it was when Cliton left office. Imagine that. Unfortunatly it did go down, partually from 9/11, and that is all that needs to happen for Dems to sight it as a major attack.
Has France or Germany ever been Pro-USA? I mean, before the War in Iraq happened there was 9/11, And a class-mate of mine that was over at france said they where making Fun of that tragity, Yah, a good strong ally there.
And the tax cuts. "There just tax cuts for the rich, they dont benifit us" I think Multi-Millionare Kerry said that once... Anyways dispite claims otherwise, Tax cuts for the rich generally help everyone, This is because the rich are able to afford more help or higher wages, Because they arnt the only ones getting a break, their buisness is getting one too. So a tax cut to those that pay most of our taxes is a wise thing. (And yes the rich do pay most of our taxes, because not only do they pay a Higher percentage on a higher amount of money, they are also not as few in numbers as many people believe.)
I vote Bush, because I think he is doing a good job. I will not vote Kerry because I honestly dont think that I can trust kerry with anything. He changes his mind too much and does not seam to have any firm convictions.
Im Happy